Thursday, February 12, 2009

My Valentine to Skeezix

My sweetie Skeezix is having a Valentine's Day Contest, too! Here is the entry I made just for Skeezix:

Skeezix, if you will be my Valentine...
...I will show you my panties!
And in case that does not convince Skeezix to be my Valentine, I also wrote him this poem:

My Panties
Fuzzy pink panties
All trimmed in lace
When I drop my drawers,
I'd like to see your face
Skeezix, will you be shy
Or filled with glee and joy?
Please do not be sad,
To find my panties are just a toy

I hope you will go check out all the entries! Please leave a comment on the ones you like the best.


86 Notes for Daisy:

Country Cats said...

Teehee we like all the Valentines so we left comments on them all. Maybe we were not supposed to. We could not help ourselves. Yours was very funny, Daisy! And Harley's makes me swoon (says Rosie).

Ramses said...

Oh Daisy you did make me giggle! :) If you wanna see what you get if you do drop your panties around a mancat you can see both my sister Noodle's kittens and her housemate Indie's kittens from a linky on my blog. Not long now until my sister Isis has her kittens either! :) Plus all this talk of kittens has sent My Marie's Mommy off to hospital for the Dr's to purrsuade her Blurpy to come out already! :)


Forever Foster said...

No mancat with a pulse could turn down a Valentine as cute and creative as that. Skeezix is a lucky kitty:)

Bae Bae said...

Haa haa that's so cute. I sure hope Skeezix say yes to be your Valentine

~ Bae

Skeezix the Cat said...

Oh, man, Daisy, if I hypervenultate evry time I see this and think of yer pink underpants. And then, I start thinkin of how yer lookin at yer underpants, not warin' 'em, and my face gits reely hot like I'm a teekettul abowt to ixplode!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Daisy ... showing your panties? Tee hee! Your card is cute!

Poppy Q said...

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh Miss D, that is a bit racy!! I am glad you have a sweet valentine, Skeezie is the best.

Teddy Westlife said...

That is very funny Daisy! But do you realise that you have now shown your panties to all the cats on the interweb?

Huffle Mawson

Motor Home Cats said...

That was a very funny Valentine for Skeezix. We are sure he is going to love it.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

gemmak said...

Lol Daisy, you are cheeky! ;o)

Cat with a Garden said...

A very hot valentine, indeed! Your blinky eye is very sexy, Daisy. Sigh, I notice I got a lot to learn...
Purrs, Siena

The Meezers or Billy said...

WE almost passed out when you said panties!!

Sandy Kessler said...

Oh you had me going Daisy However did you accomplish that wink??

at first I thought all modesty is gone - hahah

Parker said...

Holy cats! What a great Valentine!
ps - Thanks for the positive thoughts for my Mommy

Black Cat said...

I love your Valentine's cards for both Skeezix and your Mommie and I think Skeezix likes his very much as he's hyperventilating and going all hot in the face, bless his heart! :) xxx

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You were just a tad naughty Daisy. But it was very cute. We will try to look at the Valentine entries. Fenris keeps us hopping and the Mom has a tummy bug (hopefully mostly gone) so we may not get to do much visiting or commenting. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

Finnegan said...

Wow, Daisy, you sure did get risque once you turned five! Skeezix is a lucky cat. And you did an amazing job on your valentine.

Henson Ray said...

Hope you win! Great poem!

Cory said...

Daisy, you silly momma told me I wasn't supposed to show my panties to anyone. Hey wait...I don't think I've ever worn any?!!!

Dma said...

skeezix doesn't stand a chance with a valentine like that.

Unknown said...

Hee hee! That's one racy Valentine poem Daisy! If you don't hear from Skeezix right away, it's probably because he's taking one of several cold showers!

Your pal,


Monty Q. Kat said...

Take it easy on the poor dude! ;)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah This is extremely sweet, Daisy~!!!
How wonderful~!!!!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, Daisy, Give me your answer true... Daisy, Daisy will you be my Valentine too ...

Hobo Freckle-Faced Sweetato
Blue Muffin
Princess Cleopatra the Silly Goose Fussbucket Butterball
Blondie Love

Sarge Charlie said...

Well Miss Daisy Skeezix must pick you as the winner

you cracked me up

The Creek Cats said...

Daisy, you make us laugh and laugh! That was a great poem!

Titus said...

Daisy, I think Skeezix might wet his panties when he sees this. hee hee
I also think he might like yours better than the ones he got for Christmas. ;)


Luzinha said...


you are blinking!? that's lovely!
your poem is so cute, I love it!

kisses for you and Harley too!

have a nice day!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I am sure Skeezix will be your Valentine with that temptation!

Thoughts said...

Daisy you are a wonderful poet!

Hey we left you something over at our blog today, go and check it out!

Theodore and Sasha

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

you and skeez are just the cutest couple!!!

smiles, auntie bee

Misha said...

You saucy girl, Daisy! Giz a kiss!

Christine and FAZ said...

Daisy you are so brazen!

Thank you for entering our Name the Wabbit competition. We made £29 for the Hillside Animal Sanctuary the the winning name was Hopkins entered by Sunny's Mommy.


Anonymous said...

LOL Daisy! You certainly are worldly.

Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail said...

Those are very cute panties Miss Daisy!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We were shy just reading that! Maybe you will have to send your panties to Skeezix so he can sleep with them.........

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Blush, blush, blush! DAISY!!!! I'm only 6 months old and am not supposed to read "that" kind of verse.

Tee Hee Hee.....


Babs-beetle said...

Oh Daisy, I was so shocked. I thought you were being a little hussy! Ha ha ha! I should have known really.

Purrs, Sukie x

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy your poem made us laugh. I think even if they are just a toy Skeezix will be so embarrassed that he might well, wet himself!!!

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

oh daisy u iz so sillies!
i haz pretty pink dress toy that those panties would go goods wiff!!!

Anonymous said...

OMG, you naughty girl! :)

Happy Vanlentine's Day.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you are a naughty, naughty, girl! Heeheehee:)

Barb said...

Oh, Daisy! Look at you winking! You had us going there for a minute. Poor Skeezie must be beside himself!

-Gandalf and Grayson

PS. Thank you for visiting us while Mom is so sick, Daisy. Yes, we are on 'round the clock nursing duties. Sometimes we alternate, but a few times we have had to go on double duties!

Boy n Beethoven said...'re so cute Daisy!
I'm sure Skeezix must wove your vawentine so much!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Daisy, we thawt yoo were being a little, um, er, well, forward. (we were gonna say hussy but dat isn't yoo at all) Daddy even giggled a little when mom read him yoor poem. He sed yoo were a little minks, whatever dat is.

brokenteepee said...

Who knew you were such a frisky kitty!?! That's one way to get a kitty date for sure...

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

If that does not get his atention, I do not know what will!

Asta said...

Skeezix is one lucky fellow!!1
That is a pawsome valentine and poem!

It has love , wit and You! Nothing could be bettew
smoochie kisses

The Crew said...

Oh my goodness!! I don't have any panties to show.

Do you think my darling Speedy wants to look at my hot pink collar?

Your friend

LZ said...

We've been watching all of hte great entries! We couldn't participate this year due to the freeze-cation the humans went on. Its OK though, we're loving seeing everyone else's valentines.


The Island Cats said...

Oh Daisy! We're sure Skeezix is gonna love your valentine for him....(and your panties!!)

Katie and Mea said...

Very cute poem & picture!

Jackie said...

I am headed right over Daisy. I know they must really be very good for you to tell us about them.

Now I am having a little Friday the 13th contest. And guess what Daisy if you tell the best story about my photo you will win 500 Ecredits.

Oh I do so hope you will come and make up a story for me.

I'm heading over to vote now!!:-)

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...


Daisy is such a khomedikh khat!


Anonymous said...

I almost missed the wink - how clever you are!

L. Alida said...

You are just too cute Daisy! That poem is just adorable. Poor Skeezix is just beside himself!
Oh, yes, I have thought about getting one of those wax treatment thingys. I bet it would feel wonderful! I will have to check them out at Wallgreens.
I hope you are having a sunny day!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you always have the cutest photos!

Have a Happy Valentines day!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Daisy, that poem was SO funny! We all laffed and laffed.

Unknown said...

Daisy I think Skeezix will be high on fever today!! especially with your underwear...

Nomi said...

That was very 'daring do' Daisy ! You must really want Skeezix to be your beau.

Eduardo said...

Well Daisy you know I like yours the best! I'll go leave a comment now!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Mickey's Musings said...

Hahahahahaha!! Daisy,that was too cute!!!Not are you teasing Skeezix,but all of us too,heehee
We like your 'panties' and think your Valentine is too cute :)
Purrs ,Georgia & Tillie


I am sure Skeezix wet his panties when he read this.


Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

My Daisy, You are a flirt. Didn't know you understood this way of wooing one's soul mate. Happy Valentine's Day!


Isis said...

wow daisy what a great valentine!

Donna said...

Oh dear. Oh my. I do beleev I is blushin.

Lorenza said...

Skeezix can't say you No!
Kisses and hugs

Janet said...

Oh, my!! Daisy, you made me blush and laugh!

Anonymous said...

You've got this locked up, Daisy. Humour, beauty, a dash of naughtiness... how could you lose?

The Devil Dog said...

Daisy, you little hussy you. Hahahaha. We would love to see Skeezix's face when he realizes the panties are a toy.
hee hee


BeadedTail said...

I'm sure Skeezix will remember your Valentine for a long time - how could he not think of you and your pink panties! Is he the reason you were in the guest room in that fancy pink robe?

SophieKitty said...

How risque!

Quill and Greyson said...

very saucy Daisy!

Anonymous said...

How romantic... :-)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha oh Daisy does they reely make kitteh underpanty toys?? That is jest toooo funny!

Yer pal Dozer

PS Yer Valentine wuz nice!

Just Sharlene and the Spice Cats said...

Hahahahahaha.... you make me laugh. I bet Skeezix would be very excited.

christy said...

our mom just laughed at this! soooo funny. bet skeezix just DIED at this!!

xo-P & T

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Giggle, Giggle I think that is funny Daisy! I like your winking eye!

Anzu said...

Of course, you are sexy, fashionable and clever lady cat.

Please do not make fun of
all gentleman cat !

Lol, Daisy. We love you ♪

Anonymous said...

You are too crazy and sweet!
I hope Skeezix appreciates all the trouble you've gone to to impress him! ;)

Sunny's Mommy said...

Racy! I'm sure Skeezix loved it ;-)

MYM said...

Yous bad! lol Very flirty girl aren't you.

Altho the flowers he sent were beautiful - so I guess it's okay to show him your panties.

Chrissie said...

Daisy! I think you are being a little bit ris-kay. Perhaps you are carried away by the Valentine spirit. Please go ask your mommie for an aspirin..she will tell you what to do with it.

::whispers:: It has to do with your knees!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

That's just marvelous, Miss Daisy!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh Daisy, you are a little minx, but you did make us laugh.

Maureen said...

Ha! That was great... my you had me worried there a minute. Your panties??? Oh my! Great valentine!

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