Friday, February 13, 2009

A Valentine's Day Fashion Retrospective

Since I have worn many beautiful Valentine's Day fashions, I decided that today, I would do a fashion show of all my special Valentine's Day outfits! And Harley is wearing a new fashion.

First is my beautiful and original Skeezix LeChat designer outfit. As you can see, Skeezix is a very talented designer. I love the daisy trim, the daring heart-shaped bodice, and most especially, the handsome Skeezix picture on the front.
This is a special outfit designed for me by my friends at HOTCOOLDOGCAT. I am sorry that I do not have a link for this site right now. I think the fancy candy-box hat is perfect for Valentine's Day.
Here are some accessories that came with my candy-box outfit: a very beautiful heart-shaped necklace and a fancy garter. If you wear all these accessories, I think it is best not to wear a top, too.
Next is my Valentine Angel suit. Wearing wings is a little bit hard. I do not know how birds do it.
This year, Harley is proud to model our Valentine's Day tee-shirt.
The shirt says "Love is the Stuff Inside." And I think this is true!


108 Notes for Daisy:

Country Cats said...

Daisy you are truly a professional; you were gorgeous in every outfit!

Harley is VERY HANDSOME in the new tshirt and is getting real good at modeling!


Anonymous said...

Nice outfits. I like the t-shirt best though. Happy Valentine's day to both of you and you mommie!

Bae Bae said...

You look so sweet in your Valentine's day clothing Daisy And Harley looks pawsome too

~ Bae

Teddy Westlife said...

Really, you two are the most fashionable cats ever.

Huffle Mawson

Forever Foster said...

Your candybox hat is amazing! What a beautiful outfit. Honestly Daisy, some of your outfits are works of art:)

Poppy Q said...

Happy Valentines to you sweet Daisy, and handsome Harley. You both look so cute in your outfits, especially the one with wings.


Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy, you are very professional! And Harley is getting good too - have you been giving him lessons?

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

That candy box hat is just PERFET, Daisy! And Harley, you manage to look simultaneously cute and mancatly in that T-Shirt!

Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan

Andree said...

My favorite is Daisy's angel outfit. Just perfect! And Harley looks like a fun imp in her outfit!

Parker said...

Love is the stuff inside!

Luzinha said...

Daisy and Harley!!!?? you're looking fantastic! what a beautiful color red is for you both!


kisses for you all!

Dave said...

You look very stunning in your Valentines creations Daisy and I think Harley is learning his modelling well :o)

Spooky said...

You look so stylish in every outfit, Daisy! I think you're training Harley well, too.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful fashion show Daisy! I love the way the skirt on your Skeezix LeChat outfit flares out, making your waist look slim and trim. And that candy box hat is so saucy!

Cat with a Garden said...

Squee, squee, squee! Daisy, the first outfit somehow looks very Marylin Monroe-is! I adore the garter - it would most probably disappear in my floof if I'd put it on. Hahaha!
Harley, you look very sweet. And the T-shirt is right!
Purrs, Siena

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, we don't know how you are gonna decide what outfit to wear tomorrow! You look gorgeous in all of them! We 'specially like Harley's t-shirt...the stuff inside is the best!

i beati said...

You made me laugh so hard when you said daring heart bodice and best to wear no clothes hahaha have a special Valentine becasue we know for sure you are loved a lot!!

From Sandy Princeman,Evie,Sweetheart,Pinky and Toppy

Louche Tabby said... look very serious in the top pic......

Finnegan said...

Daisy, you are lovely as always. Please tell Harley I like his t-shirt. He is definitely manly enough to get away with a hoodie espousing love stuff.

Sarge Charlie said...

Miss Daisy I must agree that Skeezx LeChat is very talented and your candy box accessories are just HOT...........

Sarge Charlie said...

I was so taken by your outfit I forgot to mention how nice Harley looks

The Creek Cats said...

We loved looking back at your Valentine's Day Fashions, Daisy! And Harley looks mighty sharp in his fashion as well!

Finnegan said...

P.S. Thanks for letting me be your valentine. I am a very privileged primate! A giddy gorilla! An adoring ape! A...oh, you get the picture.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Daisy, you are such a great model and you look great in red!!!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Daisy, you are such a great model and you look great in red!!!

Lynn said...

Daisy and Harley -
I look forward to your blog everyday! You always make me smile!

Honey P. Sunshine said...

herley, yoo did gud

Cory said...

Daisy, you are a fashion icon! Harley is learning so much from you too on how to dress for each special occasion! You are the best!

Forty Paws said...

How cute! We luf your outfits!

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Wow, that Skeezix LeChat outfit is the cat's meow! Of course, as usual, you model everything to perfection, Daisy. And Harley is certainly taking his modeling lessons well - he'll be on the catwalk before long, too. The saying on his tshirt is perfect.

TLK KNS said...

aww how adorable, she makes a great cat model!

Henson Ray said...

My favorite little Valentine!!!

Dma said...

my, what a dapper duo.

Janet said...

Awww, you and Harley both look so festive in your VD attire! :-)

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you look splendid in all the outfits, but that Skeezix is just stunning!

jenianddean said...

Harley is getting very good at modeling. And a great t-shirt, too. But the Valentine Angel is my favorite, I think.

Henry (aka Quadpawd) said...

Oh my! Daisy girl, you are looking good. I couldn't even begin to pick out a favorite outfit, you look nice in all of them.
Harley is very cute today too, red seems to be his color. And he is becoming quite the model.
Have a Happy Valentines Day you too!
Purrs and nosetaps,

Oscar and Henry

Karen said...

WOW! Those are some really gorgeous outfits! And Harley looks extremely handsome in the T-Shirt.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Daisy, you loog good in all your outfits. ANd Harley is so good looking!

Daisy Deadhead said...

Beautiful hat!

(And Harley has a great modeling future, I think.)

Anonymous said...

Those are beautiful Valentine outfits! We really liked you in the angel wings Daisy and Harley looks very handsome in his t-shirt!

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
You feed my eyes this morning with your fashion show, love you lots, muahhhhh!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You both look gorgeous!!!!!

Lin said...

It's a sort of lingerie ad for cats!

Happy Valentines Day from Hobbes! XOXOX

Liss said...

Daisy those are some great outfits.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

I likes the angel suit best... good fur Harley in his new tshurt!

oh n Daisy... u gotz da purrtieest smile in all uv blogdom.

Maxwell Tigger
and Daisy May Daffodil.

Katiez Furry Mewz said...

wher u get da tee shurt, Harley?

katie too

Anonymous said...

Bravo Daisy! Bravo Harley!
I'm sure a lot of cats envy you guys! Happy Valentines Day! Everyone! Hope you guys visit my site too.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you are a top model! Each of those fashions are made more lovely by you. And Harley is learning how to model real good.

Jans Funny Farm said...

Thank you for a lovely fashion show. And Harley, too.

LZ said...

I love all of your outfits Daisy. You're so pretty in all of them


Puglette said...

hi daisy! you have a wonderful wardrobe of valenine's day outfits. your skeezix original is my favorite. harley looks so sweet in his new hoodie! he is really doing well at his modeling jobs.
hugs to you both!!

eastcoastlife said...

I love all these outfits! Great for V-Day!
Happy Valentine's Day!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i loved the fashion show!!!

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

I like the candy-box outfit with the hat best - you look so fabu! And Harley is really learning how to model so well - tho he does look a bit surprised in the first pic LOL

Anonymous said...

I have to say that Harley is getting better and better in modeling, soon you two can model together easily :)))
Daisy and Harley, let me wish you very happy Valentine's Day, love your mommy the way she loves you :)

Cat Street Boyz said...

Daisy and Harley can you hear our paws clapping? Both of you look great.....YEAH.....We hope to see you in a tux someday Harley but we do love your tee shirt, Daisy is teaching you well, you have a great sister Harley, Happy Valentines on Friday the 13th!!!!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy your Skeezix dress is the best. I am glad to see Harley modeling so that some of the mencat can see how fashionable they can be (in a more casual way than Skeezix).

BumbleVee said...

You do them all proud Daisy...and hey, look!...Harley is really getting the hang of this modeling business...

The Furry Kids said...

You guys are so cute in your Valentine's fashions. It makes us happy!

We hope you both have a very very Happy Valentine's Day!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Fur sum reezin, I git urjes win I see yoo waring that garter!

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

What a special Valentines Day post you made for all of us, a fashion show is purrfect. We always are telling people about your closet full of clothes and your wonderful blog! We visit every day, even at the Cat Hospitla where Teri works!

We used to think pink was your best color, Daisy, but now we think it might be red! We like that candybox hat and how jauntily you wear it, and also the Skeezix LaChat dress does make your waistline look small, like and hourglass figure of a movie star of the '50's.

Happy Heart Day to you and Harley (all the boy cats here want a shirt just like his!)

Teri and the cats of Furrydance

The Devil Dog said...

What beautiful fashions you have modeled, Daisy. Harley is quite the mancat model. Good job both of you.


Barb said...

Daisy, you look lovely in each and every outfit! Designers must be throwing themselves at you to model their designs!

Harley! Dude! You looks especially handsome and romantic in your hoodie tee!

-Gandalf and Grayson

Babs-beetle said...

What beautiful outfits Daisy! I love Harley's expression in his first photo!

Purrs, Sukie x

Shaggy and Scout said...

Lovely retrospective of photos! All the fashions are unique and each have their own type of personality. Harley, what a love bug you are with your hooded t-shirt!

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

I can't take it anymore! Daisy, you and Harley are just too stinkin cute for words! You are the most fashionable kitties I have ever seen!

to your mommy: seriously, how do you get her to wear all of this!?? I can't get PB to sit still long enough to even THINK about putting her red dress on her--even with treats and red mouse next to her!

Anonymous said...

Well, look at YOU! You look amazing in your Valentine's Day outfits!
Absolutely smashing!

Harley looks as cute as a button, too! ;)

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you are giving Mrs. Obama a run for her money.

The Crew said...

Daisy, you're an inspiration for us all do be the best Valentines we can be. And it looks like Harley's training to become a male model is going very well.

The Crew

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

What a fashiony Friday!


Jackie said...

Daisy I love them all. But my very special favorite is the red one with the wings.

You are such a good model. I think you should enter the next top model competition!!:-)

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

You are both very cute in your costumes. My favorite is you in the Valentine Angel design.



Lux said...

You both look so adorable. I love you angel wings, Daisy - they're so apropos!

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Well, aren't you both the adorable Valentine pair in your beautiful fashions! Have a Happy Valentine's Day!


Unknown said...

OOPS.. i didnt get to finish..

I was going to say that you have a VERY tollerant cat!! or cats.. I have 6, and there are VERY few that allow me to clothe them, let alone put on a HAT!!!

The Idiot Girl

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Lovely Daisy, fashion model extrordinaire! Harley is so cute...he's quite the little charmer isn't he...

ZOOLATRY said...


Anonymous said...

Yoo look great in all yer outfits but the Angel one is our favorite!

Harley yoo is learnin that model stuff really goods!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I just love your past Valentine's Day fashions, Daisy! They're all so beautiful.

Harley, you did a good job being this year's Valentine's Day model!! Soon you'll be a professional, just like Daisy ;-)

JD at I Do Things said...

I feel like I've just watched a fashion show! Thank you for modeling all those beautiful outfits, Daisy and Harley. I wish I had a candy-box-shaped hat.

Fat Eric said...

Such lovely outfits! That last pic of Harley is very handsome, he is getting the idea of modelling!

RJ Flamingo said...

I love each of your outfits better than the one before, Daisy! And Harley's t-shirt is fab! Especially the layered hoodie! Squeee!

Chrissie said...

Daisy, although I am not a very fashionable fellow, I do think your frills and furbelows are very purty. I also think Harley looks pretty good in his hoodie tshirt. I'd wear a tshirt like his if I had one.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Harley you are a very handsome mancat and the t-shirt looked purrfect on you.

Daisy as always you are gorgeous we loves all your pretty outfits. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Great Valentine's Day fashion show! Our favorite was the angel costume. And of course Harley in his t-shirt.

Anonymous said...

Oh My Gawd Lol. Those outfits are hilarious. I love daisy in that pink one, what about the red garter lol? ahahah She is going to have a lot of prospective males after her in those kinky little valentine's fashion statements.

Hansel said...

DAISY! wat greats fash-shuns yoo haz! i luf da one from da place yoo dun haf links too!

Bob Johnson said...

Wow, beautiful outfits Daisy, you are an excellent model!!

AM said...

Oh Daisy, the way you model all these clothes is just...oh what is the word I'm looking for?.....PHENOMENAL? STUNNING? TRENDSETTING? I'm just not sure, there are so many words to describe your beauty! And Harley is becoming quite a mancat model himself!

Quasi said...

Best. Fashion show. Ever.

L. Alida said...

Daisy you and Harley are just the coolest kitties! You both look adorable and I'm sure you are Mommie's little cherubs. :)
Have a very Happy Valentine's Day!
Hugs and Smoochies,

Max said...

I think birds staple their wings on. I don't recommend you try that, though...

Samantha & Mom said...

Daisy you are the cutest Valentine Model we have ever seen!! We love the winged costume best! And Harley looks very handsome in his T-Shirt! He learned very fast at modeling!
Your FL furiends,

Lorenza said...

You look beautiful in those pictures and Harley very handsome too!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Kisses and hugs

PDX pride said...

Wow, you wore the wings to that outfit! Tabby says: Mommy tried to get me to wear the wings to my "Love Bug" one, but I didn't want to.

We absolutely love your red outfit. That hat is amazing! If you ever find the link, we'd love to have it to see what else they have.

Harley looks dashing in his shirt.

Unknown said...

omg weee is cuteoverloadz!!! Me like valentine's angel outfit!! Harley is becoming more and more expert in modeling!!!

SophieKitty said...

You look beautiful in all your valentine fashions. I like the angel the best.

Harley, we could help but love the stuff inside!

Motor Home Cats said...

Even though it is hard to wear wings, it is one of our favorite outfits. We also love the one Skeezy designed for you.

Harley, we agree totally with your shirt!

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Quill and Greyson said...

You two crazy cool cats! Happy Valentines Day!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You two are definitely supermodels of the highest caliber. You look gorgeous in all of those outfits.
Happy Valentine's Day!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Mommakitty says you are both the cutest little fur cherubs! We don't exactly know whut a cherub is, but it sounds sweet.
Happy Valentine's Day!

ceemee said...

You look fantastic in all those outfits. You really know how to wear your accessories!
Harley doesn't look bad either.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

I love all those bueatiful cat clothes! Your so very cute Daisy!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

You and Harley look very festive and adorable.

Maureen said...

Wow, those are so cute! You are definitely the Queen of Kitty Fashion. And tell Harley he is the King.

duo_disaster said...


Since Vday's over, did you wore that Candy box hat WITHOUT the blouse? We bet Skeezix would nose bleed with no end if you meet him naked!

lovcats said...

Daisy, you are very cute today, like all days! ;)

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