Thursday, April 16, 2009

Daisy and Harley, RAW!

I mentioned yesterday that Harley and I are starting a raw diet, and here it is! It's called Nature's Variety Raw Frozen Diet. You can read some FAQ's about this food HERE.
Harley has been struggling with Eosinophilic Granuloma Complex for many months now. Here is a picture of Harley taken yesterday, about 12 hours after he had another Depo-Medrol injection (my Mommie was lifting his lip so you could see the swelling inside). Harley asked that we just use a small photo of him, but you can click to see it larger if you want. We hope this diet will help Harley!
Here is a picture of the bag showing the ingredients. It sounds very yummy for the tummy! And it is complete and balanced, right out of the bag.
Harley cannot wait to dig in!
We always thought that raw diets were very complicated to use, but the only preparation is taking out the medallions we will need for the next day and putting them in a little bag in the refrigerator to thaw out overnight.
We are starting off mixing the medallions with some of our old food. Harley is already LOVING the food! We won't even need to mix his after today because he gobbles it all up.
My portion is mostly my old food mixed with just a very small amount of the raw food. But I am still very nervous about eating it. My Mommie hopes I will like it, too. We are very lucky, because we can get this food just down the street from us!
Bon appétit!


89 Notes for Daisy:

Poppy Q said...

Apricots and blueberries? Wow!! I am glad Harley is enjoying it, and I hope it makes him feel better.

We will be very interested in seeing if you both enjoy it.

Forever Foster said...

We hope Harley's new food works wonders for him. Daisy, we think you will probably learn that your new food is good from watching Harley eat it. When we changed our food, I didn't want a bar of it for about a week. I used Fui as my taste tester!:)

The Monkeys said...

Mommy's been trying to get us to go to a raw diet but Samson doesn't go for it at all! She's never seen that brand so maybe she'll try it out.

Give it a try, Daisy! It's so good for you!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We hope you both thrive on your new diet!

gemmak said...

Oh...that looks very delicious, I'm sure it will help poor Harley it looks very full of good things :o)

Milo and Alfie said...

We are glad Harley likes the food as it may help him. Praps you'll grow to like it Daisy.

Spunky Doodle said...

Hope the new food helps Harley. We eat Science Diet. I do best with the one for sensitive stomach but Manny likes the one for indoor cats best.

Anonymous said...

We sure hope the diet helps Harley. We read Dr Ferox's post on EGC. Poor Harley. We didn't realize he was still having the ulcer recurrences.

We were wondering if Harley had the ulcers when he was living at Cat's Exclusive. Did the ulcers start after you switched foods when you brought him home? If you think it's a food, or additive in his food, will you be able to rule out certain foods by using this raw diet? It seems to have so many foods in it. Please keep us updated.

We think we would like your raw food. It starts with chicken!

The WriggleButts said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Your new food looks yummy,we hope you grow to like it. Poor Harley, we hope this helps him out too.

The WriggleButts said...

We just had to testpost - last time we tried it failed. Looks to be lots of funny ingredients in your new food. Hope it helps Harley. If either of you get tummy troubles please tell your mommie this: raw foods digest faster than cooked foods like kibble. Some get tummy troubles when they mix raw and kibble because of this and might do better with a clean switch, just skipping the transition period.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Wow, we always thought it was complicated too. Mommy said she might look into it for us, depending on if any local stores carry it. We hopes it will help Harley, paws crossed you like it. ~S,S,C & F

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

There are a lot of interesting things in the raw food. We hope it helps Harley.

Parker said...

Here's hoping that this helps Harley, the raw food sounds delicious and good for you!

Freya's Staff said...

Poor Harley! Hope the raw diet works!


Teddy Westlife said...

You are looking at that food very suspiciously Daisy. I hope it helps Harley.

Huffle Mawson

The Florida Furkids said...

Wow that looks deeelish!! We're glad Harley is liking it and we hope you do too. It would be wonderful if this helps Harley. We always thought raw diets were complicated, but this one sounds simple.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Wow, that food sounds delicious. Moooooomm!

AB clan said...

We hope raw food help your problems Harley.
We love raw food too.

ViVi & AB

Unknown said...

Once upon a time we had a Meezer named Custard. He had the same problem as Harley. Our vet called this problem rodent ulcers. He prescribed birth control pills for Custard. This worked like a charm. The ulcer healed within a week. Custard got these ulcers several times a year. The pills made him a little frisky and goofy, but made those icky ulcers go away. We were also told to use only glass bowls for Custard's food and water. No plastic! Just FYI.

Queen of Halloween said...

Does Harley chew/rub on cardboard boxes? My cat was bad for that and she had LOTS of sores like his. Our vet said it was from all of the rubbing/chewing which got infected. I took the boxes away and she got better. No more problems today. Love your site...:)

Daisy said...

Thanks for the tips, everybuddy! We only eat/drink from stainless steel or glass bowls. Harley doesn't rub against stuff, so we don't think it's that.

Cory said...

Our Jonesie has the same condition, so we are very interested to see how this all works out for Harley!

flit said...

that does sound like a very good product... I hope it helps Harley's owies

Sweet Purrfections said...

I'm so glad that Harley likes his new food. He may entice you to try it. I'm not one that likes my food changed, so I wish you well.

i beati said...

I may have to try this myself ha Good luck !!Sandy and Bitty Bopper who's being naughty and lying on the tv.

Dma said...

sounds yummy (kind of). hopefully it will help harley.

Babs-beetle said...

That sounds very interesting. I have never seen such a thing here.

Clarissa said...

I'm being treated for this same thing, but mine is on my nose. It was complicated because I had lots and lots of bacteria living under the scabbing. The corticosteroid treatment didn't work for me so I had to see a dermatologist. I'm currently on 25mg Zeniquin and 25mg Atopica once daily, plus a thin layer of Muprocin is applied to my nose twice daily. My nose is finally starting to heal and it looks a lot better. The new healthy skin is pink (and I'm a black cat!)

Batman (clarissa brofur)

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Looks very very HEALTHY!!!
That is perfect!!!!!!
I am happy for you BOTH!!!!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We likes all dem eggs that's in there! Poor Harley and his mouth! That must hurts a lot.

Hoping this does the trick. And Miss Daisy, we are sure you will get to liking it too.

Split Rock Ranch said...

I hope it works well for you. Most of the commercial pet foods are JUNK! The new food looks very yummy (well, yummy for cats) Enjoy!

Us4 Cats said...

maw loooked into also but as mentioned seemes overly complicated.
i feed em greens kibbles diet food and soft as well.

let us know how this raw goes.

what is the cost?

Shaggy and Scout said...

We tried those medallions a few years ago but we never embraced it. Mom did all kinds of research that says raw is best & most natural for a cat to eat.
It's good Harley is the one attacking it! Poor little boy!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We hope this helps Harley. We will be watching for progress reports!

Cat with a Garden said...

My dearest Harley: Thank you so much for your sweet birthday wishes yesterday, I enjoyed them very much. I'm sending you my most caring purrs and some well placed licks. It is very good that you like the new food. Surely that will encourage Daisy to eat it too. I'm picky about food too, but seeing Chilli getting it in helps in my case...
I purr and purr that you will feel better, sweet one!
Lots of love, Siena

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We sure do hope the raw diet helps Harley. We don't like seeing him not feel good. Maybe you should just take a tiny little taste, Daisy.

~ The Bunch

Unknown said...

Hey daisy/harley... this is daisy 2.0 mommy.

Nice to meet you all. I hope you get better soon harley. Sound like a great new food. Better than us humans who get tea and toast when we are sick LOL. Take care buddy

Nomi said...

I don't think there is anything not in those ingwedients so it should be yum yum !! Eat up !

Puglette said...

wow, that does have lots of good ingredients in it. i hope you can give it a try too, daisy. i have seen other bloggers talk about raw diets and they had tubs of frozen meat they had to chop up. yours looks much more appealing.
happy thursday!

L. Alida said...

Oh Harley honey, I hope this works for you! You poor kitty boy! Your mouth looks so hurty. I read the article about your condition and saw the kitty with cancer. :( I got all leaky eyes right away. This is an awful condition! Your Mommy is very smart to learn all about this to help you. The ingredients look so yummy. I love blueberries and butternut squash! :)
I had a depo-medrol shot in each hip yesterday and it hurt! I can't imagine getting one in my mouth. Poor baby! It does help though.
I'm sending you lots of healing thoughts. Lots of hugs to you and Daisy,

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I like all the ingredients too!

Paws khrossed it works fur woo!

PeeEssWoo: I was hoping fur some wrasslin' pikhs!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

The Woman tried some raw food for us once and we all ignored it... I guess she didn't mix enough of the regular stuff with it..

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

I feed my own cats a raw diet. I made it for years from the recipe at it is pretty easy, just time consuming.

I tried the NV medalians but they weren't very popular with my crew. Feline's Pride makes a raw diet that was a huge paws up with all of my cats. There are a few other makers of raw that don't include all of the fruits and carbs that NV does. If your two don't seem to completely take to it, there are other options.

~Story said...

Momma is watching this very closely as she is certain this is what oor big sister bailey has.. if it works for Harley, we will try it for Bails!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

So, the food is frozen? And you thaw it out, crumble it up and then eat it? Sounds interesting! Wonder if this would help Orions (sometimes) still stinky butt.

brokenteepee said...

I am sorry Harley has not been feeling well and had to get a needle. I had to get needles last year when I had an abscess. It was not fun. Not fun at all. I sat down on the male person's hand and bellowed.

I hope you like the new food too, Daisy.

Jans Funny Farm said...

That's great that Harley loves his new food. We hope it helps him!

That looks like a neat feeding table for you two but Jan said we can't have one. We'd have to have a separate room just to serve meals. But for two of you .....

The Island Cats said...

That food does look kinda yummy! We think raw foods must have come a long way from when our mom last considered them for us. We hope this food helps Harley. Ernie has problems like Harley, but luckily not as severe so we just eat the limited ingredients diet and that seems to work for him. Daisy, maybe you should give it a might really like it!

Unknown said...

Very interesting!

Mica just went on a low protein diet because he's having some kidney problems as he gets older. Sorry we haven't been by much later - we've missed you two! Granny's here and Mommy has been an awful secretary.

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

The Furry Kids said...

Poor Harley! We didn't know he was still having all those troubles. :( Thank you for sharing that link, Daisy. Will the new food help with you bladder stuff, too? We know you were on a prescription diet for a while :(. It sounds super delicious, I hope you get used to it soon, Daisy. Harley, enjoy!

Max said...

That looks tasty! Just lookin at it is making me want something to eat. I bet the Woman won't get me anything though :(

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It does sound very delishus...sure hope it helps Harley and dat yoo like it too!

Anonymous said...

So happy that your Mommy found a way to help Harley. And it won't hurt you to eat the new food ya know. Could prevent you getting Harley's problem. We have one kitty that needs a special food, so we feed it to all the kitties - now no one has any problems...

Janet said...

Yummy! I hope you both like your new food. Poor Harley...I sure hope the diet helps him!

LZ said...

It doesn't sound as difficult as the Lap Lady thought it would be. I hope you like it Daisy, it is supposed to be SOOOOO good for you. We're a couple of steps below, eating gluten free food but only dry.


Your Daily Cute said...

Hi Daisy!

Nice to see your Entrecard on today!

It looks like Harley is really liking the new food!

Liss said...

I think it's great you're trying a new food for Harley even though you're nervous Daisy. You'll get used to the new food, it will just take some time. I hope the new diet helps.

Stephanie said...

I hope that the RAW diet really helps Harley!! I also hope that you can start to like it too Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Quail Eggs? How exotic!

Ikaika said...

Wow, Daisy ... so Harley has eosinophilic granuloma. So does Midnight, but she's not into raw food, only "live" food, if you know what I mean? Our mom is giving her Transfer Factor and hoping that will help it clear up so she can avoid depomedrol shots. And Tanith had granulomas on her feet ... turns out she is allergic to clay litter, so now we use newspaper litter or grass pellet litter and the problem is gone. Let us know how Harley does on the raw diet and maybe we can try again with the brand that you are eating. I hope you enjoy the new food, too, Daisy.


AM said...

Wow, it's almost like having your own chef in the freezer! And, the ingredients sound so good, maybe you should be sharing it with your mom?

Deodand said...

Harley, you sure wound up in the right place. Your mom takes great care of you!

I'm thinking your mom should cook those medallions, put a little white sauce on them, and you can all eat the same thing. You'll all have pretty shiny coats!

Rebecca said...

I went to the site, Wow they have a store that carries it the next town over, can't wait to try it!!Thanks for letting us know about this! We have gotten "realPetFood" from slankersgrassfed in Texas, they ship it and I have to order a whole lot and stuff my freezer! Sometimes we get the raw chicken from tropicaltraditions too!

Cat Street Boyz said...

We have used Nature's Variety Prairie and instinct for years now. Both have freeze dried raw food & oils bio-coatings. Instinct is grain free and Prairie has whole grains, no corn, wheat or soy.....
We also use Merrick canned foods and get great deals from,
If you sign up with them, they will send you sale Emails. I wait till it's 22% and make a large order since it is only a few miles from my home, we pick it up. You can even run into a sale on your brand plus the percentage off! Oh, here is a really great list of pet foods which shows what companies Menu foods makes their products. some buy their pet food at the market, this list will help sort out the bad guys. =^Y^=Holly(the Cat Street Boyz Mom)

Mickey's Musings said...

We hope the food agrees with Harley. We hope you like it too as you will get mighty hungry if you do not eat it ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Starving Artist said...

Those ingredients look good. I eat some of that stuff everyday... except for the turkey heart.

Maggie May said...

We sure hope the new food words wonders for Harley's EGC!! It sure looks yummy to us! Harley looks like he loves the new foods!

You guys are so lucky to be able to pick it up down the street. One of the reasons we haven't tried it is because of the very expensive shipping costs.

Best of luck with the new diet!!

~Maggie May~

Maria said...

Max eats this too... the raw rabbit. He is sensitive to sooo many foods. This is the only thing we've found that has totally stopped his diarrhea and asthma attacks.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Wowee Daisy and Harley, that new food sure has a variety of interesting ingredients! Especially persimmons ... Momma had one of those trees in her yard when she was a kid and would never have thought they would be used in kitty food! We are glad Harley is digging in and sure hope it helps him, and we hope that you will like it too!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

BeadedTail said...

That food looks very good and healthy and I certainly hope it helps Harley feel better!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
I hope the new food helps Harley!
Glad he liked it! And I hope you will like it too!
Kisses and hugs

Donna said...

Yummy. I loves fresh fud. :)

Quill and Greyson said...

Sweet Harley that looks painful! I hope the raw food helps and I hope you like it to Daisy!

Questdriven said...

Wow, looks like fun! We're sure Daisy will grow to love the food, and it's great that Harley loves it.

Anonymous said...

We has to has the mom check that out acuz she was lookin to switch our foods. She was lookin at sum stuffs called Serengeti Herbal Felid Diet(by Timberwolf organics) - big wild cats get dis foods too. So she was finkin it was worth a try but now dat she saw dat stuffs she has to check dat out too.

Boy n Beethoven said...

I hopes you likes the new food too Daisy! It sounds yummy!


Findlay Furs said...

We hope you start enjoying the mew food soon Daisy... We were on a half raw diet fur a long time...but then our furmily doubled to 6 and it got to be too expensive fur mommy. Now we just get it as treats.
Many purrs to you both!

SophieKitty said...

That food looks very interesting. I'm not sure if I would like it either. Can't wait to get your review, Daisy.

Maureen said...

Wow, I hope the new food works out. We have to have special diet food for one of our cats; but since they all eat together, all THREE get it.

Asta said...

I hope you get to like youw new foods..the ingwedientses look vewy yummie( I'm a good weadew, heheheh)
I hope that it helps Hawley vewy soon
smoochie kisses

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We are hoping that that food will help Harley. It sounds like good stuff!

Jemma Chihuahua said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bogdan, the editor said...

We also eat nature's variety, but mostly the canned food. But for the raw food, maybe Daisy doesn't like the type of meat. Bogdan will really only eat the raw venison. Maybe try a different flavor.
(We won't ever eat the bunny rabbit flavor though! Ah!)

Marilyn said...

I hope it helps Harley. It does look very yummy.

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Chester's foster dad feeds his cats raw food, but I think I am scared of it. My mom might try it one day on us.

Kocka said...

Hi Daisy&Harley
Kocka here, you might remember me from the Golden Prague Blog. Mommy got kicked out there, now we life in our own blogging home, far better!
I am on raw food too, we can't buy it readily mixed here, so Mommy does it herself for me. I absolutely adore fresh, raw, chicken necks. You really, really have to try them, they are sooo crunchy, yummy good! And raw food is the best, I have never been healthier with a nice shiny coat than since I eat 'raw'! And I am sure it will help Harley also to get rid of his granuloma problem. All the best for you two, Kocka

Theresa111 said...

Oh Harley,
We are very sorry your mouth is swollen. We promise to pray very earnestly for your quick healing.

Theresa, Joe and Bobby

Wolfboymom said...

Don't know if it's too late to commiserate, but I've had TWO kitties with EGC. One kitty had Harley's version, mouth ulcers, and when he had sores in his mouth I fed him raw egg mixed with milk and meat baby food. The injections helped, and as he got older the problem eased up, but he had it off and on his whole life. The second kitty had a version that was alot like kitty hives, and she yanked all her fur off her rear helf (from the "waist" back, the baby was bald, and covered in sores). Switching her to good food was like a magic trick. Tell Harley to be careful, and stay out of fights, because those injections can weaken his immune system.

Best of luck, and I hope the food works well for you!

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