Monday Mystery: Solve the Riddle
For today's Monday Mystery, I have prepared another riddle for you to solve. I hope you like it! Are you ready?

Yet golden treasure lays inside me.
With eleven others I'm usually found,
I can roll though I'm not exactly round.
I'm not the type to make a boast,
But for me, you might make a toast.
What am I?
You may begin thinking now! Hmmm, this might be a hard one...

82 Notes for Daisy:
Yay I got it right today! Happy Monday to you Daisy, and to Harley too!
Huffle Mawson
Yep, we got the right answer. :)
Ooops I wasn't clever enuff this week. Great photos of you Miss D.
Hurray!! Momma's brain cells are awake this morning so we gots the answer!
I knew it without even having to look at the genius. I am genius! Hear me miaow!
We got it!!! We got it!!!! ~S,S,C & F
good one I see you had your hard thinking face on-- Angel Baby is catching many lizards and frogs. She must need to catch
We guesses it!!!! it's obviously something everyone loves!!!
Can I let you in on a secret? I've NEVER guessed one of these right - until today! YAY! I guessed an egg, and I was right! :)
You're too smart for me, Daisy. I didn't have a clue.
I got it, too! Yaayy! I guess my brain isn't quite as fuzzy as I thought, this morning... Prob'ly means I should go to work...:-(
Hooray! We got it! It was the line with 'eleven' in it that clicked in mum's brain. She will feel special for the rest of the day:) MOL:)
we gots it rite!! that one was easy peasy.
whats that moms? oh, um, to tell the trooth moms tolded us the answer. so WE still goted it rite.
we still luvs to bisit yu an harley. but we donts comments much cuz moms tries to bisit as many blogs as she can but she cants help us comment cuz she wents bak to skool.
The Golden Retriever bit got me for a minute, but I did get it right! Now, let's go eat breakfast.
Wow Daisy! You are really good. I was thinking about an English muffin when you mentioned the toast, but that doesn't have golden stuff inside (unless it's the butter in the nooks and crannies).
Ha, I got it right away. I'm getting better at this. Great photos of you Daisy - you and your Mommy are a great photo team
Yay! I finally got one right! I love to steal egg shells and carry them off!
okay i had my thinking cap on today and GOT IT! yay!
smiles, auntie bee
got it. of course i love eggs. can't get enough of them.
we hadded no idea - that was a really good one Daisy
hip hip horay, I got it, you did not fool me this week miss daisy.
i got it today! YAY! thanks for the riddle miss daisy! :)
Boiled, fried or deviled? Miss Daisy, you're so funny!
I'm glad woo aren't yoking today!
That was a good riddle. Mom guessed it
Yay! We got that one, Daisy! Did you have to crack a few eggs to prepare the riddle for us?
Sorry, that was not a very good joke, was it? We blame Whitey.
we guessed it! we can guess anything that's tasty!!
woohoo! i guessed the right answer! thank you for making me think hard about this mystery, daisy. have a good day!
We got it right this time!
Golden treasures is so true
Have a great Monday
Oh, boy. I didn't even come close, despite your very stern look. Great Monday Mystery, Daisy!
nope...I had it wrong. I was thinking of a dozen buns.... ya know..from the toast angle it almost seemed right...and golden and all... oh, well..... next time.
Hahaha! Boy, were we wrong! We guessed a case of champagne! Hahaha~
I got it right! Daisy, my mom says she is always amazed at the wonderful facial expressions and body poses you can make. Did your mom train you to do that or does it just come naturally?
Wow, I thot it waz sometin else. :)
Well, I couldn't guess it. I haven't had my morning tea yet as it's still to hot to drink so Daisy, I'm just super glad that you tell us the answer or I would be thinking about it all day! :D Have a great day Daisy!
We never would have gotten that! That was way hard for our thinking!
WOOT! We got it!!!
That was a tad hard and we had to think for a few bits of time,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Yay, we got the answer right! That was a great riddle!!
Your pictures with it were great!
Oh Daisy, that was a good one.
I guessed sardines. D'oh!
I got that one. We have producers here on the Farm.
I like your "thinking hard" look.
Either your mysteries are getting harder or we're getting dumber. That was way too obvious & we didn't get it!
Holy Bast we got it right! Our eggs are that color too cause mommy only buys free range organic eggs (and chicken). whoo hoo! I feel very smart today. Maybe I should watch PBS tonight and learn more stuff.
Your post below reminded us of a button we saw, "Intact is whacked, Neuter is cuter"
Wow, mom got it right! Cool.
Good one Daisy, this is the first time I've been able to figure out your riddle.
Oh boy, our mom is sharp today! She read it to dad while holding one in her hand and he still din't get it!
Very good, Daisy.
You stumped us again, Daisy! We thought it was a can of beer.
That was a good one Daisy! We didn't guess it correctly.
Daisy, this was too hard for us today. You had us all fooled.
Izzy, Buddy, Pepper & Lucky
WOW, awesome riddle! I didn't even try to guess today, guess my brain hasn't recovered from my abdominal surgery yet, LOL. Now I'm going to go read your Sunday comics! :D
Yippeee - we got it right!!!!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Darn it Daisy, you stumped us! Again!
Theodore and Sasha
Cute, daisy. I couldn't guess at all!
I have to admit, I didn't even try to think of the answer, because I didn't feel like having a case of TeH Stoopid today. Which is good because I don't think I would have gotten it. Yay me for knowing when to stop ;)
Oh Daisy, you are so clever!
Drat! We got it wrong!
We got one right!!! Yay!
Woohoo, we knew the correct answer. You have wonderful riddles Daisy, and we enjoy trying to figure them out.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
hi daisy,
i think i hit da button befor i wuz sure.
dat wuzza good one.
That was a hard one. I wasn't sure what it was.
hahha YAY momma actually think-ed and helped me today!
Only a acuse she loves eggs..
But we did lose our concentrations when you was asking ifs we knew yet hehe your beautifullsness! :))
Oh Daisy! That was a good mystery. I didn't solve it I'm afraid. It's obvious I'm not as clever as you!
We don't know how we did it, but we got it right! That was fun, Daisy!
I thinked and thinked very hard but I couldn't guess it until She showed me the picture.
That was a good riddle.
Uh-oh, seems like most got it right but we didn't.
Daisy, I got it! Must have been because of that furrowed brow look you gave me. You had me scairt to not get the answer!
I didn't get it today. Darn.
Oh, I didn't even come CLOSE to bein' correct on that one. Mom guessed "the zodiac," but she was so terribly wrong, too.
You are so clever!!!!!!
I had no idea Daisy!
Kisses and hugs
Yay! I got it! What clued me in was "toast."
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay did i heer yoo say we wer having toast??? can i hav ekstra butter on mine??? oh and also a ---- wot??? oh dada sez i hav to be kwiet or i wil rooin the riddel ok dada wotever i am like the seventeeeth persun to leev a comment i think evryun has it figgerd owt by now!!! ok bye
YAAY! I gotted it right ! I hope you emjoyed Olivia's purrhday par-tay. Thanks for dropping by the Castle.
I admit I always look at the answer.
Yay, I got it right! I was nearly put off by the "eleven others" coz eggs usually come in six packs here but the toast reference did it. I thought, "No, people don't usually eat toast with champers (unless it's got caviar on it) so I think it's an egg" and lo, I was right! The photos rock Daisy dear, specially the stern one! :) xxx
We got it!!! It took a whiles, though. We finally thought ta add 11 and "another" and got 12. Then started thinkin in what came in "12s"
Ha! Darn it, I didn't guess that one. I will try harder next week.
I had no idea, Daisy, and was going to give up. Until I saw your 3rd photo. Then I figured I better try harder! I thought it might be an egg, but I thought that was a wrong answer. So I kept thinking and came up with a dozen donuts - I would toast a box containing a dozen donuts* ;-), but I figured it couldn't be that. *Custard filled with chocolate topping. Yum!
So I guess I got it right, even though I thought my guess was wrong.
I coodn't think strate fur this one cuz thare were so many tummy shots distrakting my brane.
Happy Dance!!! We got it right!! We got it right!! Whoo!! Hoo!! We are usually wrong!!
Your FL furiends,
LOL you looked grumpy in that third pic, Daisy. We got the answer right after you called us on not thinking hard enough!
I didn't guess the answer. First I thought it was butter in gold wrapping. Second I thought it was English muffins. That was a good answer and a hard puzzle.
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