Lending a Helping Paw
You might remember last week I had a poll so you could help me spend my moneys helping other cats? Well, the results were very, very close! 37% voted for me to buy treats for the shelter cats, and 34% voted for me to buy toys for the shelter cats. So, guess what? My Mommie agreed to match my moneys so I could do BOTH! Here are the toys and treats we got for the kitties at Cats Exclusive, a no-kill shelter for cats:

First is the adorable Cheesecake. He got the gray mousie, and you can see he is hugging and squeezing it tightly. He loves toys!
And here is Panda with another one of the toys. Panda has a sister named Amanda. They are both very sweet!

This is Miles. He's a big Mancat! My Mommie gave him a Squeaky Mouse, because it's one of Harley's favorite toys. Miles is front declawed, and he is one of the gentlest cats around. 

This is Princess. She is enjoying some of the delicious Temptations in her hammock. Eating in bed is a special treat.

114 Notes for Daisy:
What a nice idea to take pictures of the different cats with their new toys and enjoying their treats! They all look very nice and I sure hope they get good homes soon!
It was great of your Mom to match your moneys so you could get both treats and toys for the shelter kitties. I hope that they all get forever homes soon.
Thankyou for introducing us to some of your mum's friends. They all look lovely, and we will purr very hard for them to find their Forever homes.
What lovely kittehs! I think they really appreciated your presents, Daisy!
I love all the shelter cats Daisy and it was so kind of you and your mommie to treat them all to special gifts. I wish I could be a forever home for one of those little guys.
That's wonderful that you were able to get both! We love the picture of Snowball and his mousie. :)
Ohhhhhhhhhh Daisy, you are the most caring cat around. Thanks for letting your mommy take the treats and toys to those beautiful kitties. We hope they all find special homes, where they can get lots of love and treats and toys every day.
Yay for the shelter kitties! You and your Mommie were so very thoughtful to buy treats and toys for the kitties. Cheesecake is extra adorable with that mousie!
Mom was talking to our Vet about No Kill shelters last week when Whitey was there. The closest No Kill shelter from us is more than 2 hours away. That is Very Bad News for too many stray and feral kitties in our area.
Oh we are so glad the cats were able to get toys and treats. All of them look so happy, we hopes they find forever homes. ~S,S,C & F
This post made me happy for many many days rto come.Angel is doing pretty good !1Sandy
ohhh..your cheesecake is indeed adorable. He's so cute and I like the way he poses.so lovely kittens.=)
You done good, Daisy! Hugs & Purrs to you and your mommy!
You and your mum did a wonderful job there Daisy.
Huffle Mawson
They are all such beautiful kitties! Thanks for sharing them with us. Daisy and mom, you are two great gals for taking such good care of the shelter cats.
Daisy, that was very sweet of your mom to match your monies so you could buy treats and toys for those kitties. They are all so cute! We're sure they will find furever homes real soon!!!
What a good thing to do, Daisy! You and your mom are so nice to those kitties. I hope they find their forever homes very soon!
Love that Cheesecake!! How nice to share the love to the shelter kitties! Our Grandma volunteers to pet the kitties at the shelter once a week--she is a Crazy Cat Lady! ;)
Oh Daisy, that was so sweet!
Those are all, simply adorable pictures!
I think Cheesecake is my favourite! It really looks like he's overjoyed to have it, and hugging it!
Well done!
Ooooo the mom wants to give big squishy hugs to all da kittehs! We hope dat dey find pawsome loving furever homes soon!
Oh, wow! This is so awesum!! I am so happy, I think I gonna cri a little.
Awww! Daisy it was so kind of you and your mommy to do this for these sweet kitties at the shelter! Hopefully they will all be adopted into loving homes really soon! :)
Daisy, what a generous girl you are! The pictures you took are all so heartwarming. The shelter looks like a very good place to be until all these kitties find their furefur homes. They efun has hammucks!!!!
It's so lovefurly to see all these kitties enjoying themselves because of you.
Wow what a great mommy you have. I loved seeing the faces of all the cats enjoying their new toys. And loved seeing the treats disappear. I think i am going to see if my people will also help out a shelter near us. I hope all homeless animals find homes soon.
I love this post, all of you are so nice to those waiting for furever home cats.
I'm deeply touched, those pictures brighten my day.
All the cats are very cute, I hope they get adopted soon.
What a wonderful thing you did for the poor little homeless kitties. Kudos to your Mommie for volunteering her time and money to take care of those sweet furries until they find furever homes.
That was furry nice of woo!
Tank woo fur sharing the pikhs too!
Maybe they need a Siberian to 'brighten' up their day!
OH MY goodness! Momma wants to just adopt them all.. I thinks ifs we had our own house momma would have a huge huge families.. of you know whos.
That was so very sweet of you and your momma Miss daisy,brightening those little guys day!
And thank you for sharing their sweetness with us. Momma really loved this post even extra,, a cause we always love you posts!
You did a beautiful thing Daisy brightening those special cats and kitties day like that.
what a great lookin group. i hope they all find nice homes.
oh how lovely daisy, i think if i was allowed to have one i would have cheesecake. first because she is so cute and second because i already know i love cheesecake!
smiles, auntie bee
This was such a great idea...and the pictures are priceless...sort of heartbreaking to see all those cats in need of homes...please update us on their progress...Great job!
Bless heart! We can see you really made those kitties very happy with the new toys and treats, Daisy! Great work!
Wow, so not only did you get toys AND treats, but with your Mommie's help you got double the amount! You guys are so kind and thoughtful - I know those adorable kitties appreciated everything very much!
In my office last Christmas, I did a food bank drive as well as a drive for a local SPCA. While we did get a lot of good stuff for the shelter, I had been hoping for more because I know they need so much! I think I will try again in the fall.
Thanks for helping Daisy. We are hoping to get a shelter cat soon. Junior and I have to work on Daddy a little harder but I think he's starting to see the light!
We think that was super nice of you (and your Mom) to buy treats and toys for the shelter cats. Thanks for introducing us to them, we hope they get forever homes soon.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Those kitties are SO cute. My Mom wishes she could adopt all of them. But we already have 5 kitties in the house and for some reason the town we live in says that's all we can have. Thats a stupid rule, if you ask me.
Daisy, what a good an' purr-ecious kitty youz is ta dose who are less furr-tunate den youz. We came frum da shelterz when we was little kittenz an' our momma still goes dere ta hold an' ♥ da kittiez dat she can't takez home. She would yike dem all but she thinkz dat 50 would be too much fer da size of our house.
oh oh oh oh mommy is going SQUEEEEEEEEEEE all ofur the place and saying "i want cheesecake!!!" she keeps staring at him and his wonderful smile.
What wonderful cats all, and how wonderful that you brought some more joy into their lives!
What sweet kitties! My mom says she wishes she could bring each one of them home to live with us.
How wonderful! All of those kitties look like they would be purrfect at saving some bean who needs love. I've got my paws crossed that they find a bean to adopt soon!
Oh what a nice Mommy you have Daisy, I'm so glad that she and you bought toys and treats for the shelter kitties! :)
Oi, ouch, ok already... Setra says I have to tell you that Gimpet Baby Tabs are the bestest most yummy tasty treats ever and she can have 8 every day! Ok, now that's done apparently I can have my tail back! ;)
Daisy, you and your Mommy are so special (Harley too)! All of those kitties are beautiful and we are purring that they find forever homes very soon!
Wow, they are all such beautiful kitties. I'm betting they just loved all the goodies. You and your Mom are just great.
Oh, what a wonderful thing to do... you are good people and cats with huge hearts!
I love all the photos and want to take all of them home with me! I know I can't so my wish is that each and every one finds a wonderful home like you have.
Cheesecake looks just like a kid at christmas hugging that toy!!!
Thanks you for bringing some happiness to these lovely kitties!
what a special day! that is so sweet of you and your mom to share the toys and treats with the beautiful shelter kitties. thank you for sharing the pictures with us. and that little cheesecake is so sweet hugging his mousie.
That was so nice ans we enjoyed seeing the kitties getting their gifts.
That is such a wonderful thing to do for the shelter cats. Not only generously bringing them treats and toys, but then letting us see some of them enjoying them. We hope all these cats find homes soon!
That is great! How wonderful of your person to match that money so that you could do even more!
Awww, Daisy, this makes me feel so good to see the happiness you and your mommie brought to these kitties! I hope they all find forever homes very soon.
We bet those toys and treats made the day for those kitties. It was nice that your mom helped you out. We hope all those kitties find forever home soon.
Daisy you and your mommie are so generous. The publicist now wants to adopt all of those cats. She is always sad when she sees cats without forever homes. But given that there are 7 goats, 3 cats and 52 chickens here. Plus the three stray cats she feeds it's a crowded Farm.
I am very proud of you for spending your moneys that way!
We're happy because we voted for the treats! Thank you soooo much for introducing us to the kitties at the shelter. We love your sweet caring heart, and we think that your Mom is very special too:)
That was so great you got to do both!! Thanks for sharing the pictures of them enjoying. My favorite is Cheesecake. Love the name, and I think we would have fun playing together.
Oh goodness Daisy! That is so sweet of both you and your Mom! We love the pictures! Meowm wants all those babies! If only we had a bigger place and lots of money!!!
Daisy - you are such a nice cat to donate your monies to the shelter cats! I wish I lived in Florida so I could meet these lucky ones in person. Cheesecake and Jack are so cute!
Oh Daisy, yoor mom is so sweet to match yoor moneys so dat da kitties can haf toys and treats. We just love dat piksher of Cheesecake wif her little "teddy mouse". It really shows how much da shelter kitties apreeshiate even a little thing like a toy of der own. We purray dat all dem kitties find der forever homes soon.
Great news that your mom doubled the monies you could spend, Daisy! You got really cool stuff for the kitties. It made us very happy to see that your presents made them happy. Great idea!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
You and your Mom are awesome for helping out at the shelter, Daisy! They're all so cute.
Daisy, thank you so much for sharing all those fabulous photos of your mommy's visit to the shelter. It looks like all the cats really enjoyed the treats and toys. You're such a wonderful girl for sharing the love and your mommy with them!
Awww...the Woman and I both REALLY like the picture of Cheesecake hugging his new toy. That's so cute that even I can't be snarky about it.
I hope all those kitties find good forever homes soon.
Well, Daisy, now you've done it. You made our Mom cry.
It's okay, she's crying because she just loves seeing happy kittehs.
She is forbidden to go to the shelter for a little while, cause Mom always wants to bring all da kittehs home with her. Can you believe there are three of us now, and Dad wasn't even sure he wanted even ONE kitteh? Mom sure showed him the error of his ways.
You are a very sweet and thoughtful girl to bring so much happiness to those shelter kitties, Daisy. Bless you.
Daisy, that was so nice of you and your mommy to give the cats at Cats Exclusive some treats and toys!
I just had a parking lot kitty I feed her at work spayed over there... they are such nice people! I released her this morning and everything is all good. So happy she's back home -- and happy all these cats got their goodies!
Thank you for sharing these pics!
Daisy it was so good of you and your mom to think of getting stuff for those shelter kitties. I hope they find homes soon. They are all adorable - I wish I could take them all myself! We have a few no kill shelters around here, one where we got Floyd at more than 13 years ago - we try to support them as much as possible.
That is a good thing you did, Daisy :-) I hope all of those kitties will find their forever homes soon! And all the other kitties in the shelter, too!
CHEESECAKE! What a great photo!!
-Bogdan's Mom
awww.... thanks to your Mommie Daisy..for showing us the great pics of the cats! What a fun time it was and how great to add a little love to their day. I love little Cheesecake hugging his mousie....so cute... and Miles.... what a beauty he is! Oh, boy..... some day...I will have a cat...... and I'll get me one from a lovely place just like this.
Awww Daisy! That last kitty looks like me...only kitty version!
You are so good to help out all those kitties...& your mama matching monies...wonderful!
Love & licks,
It was great of you and your mom to give the kitties treats and toys! they seem to appreciate it a lot. I hope they all find great loving homes!
Mom says she is in love with a couple of the kitties, but we told her 4 is enough. That was so nice of you to give them treats and toys.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
You and your mum are so kind to those kitties. We liked seeing the photos of them. Cheesecake is adorable with his mousie.
Oh Daisy, that was so nice of your mommy to match your monies so you could get treats and toys for those deserving kitties! Thank you for sharing their photos as they enjoy your presents!
Daisy and Harley
Youw genewosity to those sheltew kitties is wondewful.
They all looked so happy to get the toys and tweats.
All of them awe pwecious and I hope they find loving fuwwevew homes soon
smoochie kisses
Me and mom LOVE buying and bringing treats and toys to our shelter in Waterford. The kitties are so sweet and the doggies are peppy and very cute!
I think you made these kitties very happy Daisykins
What a kind thing to do. You can see how much those kitties loved the treats and toys.
I hope they all find happy furever homes soon with responsible and loving owners.
They are all so lovely, it makes me sad to think they are still waiting for furever homes.
Emmy the Cat (a happy ex-rescue kitty)
What a sweet bunch of kitties!!!!!!
We will purr very hard for them to get forever homes :)
Mom thinks Cheesecake & Jack are neat cats. But then ,all are sweet. That's because they're cats!
We are happy they got toys & treats!!! Tell your Mom 'thanks'!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Wow, that wuz a vary nice thing of yoo to do, Daisy... and yer mom, too! I'm gonna ask my FL if we can adopt one of those shelter cats. I espeshully like Cheezecake. I think we cood be bestest frends.
Daisy, you and your mommie are very sweet to give such a wonderful surprise to the kitties at Cats Exclusive.
We just LOVED your pictures! they were fantastic!
That was great! I bet it felt like Christmas in there!
I loved seeing all those adorable kitties Daisy! I am so happy that they enjoyed their toys and treats. You and your Mommie are just wonderful to do that for them. We need more no "you know what" shelters in every state.
Maybe after seeing these kitties, someone who lives nearby will adopt one or two.
Have a happy evening!
Your mummy is the bestest! They are all adorable!
Oh, Daisy! What a nice thing you and your Mommie did. You brought much happiness to those little kitties. I hope they all get a furrever home soon.
Hi, Daisy!
I am so happy that all of them enjoyed the toys and the treats!
I hope they find a forever home soon!
Kisses and hugs
How nice of you for you and your mommie to work together to get both toys and treats for the kitties at the shelter! They all are so adorable and we will purr really hard that they find their forever families soon!
What a wonderful thing to do!!!
They're all so sweet! Thank you for donating to the shelter cats, and I hope they all find homes soon!
Oh, squeeeeeeeeee! They are all so cute and obviously appreciative of your and your Mommie's generosity Daisy! I so wish I could give every one of them a furever home, but sadly I'm too far away ::sob::. I so, so hope they all find loving homes very soon! Please keep us updated :) xxx
What a wonderful thing you and your mommy did for those adorable kitties!
Oh how sweet!! What lucky kitties, hope they get even luckier.
Awwwww.........thanks for sharing all those cute kitties with us!! It looks like they all had fun & food! Miles looks a lot like Mr. Tigger!
Your FL furiends,
That was a solution worthy of King Solomon, Daisy. Let the cats at Cats Exclusive have *both* toys and treats. We can see they all deserve as many good things as they can get!
Those were such wonderful photos! We hope they all find forever homes. They are all so sweet. That was so nice of you all to help them.
Daisy, you and your mommy are doing such a great thing for all our anipals! We're really proud of your efforts!
Every single one of those kitties is adorable - we are so glad they are in a rescue place with a "no kill" policy. It would break our hearts to think the worst could happen.
We hope they ALL find wonderful forever homes. Thank you for being so generous Daisy and Harley.
If I lived near you, I would adopt Black Jack. I have a soft spot for big, chunky, black and white Mancats. I used to live with one called Noddy, but he went to the Rainbow Bridge a few years ago.
Cute kitties. Looks like they enjoyed their surprises. How fun!
Oh, my gosh. I love them all. Daisy, I know your Mommie works very hard with you and Harley to get you to pose real pretty, but how does she do it with all those shelter cats, too???
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay those ar sum kyoot kitties in fakt dada is abowt reddy to jump in his car and drive over and pik up panda however trouble herd him tawking abowt it and hid the car keys in her litter boks so i wil hav to go find them and dig them owt layter!!! ha ha no i am just mayking that up so i hav a reezon to dig in the litter boks shhhh dont tel ok bye
Wow those kitties are very happy thanks to you and your Mommy! We hope they find their forever homes very soon!
Daisy & Harley + You Lovely Mommie,
What beautiful souls you all possess. Your generosity and caring is such a lovely gift to us, your readers and friends. We appreciate all of the loving things you do.
Love From Maryland,
Theresa, Joe & Bobby
Hmm I cant remember wut I voted fer but after seeing Cheesecake and his gray mouse I am glad you getted toys fer the kittys. That wuz the cutest pitcher ever!! Thanks fer spending yer munny this way. I am gonna ask my Mummy to do the same thang!
Yer pal Dozer
What a nice thing you did Daisy and Daisy's mom! The kitties sure looked happy for the special treats and toys!
Daisy you and your mum are so wonderful to do this for shelter kitties!
I want to snorgle them all! Don't you think that Jack looks like Little Isis?
Oh, that was so thoughtful of you. I love the look of Cheesecake with his new toy. It is sad too that they don't have a "forever" home. All of the kitties deserve one.
What a great thing you did!
Awwww, those shelter cats are enjoying their toys & treats. We hope they all find forever homes soon, too.
Oh Daisy! You are so nice to give gifts and treats to shelter cats! I hope those kitties get nice homes.
awww.. this post just warms my heart. As someone who fosters shelter kitties, it is so nice to see them getting treats
What a wonderful thing to do with your money, Daisy. And nice of your mom to match your donation. It looks like they all enjoyed their treats and toys.
This is SOOOOOOOO nice! You've inspired me to go help out at our local SPCA. I recently donated a necklace for them to raffle, but thought it would make me too sad. I see from your post, that will nt be the case. THANKS for keeping up w/ Coco :)
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