Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: Harley Gets Grass


81 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

Somecat likes grass a lot! Is it special grass, or just gras?

Huffle Mawson

Manny said...

We love cat grass! Hope we get some more sometime.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your grass looks very tasty Harley. It looks like your mum is trying to tickle your tonsils!

~Story said...

hahahah when does the "URRP" and horking happen?? we always hork after we eet grass

Anonymous said...

OH Harley.. you has the greatest mouths and look at that tiny skinny little blade you get.. hrrmmph hehe
How nommy is it though huh???? huh?? hehe

Anonymous said...

Harley, we love grass, do you?

Mom embiggened that last photo and it looks like your mouth is very healthy at the moment! Hooray!

We also looked up your nostrils a little bit. We are very sorry.

BK said...

Looks like Harley was having fun with the grass.

PDX pride said...

We love cat grass here! Yum!!!

Anonymous said...

Those are GREAT photos of Harley enjoying his grass! We especially like the last can see all the way down his goozle!

Nom, nom, nom.....

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Nom nom nom!

I had some this morning from around my tree!


Kathy said...

Mmmm, yummy grass! One of my cats likes to go outside and eat from a large tuft of grass that grows long next to our patio. We call it The Salad Bar. She loves it!

Trish said...

THAT is so funny!!!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Is it good Harley? Fenris is eating a pancake today on our blog. ~S,S, C & F

The Monkeys said...

Great pictures! We love cat grass too

AM said...

Yummy yummy! It sure looks like your enjoying some greens.

Hansel said...


Katie Faulkner said...

HeeHee! Looks like Harley didn't want Mom playing with his new grass!

Patrice said...

Does the grass taste good, Harley? You look good on your photo with a wide open mouth.

Parker said...

Yum! Grass is groovy!

The Florida Furkids said...

YUM! Cat Grass is very tasty! You look so cute eating it too!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Island Cats said...

That grass looks nommie, Harley!

The Creek Cats said...

Nom nom nom!! We love grass too!

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

Ooooo! I wantz sumz, 2! MY silly hoomin bean getz ME grassiez likez dat but he iz 2 lazyz 2 makez dem growz. OK?

Sweet Purrfections said...

That's cool. My mom has some seeds for me and she promised to plant them when she gets ho9me so I can have my own grass to try.

Anonymous said...

cat grass fascinates me. It's a salad for a kitty!

Anonymous said...

Well look at your Harley, getting hand fed some delicious grass. Nice.

Lin said...

My two LOVE grass--but then it comes back up, like the gift that keeps on giving. Ugh.

i beati said...

wow he has a deep throat , and seems to love a grass salad..sandy

Forever Foster said...

Ooooh did you love it? It looks like lovely fresh grass. Our cat grass is usually a little bit on the dead side.

Cory said...

Open WIDE!!!!

CCL Wendy said...

Harley, efun though you're eating grass, you're a real ham! I 'specially like that last shot!

Donna said...

That's a funny way to mow the lawn.

Russ said...

Almost looks like she is picking her teeth.

Maureen said...

Oooh! I haven't bought cat grass for our kitties for a long time... good reminder to get them some again! It sure looks like Harley is enjoying his!

sara said...

Yeah, seriously, how do you keep them from puking it everywhere?

Unknown said...

ohhh Harley eat glass like treats so funny!!! get more glass and you can has healthey poop!!

Dma said...

max the cat used to love grass so much i thought he was part cow.

JD at I Do Things said...

Harley, I don't know if it's necessary to open your mouth QUITE that wide for one single stalk of grass!

Janet said...

Tinsel thinks that grass looks very tasty!

AB clan said...

We love grass too. Uncle's U grows some corn grass to us

ViVi & AB

Your Daily Cute said...

Harley loves his grass!

Guess what?! Harley made it on today! It's his wrinkles video... so cute. Love it! love your videos! :)

Anya said...

Lovely shots from eating grass :)
Realy good action pictures !!
purrss to all =^.^=

Contrariwise said...

...nom, nom, nom....

Harley looks so happy!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

is that something like daisy does dallas? or harley has a harley?

smiles, auntie bee

Jennifer @ Mom Spotted said...

Looks yummy haha!

Mr. Hendrix said...

mmm grass! you are so lucky Harley! i love cat grass. it looks like you do too!

guess what? i got my Daisy Hallmark cards in the mail! mommy took a picture. they are so cool!


Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Is that the wacky grass Harley? We bet it is!!! It looks like you are loving it!!!

Puglette said...

what cute photos! it looks like harley is eating spaghetti. have fun!

ragdoll cat breeders said...

I just want to say hy..
this is the first time I make a comment..
and I think.. U have a nice blog..


brokenteepee said...

Our Farm cats eat outside grass and then come inside and throw it up. The publicist thinks it's yucky. Your grass looks much nicer...

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We can tell you enjoy your grass!

Shaggy and Scout said...

We love catgrass too!

Anonymous said...

Good thing dat dere isn't any meowing. Not good ta do dat wif youz mouf full 'a noms.

BumbleVee said...

gaaaaack..... whew.... almost made me gag at the last one.... lol......

Randi said...

didn't know Harley enjoyed a good grass salad!

love & licks,

Country Cats said...

That looks nomolicious!

Sarah Coggins said...

Yummy! Chester's the grass addict in our house. :)

Eduardo said...

Yummy! Grass is so good!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Samantha & Mom said...

Cool pictures!! We can see Harley likes the grass alot!!
Your FL furiends,

Quill and Greyson said...

Yum Yum!!

Scrooge said...

I likes grass.

I eats it outsides when we go for our walks.

But I not allowed to walk in poison ivies to get to the grass some places.

Motor Home Cats said...

That looks really good Harley. Was that your first time trying it?

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

meemsnyc said...

Ooooh Harley, it sure looks like you are enjoying the grass.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Grazing in da grass is a gas!

Pinky Ash and Boo said...

Looks very yummy Harley.

Black Cat said...

Oh Harley, those are lovely photos of you! ConCATulations on being on Your Daily Cute too! :) xxx

Anonymous said...

I just love to eat grass! You are very clever to have your own pot of grass in the house:) ~Crikey

Mo and The Purries said...

Yay for yummy cat grass, Harley!
And since we know that your sister Daisy won't eat it, it's all YOURS!
Daphne & Chloe
and mo

Cat with a Garden said...

Cat grass is so nom-able, isn't it Harley? We get two types here in Germany, the one you got and the one in my picture. They are both delicious!
Purrs, Siena

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh you make that cat grass look fantastic. I should lobby for some!

Fluffy and Bonkers said...

hmmmmmm... That looks tasty!

Fluffy and Bonkers

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

we loves our wheat grass too...Teri says it's hard to get all the little pieces out of the carpet when it's wet after we throw it up, but she says it's worth it cuz we enjoy it so much! She got a yellow pot to put our grass in cuz sometimes we drag the clump and put it in our water bowl!

Lorenza said...

Is it tasty, Harley??
Kisses and hugs

Rebecca said...


The Oceanside Animals said...

For medicinal purposes, I hope!

The Cat Realm said...

WOW!!! That Harley REALLY likes his grass!!!
And maybe you might have watched the latest CCSI caper already (we are beyond being organized!) - but if you didn't - you got to check it out!!! It is done totally different than the others and just way cool!!!

BeadedTail said...

Looks like Harley really likes that grass! Is that Raw food helping him out too?

Milo and Alfie said...

That looks so tasty. We didn't know there was a speshull type of cat-grass! Does it have a proper name? or is it acshually called cat-grass?

Thoughts said...

Great pictures! Harley seems so excited!

Theodore and Sasha

The Crew said...

Oh Harley, I LOVE catgrass. I hope you don't mind if I stop by to try to bite or two.


Sunny's Mommy said...

Cat grass is very yummy!!

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