Saturday, May 2, 2009

Photo Hunters: Walking

The Photo Hunters theme this week is walking. I only get to go walking in my stroller. But my Mommie has walked in some more interesting places, so I will show you some of those pictures.
These old pictures are scanned, so the picture quality is a little bit No Good. This is from way before I was borned. My Mommie used to live in Tampa, and she went hiking on some of the trails in central Florida. It looks like sometimes it was very muddy!
Here is another real old one! My Mommie said this is Snow Valley Peak in Nevada. You can see Lake Tahoe in the background. I think that's a lot of walking!
This picture is more recent. It's called Old Rag Mountain in Virginia. There are lots of rocks to climb around on! Did you know I used to live in Virginia?
This is Harpers Ferry. When you do this hike, you get to walk through Virginia, Maryland and West Virginia. Mommie, don't fall down!
ps: Here is the fancy hat I am going to wear for the Kentucky Derby today!


84 Notes for Daisy:

Country Cats said...

Your Mommie has been walking lots of places. Our Mom likes to hike, too! You look gorgeous in your hat. Are you feeling better?

Skeezix the Cat said...

Did yoo enter the Derby Day strole on Catster? Just tag yer pikcher with "Derby 09". And a shot that shows yer nice tummy wood impress the judges.

Cheyenne -Millie said...

We hope you are feeling better!!! Those are really nice walking pictures!

Donna said...

Wow! I live near Tampa! Wow!

I could have seen your Mom's footprints! :)

gemmak said...

Your mommie has certainly strolled in some interesting places...maybe you could get an all terrain stroller and go with her! ;o) Hope your sneezes are better now :o)

Lynn said...

Wow, that picture in Old Rag Mountain is great! Huge rocks!

jams o donnell said...

Your Mom certainly has hiked in some beautiful areas. and you look stunning in your hat for the Derby! Happy weekend

CJ said...

What a pampered kitty. I think mine is spoiled, but she doesn't have her own stroller. Love your stylish hat.

ZOOLATRY said...

Walkin's good for all of us. PS we went to Harpers Ferry too... but
the big hole in the ground that said it had John Brown's arms in it scart us, we didn't want to see someones arms, so we ranned away.

Teddy Westlife said...

Are you feeling better now Daisy? Your mummy has been walking in some very pretty places!

And I love your Derby hat!

Huffle Mawson

Anonymous said...

Your Mommie likes to do lots of walking! Too bad to don't get to go strollering anymore.

Daisy, you always make me laugh - and that is a very good thing! Your Kentucky Derby hat made my day!

G&G's Grampy is looking forward to the Derby. He's been talking about it for days now!

Gemma Wiseman said...

Your Mummy does some real serious walking!

And Daisy, I am sure that bright, smart hat makes you feek a whole lot better!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We're very impressed by all the beautiful places where your mommy has walked, Daisy, but we are MOST impressed by your hat!!!

Anonymous said...

Aloha from Maui, Hawaii...

Great pictures for this week's PH theme!

Hope you're feeling better too:)
Stop by & visit
Thank you,
Cindy O

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Wowsie...your mommy looks beautiful while hiking!

Are you feeling better sweet Daisy? You do look lovely in your hat!

Tara R. said...

Lovely hat, you will be the best dressed kitty at the Derby.

Great hiking shots! Makes me miss the mountains of Tennessee.

gengen said...

Oh walking in the rocky mountains is really cool and fun. Good take for the theme. Mine is ready too.

The Florida Furkids said...

Those are all good walking photos! We love your Derby hat!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cat with a Garden said...

Your mom did some very beautiful walks! We think it's great you didn't have to do them too. Now, that striller is a different story, that could be interesting.
We hope you're feeling better day by day, sweet Daisy.

Parker said...

When Mommy and Daddy go to Lake Tahoe this month maybe she will walk that trail too!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We loves your hat for the Derby. Your Mom has done a lot of walking in some very pretty places. Thank you for showing us the pictures. ~S,S,C & F

CCL Wendy said...

I love that stroller! I was thinking of getting one -- it's just too cool. Your mommy seems to like places that are very high up. I bet it would be hard to bring your stroller on those walks.

BTW, your derby hat is furry becoming (becoming what I don't know, but becoming anyway).

i beati said...

I lived very close to Harpers Ferry most of my life , the other in Florida. You hat is truly fashionista.

Team Tabby said...

Your mommy does a lot of walking! We really like your fetching hat, Daisy!

Forever Foster said...

Your mum has walked in some beautiful places. It looks like she has made some great heights:)

You are gorgeous as ever in your hat:)

The Island Cats said...

Those are nice places where your mom walked.

Daisy, we love your Derby outfit! Are you feeling well enough to watch today? That's good. Daisy, you make us smile!

Connie - Tails from the Foster Kittens said...

Nice hat!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Daisy you look lovely in your Derby hat!
Your Mommie sure is brave to go walking in all those high places. You take after her with your circus acts.
~ Shorty of The Bunch

Sweet Purrfections said...

Nice walking photos.

Daisy, I just love your Kentucky Derby hat. I hope you are feeling better today.

The Furry Bambinos said...

Dear Daisy, We hope that you will get all better real soon! We are purring for you! BTW, that is a spiffy chapeau you have on for the derby!

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

RJ Flamingo said...

What pretty areas your Mommie has hiked through! JJ only gets to go out in her stroller or playpen, too, but your stroller looks like a race car by comparison!

I love your hat!!! Happy Derby Day! I hope you'll find time to visit & say hi to the Queen! Heeeheeeheee!

Scrooge said...

I likes walking!! Especially now there is cheeses.

Your hat is very cute but I still wouldn't wear it.

Unknown said...

aW DAISY YOU LOOK SO CUTE IN YOUR DERBY HAT. Its almost like your on a fox hunt.
Great pictures of your mommy. Hiking is a great pastime.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, heard you were a little under the weather from my wife, a more regular reader than I. Hope you're feeling better.

Also who is this owner? Nice to see photos of her once in a while. :)

Sarge Charlie said...

Well Miss Daisy, I do hope you are feeling better, those are some wonderful photos, I have been to Lake Tahoe and Harpers Ferry. You look so cool in your Derby Bonnet

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Very nice photos! The second and third look odd at first glance, because it looks like Mommie is wearing the same clothing-- and therefore it appears that she was in the swamps and the snowy mountains all on one walk, LOL!

Mine is up. I hope you have time to check it out.
Happy weekend!

JD at I Do Things said...

Your Mommie must be in great shape! She's lucky to have had so many great places to walk. It's pretty flat and boring here in Illinois.

P.S. I love your Kentucky Derby hat!

Cory said...

Those are all great places to walk Daisy! I think it's nice your mommie does the walking and you get to ride along in the stroller. Saves your paw pads from getting rough.

L. Alida said...

Your Mommie has been to such pretty places Daisy. She must have had such fun!
Are you feeling better? No more nose bubbles? I have been worried! You look so cute in your Derby hat. Will you have a Nip Julip?
Have a really happy, get better weekend honey,

Dma said...

looks like your mom has done a lot of walking. and in a lot of beautiful places. love the derby hat.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i just love harper's ferry! such an interesting place. i hope you are feeling better daisy, your hat is wonderful!

smiles, auntie bee

BumbleVee said...

hope you are feeling much better today for the Derby Daisy....

your Mom is pretty fit! good for her! a lean mean hiking machine....

Unknown said...

I love the great photos that your Mommie took. Have always wanted to go to Harper's Ferry. Daisy you look fabulous in your Derby hat!

Unknown said...

Come on over to my place and pick up an award I gave you!

Mo and The Purries said...

Daisy, your derby hat is very stylish!
Your mommie has certainly gone on lots of walks! Hopefully you'll be all-better soon and you and your mommie can go for a stroller walk!
and The Purries

Puglette said...

Daisy, your derby hat is just perfect!! your mommie has done lots of hiking in some beautiful places. she is very brave to climb so high!

Motor Home Cats said...

Our Mom has been to Harper's Ferry and to Lake Tahoe. We like your hat for Derby Day.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Mickey's Musings said...

The most WALKING we get to do is indoors!!
Mom likes to go WALKING outside too:)
We really like your Derby hat. You will be the prettiest cat at the Derby!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Jadielady said...

Hey Daisy! I did not know you used to live in Virginia, I live there!
I hope you're feeling better!

The Oceanside Animals said...

Old Rag! My wife and I climbed that in 1997. We went up via the main route and came back down via an alternate route through the deep woods, so it was about a ten-hour trip if I remember correctly. That was a great hike!

Anonymous said...

I love your Kentucky Derby hat. Did you know I used to live in Virginia too?

Us4 Cats said...

you dont look so happy with the derby hat on- give it to bean and tell her to take it on a hike. : )

brokenteepee said...

Wow! Your Mommie walks like our male person. He has walked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon. He even walked back up again! I am glad you are feeling better. You look so pretty in your fancy hat.

We couldn't participate in photo hunters because Kevin doesn't walk...he hops.

Anonymous said...

All great photos,.... and love the hat!!! So adorable!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are great places to go walking. I think next time she goes she should take you n her stroller.

Carl said...

Hahahaha... Love that red hat for the Kentucky Derby.

Anonymous said...

What a nice had, Daisy! My female human would love to go walking with your mum!
The story goes on. Visit my blog.

Anonymous said...

Oh, what beautiful scenery! You have your very own stroller, Daisy? We were just telling Patches and Nemo, that our Mama saw a lady pushing a doggie in a stroller!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures Daisy! We heard you were feeling poorly and wanted to send you get well wishes! Hope your up to snuff soon!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I would be GLAD to take woo fur a walk...wink wink!

Tank woo fur sharing the pikhs of your mom walking thru all those states!

Tres belle chapeau aussi!

As-tu une mint julep?


impNERD said...

Awesome scenery. I really miss the outdoors. I grew up in Kansas, so I took it for granted most of the time. I live in Texas now, but the outdoor life isn't really that well in this part.

Alex the Blogging Kat said...

O, Daisy, ur mommie walkz lotz ob placez! Dat bery nice. OK?

Dun u knowz dat today iz da Kentucky Derby here in Louisville and dat lotz ob ladiez wearz perty hatz to da race track? U hab a perty hat, 2!

Kren, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

No, I didn't know you used to live in Virginia. Your mommy has traveled a lot! I take it she likes hiking! Love your hat, very appropriate for the Kentucky Derby! Hope you are feeling back to normal.

BeadedTail said...

Those are great pictures of your mommie walking! She's been to lots of pretty places! But none are as pretty as you are in your Derby hat! Hope you are feeling better too!

storyteller said...

Fun photos of your mom walking ... LOVE your Derby Hat for sure!!!
Hugs and blessings,

Milo and Alfie said...

Daisy that is a very stylish hat! You look a dream-boat in it!

The pics of your Mom are lovely.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Your Mommy has done a lot of walking. We like your derby hat!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Your mommie has been walking at some very interesting places. Those are some really cool pictures. I love your Kentucky Derby hat!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

I'm getting tired just looking at all those hiking spots!!!

Love the hat Daisy!!!

Black Cat said...

Love those walking pictures. I wish I could climb up high but, alas, I'm scairt of heights. The hat is lovely Daisy. Hope you're feeling better soon sweetie :) xxx

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

yer mommie iz doin allotta walkin, yes daisy?
u look byootiful in yer kentucky derby hat.

Rebecca said...

Daisy, I think you should make a Daisy Calendar with all your best pictures, and this one with the hat is really good, it looks perfect on you!

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Wow! Your mum is such an active person. People who go hiking get to see the most beautiful sights. I guess that's the reward (apart from keeping fit). Speaking of fit, that's a very fitting hat to wear for the Derby. Lovely! Hope you're feeling better, Daisy.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
Your stroller is pawesome!
Thanks for sharing your mom's walkings!
Kisses and hugs

Adan and Lego and Michico said...

Your mommy have been walked so many places~!! That is wonderful~!!!!
I bet you can smell many different smell from those locations while your mommy back everytime~

AM said...

We are jealous of the places your mom has been "walking".
Your derby hat is way better than any I saw on TV today!

Dream Mom said...

Looks like your Mommy has been to some nice places. Beautiful scenery!

Love your Derby hat! It looks beautiful!

Maureen said...

Wow Daisy's Mommie! You ARE a hiker! Sad to say, you would leave me in the dust.

Daisy, I love your hat... very prosh indeed. Hope you are feeling better now!

Stephanie said...

Daisy your hat is beautiful!!

I used to live in Tampa too before I moved to Wyoming!

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely adorable☺ We tinks dat we should ask our momma ta get uz one ob dem stroller thingies. Dey lookz kinda fun! Youz has a good momma. She is keepin' youz safe.

Katie said...

I love that stroller, it is so cute! I would like one for Puddy but it's a little too expensive, so she'll just have to keep wearing her harness!

Best online Stock Broker said...

My cats would have eaten those lizards, not make a purse out of them! Haha.

srp said...

Daisy, I somehow don't think you would enjoy some of those places unless you were in your stroller. The cats and the dog (also a Daisy) here... do not like to walk very far... they are couch potatoes. But we are all in Virginia too!

Samantha & Mom said...

That is so cool that your Mommie likes to walk and she has been to some cool places to do it! We love your Derby hat, too!
Your FL furiends,

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