Thursday, June 4, 2009

A Funny Visitor!

So, as part of my SPYCAT duties, I was doing SURVEILLANCE. And LOOK what I saw! A funny bird. In my YARD! This bird is called a White Ibis.
He got very CLOSE to my house! But I do not think he is DANGEROUS. I think he was using his funny BEAK to look for BUGS.
Here is a BIGGER picture of him. We had to photograph him from INSIDE so he would not fly away. That is why the picture is not very GOOD.
Good-Bye, Mr. Ibis. Thank you for VISITING me. I hope you got some good BUGS to eat. Please SAVE some for me!


81 Notes for Daisy:

Freya's Staff said...

You get funny birds outside your house Harley!

I think you should have chased it away, in case it was a SPY!

Setra said...

Ooh that is a funny looking birdy, we don't have any birdies that look like that in our garden... However we do sometimes see one with great big long legs a bit like that, but he lives on fishes so we don't want him visiting us and stealing from our, ok, ok, Tigmut'hep's froggy pond which has a few fishes in it... I think he's called a herron, though Uncle Ramses thinks he might be the kitten bringing stalk! ;)

Setra (age 15.5 weeks)

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

What a gorgeous ibis! You're lucky to have such a beautiful and elegant visitor!

Anonymous said...

Great snooping, Harley! Aren't birds interesting? We hope he had plenty to eat!

Kathy said...

Harley, you're lucky to have funny birds visit you. Boy, the water is so close to your house! Last summer, two ducks would come to visit our house every day for three weeks. They would fly in, stay a while, then fly away. We don't know why they visited because there is no water in my yard. But we loved their visits. We named them Fred and Ethyl. I miss them.

Lily Locke said...

Glad you saw the bird. You're lucky. I saw the first turkey vulture of the season yesterday.

If they only weren't threatened...


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Wow, he got very close to your house. They are very pretty birds. We likes to watch them when they are flying but they move so fast we can't get a picture of them in flight. We haven't seen any at our pond in awhile so it was nice to see yours. ~S,S,C & F

The Monkeys said...

We've never seen a bird like that around here!

You're a wonderful SPYCAT, Harley. Nothing escapes you!

The Island Cats said...

That's a pretty interesting birdie, Harley...we've never seen one of those on our lawn!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a funny looking bird Harley. We don't get any with big long beaks like that. In the winter we get some that look similar and they are called Egrets. They go in our fields but don't come close to our house and they only stay for about two months.

Meghann said...

Wow, that is SO cool! What a gorgeous bird - though not as pretty as Daisy, nor nearly as handsome as Harley :)

The Florida Furkids said...

We get those silly birds at our house too. Sometimes there are big groups of them. Those beaks are pretty cool. You're a really good spy to be able to watch him and not scare him away.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Hansel said...

Oh fanks fanks fur comin ta see benny's barkday partay yesserday!

an see harley, if yoo learn more DAISY skills dat bird will come hang out more. :)

RJ Flamingo said...

I think you got some very good pictures of the ibis, Harley. Sometimes, we'll get a flock of them just walking down the street, which is really funny looking!

Very cool visitor!

Sandy Kessler said...

Good training Harley I wonder what else you could spot??sandy

CCL Wendy said...

Harley -- that's so interesting! I nefur saw an ibis before. You sure are lucky to be able to watch from a safe place, too. I wouldn't want to get close to that beak!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Harley, that bird may have been spying on you! Better watch out.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Harley....that was one cute fevver! We hope he found lots of bugs to eat!

::HI DAISY!!!::

Forever Foster said...

Hi Harley! Sometimes ibises would come to visit us in Townsville. I used to try and stalk them on my lawn, but never did a very good job of getting close without them yelling at me. Did the ibis yell at you?

Liss said...

Oh this was exciting. What an interesting visitor to have had.

Cory said...

If I saw a birdie like that in my yard, I would chatter so much my chatterer would be exhausted. I'm guessing that birdie was not a spy just because spy's usually try to blend in so they aren't noticed.

Donna said...

I am glad you can be nice to the birdie. :)

Noll's Nip said...

My bean had to travel to Sanibel Island to add Mr. Ibis to her life list. How lucky you are to have them right in your own backyard!

Clarissa said...

We live in Kentucky so we never see birds like the ibis here. Mom said every now and then she will see a heron, though. And we had a wild turkey hen visit in our back yard once! That was exciting. Especially since we live in the 'burbs.

Mom also says all of the birds in Florida are so interesting.

Clarissa & Co

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You sure are doing a good job Spycat!
We've never seen a White Ibis and it was interesting to read about it. We also listened to it's sound. How nice that you can hear the real thing!

~ Jasmine and The Bunch

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oooh, what a great birdie and in your backyard! You spied him very well!

Meowers from Missouri said...

how long do you fink it took him to learn to walk on stilts like that??

Gemini said...

Harley, he was a very funny bird. You are a very good spy.

Dma said...

the sign of a good spy: the ibis was probably oblivious to the fact you were spying on him/her. good job 007.5.

JD at I Do Things said...

No, Harley, I do not think that bird is dangerous, but it is very beautiful. And I think you got some great pictures of it. You're so lucky to live in a place where you can see such beautiful birds!

The Creek Cats said...

Oh wow, we have some of those big birds in our yard too!! We will try to get a pic to show you! We also have ducks!

Unknown said...

omg you has boid bigger than u in your yard!! Where is you live I is coming over!!

The Furry Kids said...

That is one big bird! Holy cats!

Puglette said...

what a pretty bird! we don't get big birds like that in our yard, we have barky dogs. ;o)
good job of spying!

Scrooge said...

that bird looks kinda like our heron but not really cuz our heron is different colours and it eats fishes not bugs.

The Crew said...

That's very exciting, Harley. We never see big birdies like that in our yard.

Jodi's Book Reviews said...

Good job Harley, did you get a good treat for being such a great spy?

Lin said...

Big birds like those make Hobbes and Grace "chatter". Our Henry loved Bernice the Pigeon that stops by--I think that's the cat version of a turkey dinner!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a big bird. He is very interesting!

Nomi said...

I get pigeons in my garden and they make a mess everywhere ! There are also seagulls but they don't come to my garden....probably cos they are frightened of me !!

Anonymous said...

Gosh you're lucky to be able to bird-watch. My kitties would love that but we live in a city and there are no trees or birds.

LZ said...

That sure is an interesting bird. We don't have big birds here. Just jays...cardinals...etc.


brokenteepee said...

Oooh, where the publicist used to live in NJ they had BLACK Ibis. I wonder if they are related?

Mo and The Purries said...

Harley, that is SO cool that an ibis came to visit you!

Kelli said...

A spycat and a nature lover. I am impressed. I love your photos Harley. Your spycat skills are great.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Now that is one very purrty birdie! Great snoopervising, Harley.

Reese =^..^= said...

Dat is a furry funny birdie! I like looky outside your housey!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Great job on the spying!!! You did so well that birdie didn't even know you were there!

Milo and Alfie said...

WOW! How nice to have an Ibis visit your garden! You are excellent at Suveilance 007.5!

Love Milo and Alfie xx

BeadedTail said...

What a great Spycat you are to find such a funny bird! I've never seen one like that before. Thanks for finding it so I could see one!

Shaggy and Scout said...

He is kind of an alien looking bird, we think that beak of his could be some kind of spy antenna or surveillance apparatus to contact his home planet.

Anonymous said...

They are so neat looking Harley! WE used to get lots, but not white , where we used to live. They move so slow I bet we could have caught one hehe

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Maybe he wants your lizards!


jenianddean said...

Great spy work. I can tell you are well trained, because I would have probably pounced the window, and I know Josie would have huffed real loud at him for him to leave.

Maureen said...

Ha! That is so cool Harley! Great investigating... we sure don't get Ibises (Ibisi?) up here!!!

meemsnyc said...

That sure is a cool looking visitor. What unique birds Florida has!

Anonymous said...

Great Sleuthing Harley! Even though the photo was taken though the glass it is very good. I have never been this close to an Ibis before this. Thanks for sharing.


Uncle Bobby &
My Mommy

Debbie said...

You and Daisy have the best yard; Birds, lizards and an Ibis!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

that's exciting! i had a visitor too but mine was only the phone guy...

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

We don't have any birds like that here in Missouri! There is a big giant cardinal named Fred Bird, though. He attends all of the baseball games. We think that he might not be real.

Mr. Hendrix said...

What a funny looking bird! I'll bet you were amazed by him. Perhaps his super spy name is "Big Black Featherbird" Get it? So no one would know it is about him cause he has white fev-vers. hmmmm

I'll bet the spy world is hard. I hope he brings you lotsa bugs to play with, as well as super secret information...

Your Daily Cute said...

Oh, we have lots of those in our backyard, too! We call them "wacky birds" because they look wacky!

Meghann said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog - I always get nervous when saying things like prayer or faith - some people get very offended, even though that is not my intent. I just want to help.
Your encouragement is wonderful, thank you!
hugs to you and snuggles to the kitties :)

T said...

Hi, I just found your blog!

What a beautiful bird, and very awesome pictures!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

oh my cat, hahaha what a funny silly birdie. I would have been going crazzzzzy meowing and Pierro would have been hiding I think....

Amy & the house of cats said...

Wow Harley, you are so good at being a spycat! I have never seen a bird like that before - your pictures were great! And I am so impressed that you were able to be so good and not scare him away - a lot of cats would be so excited they might bang the glass. I guess that is your international spycat training.

And, speaking of international, I wanted to let you know I am giving you and Daisy the International Blogger Award because you guys have such a great blog! You can pick it up at my blog, House of Cats

The Devil Dog said...

That is a really cool bird. You got some great photos. But I don't think you would like bugs, Harley. Then again, you might.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Michico saw one at Australia, too. But with black mouth, I think yours visitor has better look!
It must be truly exciting seeing birdy outside your window walking around!

SophieKitty said...

This proves what a good spy you are, Harley. The bird didn't even notice you.

Misha said...

Did you show him the bug that you and Daisy found in that video?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Be careful, that looks like a vishus pokey beak birdie...

Anonymous said...

You did good by keeping a close eye on that ibis, Harley. Just because it looked like an ibis does not mean it was not a vishus deer in disguise.

Lorenza said...

Hi, Harley!
You had a very interesting visitor!
Sure he was not a spy!
Kisses and hugs

Quill and Greyson said...

Very exotic!

David said...

Cool post! Cool bird! Cool photos! Cool blog!
But Daisy, you are the coolest of them all. Seriously, if only people could be as chilled and hip as you ;)

Viveca from FatigueBeGone! said...

Daisy was so sweet to your visitor. I don't my Simon would have simply watched by the window ...

I have an indoor bird, office bird actually. Peetie is a cutie-pie cockatiel who Simon watches with a "tweetie-bird" gleam in his eye!



Anonymous said...

Harley that bird wuz very big! It looked like chikken size. You wuz very brave to watch it.

Yer pal Dozer

Boris Kitty said...

That was great detective work on that big strange birdie. I never saw such a big one like dat in my yard. I would be very frightened.

heidi said...

Wow Harley what an amazing find!!!!! We love that bird!!!!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Wow!!! Now that is what we call bird-watching!

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

Sunny's Mommy said...

I hope Mr. Ibis comes back to visit you again :-)

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