Friday, June 5, 2009

Fashion Friday: A Fancy Print Top

Today I am modeling a fancy print top. I looked through my wardrobe and noticed that I do not have many outfits with a pattern, so this is a good addition. It has shiny black things stuck all around the neckline. I do not know what they are called. Doodads, I guess.
This top has elastic along the bottom. I will turn sideways so you can see. This is not very figure-flattering.
Here, I will wear my little top with my black corduroy skirt! That's much better.
It might not be a Good Idea to model a black skirt against a black background. Can you still see me?


75 Notes for Daisy:

suzanna said...

Oh Daisy, you sure have very pretty tops!

Misha said...

Not your best fashion moment, Daisy! I think you always look prettiest in your birthday suit anyway! :)

Forever Foster said...

That's a Daisylicious outfit, little lady:)

i beati said...

quite lovely - blends with your pinks in your hairs ??Sandy have a fun weekend

gemmak said...

I agree with Misha, your birthday suit is your very bestest one but you do look pretty with your little doodahs :o)

The Monkeys said...

You and your doodads look very pretty, Daisy! Happy Friday

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you totally pulled that look off with panache and flair! We think it would be the biggest Fashion Faux Pas EVER (and would certainly be the season opener of What Not To Wear) if Mom ever tried that look! :-D

Anonymous said...

We do not know much about fashion, but we know what we like! Doodads become you, Daisy...

RJ Flamingo said...

Totally cute, Daisy! Although I think corduroy might be a tad warm for summer in Florida, no? A charming look for you - love the colors and pattern...night on the town with Skeezix?

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, that's a great outfit you are modelling today!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Your pretty top looks lovely with your black skirt.

Parker said...

DooDads go with everything!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

What a pretty top. It's purrfect to wear to MoMo's graduation. Can you believe she is a Dr. now. ~S,S,C & F

Meghann said...

Oh my gosh, you are adorable! So patient and pretty. I do like your fur showing though, the patterns on your fur are beautiful :)

CCL Wendy said...

Yes, Daisy, it's much more becoming when you see the whole outfit togefur! You are such a purrofessional model! Of course, I see you have actually made a career out of it -- congratulations on your Hallmark of fame!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, any little lady would be thrilled to have even half of the clothes you manage to model! You need to go right give your momma the biggest purr EVER! She ♥s you very much!

The Creek Cats said...

We think you look picture purrfect, doodads and all!!

Duni said...

OMG, I love this outfit Daisy! You're so professional you make any outfit look fabulous!

Sammy :)

The WriggleButts said...

I agree - it looks better with the skirt! It's a really cute top.


Split Rock Ranch said...

Daisy, you look gorgeous no matter what you wear!

arbed and edgar said...

Another outstanding modeling session, beautiful Daisy!

JD at I Do Things said...

I see you, Daisy! I love the doodads. I wear a lot of clothes with doodads, too. But they do not look as cute on me.

Donna said...

That's so kewt! I don't has a dress like dat.

Poppy Q said...

Very stylish Miss D.

Meowers from Missouri said...

oh, daisy, we finks that is YOU! how summery an' sweet--skeezy will swoon!!

Dma said...

i'm just glad harley decided to sit this modeling session out.

Janet said...

That outfit is really sweet on you, Daisy! You could wear it to the library or out to lunch. It's very pretty! :-)

The Florida Furkids said...

You have superb fashion sense - putting that skirt together with the top makes a pawsome outfit!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Maureen said...

Very pretty Daisy. It would be an appropriate evening outfit... do you dress up to go out to dinner? That would be purrfect.

Noll's Nip said...

What better way to start my Friday then Daisy in Doodads! You are a joy :)

Cory said...

We think you are very lovely showing a bit of Daisy cleavage with that top!!!!

Your Daily Cute said...

What a beautiful outfit, Daisy! You are a very snazzy dresser. :)

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay yoo hav a bit of a cheshire cat thing going on their all i can see is yore smile!!! ha ha ok bye

Liss said...

lovely, as always.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Your outfit is very pretty !
It is good to take stock of ones wardrobe now & then. Mom is going to do that now, with credit card in hand....

BumbleVee said...

I'm with The Viz... I'm sure I see a little smile on that face..right under the cute little heart shaped nose....

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i can still see you and you are adorable!

smiles, auntie bee

Puglette said...

hi daisy! i love this outfit, it looks like a nice dress to wear out to dinner. have a happy friday!

Anonymous said...

Much better with the skirt. Tho I do like the colors on the top - very nice

Milo and Alfie said...

We see you Daisy and you are adorable!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Such a cute top for summer. And it's pink!

Anonymous said...

Daisy you're so pretty in your print top and little skirt! I hope you got many Temptations for that modeing job.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

That is a very cute outfit!

Diane G. said...


I think that you are beautiful, no matter what you wear. (And I have Carmela's permission to say so!)


brokenteepee said...

I want to thank you for giving me an all I can hear is that song "Camptown Races" except instead of doo-da I sing DooDads.

You look lovely in your outfit today as always. I am not a good model....

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Such an elegant outfit, Daisy!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Daisy that is a very, very pretty top and that skirt goes so well with it too. Now that you are all dressed up, will you be taking the stroller out on the town?=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

The Taylor CatSSSSS said... are the BEST model around! Our very own SUPERMODEL!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Well, you sure turned that shirt into a purrty outfit! But yes, a different background is probably needed....unless you were trying to hide!

Lyoness Sealdotter said...

Beeeeutiful! I like this blog. I'm the mistress of Goob and Bat Cats.

Anonymous said...

Daisy I thinks you need to be on a white background! I could not see yer skirt too good. But I liked the pink parts.

Yer pal Dozer

Anonymous said...

Daisy your beautiful in that outfit you want to go out.

The Crew said...

Yes Daisy, we can see you, and you look just lovely!

Tipper & Misty

Reese =^..^= said...

I do love your outfit! I fink it is furry flattering!

Evy said...

You look very nice!

The Meezers or Billy said...

very beautiful Daisy!

Dream Mom said...

Oh, I just love the pink. It really looked nice with your black skirt. Have you ever thought of wearing a black "leather" skirt? Might be kind of a bad girl image but I think you can pull it off.

meemsnyc said...

Awww, that is so pretty on you Daisy!

Lorenza said...

You look great Daisy!
Kisses and hugs

Black Cat said...

Oh Daisy, that's such a lovely outfit! I love the ibis (your windows are so clean, the photos are perfect!) and Harley's rasta hat too! :) xxx

Anonymous said...

The skirt matches the new top purrfectly! You look beautiful, Daisy:)

Pee Ess: Thank you soooo much for the dance and the song. I just know it will work! ~Crikey

Fat Eric said...


Oh, sorry Daisy, I am not laughing at you in your pretty outfit. I have been catching up on your recent posts and I just saw the picture of Harley Marley in his "dreads" for the first time!

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Harley cracks me up!

mog said...

Cute top, skirt, no skirt, no cute top. Any way you look at it, you're adorable. I always enjoy Fashion Friday.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo look furry khute!

My mom and I both love your doodaddiethingie top khlours!


Tracy said...

Daisy. You should do this more often. I just love you.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Daisy, you look adorable in your fancy print doodad top.

Pandafur said...

You look lovely as always Daisy!

Quill and Greyson said...

Sweet doodah top Daisy! I thought you looked nice.

Quill and Greyson said...

Hey Daisy, me again. I noticed you were blog Kindling and Mom set up the account to do the same but waiting on some technical difficulties. She wondered how it was going for you?

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i havta agree abowt da black backgrownd daisy ... but i cood still see dat yer a reel fashun plate ... an yer byootiful to boot.

Theresa111 and Bobby said...


You are so dainty and elegant. We think your outfit is so cute.


Theresa, Joe and Bobby

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wow!! You are so preetty in that outfit! Doodads! Ha! Ha!

dawn said...

Yes, barely, thank goodness for that flashy top.

Skeezix the Cat said...

WOW, that is a vary elegunt onsombul. I'm gonna start shopping fur a kyoot owtfit with doodads on itt..

Sunny's Mommy said...

I love your fancy print top :-D It may not be figure-flattering on its own, but paired with the skirt it's purrfect! You are a fashion icon, Daisy!

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