The Photo Hunters theme this week is: advertisement. Many times, you can buy caps with advertisements on them. I think you call these hats "Trucker Caps." Here is my Trucker Cap. Can you see what it says?

This is a little bit of false advertisement, because I am not spoiled. Not one little bit.

this is what I call truth in advertising! Harley is very spoiled.

Photo Hunters: Advertisement
80 Notes for Daisy:
Your trucker hats would be more truthful if they said "Well-Loved."
Miss Daisy, are you SURE you're not spoiled?
Huffle Mawson
Awe Daisy! Were you hiding behind the hat?
cute, very very cute :)
Daisy, we are sorry to have to inform you that sometimes (now that is only some of the time)-- there is "truth in advertising".
It is possible, in our opinion,
that this MAY be one of those times.
Haha... I love those caps on Daisy and Herley. Now I have to get 9 pieces here. Do they have any labeled as "Extremely Spoiled"? :P
Please do drop in my blog to help me in a proper advertisement for a better cause. :)
G'day Daisy!
The topcatrules girls all send you purrs. ;)
What a cute trucker hat you've got Daisy! I love the little ear holes so that you can hear well while wearing the hat.
Harley has a very contented expression on his face. I think he knows he's spoiled, and knows it's totally justified.
In fact, I think that's the first picture of him that he doesn't have that look of surprise on his face! :-)
We think it's a motto, being spoiled...not a bad thing at all.
Now that cap is blue so we think it really was meant for Harley.
Purrty fancy for a truckin' cap, too!
Hmmmm, I am not convinced that Harley is more spoiled than you are Daisy.
MOL! MOL! You guys are hilhairious!
You both may be spoiled, but your mama makes you work as models, too, so you certainly deserve all the spoiling you can get.
Daisy -- you are a regular clothes horse ('er cat). Efurrything looks good on you.
Harley looks cute, too, but he doesn't quite have the same flair.
I think you both are a little spoiled. But do you each have a hat or do you have to share?
You both wear it well now Darlin my cat Is spoiled. She is trying to talk the wolfhounds into giving her a massage !!Can you believe it??
I LOVE IT!!! Where can I get one of that for my Bubba!??! hehehe!!! mine's up here
Daisy - spoiled is not something I would use to describe you!
We thinks it should say Purrfect cause we thinks you both are purrfect kitties. ~S,S, C & F
Oh yeah, Daisy, we can see that you are not spoiled....;-)
Not Spoiled? Not one little bit? We thinks we smells a little white lie! :-D
You can see it's Harley's cap - it's blue. End of argument.
Miss D, I fink you and Harley are not spoiled, just loved lots and lots. And maybe a wee bit spoiled by your grandma.
Spoiled? You? Nah!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Well, all the Taylor CatSSSSS are spoiled and we think that all cats should be spoiled!!! Nothing wrong with that!
Daisy, of course you're not spoiled! no one ever would think that! ;)
Oh, how catty, Daisy! :-)
My ”Advertisement” entry is going swimmingly. Hope you can stop by!
Mom thinks I should have that hat... so I guess advertisement works.
I'll bet that hat is as soft and fuzzy as you are Daisy!
hey D and H...I have not played photohunters in a while...didn't there used to be a box with a list of other players? Maybe I messed up somewhere.
Evfurry kitteh should be spoiled, it's in the staff's job description! You both look cute in the hat :) xxx
I think we are getting into a little bit of sibling rivalry here!
Hehheh that is a pretty hat Daisy...Happy weekend. My entry is up too.
Daisy, since the "Spoiled" cap is blue and not pink, it's obvious that it does not apply to you! There should be a pink cap that just says "Curly".
I think both of you are spoiled~!!
Big Big hugs!!!
I don't see any signs of spoilage on woo!
I hope they don't put woo out fur pikhkup!
PeeEssWoo: Oh wait, woo meant PAMPERED...nevfur mind! I love the two of you and your dedication to modeling, fun and entertainment....
Now, that's truth in advertising for sure!
Have a great weekend!
Very cute, but I don't think you are spoiled, very well loved and appreciated would be more like it. Cats are never spoiled - they always get as much attention as they can because, well, let's face it, you deserve it!
Thank you for setting the record straight, Daisy! :-)
Oh...maybe spoiled just smidgen??? It's fun to be a wee bit spoiled!
Ahem... we're not quite sure we agree with your take on this, Ms. Daisy!!!! We are spoiled and proud of it!
as the youngest of five children i can attest that there is nothing wrong with being spoiled.
That is a very beautiful trucker cap! Even if what it says is not very truthful.
Adorable Harley!!! (((kiss kiss kisssss)))
I think you are both spoiled and very strange. If I put a cap on my cats heads they would immediately flatten out and assume the pancake position, becoming totally shut down and immobile. LOL My hunt is up here.
Not spoiled just well take care of!
I don't know Daisy, I think both of you are very, very spoiled; but in a good way.
Spoiled?? Nah!
Kisses and hugs
Spoiled? You two? Surely not!
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay shudnt yoo be waring a hat for harley davidsun??? after all that is yore company rite??? ok bye
I don't think spoiled is such a bad word. Good for you and Harley to be spoiled... you deserve it!
I've been trying for 2 hours and there is no picture! I would sure like to see your trucker hat...
No pictures for me either. :(
Aloha Daisy,
Cute pictures for this week's PH theme.
Happy photohunting!
Cindy O
Stop by & visit!!
The cat in the hat...
You boff look so cute in dat hat. I want one.
i agree, only harley is spoiled honey. but you both look cute in the hat!
smiles, auntie bee
yeah, silly kitten boys always get spoiled. Pierro does too. You are right Daisy, you are not spoiled we girls just get what we deserve!
I can't really think of any cat who would admit to being spoiled. I would think they would all say their good treatment is well deserved. Nice advertisement though.
Didn't thay have a SPOILED cap in pink?????
I don't think u are spoiled. Did u check the freshniss date? :)
Oh dear! I sent messages to all these wonderful cat blogs and now I find that I have had to CHANGE my blog location! If you have been kind enough to link me, please change the link for me. If you have not yet linked me, I would love it if you would! My name is Leia and I have a brand new blog and could use some support getting started.
If you do link me, be sure to let me know so that I can link you back!
Thank-you and I look forward to getting to know all you purrrfectly lovely friends!
We call those 'gimme' caps. cause a lot of companies give them away for advertising! Yours is cute and looks really good on Harley.
Spoiled? Not you two, no way!
Daisy, we've seen your closet and your stroller. There might be some truth in that advertising! But, we also know you both deserve to be spoiled rotten!
Yes Daisy, Harley looks like you all spoil him with hugs, licks, kisses and Temptations!
Oh of course Harley is the spoiled one, yeah, that's the ticket!
That is some very good modelling, Daisy. You could always call the advertisement 'ironic'.
I am thinking maybe just a "little" spoiled??? hmmm?? Anyway we love you, Harley and your hat, spoiled or not!
You two are so adorabble! And isn't it wunnerful to be spoiled, hehe!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I think you are both spoiled bit in a good way! I wish all cats were as spoiled as you two :)
Cute cats!
Happy weekend!
Mariposa's PhotoHunt
You're not spoiled as such - you're LOVED and that often feels like you're being spoiled. It's because your Mum loves you both so much - you get fabulous outfits and treats aplenty! I wish every cat had the chance to be spoiled!
U may not be spoiled but u r sure photogenic.
We fink your trucker hat shud say "Norty but nice!" Daisy!
Not even one little bit?? heh ;o)
omg what a cute little hat. It looks so good on both of you. Even though daisy you should have a pink one with sparkles, glitter and a big heart. Spoiled u two naaaa.. you two are not spoiled lol...
Odd how the same hat can give different results - 1 spoiled, 1 not spoiled!!
its very cute! i love your cat!
LOL, this is sooooo cute. I think you are both spoiled, but "loved' is probably a better word.
you guys must have a whole closet full of cute stuff...who has more, daisy or harley? maybe know how girls are :)
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