Monday Mystery: Figure out the Saying
Happy Monday, everybuddy! For today's Monday Mystery, I have made a word puzzle.

- The saying has something to do with cats
- Leonardo da Vinci

Monday Mystery: Figure out the Saying
Posted by Daisy at 6/29/2009 04:00:00 AM
Labels: figure out the saying, Monday Mystery, word puzzles
76 Notes for Daisy:
The correct answer is: "The smallest feline is a masterpiece." It is a quote by Leonardo da Vinci!
That is one of Mom's favorite quotes, Daisy!
Purrfect quote to start the week with!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We got it. Thanks for the fun puzzle Daisy. We love da Vinci.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
We got it right away. We must be improving!
I'm a little foggy this morning, so I had to say it out loud a couple of times, but I gots it!
Happy Monday, Daisy!
Dearest Daisy,
We figgered it out!!! Yay! You are a masterpiece, Miss Daisy! Please say prayers for Mazie Grace today, 'kay? She goes to the eye doktor this mornin' to see if her eyeball operation was a success!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
I got it! Had to say it outloud a few times, but I got it!
We got it! So true, too.
Hooray! We got it! It is a wonderful saying:)
We got it right! It took a few times saying it out loud, but we got it! Not too shabby for a Monday morning, good to know our brains are working!
We agree Daisy!
The Leonardo hint did it for us. It's one of the best quotes ever!
I did it! W00t! And it is a true saying!
I got it right! I know this saying and used to tell it to Prudence when she was a tiny kitten. But she has since eaten us out of house and home and the "smallest" part of the quote no longer applies. But she is still a masterpiece, as are you and Harley.
got it! but it took a few times! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
Our momma knew da answer wifout youz tellin' Daisy, but fanks fur da little help☺ Leo sure knew what he waz talkin' 'bout, didn't he?
Yes, I got it before looking! Great quote, Daisy! And so true.
Well, it took us a little sez her brain doesn't work so good in the morning...but we got it!!!
I did it Daisy. I figured it out after saying it out loud 3 times ;)
Got it! And how true. ;o) Happy Monday!
The only saying I can think of was "As nervous as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs!"
That was a good puzzle - I got the first part all right but not the second.
What did he say about large mancats?
I got it right! I love that saying. My mom made up a sort of similar saying: "The somewhat chubby feline is also a masterpiece". I wonder if she is talking about Tommy? Or me?
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay so leonardo da vinci liked kitties??? hmmmm didnt he hav ennything to say abowt dogs??? i wil hav to luk into this!!! ok bye
I got it Yay and I agree :)
That is so true! :-) TFS, Daisy! Have a wonderful day!
the quote fits u well.
Yay! I likes it.
duhr ... u beet me to it daisy. i noo da anser.
I got it!!! I GOT IT!!! YEAH!!!
Great puzzle! it was fun!
We got it!!
And its soooo true!
This is a great quote, and Daisy, I just think you are a beautiful kitty, these photos are so very nice, and show you off quite well:)
Yep - we got it! YAY!
Mama didn't get it. hee hee
Happy Monday to you guys!
Now, of course I think goats are a masterpiece but who am I to butt a Great Master.
The publicist was an art history major in college with a concentration on the Renaissance masters.....
We only got it once we said it out loud!
Got it and we agree!
That is a GREAT one! Loved it, Daisy! You shor know yer culcha. ;)
P.S. Thanks for hosting my EC card today. :)
Today, I feel smart :)
That's our mom's most favoritest quotes ever!
I figured it out really quick Daisy! I love that quote. Mr. da Vinci was pretty smart! :)
You certainly are a little work of art!
Have a happy day!
Hugs and Purrs,
That is a wonderful quote, Daisy - and a good brain-teaser for a Monday!
I got this one right ... finally figured out a riddle.
I got it! That's 2 weeks in a row!
Nice puzzle, I managed to figure it out.
Oh, I like those kinds of puzzles! That was a good one!
The smallest feline is a master piece. How clever of you.
It's me again.Thank you for the birthday wishes to my mom.Your such a sweet friend....Hugs
We got it right!!!!! Not sure how as we are not usally good at stuff like that but we did. ~S,S,C & F
We got it after saying it out loud twice. How true that saying is.
Sorry, I was distracted by the pretty pictures of you, Daisy. What was the question again? :)
Aww how wonderful - and true!
Thanks for the hint...we got it without looking for the first time! And our mewmie wants to know how you get your followers list at the bottom of your blog...she likes how it looks.
We actually guessed it! Oh happy day!
I got it, I got it. Woo hoo!
You're a genius Daisy
YAY! I got it! And Daisy, you are a masterpiece.
I got it too, Daisy!
Kisses and hugs
We figured it out Daisy! Purrfect quote!
Oh we knew that one!!! We finally got one right. The only problem is...the smallest feline in this house is Bennette, so it's kinda going to her head.
Daisy me dear, you never cease to astound me with your wit, fashion sense and beauty
Oh I figured it out today!
Huffle Mawson
What about 17 pound felines? Am I a masterpiece too?
I knew this Miss Daisy!!
What about a mid-size?
I have no idea!!! I don't know much about felines or Da Vinci.
Solid Gold Momma
Momma loves that quote! And what adorabble pickshures of you, Daisy.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
A wonderful quote! Thank you Daisy!
This is really really awesome answer!!!!!
Thanks for let me know, Daisy!
Yay! I got it!!!!! And Leonardo is my favorite artist of them all.
YAY!!!!! We got it too !!!!
You are looking particularly curly Daisy!!
Very nice :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
oh, we gots it! we gots it! of cawse we gots it--we is felines an' we is masterpieces!!
thanks, daisy--you made our brains wake up early, an' work hard! now we're gonna go nap again . . .
The smallest feline is a masterpiece! One of my favorite quotes, to be sure.
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