Since I am a cat that LOVES TREATS, Daisy said I could write about our new Bravo BONUS BITES. We bought these with our ALLOWANCE, so I promise to tell the TRUTHS about them. First, here is the freeze dried organic TURKEY HEARTS! Cats or dogs may eat them. You can see they are too big to eat WHOLE, so I eat just pieces from it.

Down my HATCH! The label says the treats are made with "the finest hormone-free, grass-fed meats, antibiotic-free poultry and fresh fish." Here is the ingredient list for this snack: turkey hearts.

I LOVE them. More please. Right NOW, okay? You can see on my CHIN that I still have
eosinophilic granuloma complex although it is getting much, much better. So, it is important to my Mommie that I eat wholesome, grain-free foods and snacks.

I give the organic turkey hearts a big PAWS UP!

Next is the freeze-dried BUFFALO liver treat. The pieces are pretty hard, and they are too BIG to eat WHOLE. The ingredients in this snack are: buffalo livers.

At first I eated them all up. But now, I am not so SURE about them. Daisy tried to eat them and she BOMITED a few minutes later. So I will just LOOK at this treat and THINK about it for a while.

If you want to learn MORE, you can click on the link for
Bravo! Bonus Bites. There are lots of different types like venison, beef and lamb.

New Treats!
76 Notes for Daisy:
Those look yummy Harley and so good for you....I'm glad they are helping to mend your hurty bits too :o)
your chin looks great! If you hadn't mentioned it, I wouldn't have thought there was anything!
they look yummy!!! we didn't see anything on your chin!
oh goody oh goody treats treats treats
Fenris would probably like the freeze-dried BUFFALO liver treat as he likes to chew on things. They all look yummy. You did a very good job telling us about them Harley. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Fenris
MMMMMmmmmm - those look good!
Maybe your tummy is just a bit stronger than Daisy's is, Harley.
Huffle Mawson
Very interesting. We will have to add them to #1's Canadian shopping list! Thanks for the tip!
Harley, Bomit Buffalo Bites does not sound very delicious. They might not be calling you as a Spokescat. Just sayin.
Wow, i bet Arwen would love those, I'm going to see if I can get them in Canada, thanks for sharing, and I hope Daisy's tummy feels better after the icky sicky :(
I haven't found any treats that my kitties like tho they tend to only like things made from birds...
Thanks for that taste test. I think the hearts sound much nicer than the liver. Enjoy them all!!
Turkey hearts! mom saw chicken hearts once, but they freaked her out!
We've never tried Bravo brand before, but we LOVE the chicken Liv-a-littles from Halo. It's freeze-dried chicken. Nom nom nom!
Very interesting. Except I don't know that I'd ever want to eat a heart, freeze-dried or otherwise. Hope it helps with your chin issue.
Turkey does sound really yummy.
You are a very good repurrrter Harleykins.
Sounds yummy! Our Mom has been looking for a grain-free treat that we like and so far, no luck. We're hoping these are available in Canada!
We don't like any treats....but..maybe...we would like these!!!
Those look yummy...but we are very sorry to hear that Daisy bomited
Do you still like your raw food?
Those look like very nutritious treats. Our mum said the buffalo might make her bomit, too...
Those treats look pawsome (unless you bomit). Thanks for telling us about them.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Those look purr-ty good. We is gonna tell our momma 'bout dem.
About youz chin. We had a kitty wif dat once and momma put dermagen on it once a day and it just about went away but she had to make sure she kept a watch on it or it would come back easy. Go figure!
Harley, you are a very good reviewer!
Khytties WITH yummy treats in their tummies!
What a khombo!
Hmmmm. Those do look good!
i agree. turkey hearts sound more tasty than buffalo livers.
thanks for the report.
Thanks for the info on the treats, Harley! Our mom is always looking for good wholesome treats for us! We're gonna give those a try...well, maybe not the buffalo ones...
It is great to have treats that are actually good for you and they look delicious! Sorry that Daisy bomited, I hope she is feeling better now.
i think i'd bomit too honey! i like cake for a treat!
smiles, auntie bee
that was a very imformative post, harley! you are very thoughtful looking in that last photo...did you nom your treat?
i think those livers are bad news because they made Daisy BOMIT! you should not buy those again. just stick with the hearts.
Those look like good treats! Trouble the kitty is very fussy about treats and about the only thing she'll take right now are SeaFlex sea cucumber treats, which are supposed to be good for joint health.
I think I'd stick with the turkey... sorry to hear Daisy BOMITED.
You make a great reviewer!
When you bomit Buffalo Bites, that Bites! Maybe they could be donated to some doggy friends--Dogs eat anything.
Your chin looks great, Harley. Like the cat-a-blog kitties said, Dermagen (or generic is called Mupiricin) ointment works well as it gets rid of the staph bacteria on the skin, real good when it's red and moist. But your chin is healing up fine and glad the diet is helping, too.
Harley, you are just too cute eating those turkey heart treats of yours -- I love the close-up shots of you enjoying yourself.
It sure looks like you and Daisy should "liver" those Buffalo treats alone, though! Buffaloes can be ornery!
Thanks for the information. We are glad your chin is better!
Hi Spotty! Only joking Harles! The treats look yummy but the proof of the pudding is in the tasting and they're not much good if you sic them back up!
Those sound like very good treats. We will have to look into getting some.
Thanks for the info about these all natural treats Harley. Mom has actually been looking for something like this for us. Poor Daisy, we hope her tummy feels better:)
Theodore and Sasha
Harly have you tryed Halo freezed drized chicken they the bestest in the whole world
Your buddy
Thank you for the review, Harley! I am definitely going to have to get some of them for my girls! I think even the picky one (Lady Isis) will like them!
I am sorry Daisy didn't like the bison treat. The publicist and male person eat a lot of bison but not the liver.
I am glad you are getting better Harley
I'm sorry the second treat was less than stellar. Maybe the next stuff you buy will be better. In the meantime enjoy the turkey treats!
Aw poor Daisy! I am glad at least the first ones were good! You are a very good treat reviewer Harley.
Those treats look very tasty except we probly wouldn't like the bomitting Buffalo treats. You did a good review Harley.
Those look pretty yummy! Mama gagged a little bit when she saw them, but we don't know why. hee hee
EWWWWW! I hate it when I bomit. I bet Miss Daisy hates it, too. 'Course, that means you get ALLLLLL the Buffalo Livers for yourself. And Miss Daisy's gonna get to use your 'lowance to buy another kind of snack. W00t!
Your chin looks very good - I didn't even notice any problem until I read it and looked REALLY close. I am glad you talked about these - I am always looking for good grain free products for Floyd (we try to keep them to a minimum because of his lympoma)- I hadn't heard of these. I am sorry Daisy got sick from the buffalo hearts - maybe they are too rich for her. I have to say, as a person I am totally grossed out by these, but they do look like things kittys would like. And all your pictures are wonderful!
Did you say "Buffalo?"
I likes food that duzn't make me read a lot to find out wat's innit. I can reed "turkey hearts" in no time!
Uh, I supposed to be giving my kitties an allowance?
Harley, your treats look yummy. Mom sometimes get Camie some freeze dried chicken strips, and we love to eat that. Maybe mom will have to get us some of these to try.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
You are a very convincing spokesperson ... makes me want to eat the turkey hearts, even though that sounds weird to say.
Harley you do enjoy your treats and your chin looks great!
I'm with Daisy. Turkey = good, beef = yuck!
Wow. I hope Daisy feels better.
I think u should just have the turkey. :)
Our mouths are watering!
Sounds like a mixed bag. Definately don't have the bomity ones again !!
Your chin is looking much better Harley! Those treats look yummy, it's too bad those last ones made Daisy bomit.
We saw those buffalo treats at the specialty pet store a couple of weeks ago... I'm glad we didn't buy them if they made you throw up!!
The chin looks great!!
Those look yummy. Sorry Daisy bomited.
yeah...those look good!...
I bets I could eat them in the whole things not bits!
they sounds like very yummy treats.
Ooo, how kum we doan't get no treets lyk dis in Inglund? I bet I wooden't bommit, I kan eet anyfink, inklooding stuff wot I kan swype off da Noo Mummy's plaet, or fawk, or hand, or woteffur. Yuo git da piksher? Eeven tho it am velly hot heer, I hazzen't lost mine appertite, but we haz bin velly lazee tuday, we iz tor pidd! We and da Noo Mummy spent moast of da dae layzing on da bed. Da NM sez her brane iz fride and she karn't help us blog or vizzit mutch. 'Parrently it'z goeng to be eeven hotter tumorro. Wot iz that orl abowt? Blech! We haz furrs wot we karn't taek orf! We am swell tor ing!
Luv frumm da Simba (and da hissy woossey Alfie and da Blak Cat aka da Noo Mummy, hoo iz not blak or a cat, tho Unkel Pinky sez she am at leest 45% feelyne). :) xxx
Good review of those treats!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy has some big scary teeth... I wouldn't want to be a buffalo liver...
yum yum
Gulp, I'm with Daisy.
Actually they sound good to me, it's Mom who feels queasy
Great review, Harley! Thanks for sharing it. Hope Daisy is feeling ok after bomiting those buffalos.
I'm going to check with our vet to see if Coco can have these. Thanks for the healthy idea :)
oAH Harley~~~~
It look so so so delicious to me as well~!
How wonderful~!
I have never had those treats. I am sorry that Daisy BOMITED!
Stick with the Turkey...the Buffalo can go to the shelter kitties. That which makes one kitty BOMIT is often another kitty's bliss!
Those look yummy Harley!! It is so cool they can be for both cats & dogs!! We will have Mom look into them!!
Your FL furiends,
These shore looks like good treets. I bet they would taste good even to a big dawg like me! Cause they are made with meet. I likes meet. I hopes Daisy feels better about the treets. Maybe bufalo does not agree with her.
Yer pal Dozer
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