Sunday, June 21, 2009

Sunday Comics with Daisy!

Happy Father's Day to every dad. And to our very own dad, who just found out that he is being laid off from his job of 25 years, we love you and support you and are very, very proud of you.


108 Notes for Daisy:

Spunky Doodle said...

We have a good father too! He is father to me, Manny and now it looks like he brought in a DOG too!

Teddy Westlife said...

Happy father's day to your dad. I am sorry to hear about his job. You should be kind to him for a bit.

Huffle Mawson

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Sweet words for the dad who takes such good care of you, but we're so sorry about the job news. These are such tough times all around.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh dearest are such a sweet kitty to love your daddy so much and give Harley hope that he is his daddy too.
We are so sorry that he got a pink slip for father's day from his jobbie! This is a hard world to live in right now...not the way it is suppose to go after being loyal for so long. My Lapdaddy got one of those this year he makes bird houses and guards bad kid in jail...
Lots of hugs and love from the cozy cottage

Duni said...

I'm so sorry your daddy got laid off after all those years. You need to do lots of purring today to cheer him up!

Anonymous said...

Harley buddie, how could you not even know your dadda?!?!
Miss daisy sweetie, I am glad that you set him straight!! :))
Happy daddas day to your dadda!!
We are very very sad to hear about your daddas job, there are no words to make one feel better, mmma dreads thinking about it, but we know that your beautiful family will pull through a cause you all support each others. We hear lots around, one door closes and another opens, make sure your dadda keeps his eyes open and chin up, all things always work out :))
kind purrs

Poppy Q said...

Dear Daisy and Harleys dad, thanks for giving this twosome a good home. We hope you get to put your feet up and relax today.

Sorry to hear about your job. 25 years service, well done. We hope that things work out well for you.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Harley, you looked so sad until Daisy told you that you do have a real dad, then your face lit up.
Happy Father's Day to your dad. It is sad that he has lost his job after all those years. We hope things work out well.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Father's Day to your dad!

I'm sure you'll do what woo khan to take his mind off how things sukhk anymore when THAT happens after all those years -


Anonymous said...

Dear Daisy and Harley, we hope you help your Daddy have a wonderful Father's Day.

We're sad to hear your Daddy's been laid off after so many years, especially in these economic times. We are purring for our country and all of its citizens, including your Daddy.

Forever Foster said...

We are sorry to hear about your Dad's job. Things are not very good at the moment.

We hope that your Dad has a happy Father's Day, and you celebrate that you have a house full of love:)

Anonymous said...

That's a wonderful Father's Day message miss Daisy. We don't have a dad, although my sisfur Jelly Bean does because she doesn't live with us.

So sorry to hear about your dad losing his job. That really stinks.


Jemma Chihuahua said...

Sorry to hear that your dad has been laid off his job.

Happy Father's Day to him!

Milo and Alfie said...

Happy Father's day to your dad. We're sorry to hear his news. Sometimes when awful things happen they trigger the start of wonderful changes in life - we hope that's what happens for your dad.

Sasha said...

You will need to make a special fuss of your Dad.

Unknown said...

Hi Daisy,

Happy Father's Day to your human! I am so sorry to hear the news about his job - it's their loss!!! I'm sure your Daddy is appreciating your purrs and cuddles at the moment...

Hey! I found this video about the unusual love between a cat and his little friend, which I think you'd enjoy! I don't know if you might have seen it already...I just love it! Come over to my blog to check it out!

Honey the Great Dane

Alexi said...

Happy Father's Day to your Dad. We're sorry he got laid off. We will purr for him and I know you'll all be very supportive!

Loki said...

Bestest Comic Evar!

I hopes you can helps your Dad can turn unemployment into funemployment, at leest sum uv the time. And most importantly that you still has kibbles.

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day!!! (and we are so very sorry to hear about the lay off!!!!)

- Cathy, Toby and Leia

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are purring for your Dad, it is very hard to lose your job after 25 years. We hopes he finds a new one soon, and that he has a wonderful Father's Day.

i beati said...

a bitter pill especially for men- peace and a sense of humor are the only way to get by today -no hiring only downsizing and th e little businesses left behind.It's terribly sad, but only a good frame of mind gets us through.I wish that for him--

Love Harleys eyes"I have a dad" haahahahahah

The Florida Furkids said...

What a nice tribute to your Dad. We hope that things work out for him.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Parker said...

Yup, the Dad's who love and care for us are heros and they are our REAL Dads! We are sorry about your Dad getting laid off. That's terrible!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...


We can certainly relate to the "news". We are sending lots of purrs to him!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Dad's Day to your dad!! Yep, he's your dad now, Harley!!! Yaay!

Sorry to hear about his's tough times right now...we're purring for him....

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day to youz da-da. We just gotz our momma so she is both momma an' da-da fur uz☺

Cory said...

Daisy and Harley, we are sending lots of purrs to your Daddy on this Fathers Day. That has to be so hard after 25 years of hard work and loyalty to be laid off. We will purr that everything will work out fine for all of you.

momsbusy said...

yur dad is a good dad. he takes good care of you and harley. he took care of pixie too. we is sad that he is not gonna have a job now. we sure hope the treat train keeps comin to yur house.


Sweet Purrfections said...

Happy Father's Day to your dad. I'm so sorry to hear about the job sitution, but purray that things will be okay.

RayPod said...

Happy Father's Day to you guys. We are purring for your Dad.
Love Ray & fam

Henson Ray said...

What a great tribute...and so true...the human owners become the parents...Happy Father's Day to all!

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Happy fatherday to your daddy.

we sorry he going to be layed off that happened to my mama they told her that they could get someone for half the money and half to exprince to do her job. that did not need or want child cate

HUMMMP then they said leave her burps to say goodbye for the day.

Mama walked out and screamed Back way form my childern Poor dylan was eating and all mess she grabed them though them into car seats and never looked back now she stay at home wiff our burps and us

Lilly lu

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i am so happy you have a great dad and hope his job comes back real real soon!!!

hugs, auntie bee

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy and Harley!
Happy Father's Day to your Dad!
Being laid off its not the best way to celebrate but I hope everything is going to be ok for you all!
Kisses and hugs

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Happy Father's day to everyone's father~!
And to yours dad, too!

Puppy on a Roomba said...

Happy Daddy's Day! I'm sorry that your Daddy has bad job news. My Daddy's job place isn't doing too well either. Hopefully the moneys system of the world will get better soon!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We're so sorry to hear the news about your dad's job. We hope he finds a great job really soon. We wish him a very Happy Fathers' Day.

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy and Harley,
We are sendin' "Happy Father's Day" wishes to your daddy...and we are so sorry 'bout his jobby. Mommy says that everything happens for a reason...sometimes it's hard to unnerstand that but we just have a sneaky feelin' that your daddy will find an even BETERER job and end up bein' a million times happier. That's what we are prayin' for, sweet Daisy and Harley.

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Liss said...

Happy father's day! We are so sorry to hear about your job. We will purr and pray for you.

Luzinha said...

yey! happy father's day for your dad, dears!
here in Brazil the father's day is only in august, but we celebrate today with you too! yey, yey, yey!

have a great day with your dad, dears! a kiss for you all!

Mike Golch said...

happy fathers day to your dad,sorry that he got laid off.

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Happy father's day to your dad! So sorry to hear he is getting laid off. Sending some special puggy hugs to your family!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Daisy and Harley, Our Mom was forced into retirement early this year. She was angry and sad. We gave her lots of cuddles and helped her through!

Give your Dad extra loving on thei Fathers Day!

JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, Daisy! Oh, Harley! I'm so happy you both have a loving Mom and Dad at your forever home. I hope your Dad's job situation improves quickly. I'm sure he's real smart and capable and will find something else in no time.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Happy Father's Day to your wonderful Dad! Oh noes! We are so sorry to hear about his job! Our Mom is being laid off too the end of next month. *sigh* We hope our treat, food and toy funds don't suffers too much.

RJ Flamingo said...

Happy Father's Day to your Dad, Daisy & Harley! I'm so sorry about his layoff, but I always say that things happen for a reason, and a better opportunity will present itself. {{Hugs}} to you all! :-)

Hansel said...

happy fathers' day to your dad my friends! we are sorry about the job, but he'll be just fine! we believe if you daddy daisy man!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Oh no Daisy and Harley! That is so scary that your Dad is being laid off, especially after working for hte company for so long! We will add him to our purrs for getting another job as soon as possible!!!!!

Tell him Happy Fathers Day for us and give him some gentle headbutts from us too!

Freya's Staff said...

Very wise words Daisy. You ARE a good sister, even if you're a bit grumpy sometimes with Harley.

Purrayers for your Daddy cat though! Hope he finds a job soon, or it'll be THE CIRCUS FOR YOU!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy father's day!
It's very important to have a good dad - and I am glad that you have one.
I posted a new part of my story.

Anonymous said...

I just bet you have a GREAT Dad - aren't you lucky? I'm sure he will be like his kitty kids and land on his feet.

The Kitty Krew said...

Happy Daddy's Day to your dad. We're sorry about the job news. :(

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Samantha & Mom said...

Awwww......that is so cool that Harley knows he has a Daddy now!!! He looks very excited!! We always love your comics!! They are the best!
Happy Father's day to your Dad!! And we are so sorry he got laid off after 25 years!!
Your FL furiends,

Dma said...

sorry to hear about dad's job. glad harley discovered who his real dad is...

Donna said...

I wuvs mah Daddy. :)

brokenteepee said...

Harley it is good you found your real daddy!

Daisy and Harley I and all the goats here on the Farm are so very sorry about your daddy's job. I am sure his company won't appreciate what they lost.

Goat hugs.

Lin said...

Oh no! I'm sorry to hear of the job loss! Let's hope this all ends SOON. I have had 3 really good stories of people who lost their jobs and found one recently, so I'm hoping their good luck rubs off on you. It will be okay although it doesn't feel that way right now.

The Chicago Tribune this morning had the positive spin on how Dad's who lost their jobs have the opportunity to spend some quality time with their kids. So, maybe here is the chance to sit on the couch and purr with Dad!

I'll keep my fingers crossed for a new job!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Very nice post Daisy & Harley!
Happy Fathers Day to your Dad and we send purrs of support for his job loss.

Jans Funny Farm said...

What a horrible father's day present -- to be laid off. But we know you love him and will be there purring for him so he doesn't get discouraged.

Puglette said...

happy daddy's day to your dad! i am so sorry to hear about the lay off. it is truly awful! abd after 25 years, that's just downright rude! i will definately be keeping you in my prayers and thoughts.
hugs to you all,

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh no Daisy--that is not a very happy Father's Day news. I am certain that things will work out for him but we will purr that you and your family do not have to be stressed for very long.

The Oceanside Animals said...

See Harley? You have a daddy! Sorry to hear about your dad's job. I know a lot of people who have lost their jobs in the last few months too.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

We have a grandad, 'cuz there's not a "dad" at our house.

Please wish your daddy a Happy Fathers' Day an' a big "good luck" hug from us for findin' a new job. Layoffs are awful.


Max said...

I'm really sorry about your Dad's job. At least he has you guys to purr on him...I think most guys would be happy with that.

BumbleVee said...

the guy around here is finishing up his last project too...5 days to final day.... but, at least he has been planning for this for over a year as things have definitely been on a slowing down trend. Things will pick up again ..but... it could be several months. The perfect time to finish off the little jobs around here that have been lingering..... the renos that never quite got finished....

Hope your Dad finds something else when he starts looking....

Forty Paws said...

Oh holy crappola! We are so very sorry that your Dad is being laid off! That totally bites! But we are glad that he was a loyal employee for 25 years!!! He's a very great Dad, especially to you guys! You guys give him tons and tons of purrs and whisker kisses and smooches with your tongue, ok?

Luf, Us

gemmak said...

You are both very lucky to have such a fabulous dad and I'm very sorry to hear about his job. I'm sure you will both help to keep his spirits up :o)

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy Father's Day to yer REAL dad! We hope he finds another jobbie, otherwise Daisy will have to have a huge garage sale and sell all her clothes and toys - which actually might bring in some big green papers!

catsynth said...

Happy Father's Day to your dad! We're sorry to hear about his losing his job. We hope he can find work again soon. These are challenging times, it seems. Hope you can provide your dad lots of support and comfort.

Mrs Sweetwater said...

Happy Fathers Day kitties and to the daddy, remember that a lay off is the beginning of a different career, Your Own. start on it first thing today. pick out your best talents and put them on display. you'll have money flowing from the damn in no time. trust us, this is the beginning of a wonderful new career.

and get that stroller out and start conferencing with those kitties. remember they help you think; it's easier in a conversation, when you have no one to argue back in your language. LOL

Happy Fathers Day Mr R.

BeadedTail said...

Harley, we're so glad you have a dad this year to celebrate Father's Day with. We're sure he's very happy he's your and Daisy's daddy!

We're also sorry to hear about your daddy being laid off after all those years.

Quasi said...

I just love the look on Harley's face when the truth dawns on him. Happy Fathers Day to your dad. I'm sorry that his job is going away, though. But maybe he'll be around the house more to give you even more treats!

Split Rock Ranch said...

Happy Father's Day! Sorry to hear about your Dad being laid off. We hope he finds an even better job! Remember, when a door closes a window opens somewhere. You're in our thoughts! Many blessings from all of us here at Split Rock Ranch.

Motor Home Cats said...

Happy Father's Day to your Daddy. We are sorry to hear that he is being laid off. We hope that he is able to find another job.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

L. Alida said...

Happy Father's Day to your daddy, Daisy and Harley. I'm sorry about his job. We have been down that road before. Daisy, you could be a good secretary and start typing up those resumes. :)
I will keep you all in my purrayers. Something great will come along, I know it!
Lots of Hugs to the cutest kitties in Florida,

Anonymous said...

Happy Father's Day to your Dad:) He sounds like a very nice one! We're sorry that he got bad news at his job. Hopefully, the economy will pick up:) Thank you so much for wishing Tristan well yesterday, she appreciates it so much:) ~Crikey

happypitbull said...

That's a sad father's day surprise. Happy Father's Day to your dad! Our dads always work hard for us, don't they?

Isis said...

Happy father's day to harley's new dad! you have a GREAT furever home friend!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Daisy, that was so nice of you ta tell Harley that he has a Dad!

We are so sorry ta hear he is losin his jobbie, though. Best of luck ta him findin another one soon!

The Monkeys said...

Happy Father's Day to your daddy, Daisy and Harley!

Fat Eric said...

I am sorry to hear about your dad's job, times are tough! I hope you and Harley are both doing plenty of purring on him, Daisy.

Your Daily Cute said...

Happy Father's Day to your daddy, Daisy and Harley. I'm sorry to hear about his job, but now it sounds like maybe you guys get to spend more time with him for a little while (gotta look on the bright side)! :)

Honey P. Sunshine said...

happy fathers day to yor dad. daisy we sent trixie marmalades dad your hallmark card for fathers day

Mason said...

At some point I will share my cat pictures with you. I get a kick out of yours and the photography is excellent. Good laughs and all around fun!

Anonymous said...

We're sorry to hear the bad news about your human dad. We were hoping it would not happen to him.

Our paws are crossed and we'll be purraying that good things will happen again for you soon.

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh Mr Daisy'sDad -we are sorry about your layoff. Many Purrrrsss and purrayers for you!!!

Sunny's Mommy said...

So sorry to hear this :(

Sunny's Daddy was laid off in January. His employer made it official in May he wouldn't be called back, taking us off of the company's health insurance plan.

As long as you have your family and are together, it'll be okay. Your Mommy and Daddy will figure everything out.

Mickey's Musings said...

Happy Father's day to your Dad!!!!
It was so nice of you to make Harley happy Daisy :)
We are very sorry about his job.
Mom understands what that is about. We will send him some purrs!!!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Tiger Lily said...

Happy Father's Day to your Dad. Were you especially snuggly for him today?

We will prrrrrrrrrr and wag our tails very hard that another job happens very soon for him.

prrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs and tail wags,
Zeke, Sushi, Tiger Lily and Ruckus

Chrissie said...

Harley, isn't your dad great?! He could sure use some extra purrs and head bonks from you. Daisy, you're such a sweetheart to help Harley!

We're sure dismayed to hear of your daddie's layoff. I'm thankful he has such loving support at home.

Quill and Greyson said...

Sorry to hear about your Dad getting laid off. I will purr for a new even better job for him.

Chesney Cats said...

Oh Daisy, we are so sorry to hear that your dad got laid off. We are purring that he finds something else real soon!

The Purrfect 6 said...

Fathers come in all types. Our only father is our Daddy hoomin. He pets us and feeds us and cleans our doo-doo. And he lets us sit on him.

We are so sorry to hear that your Daddy hoomin lost his job. He will need you both even more now, to help comfort him.

Times are tough, and we and the hoomins here wish you and your family the best.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry to hear about the job loss. I'm hoping things are alright and that another job is found soon, if that's the desire. Tough times all around America. Hang in there.

Maria said...

I'm sure your daddy had a good day with you all around - who couldn't. I hope he gets a new job soon!

AgentPX said...

Wow lovely!

Everycat said...

We hope you all had a lovely Fathers Day Daisy. We are sorry to read about your Dad being laid off, it's such a difficult time for so many. We know your strength as a family will pull you all through. Big rumbles to you all.

Whicky Wuudler

Unknown said...

I'm sorry to hear that daisy and harley. Please give your daddy alot of wisker kissies and pawhugers. Take care u 2..

Janet said...

Oh, no! I am so sorry to read about your daddie's job. That must be very hard. I hope that things work out for him very soon.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Hi Daisy and Harley,
We were sad to hear about your dad's layoff. Mom says that's a bad thing to happen to anyone. Is it a permanent layoff or just for a little while?

We'll keep our paws crossed that your Dad will find a position that would be perfect for him if he is permanently laidoff.
Shilgiah, Tommy, Hope and their Mom

Sarge Charlie said...

that is a very nice post you did there Miss Daisy and Mr Harley

Asta said...

I'm so glad you finally told Hawley who youw weal Dad is. I hope he had a wondewful day wif you .
I'm so sowwy about his jobs..I hope he finds an even bettew one soon and maybe gets to spend mowe time wif you in the meantime
smoochie kisses

Marilyn said...

I am so sorry to hear about the lay off. I hope that something good comes along for your dad soon. It is very hard to be laid off.

It is very good to have a dad, though.

Daisy Deadhead said...

I am so glad Harley has an official dad now. :)

Hang in there, peeps. The economy = major suckage. 25 years? Lord have mercy.

(((Daisy and Harley's mama and papa)))

Maureen said...

Hope your Dad had a great Father's Day, despite the layoff... our cat's Daddy was laid off last January; after nearly 30 years working, it's hard for him to get back into the workforce. It's been six months already. Hope things work out better for yours!

Dream Mom said...

I am sorry to hear about the job loss. I imagine it must be devastating after 25 years. Sending my prayers and blessings that Dad finds something soon.

Mo and The Purries said...

Oh Daisy and Harley, you all have a Super Dad! So sorry to learn about the layoff - that blows gator chunks!
*HUGS* to you and your mommy!

LOL Cats said...

We know how you feel about your daddy, we feel the same about our mommy who was laid off from her job after working there for 24 years. Best of luck to your daddy hope he can find another job.

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