Hi EVERYBUDDY! Daisy gets to have FUN with her Monday MYSTERY, so today, I want to do a Tuesday THRILLER! You might even get a FRIGHT.

I hope I play this RIGHT! Here I am at the front DOOR to my HOUSE. Something is right OUTSIDE the door!

Let's take a little PEEK! I SEE IT!

Try to guess what it is! Do you think it is:
- nothing, I was just FOOLING AROUND
- a BIRD
Scroll down for the answer...
It was A SNAKE!!!!!

I do not THINK it is the kind of snake with POISON in its needles. But I am not sure. I will just wait here to see what HAPPENS next!

If it is a GARTER snake, I could wear it on my LEG. I hope you ENJOYED my Tuesday THRILLER!

Harley's Tuesday Thriller
88 Notes for Daisy:
Great job on your Tuesday Thriller, Harley! I did not guess it was a snake!! You are a very brave cat.
Ooh, you're so brave! That was a great thriller Harley... very fitting to do a Thriller on the day of Michael Jackson's memorial, too. Nice one!
My big bruther Mao used to bring snakes into the howse win he lived on the big hill. One time he brot in 3 snakes in one day. He liked throwing them against the wall in the hallway so thare guts and blud wood git on the wall. The FL and Mr TF were kinda like the Krokodile Hunter and his luvly wife, they got so much praktiss chasing snakes in the howse.
I think I wood wet my pants if I saw a snake.
That was a very exciting thriller Harley! I was a little bit scairt!
Huffle Mawson
Oh noes, we would not like to see a snake on our front porch. You were very brave peeking out the door.
Harley, that's scary!! We guessed that you were just kidding but you weren't. We don't like snakes, they creep us out. We like little furry things much better.
Aaaaarrrrrgh! We don't get snakes here in New Zealand and I don't think I'd ever go outside if we did. You were so brave, Harley!
mi mom sed she wood rather see snakez onna doorstep dan snakez onna plane!
jus sayin.
A long time ago when Puff was a kitten, she brought in a baby Garter snake and jumped on Daddy while he was watching football in his jammies. Mommy said he screamed like a little girl. I wasn't borned yet so I missed all of the fun!
Hi Harley, we would have enjoyed it more if we weren't so tired of running into snakes. They are ruining Fenris' walk as Mommy turns around and comes back to the house the minute she spots one. ~S,S,C & F
We have a very big snake in our back yard and the cat friends killed another tiny snake.yipes.. I guessed package because I am waiting for one,,sandy
EEEEEEEKKK! A snake! You are furry brave, Harley. We don't get snakes here in London and my mum would freak out big time if she ever saw one in our garden! However my Cornish Grandma has a grass snake in her garden which swims in her pond and eats all her frogs...
I guessed right. You are brave...good job protecting the family!
Oh wow! We were just a little bit SCARED, Harley! It was very thrilling.
I mean... you are brave and manly like me. I would have been cool, calm and collected, too...
Yikes! Harley, we don't think you should wear that snake on your leg...but you can give it a little whap...now that would be fun!
Whoa, look at you Harley, from paw to tail that's quite a long distance!
I'm glad that your tuesday thriller is not life threatening!
Love y'all.
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.....that was Mommy screaming! She is not fond of crawly things. Harley....you must be the bravest kitty ever!!!
Nice timing of the post today!!!
'Cause this is thriller, thriller night
And no one's gonna save you from the beast about strike
You know it's thriller, thriller night
You're fighting for your life inside a killer, thriller tonight
Rest in Peace Michael.
That was very brave of you to look outside Harley. We don't get snakes here where we live because we are too far into the city, but we do get possums. They are scary too. Did you try to make it your friend like Daisy tries to make the lizards her friends?
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Eek! My mom is still screaming!
I thought it was going to be a package because I think packages are thrilling, don't you?
I think a garter would be dashing!a
Ooh, Harley, that was some THRILLER. Be careful, and whatever you do, please don't play with the snake!!!
You are very brave, Harley! Good idea to wait behind the closed door, though...:-)
Good job, Harley! Did you get to go out and play with the snake? If so, we hope you were careful!
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
That was a scary thriller. You're a super brave ManCat. Mom doesn't like snakes at all.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Harley we are so proud of you. You are growing to be a fine mancat: protecting your fambly from the risk of vishus introoders is very impawtant. You are SO brave! No wonder you are a spy!
We guessed a package, so you surprised us And you won't believe this, but our mom LIKES snakes (but even she gets startled by them).
We didn't expected a snake....we have never seen a snake here, only lezards, Harley you are a very good detective!
ViVi & AB
i'll tell you a big secret harley, sarge is scairt of snakes. yup, he squeels like a little girl! har har
smiles, auntie bee
Ohhhh....that made me very scairt Harley!!!!!
Harley...do not bring that in the house as a gift for Mommy
Oh boy! A slippery, slimy old snake! Did you get it, Harley?
you are a lot braver than me Harley. I would have run from the room screaming if I saw a snake even a nonpoisonous one.
eeek! that was scary! i do not like snakes at all!. phew, i need to rest after that scary snake. going back to bed...
hello harley its dennis the vizsla dog hay whew i am glad it wuz just a snayk i wuz wurreed it wood be an ensyklopeeda saylspersun or sumthing!!! ok bye
LOL, that was great! I hope the snake wasn't poisonous, I'm glad your mommy didn't let you play with it just in case.....maybe now she'll have to get you a toy snake??
Oh, no!!! I am completely freaked out, Harley! I had hoped it was going to be a UPS package!
Ewwww, I would FREAK - I HATE snakes!
That did give us a startle when we scrolled down! We were expecting a lizard or package.
EEEEKKKK!!!!!! A snake!!?? Did it get in the house?
Yikes! I was hoping for a package ... I think that would have been a good twist. I hope you shut the door quickly so that snake couldn't get inside.
Good job, Harley! That was a great Tuesday Thriller.
Oh a snake! How exciting! The Woman says that sometimes you see those around here.
Oh Harley you are much better behaved than the Farm cats. They would have picked up that snake and brought it to the publicist - whether she wanted it or not.
You are a good boy!
I just fainted.
Hi Harley!
That was very brave of you to see what was outside your front door! Our Mommy (and us, too!) are very scairty of snakes!
Rocky, Angie, and our Mommy, Karen
Me again!
I just wanted to let you know that I gave you the One Lovely Blog Award today!
Go here to pick up your award:
Have a great day!
I slithered to the edge of my seat...
That was really good! It was just like a movie! :)
"Wow" that was scary your very brave Harley.
P.S Hi and hugs to Daisy :)
Oh Harley, You gave me a fright!!!
You are very brave.
Harley I can't believe how brave you are if our mommy found a snake you can be sure she wouldn't let us see it. She would be screaming and running the other way.
Harley, you are braver than I would be! I was hoping it wasn't a snake actually, but there it was! It sure is long for a garter snake. The ones we have around here are pretty short.
It looks like a southern ribbon snake. They are not poisonous.
We thought that there would be a package out there, Harley! Keep that door shut!
That was a thriller worthy of the name! We're glad you didn't take any chances that it might be an alligator snake or something like that.
Oh Harley, that was *way* too scary for me. Me, I prefer deep stories about nothing!
Oh, my goodness! I did not expect there to be a snake out there. I think if I found a snake outside my door I would have to move. You are very BRAVE, Harley!
WHOA, Harley! a Snake! You are very brave to be so close to it without going all POOF!
We're with Skeezix on this one. And we would not have guessed a snake.
You are very brave, Harley! Be careful of those snakes, though... they're scary!
hahaha harley is too cute!!
I would have been scared to deal with the snake myself you need to send harley to stay with me for a couple weeks the snakes are going crazy over here!!
eeeekkkk!!! I guessed a package because that's all I find on our porch when the door is opened. I think if we saw a snake we'd stop opening the front door!!!!
I thought it was a package!
Kisses and hugs
That snake scairt me, but you are very brave, Harley.
YIKES! Whimpurr would have screamed if she opened the door to that!!! You sure are a brave and beautiful too, kitty!
Well that was super thrilling!
Get it away!!!!!!
Harley you are so brave!!!!
Yikes! I thought is was a lizard.... Hahahaha on the Garter Snake joke there Harley.
And yes, "Thriller" is most apropo today. :'(
You are brave Harley! My mommy squealed at just seeing the snake's picture!
oh daisy, I do not like snakes, you should not ware it on your leg
I hear they taste like chicken. You find out and lemme know...
Oh that was a thriller! I did guess snake because thrillers are sometimes scary and so are snakes! You are very brave to look at that snake Harley!
oh wow...I woulds like to play with that snake. 'Cept if it looked at me. Then I would probably run away.
Oh my!! Mama got chills seeing the picture of the snake....she hates snakes!
We had a snake IN our house one time back when "Daddy" still lived here!! He threw it outside so we didn't get a chance to play with it, bummer...
Your house is like wild animal kingdom!
We bring in snakes that get into our porch. Mostly ring neck snakes which are very small, but sometimes black racers. Mom's not afraid of them. In fact, when neighbors see one, mom goes over and catches it and bring it home to our backyard. She says it helps keep the fruit rats away.
Aaaaahhhhhh! That would be Mom screamin' if such a ginormous snake was at our house on our patio by the door like that!
That is truly thrilling! We would love to have a garter snake visiting us.
Really. We would.
Heh heh heh.
Abby & Stygia
That was a wonderful Tuesday Thriller, Harley! We got real scared for a couple of moments! Especially when we saw a picture of the snake!!!
It looks a little scary !!
Wonderful shots :)
We didn't guess it was a snake. We thought it might be a lizard. Mum says snakes are scary, specially when I catch them and bring them to her.
WOW!! Harley you are very brave indeed!! That snake looked pretty scary!! And that was a great Tuesday Thriller!!
Your FL furiends,
Oh no! Harley, get away from the door...QUICK! That snake might try to sneak in.
Holy mackeral! You are so brave, Harley!
Harley, you are VERY brave! We were frightened by the snake.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)
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