Happy Monday, everybuddy! I think you will be glad to learn that today's Monday Mystery will be an easy one. Are you ready?
I have hands
I have a face
Yet I am not alive
What am I? Hmmm, I know this one! Do you know it?

You know what to do, right? Press the Answer Button to see if your answer is correct!

Monday Mystery: What Am I?
74 Notes for Daisy:
Oh, Daisy, even I got that one! You look very pretty today, Daisy. Your kyoot little nosey looks just like a tiny heart!
Yea! We got it. You were right - it was pretty easy today.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
I think the correct answer could also be a wristwatch!
We got it!!! What a good start to a Monday!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We're so glad your mystery was an easy one this morning, Miss Daisy, because we're all so sleepy! We guessed it right away.
Mom's bekhame alive at five!
We got it right. Mommy said that was a very old riddle, she used to hear in school. She is smiling now, as she said it brought back happy memories. ~S,S, C & F
Hooray hooray, we got it today!:) Your riddles are very fun:)
Miss D, I got it right finally!! Yippeee for me.
Have a nice week sweetie.
harharhar! i knew dat one daisy! (eether i'm gettin smarter ... or dat wuz sumwut easy!)
did i tell u dat yer mom left tuna juice in mi gram'z fridge?
mi mom told me.
i hope she can bring it home to me on da plane.
That was an easy one, Daisy!!
Daisy....thank you for giving uSSSSS an easy one!!! You look so cute!
Our mom even got that one, and she's not so great at riddles! Happy Monday, Daisy!
You're right - that was easy! Even without coffee!
Have a great day, Daisy (& Harley, too!)!
Well, I guessed a watch but that is the same thing!
Huffle Mawson
Yay! We knew this one! Thanks for making it easy today, we're tired after the long weekend and couldn't have guessed a hard one.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
I got it right! Yay! I think it was good that you made it easy so I could get it correct.
You are so adorable!!! xxxoooxxxx
I got that one!
Wow - I got it right! Hurrah!
We got it right!!! Yeaaa!! (we don't always get it right)
"Yeay! I was right, Daisy."
By the way, I am quoting my kittie, Miss PennyKat!
YAY! I finally got one right!
you tricked me again miss daisy. Your mommie and dad are very nice.
That was an easy one Daisy, dear.
We got that one right. WE are glad it was easy.
we gotted it right!!!!
We knew this one straight away! YAY!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay hmmm hands and a face but not alive??? hmmmm aiiiieeeee it must be a zombee!!!! run away run away run away -- wot??? oh dada sez it is not a zombee then wot is it is it a vampire??? aiiieeeee run away run away run -- wot??? oh dada sez i am beeing silly and that yore blog is not hawnted by zombees and vampires thats HIS blog!!! ha ha ummm ok remind me not to visit dadas blog ok bye
Thanks for an easy one this morning, Daisy!
You know how to make an old man feel smart. :)
good one I love your inquisitive face-makes me think harder..sk
With out cheating I would venture to say tat it is a clock.
I got it! I feel smart! :-) Hope you have a great week, Daisy!
YEAH! We got one right and right away!!!
that was an easy one daisy! you sure look cute today!
smiles, auntie bee
yay! I got it! Love the pic of you with the answer.
Actually I love ALL your pics.
Thanks for an easy one this time, Daisy. I finally got one. mewmewmew
That was a good one, Daisy!
Oh Daisy, I am glad you posted an easy one after the hectic holiday weekend!
Hooray, I got it....I'm not stupid!
Dang I getted it wrong. I thinked it wuz a compass!
Yer pal Dozer
Yay! We guessed right :-)
We hope you and Harley are having a great Monday so far :-)
Rocky, Angie, & our Mommy, Karen
I knew it Yay :)
That was an easy one, Daisy, I got it right away!
That WAS an easy one Daisy...no time for overthinking huh? heh heh
I hope you have a nice day!
Yay I got that one hahaha
Happy Monday Daisy and Harley
Hey, Mommy used to have that same you-know-what until Mica knocked it over so many times it stopped ringing.
Your pal,
Wow, I guessed rite. Yay! :)
We got it! We got it! We finally got one! Uh... You didn't make it easy just so we could get it did you?
Thanks for giving us a break this week, Daisy! hee hee
Happy Monday to you guys!
I like the ones I can get the answer too! Happy Monday, Daisy!
Yea we guessed correct!
Well I feel smart today! Yay me!
Even Hope got that one. We love your Monday Mystery questions even when they are easy. By the way, Tommy wanted me to tell you your face is so cute he wants to rub his face against the computer.
I thought it was a watch -- did I still get it? Daisy, you did a great job as always.
We guessed that one correct!!!!!!!
I'm trying to think of a clever alternate answer but getting nowhere...
tiki here, plz visit my blog and mowzer's too!
This is not an easy one!
Very Very good answer!
We got it right but it was very easy!
I got it Daisy!
Kisses and hugs
Thanks for the easy riddle after a nip-filled weekend!
Whoo!! Hoo!! We finally got one right!! We must be smarter at night than in the day time!! Hehehehehehehe!!
Your FL furiends,
Daisy, that WAS easy!! We got it without Mom;s help too!! We have one clock. All the rest are digital!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie
Mom is very bad at these Daisy, shakes head.
Mum said a watch, which she says is a clock you wear on your wrist.
A politician?
I'm a little late, but I guessed it correctly!
We gott it Mis Daisy, evfun tho da Noo Mummy woz aslepe wen we bissitted (she yam noe help at orl). We gessed it woz an klokc! And wen we presst da button, we woz rite! Yay! We luffs yuo Mis Daisy, yuo roks! Luffs fwom da Simba and tha Alfie, :) xxx ooo xxx oxo oxo
Wow! I got anuther one rite! I'm on a role this munth!
I think you are a clock, Miss Daisy! And a very kyoot clock, too! What time is it, darlin'?
It's fun to have an easy one sometimes, I got this one. Good clues.
Oh, I know, I know...it's a clock, right?
Your friend
I lovvvvvvvvvvvvvve your blog. so nice all kitties sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute like me :)
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