Sunday, July 5, 2009

Sunday Comics with Daisy!


80 Notes for Daisy:

Donna said...

Oh jeemony! I don't likes layoffs. I'd much rather have a nap on a nice fluffy blankey. :)

Cheyenne -Millie said...

That is a real serious conversation Daisy! Lay On sounds much better!

Kathy said...

That's right, Daisy. Lay OFFS are not a good thing. And you have a little bit of a mean face there. I would, too. Layoffs stink!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Hmmm, I'm confyoozed. Cuz sinse the Food Lady got her lay off, I get to LAY ON her lots and lots all day long, and I feel safe and secure and I'm not ascairt of anything cuz she's with me all the time.

Poppy Q said...

Lay offs don't sound too much fun, and they are happening to too many good people. We hope that they can find new jobs soon, so they can buy lots of cat biscuits.

Good luck everybuddy.

Anonymous said...

Layoffs DO stink! And not having a job is very askeery. When Mom sold her business after 20 years and we moved to Georgia, Mom looked for a job for 6 months before finally deciding to start a new business. We are purring that your Daddy will find a new job very soon, Daisy and Harley.

aldon @ orient lodge said...

Skeezix, Daisy and other cat therapists: It isn't really all that confusing. When your humans have a layoff at the place they go to to be able to get food for you, it means that they might not be feeling as safe and secure as they should.

SO... You need to lay on them much more than usual until they can find a new way to get food for you that makes them feel much more safe and secure.

There are a lot of human layoffs right now so it is even more important for cats to lay on their humans.

Here's to hoping that all the humans that are facing layoffs can find ways to be more safe and secure really soon.

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy and Harley,
We are sayin' prayers that your daddy will find a new job very real soon. Elsie even said she would make a video tape of her singin' some of her purry songs for him. That always makes mommy feel betters when she is worried.

We are sendin' lotsa good thoughts you guys and your family!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh lay offs sound terribly scary. Our Mom said something about FURR-LOW. Maybe you can explain to us what that means.

Alexi said...

We's purring that your daddy finds a new job soon! Those green papers are important for foods! We're thinking of you!

Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Hi Daisy and Harley,
Aw, we know how scary lay-off are! Our Mommy was real worried last year and the better part of this year that she would be laid off.

We are gonna pray real hard that your Daddy finds a new job very soon!

Lots of love,
Rocky, Angie, and our Mommy, Karen

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

it sure doesn't sound like as much fun as lay-on. rats.

hugs, auntie bee

Teddy Westlife said...

Oh no. I hope you will all be okay.

Huffle Mawson

Sarge Charlie said...

that is great logic miss daisy, you teach harley very well.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Layoffs are very bad. We are purring your Daddy finds a job soon. ~S,S,C & F

Sweet Purrfections said...

I don't like "lay offs" either. I hope things are better around your house very soon!

Unknown said...

Uh oh. Daisy, are you laying off Harley, Snail or Mister Thrill? Cutbacks at Daisy Enterprises?

Hope you had a nice quiet July 4th!

Your pal,


JD at I Do Things said...

I think aldon said it best:

"There are a lot of human layoffs right now so it is even more important for cats to lay on their humans."

I'm sorry, Daisy and Harley. I'm sending good thoughts and vibes for your family in this tough time. Remember: you have an important job to do. Lay on your humans. They need you.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Oh, we are purring and purring that your Daddy finds another job very soon! The Big Guy has been through this too! It is not a good thing! Your Daddy will need lots of extra loving!

Love, uSSSSS

i beati said...

We surely empathise because I am laid off until October and looking for a part time job..I hope Daddy finds something lucrative to fill his hours, maybe something he loves !!

The Island Cats said...

Oh no...we don't think layoffs are a good thing at all!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Layoff sounds bad.

happy Sunday Daisy and Harley

CCL Wendy said...

Very insightful definition, Daisy! You make a wonderful teacher to Harley!

I sure hope that no one in your home has been laid off.

Cory said...

Layoffs are awful. We are purring so hard that your daddy finds another great day hunting job.

Forever Foster said...

We are sending the two of you and your Mommie a great big snuggly cuddle.

Liss said...

Layoffs are very bad. They're cutting 100 jobs at my company in the next two weeks.

The Florida Furkids said...

We don't like lay offs either. We think that you need to spend more time laying on the person who experiences the lay off. Gee this is confusing for a kitty mind!!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Both of you are very good at thinking~~~~
Lay on is better I think so, too!

zevo hussein calamari said...

oh my... we hope you are all ok over there... so sorry we have not been visiting.. we may be laying off this old computer soon in hopes that a new one can upload cool blogs!

happy cinco de julio... we hope you had a lovley holiday. as always you look adorable in your pink attire.
zevo & entourage

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

i wunder if dere iz gointa be tuna juice?

Milo and Alfie said...

We're guessing that Harley is worrying about his daddy being laid-off. So big smooches to Harley 'cos everything will work out just fine for your daddy - so try not to worry.
And smooches for daisy too - just because ...

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Well 'splained Daisy...

The stoooopid ekhonomy has hurt lots and lots of good hoomans...

Thank dog they have us around to cheer them up!


Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Oh Harley and Daisy, I wish I have the magic wand to switch all "off" back to "on".
You look adorable in your pink Daisy, how many pink outfits you have?
Does Harley care for fashion too?
Love y'all

The Whiskeratti said...

We are so sorry 'bout the layoffs. There's a lot of strong purrayers coming your way though, and I bet the Dad will find a new job very soon!

Lin said...

Ugh. This economy has GOT to improve soon. I'm hoping your Dad gets something quick and that he isn't feeling blue. Hugs to you all.

Mishkat said...

We think layoffs stink too! That happened to our mom a while back and she was so upset that she wasn't any fun to be around (our mom says that being on unemployment was horrible - she can't believe that some people actually like it!). We will purr for your dad - and our mom sends her good thoughts too.

Split Rock Ranch said...

You're right Daisy, Layoffs are VERY scary! We know that from experience here at Split Rock Ranch. We hope we never have to do that again! Lay ons are much better, especially if it is a nice warm fuzzy kitty, or pup or llama to snuggle with!

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, you are very right in that lay offs are not a good thing. We hope your daddy finds a new job soon. I'm sure he could use both of you to lay ON him and help him feel better in the meantime. Purrs to you and your family!

brokenteepee said...

Daisy I think you could scare your daddy's employers real good. Let them know what they lost. I could send you Abby to butt them. You would make a good team.

I hope he finds a job very quickly. Goat hugs from us.

Chrissie said...

I like the LAY-ON idea much better! Let's have a Blogosphere-wide LAY-ON! Where all the purries and woofsters LAY-ON all their peoples!

Lay-offs are just horrible, Miss Daisy and Harley. I know Miss Millie's mom is faced with that possibility or something like it..I'm purrin' as hard as I can.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Daisy and Harley. We hope your Dad is not getting the sads like out Mom is. she did not get laid off like your Dad, but they made her quit working and retire. It takes more and more for her to get out of bed every morning. We are purring for your family and all those that have lost jobs these past months !

Reese =^..^= said...

Yes, Lay offs are very bad. I'm sure sorry that happened at your house. I know your mommy is very clever though. With her help the dad bean will come up with something. Keep your little hairy chins up.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

All of us here are so sad that your Daddy got laid off from his day hunting job. We are keeping our fingers and paws crossed he is able to find a new one real soon. Don't feel bads, our Mom is losing her jobbie July 31 so we will be sharing your pain.

The Furry Bambinos said...

Daisy and Harley, is a layoff like a buyout? Cause our Daddy did that awhile ago, and since then he has been around here more. So we do our best to cheer him up. Like by helping to redecorate his office papers for him. We hope that your Daddy finds a new job soon. In the meantime, be sure to do lots of laying on him to cheer him up.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, and Cookie and Caramel (the fosters)

Puglette said...

that was a lovely way of describing something so awful. i am thinking of you dad all of the time, sending him positive thoughts. i know something will come up soon for someone with all of his experience and knowledge.
hugs to you all,

Lorenza said...

Layoffs are not funny. You gave Harley a good explanation!
Kisses and hugs

The Oceanside Animals said...

It's a sad state of affairs when even the kitties have to worry about layoffs. :-(

Anonymous said...

We have done something today that we think will help your humans the best we know how. (See our blog!) We'll be purring for better days ahead, both for your human daddy and ours.

Max said...

Layoffs bite in a big, big way :(

Nomi said...

Here's hoping that everyone affected by lay-offs will soon find lay-ons again.

Samantha & Mom said...

Yep them LAYOFFS ARE NO GOOD!! It happened to our Dad, too!! We are purrring for a Better job for your Dad to come up!! The layons sound like a good idea and we are going to go do that to Mom right away!!
Your FL furiends,

Anonymous said...

We're going to keep praying that the Lay Off will be come a Job Back really soon.

Anonymous said...

Much too serious for a Sunday Daisy but we know what you mean

L. Alida said...

Oh Daisy and Harley we have been through layoffs before here! They cause lots of worry. I hope your daddie will find a new job really soon! It takes a while to recover from a set back like that sometimes, but as long as the kitties are fed all is well. :) I will purray for your family.
Daisy, you certainly are pretty in pink!
Hugs and Purrs,

arbed and edgar said...

We still think about your daddie and keep sending lots of good thoughts and wishes and purrs to all of you. All the good kitty and doggy and human mojo will help, we know it!

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope your dad is doing okay. It's no fun to be looking for work, but he is loved by you two and your mom, so he has some good things in his life.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

..I never thought of a layoff like that. I never liked them and I like them even less now. Purrs to you and your family Daisy.

Quill and Greyson said...

Mom and I are both hoping your family makes it through this rough patch and on to even better things.

Try to stay positive. If your Mom ever needs an ear... she can email my Mom if she wants... maybe that means an eye.

Anyway a lot of your friends are here for you if you need us!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy,
lookit dis!
wut da?

Rand815 said...

Loved the comics! Hope you had a wonderful, not too noisy holiday!

Anonymous said...

Miss Daisy that is such a good explanation!! For such a bad word it is heard a whole lot nowadays :(

Anonymous said...

We know about lay offs here too. Momma was without a job for 6 months and times were hard. Now she works two part time jobs so it's a little better but you never know what's going to happen in the future. I propose a BAN on layoffs!!


RJ Flamingo said...

That was a good explanation, Daisy! I like to say (and I really do believe) that everything happens for a reason - usually to make room for something better - even if it takes a little bit of time. Keep your eyes and ears and minds wide open so you'll recognize the opportunity when it comes along.

Many {{{Hugs!}}}

Mr. Hendrix said...

Uh oh, I hope you aren't being effected by layoffs. LayONs are much better. You are a good sister to explain these things to Harley

My mommy is worried that the store she works at my close at the end of the year. It is small and people aren't shopping like they used to.

We gave one of our special Daisy cards to my grandma at a work party they had for her called a "Grandmother's Shower" where she got lotsa stuff to babysit #2. We also gave one to mommy's neice last Sun at her graduation party. Everyone things that not only are you very pretty, but you are a very nice and well behaved kitty to dress up for your mommy.

Hopefully they will buy some of your cards too since everyone loves them!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

A layoff is not a good thing. I am glad Harley has learned this.

Mickey's Musings said...

Daisy and Harley we think lay-on is way better!!!!!
We are purring for your Dad and all of you too !!
We know how you feel. We hope you keep feeling safe too!!!!
Purrs Mickey, Georgia & Tillie

Dwacon said...

Maybe Tim Geitner needs to talk to Daisy?

Good post today!

Maureen said...

That's for sure. Hubby has been laid off since January. All the best to you and yours that it doesn't last too long.

Anonymous said...

We're purring for your Dad! Our Mom is a little bit concerned about finding a new job when we move to Broward in a few weeks.

call center worker said...

Lay off are not always bad sometime. Specially if the separation pay is big and you know your capability to get new job or to start your own business. I know many people wanted to be layout because they are after on separation pay. They experience and talents so they are not worried at all.

Unknown said...

Oooh, lay offs don't sound very nice...I hope nothing like that is happening to people you love!

Honey the Great Dane

Just Ducky said...

Daisy? Did one of your beans get laid off? I hope not!

Stacey Kimmel-Smith said...

Layoff talk in your house means that you need to lay on your human friends. They need you.

Your Daily Cute said...

Oh, layoffs are not fun... Wish there were only "lay ons" in the world!

The Devil Dog said...

PlusOne's friend's mother just got laid off. They are fixing up the house in case they have to sell it, and move into an apartment. That is very scary.


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, we nefer thought of it THAT way. It makes so much sense now. Thanks!

Asta said...

You awe so wight..and it's pwetty awful how many hoomans awe getting to expewience that awful state of feaw and misewy, but Skeezix had a vewy nice take on how to make it bettew
smoochie kisses

Mom said...

This is great. Thanks for the giggles.

Now, could you tell me how to get my cat to stop laying on me so much?

Motor Home Cats said...

Daisy, your comic today made us sad. We are purring that your daddy will soon find a new job.

Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie

Theresa Joe and Bobby said...

After Mass yesterday, we lit candles and prayed for you.


Theresa, Joe and Bobby

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