Like MANY mancats, I am a FOOTBALL loving cat! My very most FAVORITE team is the MIAMI DOLPHINS!

I am showing my SUPPORT for the Dolphins by wearing this cool Dolphin JERSEY! Are you impressed with my
BIG HUGE shoulders!?! And I am not even wearing shoulder PADS!

This is how I would LOOK if I was going back to catch the PIGSKIN!

Oh my COD! LOOK! I was DRAFTED and I never even KNEW it! I hope I do not get in TROUBLE for missing TRAINING CAMP!

And Daisy wanted to show everybuddy the beautiful image the girls from
Zoolatry made for her! Thanks Maggy, Zoey and Ann. We love it!

Fashion Friday: 'Fin Fan!
77 Notes for Daisy:
Yoo are a feetsball star!!! Wooohooo, Harley!
Go Deep, Harley! You look pawesome in your Dolphins jersey.
Congratulations on being drafted!
We feel a little bit bad, but we have to say this... "Squish the Fish!!" Sorry. Our Grampy taught us to always say that to a Dolphin. We do not know why.
Oah Harley!
I bet your team loves you, you do have great huge shoulder, you have wonderful figure!!
Good luck to your Dolphin team!
Ooo, Dolphins... don't they swim with the tuna fishies? Thank makes them ok in my book!!
Does your mummy make all your little outfits? Cause they are BRILLIANT!!!
Now that is a Mancat shirt! I wish your team well this year. Your pictures really turned out well showing off your big shoulders. So funny you got drafted and didn't know it! Good luck!
We love the Jersey you have on today Harley. Congratulations on getting drafted too.
Harley! You need a helmet if you are going to play football. You sure look like a cutie in the jersey, though. Be careful!
Miami Dolphins? Do they play water polo or sumthing?
You are such a hunk, Harley! Any team would be lucky to have you as a member!
Very pretty collage, Daisy!
Wow Harley! What is your position on the team? I do not understand American football so you could say anything and I will believe you.
Huffle Mawson
Harley you look so fabulous in your team shirt!! Concats on being drafted, Go Harley!
But surely you have shoulder pads on there?! Those are YOUR shoulders?! Wow!
I like football too. I was named after a football player from Tonga!
Very cool Daisy art there!
You are a hottie, Harley! first....i was confused....cause here football and soccer means the same thing....thats why i googled your team...MIAMI DOLPHINS to find out they play rugby.... or Football.......or Grid Iron.....or America Football......
and yea.....congrats...Harley....know you'll do good
woo hoo.........
Oh boy! My human friend likes to watch the hockeys and the socker on teevee. I like mooveys too. Sittin in fronna the teevee is fun. :)
I am so impressed with this manliest of mancat posts! Edgar is very jealous. I don't watch football, but now I can say "Go Dolphins!" just because of you, Harley!
(I love the photo of you looking like you're going to catch the ball.)
Harley you look terrific in your Dolphins jersey...
oh Harley, that means that we will see you in Flubbalo when you play the silly bills! ::rifling through mom's wallet:: we needs to order tickets!!!!!
Harley the shirt is wonderful and no doubt helped the fins win last night. My favorite player is on that team- Pat white!! Also Daisy looking ultra lovely !!!Your shirt Harley is very special and what Mancat shoulders !!!Evie, Kissipurr and Angel Baby were quite turned on by those manly shoulders!!
Harley, you look beautiful . . . er, MANLY in your jersey. And congratulations on getting drafted. I hope we get to hear details of training camp!
Harley, you are a great Dolphi fan! Love your jersey!
Maybe if the Dolphins had Harley on the team they might actually sell out a game. :-)
I dunno, the green and gray doesn't look right. Maybe something in yellow and black? With a nice towel on the side...?
You look so handsome in your football jersey! We're so excited that you made the team!!
Daisy's graphic is beautiful - Zoolatry is very talented!!
wouldn't you know it....a cat that loves a fish...
Harley, you look fantastic in your jersey! By the way, I love dolphins too...delicious on sandwiches, or stuffed with tuna...mmmm. Oh wait, that's not what you are talking about, is it?
Wonderful jersey and congrats on getting drafted. We bet you can run that football right under the other guys legs and they wouldn't even know it.
Thank you for your kind condolences on our blog.
Harley...ConCats on the draft! Hope they signed you for LOTS of green papers!!! Pandora is the only football fan out of us kitties. She like it when Dad (a die-hard Cowboy's fan) gets all nutty. King and I don't really care. Mom's a Redskin's fan. And're picture is lovfurly!
have a GRRR-8 weekend all of you!
PS...we were positive you had pads on!!! Hope you're on the starting team!
You look just like a football player, Harley!
Happy Weekend to you guys!
wow harley! you are the man!!! and daisy darling, what a beauty...
smiles, auntie bee
Harley, you are a football star! We never knew!
WOWZA! If you is a footballs player you'd betters get ready fur alla' da ladies to be hangin' 'round you's. Ladies yike dem sports dudes.
Harley, your muscles are bigger than Pierro's that says a lot....
Daisy, you are adorrrrrabibble
Harley, you are the purrfect football player!
You've always been a hunk to me Harley, whatever you're wearing!
harley maybe you could retire and then unretire and then retire and then unretire kinda like our new quarterback up here seems fond of doing.
Harley, your chin looks great. You could be a chin model. Good job!
harley, you look awesome! are you going out to toss the pigskin around with your dad?
have a great friday!
Harley, We think you are the number one fan! Daisy's photo art from Ann is beautiful.
You are so cool, Harley!!!
Mom says you are really handsome and BIG!
Congrats on bein drafted into the team!
I like sports too. I like basketball and I'm a San Antonio Spurs fan.
Harley we will root for you when you join the team. We think that they could have used your skills last night against the BUCS!
Ohhh man, Harley! You and Melvin might have a bit of a rivalry... We're avid Bucs fans over here (although they aren't doing to well these days).
I've gotta say, though, the Miami colors look fantastic on you!
Harley u will be da bestest Dolphin!
um... whats a dolphin? (r dey eatzabul?)
duz u get ta catsh da ball?
-Bootsie Woo.
We lufs Daisyz noo pik!
da Katie Katz
We'll be sure to watch your games, Harley!
~ The Bunch
Harley, you look like a real hunka mancat in that shirt! Such a mancatly thing to do, too -- football!
And, Ann's girls did a lovely job with Daisy, as well. She looks very petite and feminine there.
Harley ~ yoo look fantastic in that shirt. Go Boy!! Woooohoooo!
Oh yes, you look very manly with such broad shoulders.
Harley, you look so handsome in your Jersey!!! It's you. Daisy, I really like the picture! It's groovy, baby!
How exciting for your, Harley! But we hope your team doesn't play our Cowboys this year, or we'll have to root against you... ;)
Daisy, that's a lovely graphic, how sweet of the Zoolatry girls to make that for you! They're the best.
Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew
Cool, Harley! So, what position will you play? You know, you gotta practice that thing the players do with their water bottles-they can squirt water in their mouths from 50 feet! 'Course, I could do without the swish n' spit maneuver..I'm just sayin'.
Daisy-Face, I saw that image over at Maggy and Zoey's this morning-it is muy cool!
That's great Harley.....who gets the moola? Tee Hee=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
You look marvelous!
We have decided we want shoulders as broad as yours!
That is a very cute graphic of you Daisy.
Harley, I think you look great in your jersey (even though we aren't Dolphins fans). Does Daisy have a matching cheerleader outfit?
*hangs head* just when I had high hopes for a good football fan you roll out with the dolphins....ah well we can't all be right or win :)
That is a very manly shirt Harley!
Go Harley!
go, Dolphins, go! go, go, go!
you really amazing in green and gray, Harley!
have a great day you all!
a kiss for you, dear, and tell your mommie and Daisy that I left a kiss for them too!
"Yay" for Harley you look very cute in your football jersey :)
Oh my, the girl kitties at our house think you look quite handsome in that jersey, Harley! :-)
Harley you look good in football clothes. And the images of Daisy are beautiful!
Daisy, that collage of you is so amazing, it should be for sale as a framed print, or screensaver, or t shirt, or beadspread!
Good luck with the Pigskin Harley!
Harley, you look very handsome in your Dolphins jersey. Congratulations on making the team!
We saw your webcast today. You and Daisy are very good dancers. (We love our cat dancer too.) We hope you finally catch that red dot. We have some of those all over our house, and they are very sneaky.
Go Harley!
Go Harley!
May I be your cheerleader goat?
Concats on getting drafted Harley.
Daisy, that is a lovely graphic.
what a great thing they made you! i LOVE it!
So is going back to catch the pigskin anything like catching bacon in your mouth? If so, I'm game to play too!!!
Oh the image of Daisy is breathtaking.
Harley you are a very handsome football player. ~S,S,C & F
Maybe we should be Dolphins fans now! Goodbye St. Louis Rams!
Pee Ess: We're a little bit jealous of Daisy's graphic:)
Pee Ess Ess: Our Mom is terrified of the whole balcony exploration thing that we've been doing! She only lets us out for a few minutes at a time, and then she watches us like a hawk!
Hi, Harley!
You look so handsome with your jersey!
And the picture of Daisy is beautiful!
Kisses and hugs
Harley! You have to wear your helmet and your shoudlermapads or you might get injured! For instance someone could drop a Frito on you while the game is playing.
Wow, I wood like a wall size version of that Zoolatry pikcher. Of korse, then I'd have urjes all the time and wood never get any blogging done!
That is a great image that Zoolatry did of you!
The images are soooo special. they did a fine job.
You look so handsome in your football outfit. re you the quarterback?
Harley, ya are probly as good as any Bein on the Washington team...
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