Saturday, September 5, 2009

Photo Hunters: Orange

The Photo Hunters theme this week is: orange. You might remember my fancy orange Lizard Hunter scarf and Lizard Hunter magic wand.
But now I will reveal why orange is an important color when hunting lizards...
Do you see!? Lizards have this fancy hidden FLAP called a dewlap that they like to show off sometimes. And it is ORANGE! One reason lizards show their dewlap is to scare rivals. But in my orange Lizard Hunter scarf, I think the lizard will know that I am not scairt. This lizard is show-boating in my own backyard!
Here is an orange picture my Mommeh took at Morikami Gardens. I think it is the most orange picture we have.


66 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

Maybe the lizards think your fancy orange scarf is a dewlap too?

Huffle Mawson

Anonymous said...

Daisy, orinch is also a good color for you! It is bright and sunshiny, much like you!

Mom says Whitey might be getting a bit of a dewlap, too. I definitely have a little something going on on mai tummy! :-D

Misha said...

You have all sorts of wonderful creatures where you live, Daisy!

Nita said...

Nice one!

Have a great week!

ZOOLATRY said...

Dewlap! Oh thank you Daisy, our human "lost" that word in her memory banks somewhere and she was just trying to tell the grandbean what that "orange scarf on the lizard" was... you are always so helpful and informative!

SaraKatt said...

Nice pics Daisy! Wow, I have never been that close to a lizard. Calle and I are really good at hunting field-mice, birds and shrews. But shrews are not edible! They taste terrible. We hunt them for fun.
Do you really EAT lizards? Or maybe you make them your friends?
Good to see that you are feeling better Daisy.
Say Hello to Harley too.
Sara Cat

Ann said...

You look very brave in your orange scarf.

Sandy Kessler said...

Daisy you look very orange and professional in your ORANGE lizard hunter scarf

Anonymous said...

Hi Miss Daisy,
That's a really pretty scarf you're wearing. And that's a COOL lizard! We don't have that kind here, we just have boring lizards.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We didn't know lizards had an orange dewlap. He might think you are trying to scare him with your orange scarf.
We are ginger and white, but we know in America we are called ORANGE and white.

Milo and Alfie said...

The scarf is great and we love the lizard picture.

Unknown said...

Hi Daisy,

Sorry I haven't visited in ages! My human's been really busy and tired in the evenings and wants a break from her computer so she won't help me visit my friends! Humph!

Gosh - you have very fancy lizards where you live! We don't have any that have those bright orange throat things at all!

You look very smart in your orange scarf, though! :-)

Honey the Great Dane

Cindy said...

What a bright scarf! The best part of that is that mommy can find you easily!


Forever Foster said...

The dewlap is really quite pretty, we think.

Monty Q. Kat said...

You should come over here, Daisy-there's a frog living under the porch. It likes to hop out of the grass whenever MomBean gets home so she'll squeal. (That's mostly due to it wanting to hop on her foot, though.)

The Florida Furkids said...

That scarf makes you look very brave!!! Thanks for reminding us about the dewlap. We can never remember what it is called.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Mommy would like to go to Morikami Gardens, thank you for telling us about it. We loved the ORANGE fish.

And you look outrageously gorgeous in ORANGE. ~S,S,C & F

The Island Cats said...

We learned something about lizards today! Not that it matters to us because we don't have any lizards living around're lucky, Daisy!

Karen said...

You are too too gorgeous in your orange scarf! You'll have to get one for Harley too, he'd be very handsome in one. Since we moved to WA I miss my lizards! There were lots of them in TX, they used to walk along the top of our fence and do the Dew Lap Dance (step step dip wiggle DEWLAP!) all the time. Those are some lovely Koi too!

RJ Flamingo said...

I *almost* used a similar lizard picture! That would have been really funny!

You look fabulous in orange - it brings out your eyes! :-)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wow, I didn't know you were The Lizard Hunter, I think we've seen that on the moving picture box and you're the star!!!

Ariel said...

Hi Daisy,

The niece loves your pretty scarf.She says your the cutest kitty model...Hugs

SnoopyTheGoon said...

Of course, Daisy has an unfair advantage where orange is concerned. My cats don't have anything orange in them...

And the lizard is awesome too.

Have a great weekend.

Sweet Purrfections said...

You did very good with the orange theme, Daisy. That's pretty smart to wear an orange scarf around your neck to trick the lizards.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We like your backyard lizard, Daisy.
I did not know that word, dewlap.
Your wind chime is pretty!
~ Anna Sue

sadermaxx said...

Hi Daisy!
I think with your orange scarf on you can sneak up on those gold fish, without getting wet. You can blend in and maybe they will just jump up so you could catch them.

CCL Wendy said...

Your hunting scarf must be very effective Daisy, because then you blend in with the lizard and it doesn't know you're coming for it. You are very smart, I must say!

Boy, your mama sure wasn't koi about taking pictures of those orange fish! Now that is really orange!!!

mog said...

You will scare the lizard with your orange scarf cause not only does it imitate a dewlap, you are lots bigger and lots cuter.

Our lizards don't have dewlaps not that I can see, also they are smaller.

Nice pic of the koi too.

Miz Mog and Meowza

Boy n Beethoven said...

Feeeeshes! Yummy!


Anonymous said...

Nice orange bandana! We love lizards...yum!

Quilts and Cats said...

We love oragne because Tennessee is orange country...GO VOLS! I think you look better in the orange than the lizard!

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you are feeling better? I hope so. Orange is a great color on you.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean you are feeling better? I hope so. Orange is a great color on you.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy you know so much about lizards it is really amazing! I am impressed.

Reese =^..^= said...

Meowee! That's a lot of cool orangeness!

VetTech said...

I thought the dewlap was to attract female lizards :-) Morikami is awesome, such a Boca gem :-)

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Oh my goodness, that is so cool! Your orange scarf looks JUST like a dewlap!! But don't worry-- a show-boating lizard is nothing next to the likes of you, Daisy!

I hope you can come visit my "orange" stuff at New York :)

Have a great weekend!

CRIZ LAI said...

Hmm.. I bet Daisy can't pull her tongue out as long as the lizard although both have the same orangeness. :P

Your Daily Cute said...

Your Lizard Hunter scarf is very fancy. Much fancier than any lizard's dewlap.

And thanks so much for the lesson, Daisy. We have those icky lizards in our backyard, but I never knew that throat thingy had a real name!

Puglette said...

hi daisy! orange is a good color for you. that lizard is cool! i have never seen one show off like that.

have a good day!

WillOaks Studio said...

Great sampler of ORANGE!! Daisy, you're the best model whatever you put on--and teaching us about lizards and fish is just wonderful!

Cory said...

Is the lizard showing off because he thinks you are pretty?

Quill and Greyson said...

With your scarf you look like you have a dewlap yourself, very clever Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Darn Showboaters!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
Are you feeling better today?? I hope so!
That lizard sure is interesting!
Kisses and hugs

Brita said...

Cool scarf and lizard. Great take on the theme.

Black Cat said...

Great orangeness Daisy!

ORINJE ROOLS (says Simba)!

You're just sandy-coloured Simba, bring on tha orrinj lizzerd, yum yum (sez Alfie)!

Oh, duhr (says Black Cat)...

??? :)xxx

brokenteepee said...

Hmmm, I did not know this about lizards. The only lizard I have seen out here is a Western Skink. It has a neon blue tail that it will drop off if attacked. The Farm cats bring the tails to the publicist. She is not happy with these gifts.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Nice oranges!

Tank woo fur sharing them!


Kitty McCormack said...

Mummy still can't get over how beautiful you are in front of the camera, Daisy. Please tell Harley that we think he's handsome in front of the camera too! Nishiko and Xanthe xx

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We love your orange dewlap Daisy!

The Oceanside Animals said...

That's quite an orange picture all right!

dawn said...

Great lizard hunting scarf. I am sure the lizards will think you are one of them. You can be like a Trojan Cat.

A.Marie said...

I'd protect you from that very scary lizard, Daisy, if I was there! And, orange is a very good color for your complexion!

Your biggest fan,

Cheyenne -Millie said...

Wow! Look at all that wonderful beautiful orange!

Anonymous said...

Well, orange you smart, Daisy? We didn't know that about lizards!

Pee Ess: You sure have a lot of lightening and fog here in FL, Daisy!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

you look very pretty in orange daisy, i hope you are feeling better honey! those fishies look good too! ha ha ha

smiles, auntie bee

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah My!
What a wonderful color, Orange!
Makes everything bright!

Liss said...

We posted about the Litteracy Box

Cactus Jack Splash said...

Very orange post Daisy. I really enjoyed it

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oh my!! Look at that lizard, I have never seen such a thing!! Go nom it Daisy!! Go go go!!!

Donna said...

That is very good to know. The lizards in front of my house are grey, green and black, mostly. :)

Maureen said...

Orange is such a fun color... love your scarf Daisy!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Pretty orange scarf!

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