Friday, September 4, 2009

Fashion Friday: Harley Gets Businesslike

Daisy is feeling a little bit under the WEATHER today, so that means I get to MODEL today! Anyway, this is a shirt made for a MANCAT. I could wear this to the OFFICE. If I had a JOB.
I know THIS picture does not really SHOW OFF the shirt, but I wanted you to see my GIGANTICAL and MANLY paws.
Okay, here is a BETTER pose. For the SHIRT. I am glad it has SHORT sleeves. Do you think the STRIPES are SLIMMING? I almost typed "sliming" by mistake. Hahaha!
I can do a GLAMOR shot, too! Did you know you could wear a BUSINESS shirt that shows your MIDRIFF? You better check with your BOSS before you try this look at work. DAISY told me to say that.


98 Notes for Daisy:

gemmak said...

I think the stripes are very slimming Harley though you have no need of slimming, you are a perfect mancat shape already :o)

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Harley, we have fully time jobs as MANCATS!! Plus you have to put up with a sister, so that seems like it'd be a full time job as well!


Milo and Alfie said...

Harley that's a very smart and cool shirt. Great for attending HQ (007.5)!

We hope daidy feels better soon! Get well smooches to her.

Milo and Alfie said...

Whoops ~ we meant Daisy (not Daidy)

Teddy Westlife said...

But Harley I thought you had a job as an international spy? Maybe you do not need to wear a business shirt for that. I hope Daisy feels better soon.

Huffle Mawson

Poppy Q said...

Harley, you are a great model and I think any employer would be happy to have you at the office.

Hope your sister blister is feeling better soon.


Misha said...

I thought super spycats like you didn't work in an office?

Is poor Daisy still sneezing? I'd say give her a kiss to get better, but I wouldn't want you to catch her girl germs!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think you look great in your outfit~! You look very dashing!

I think your paws are strong, too!

Quilts and Cats said...

VERY Manly!! There's not a cat who could compete with your handsomeness (is that a word?).
Give Daisy special hugs for us. Muffin and Jelly Bean.

Spunky Doodle said...

You are looking very manly and handsome today in your striped shirt, Harley. You are a good model too! I love you! Hope Daisy is okay and those sneezes STOP.

Anonymous said...

That's a great shirt Harley! We think you'd be a great executive. I don't know about showing your midriff though.....maybe just on casual Friday.

jane & Alice

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Those are great colours for you, Harley!

ZOOLATRY said...

Short sleeves and a bit of bare midriff are purrobly okay since you're a Flayeeha boy... we've noticed some very casual office attire here. HOWEVER: better add a necktie if you're going on a job interview!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We thinks you look very business like. ~S,S,C & F

i beati said...

Harley this shirt is definitely you !!sandy

Cat with a Garden said...

Harley, you're a good-looking business dude.

Parker said...

Very wall-street Harley! Please tell Daisy I hope she feels better!

The Island Cats said...

You look good in that shirt, Harley! Ready for work!!

We hope Daisy is feeling better soon..,

Anonymous said...

woo hoo Harley, you're a hottie in that shirt....

Anonymous said...

Harley, you could be an Ice Cream Mancat or even a Dapper Dan, the barber-shop quartet that strolls and sings on Disney's Main Street USA.

Umm.. you can sing and harmonize, right? We just happen to know where you could find 3 more Mancats to complete the quartet, too! *wink-wink*

JD at I Do Things said...

Wow, Harley, this was a very good modeling job! You showed up the shirt AND your manly paws! I'm sorry Daisy isn't feeling well today, but I'm glad I got a chance to see a Harley glamour shot.

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope Daisy is feeling better today. You look quite handsome in that shirt and we really were impressed by your gigantical paws!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Janet said...

Very nice choice for today, Harley. Some offices have casual Fridays so I think you could show off your belly at least once a week. :-)

Anonymous said...

That is a very handsome business shirt Harley and you did a great job modeling it. I hope Daisy is feeling better soon!

facingthetrend said...

*whispering* Harley, you aren't just showing your mid-drfit; you aren't wearing any pants!

Hitesh Rawat said...

hmmm....liked your eyes.....

woo hoo......\,,,/

Donna said...

U look very hansum in ur werk shert, Harley. :)

Mishkat said...

That shirt makes your arms look very muscular and mancatly, Harley!

P.S. We're sending many purrs to Daisy - we hope she feels better soon.

Split Rock Ranch said...

ME-OW Harley! What a manly mancat shirt you've got there!

Monty Q. Kat said...

I dunno, it looks okay but I think you need a tie.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Oh, Harley! It suddenly got hot in here and I'm feeling a little faint.

Meghann said...

Very manly and handsome Harley! i think they would look great with some khakis but I don't know that you would find them very comfortable :)

Dma said...

i don't know if my boss would let me show my bare midriff at work but more than that i don't think any of my co-workers would like to see my bare midriff. yet you definitely pull off the look.

Lin said...

What?! No tie??

Cory said...

If silly humans had midriffs like yours Harley...they'd rewrite the "business casual" policy. Mom says she would let you work in her office exposing your belly. It would boost morale.

Cats in trees said...

Dressed like that I could see you get a job. Tasting cat food. Trying out beds. Testing the quality of curtains. Alle kinds of jobs out there for cats with a shirt on.

Cindy said...

Nice suit! Perfect for a mancat. I'd worry now, Mommy might make you get a job.

Anonymous said...

You do have some GIGANTICAL paws Harley! Yowza!!! And, the shirt is super ManCat-ish...looks GRRR-8 on you. We think Pandora has a B~I~G crush on you! Effurytime she sees your picture, she gets into super~purr mode...Hmmmm? Think she was bitten by the love bug!

sadermaxx said...

Hi Harley!
you look so professional in your shirt, and we hope Daisy feels better soon.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Daisy, we hope you feel better soon. Harley, you look very cute in your business shirt.


SeaThreePeeO said...

You look very business like in that fab shirt Harley!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Harley, At some companies that might be a 'casual Friday' shirt. Daisy, we hope you are feeling better.

vickie said...

COOL cats, lol! I stopped by to tell you I left you an award on my blog.

Ariel said...

You look very manly and your a great model Harley.

P.S Hope Daisy feels better soon...Hugs

The Monkeys said...

You certainly have the 'Professional, Cute' look down, Harley!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Harley I like that look on you! I hoe Daisy feels better!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

PS. Harley, can you use your sooper sleuth skills to figure out who is framing me in this conspiracy?

Quill and Greyson said...

Very Handsome, hope Daisy feels better.

Puglette said...

harley, you sure have muscular arms! you are almost busting out of that shirt. it will be good for spy activities, a good spy always needs formal attire!
hugs to you all!

Unknown said...

This cat has the most unique expressions. He's amazing

Anonymous said...

Daisy still has the sniffles? Tell her we hope she feels better soon. Love your shirt - it's perfect for casual Friday.

Maureen said...

Aw, I think you look ADORABLE, Harley! Yes, those stripes are awesome on you. And great job on Modelling!

Maureen said...

Oh, and Daisy, I hope you are feeling better real soon!

Anonymous said...

Ooooo, you is so man-handsome-ly in that stylish shirt! You does really has gigantical eyes, too!

Ultimate Gold Rush said...

Mom would've surrendered the entire bag of Temtayshuns for that "Treat Face with High Five and Big Smile", Daisy!

Theresa said...

Harley, you look very manly and those stripes compliment you so well!

The Whiskeratti said...

Harley, you look very mancatly, as always. But we're concerned.. what is wrong with Daisy??

The Kitty Krew said...

You look great in that shirt, Harley! You would be a wonderful business undercover cat in that.

It was good of you to fill in for Daisy today, we hope she feels better soon!

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

brokenteepee said...

I am sorry that Daisy is not feeling well. Tell her I hope she gets better soon.

You look very manly in you manshirt.

Meadow said...

Handsome there Harley! Asia gave you a wink ;)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

You da man Harley!!!!!!!!!

Jackie said...

Harley you are the most handsome Mancat anywhere. I love your shirt and you did such a good job today!

I really like your pose in the last picture. Wow you could be win a sexiest Mancat of the year with that pose!!:-)))

Black Cat said...

You look super-duper in that shirt Harley. I'm sorry Daisy is feeling off. Get well soon Daisy darling! :)xxx

The Furry Kids said...

Very manly, Harley! Mama wishes she worked for you.

We hope Daisy feels better soon. We are purring and purraying for her.


Maureen Hayes said...

Oh Harley you look SOOOOO handsome in this shirt. I am sorry that Daisy isn't feeling well, give her loving and healing purrs from me. I am glad you were able to get a chance to model though.

What large manpaws you have, you are growing into such a big boy!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Is that khonsidered business khatsual?




YOU look fabulous! We think you're all ready for your cover of GQ!


We hope Daisy feels better.

Anonymous said...

Did you get the memo about the cover sheets on the TPS reports...

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Harly you did a great job of modeling that shirt. It looks great on you.

I hope that Daisy feels better - we are sending out some purrs and healing thoughts for her!

BeadedTail said...

Is that business wear really a spy suit for some unsuspecting office about to get spied on? Just wondering.

Hope Daisy feels better soon!

Reese =^..^= said...

Oh, I hope DAISY is feeling better SOON!! I really love that business shirt on you, HARLEY. You look very dashing.

I will try to stop by again later today to drop my entrecard. It's being a little silly right now and not allowing me to drop. PU

Asta said...

You awe so vewy handsome in that shiwt..I think if a guy looked as good as you do, the boss wouldn't mind seeing a midwif ow two.
What bootiful paws..I bet you can whap weally good wif them.

I hope Daisy stops being undew the weathew vewy soon.I'm sending hew extwa smoochies kisses to feel bettew

Liss said...

Wish I could hire you as my repurter!

Margaret Elmendorf said...

Oh Harley, you are so handsome and your eyes are just the best. Hope Daisy feels better soon.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You look very business like in your business shirt Harley. We hope Daisy is soon feeling better.

CCL Wendy said...

Harley, you look very handsome in your striped shirt! The yellow accents in the shirt match your eyes -- very becoming (becoming what -- I don't know, but becoming something).

BumbleVee said...

wow...way to go are getting those poses down pat!

The Creek Cats said...

Harley, we think that shirt looks pawsitively purrfect on you! Stripes look great on you!

Hope Daisy is feeling better!

Your Daily Cute said...

You are a very professional-looking Man-cat, Harley. The stripes were a very good choices, and that green is all the rage now.

I'd hire you in an instant! (even if your belly was showing a little...)

Your Daily Cute said...

OH! And feel better soon, Daisy!

Daisy Deadhead said...

You are beautiful and fashionable in your new duds, Harley!

SophieKitty said...

Harley, you look very boss-man-cat like. And handsome, too!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

daisy is under the weather??? oh no! want me to send flat jeter to help her get well?

and harley you look extra handsome in your lovely shirt!

smiles, auntie bee

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Hubba, hubba ... You are the epitome of Mancatliness in that stripy shirt, Harley!

You DO have a job ... Bein' a good-lookin' dood is a full-time job!


Lorenza said...

Hi, Harley!
Yes, your shirt is perfect for a day at the office!
I hope Daisy feels better soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs


Harley you are such a cute mancat! We just bought the Daisy card at Wal-mart yesterday!!!! We love you both!1
Ava and Heidi

Chrissie said...

Harley, that shirt is GREAT for blending into the crowd. Nobody'd even notice you on the golf course, or at the beach, or even down at your local watering hole! Well done, 007.5.

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

You're looking very 'manly' and healthy, Harley! Keep it up!

The Oceanside Animals said...

A job? You don't need a job, Harley. You're a kept cat!

Karen Jo said...

You look really good in that mancat shirt, Harley.

RJ Flamingo said...

That's a great shirt, Harley! Does it come in my size?

Boy n Beethoven said...

Why is Daisy under the weather? I hopes she feels better soon!


Uncle Bobby said...

Harley, You're getting too good for this. What a natural you are. Good Lad!

Uncle Bobby

Get Your Cute On said...

Stripes make you look so slim!

Get Your Cute On said...

Stripes make you look so slim!

Stephanie said...

Harley you look very handsome in that striped shirt!

Christopher said...

OMC, we've been offline a couple of days and look what I missed!
Mommy says you got a cool shirt kinda like me!
Wow, you are so fashionable Harley!

I'm glad we're pals =)

Squittercat said...

I love the outfit - although a word of warning - I got severely disciplined for being the only mancat attending a lady gym class, wearing a waiscoat but with no pants - be careful out there!

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