Thursday, September 3, 2009

Treat Faces

Today I would like to share a special secret with you: I call it "Treat Face." These are the special looks you can use that are guaranteed to get you delicious treats! First, here is the basic Treat Face. Make your eyes real BIG and tilt your head a little to the side.
If this does not work, you can throw in any special tricks you have learned. I like to use my High Five paw. I wave my paw around all the time.
If that does not work, the last and foolproof option is Treat Face with High Five and Big Smile. This is guaranteed to work! I got EIGHT treats for this session!


85 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

Eight WHOLE treats? I am going to send my mum for lessons on treat dispensing to your mum.

Huffle Mawson

Anonymous said...

Mom would've surrendered the entire bag of Temtayshuns for that "Treat Face with High Five and Big Smile", Daisy!

She's pretty much putty in our paws! :-D

Sandy Kessler said...

The smile would definitely get you a treat from me

Manny & Spunky said...

We get treats when we come around our dog, Abby but that's about the only time. Thanks for the advice!

Cat with a Garden said...

Daisy, even we would empty out our treat jar for these cute faces. We have a lot to learn!
Siena & Chilli

Jemma Chihuahua said...

Daisy, you look like you're smiling in the first pic.

Tofu does the high-five trick, too! Well, except it's more like raising his paw up in the air and grabbing the hand with the treat and pulling it towards him. He raises his paw now whenever he wants something!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We thinks your Mom needs to give treat dispensing instructions to our Mom the most we ever get is 3. ~S,S,C & F

PS: Don't tell the cats but I get tons of treats at Dog Obedience school. ~Fenris

Hitesh Rawat said...

always liked the smile......

woo hoo..........\,,,/

C. JoyBell C. said...

Daisy, either you are a dog or my dog is a cat!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I'll have to remember that when I want treats!

RJ Flamingo said...

JJ's guaranteed treat move is your face #1 combined with either standing on her back legs while rubbing my knee with her face; or reaching up and trying to bat the laptop keyboard while I'm typing. :-) I'll take a treat out of my pocket and throw it across the room - at least she gets some exercise that way! :-)

The Whiskeratti said...

You are very good, Daisy!

The Florida Furkids said...

Thanks for those tips. We know Mom would never be able to resist that face!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The WriggleButts said...

Mmm... Treats! Great tutorial, Daisy!


The Island Cats said...

We're gonna try those techniques right now!

Poppy Q said...

How could your mommie resist your sweet face Miss D?

Duni said...

You are so clever, Daisy. Thanks for teaching me!



Meadow said...

Daisy you are adorable!!

Unknown said...

I know those faces very well.

ZOOLATRY said...

Thank you Daisy. I have printed these pictures for "zoeys daily guide to life". I was sure to include your words with the pictures I printed. Each morning I review my daily guide to ensure I play by the rules, do what is expected of me, and so on and so forth. This is Guide No. 6 which will be invaluable for review and study, it will help me get through my day. Your friend, Zoey

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Excellent advice, as always, Daisy!

The Monkeys said...

Mom had the treats out, ready to give you as many as you want when she saw your cute faces, Daisy!

Cindy said...

Great cat treat lessons!

The Meezers or Billy said...

EIGHT??? ::thud:: - Miles

Liss said...

What a beautifuly face. Who could refuse it!

Unknown said...

Wow, those are almost the same tricks that we dogs use, you cats aren't so dumb after all -- Lena

Janet said...

Wow, this is great advice, Daisy!

Cory said...

Purrfect advice as always. I sometimes throw in a silent mieow...gets mom everytime since I'm rarely silent!

Dma said...

yeah i can see where those tricks would work for treats. i couldn't resist that face or the paw move.

Forever Foster said...

Please take this big bag of treats, Daisy. We just have to run out to the shop, but we will be back with more for you soon!

Monty Q. Kat said...

I can sing a flipping opera and I get nothing...

Donna said...

That is a good lesson. I get treets sometimes.

Anonymous said...

We finks you always has a treat face Daisy cuz you's face is a treat to see each day!

Anonymous said...

That is the kyutest face ever Daisy! Mom says she would give you a whole bag of treats!!!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay treet fayse is that like a poker fayse??? and why wud sumwun want to poke sumwun else with there fayse ennyway??? ok bye

Puglette said...

wow! good work, daisy. that's a lot of treats. you have a very cute face and i would be putty in your hands (paws).

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I hope you got extra treats for showing your treat faces to the camera!

Margaret Elmendorf said...

Well done Daisy. I would have given you more than 8 treats for that face and paw too. Good job

Anonymous said...

8 treats? If I give my kitties that many treats they get a tummy ache and do the barf thing...You are looking cute as a button in those pics...

The Furry Kids said...

Daisy, you are a pro! 8 treats??? I'm not sure we've had that many all summer. I might come and live with you.


L. Alida said...

Daisy, you can do cute like no other! How could Mommie resist that face? You certainly earn all those treats sweetie.
Have a great day!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Our mom tries the big eyes & head tilts and other variations on dad when she wants something.
She has a pretty good success rate too!

catsynth said...

Wow, we can see how that could be quite effective. Humans are very tuned to cues like that.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Those are good tips. Since I am not a snuggle kitty, All I have to do is rub up against her ans ask very nicely!

Quill and Greyson said...

Where shall I mail your treats to Daisy?

Innocent Owner of Mad Cats said...

I recognize those poses. I do not even have to shake the can. If I open that cupboard door I instantly have three faces just like that looking up at me.

Chrissie said...

Daisy-face, I canNOT believe you have to MAKE any faces to get treats. Your face, au naturel is surely enough!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Wow, we will have to perfect a treat face!

Milo and Alfie said...


We cud learn a lot from yoo, Daisy!

CCL Wendy said...

Daisy, this is certainly your area of expurrtise (amongst others)! You are so good at anything you do -- and this is one of them.

You must enjoy lots of treats all the time! Good going!

Anonymous said...

No doubt about it, you know how to get things done!

Your Daily Cute said...

Whoa! Eight treats!! That is a good payoff for your hard work doing the treat face tricks.

Pimp and Moo have their own tactics... But they start out with very basic skills -- like yelling at the pantry where they know the Greenies are until I give in. ;)

Reese =^..^= said...

Those are great treat faces!!

brokenteepee said...

Daisy, you are very clever. I think I will try some of your tricks on the publicist to see if I can get more treats.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

That is a very good treat face. Wewill have to practice ours.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Those are all great treat faces! I would have given you some for each one!!

Jackie said...

Wow 8 treats wtg Daisy girl!! Rascal and Puma still can't believe all of the wonderful things you can do.

But, they don't like treats either. But, they both just purred to me to say Yayyyy for you!!:-)

PetfinderBlog said...

Oh goodness! Daisy sure has her game down pat. I hardly think ANYONE could hold out treats with that little act.

Jan S said...

If those don't work - a good nip on the ankle will get you some attention. After the nipping you need to look at your food bowl or run quickly to it.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

They sooo have to work!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Loki, and Binq) said...

MY method is to sit by the food bowl spot and jus stare calmly at The Big Thing. Ayla and Izas method is to listen for when I get some an then come runnin over.


How Amy and Amber lost 80 lbs and their virginity! said...

thanks daisy. we love nermal, but we still love you more.
we'd send you catnip, but thats illegal. or something.

Pandafur said...

Who could ever resist your pritty face, big eyez an super smile?

Grampy said...

That is funny. I should give you a treat also. You did a good job.

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

WOW!!! We are going to have to try those out on the weekends. We get treats each morning before Meowm goes to her jobbie, but we need them on weekends too!

Misha said...

I do the high five, too, bit it's to try and get the treat out of Mummy's hand!

BeadedTail said...

Those are great tips Daisy! Our mommy would hand over all our treats to you for that high five and smile!

Lin said...

Hobbes has finally learned that if he comes when his name is called, you get a couple of treats. You should see him scale an 8 foot fence for a yummy! It's pretty funny to see.

Anonymous said...

We'll start with the basic Treat Face, and then go from there. Thanks, Daisy!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Wow, I do believe that is the best treat face I have ever seen...seriously!

Just Ducky said...

You do know how to work it Daisy.

Debbie said...

I would give you treats for those sweet faces and tricks too!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

yep, you learned all the right tricks.
Also, meowing really sweet and rubbing a bit on the wall then looking up then over to the bowl...
or just screaming relentlessly until you get treats to be quiet


Mishkat said...

That is such a cute face, Daisy - and the paw just makes it better! We don't think we can be as cute as you are (but we are good at getting treats anyway!)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

sarge uses those same faces!

smiles, auntie bee

Black Cat said...

Daisy, you have the cutest Treat Face ever! :)xxx

Lorenza said...

Thanks for the tips, Daisy!
I am going to practise them now!
Kisses and hugs

Sweet Purrfections said...

You are a very smart kitty, Miss Daisy! Mom said she would give you treats for those faces too!

The Kitty Krew said...

Wow, you have great Treat Faces, Miss Daisy! We iz impressed.

Purrs and hugs,
The Kitty Krew

Bob Johnson said...

Lol, hey I know that face too well, my cat throws the pawing in and I'm done for, she gets all the treats she wants.

Anonymous said...

Prettiest treat face I've ever seen ! xxx

Frugal Vicki said...

You know what I really miss? Before my mommy and daddy had people kids, they used to say "it's time" and me and my sister would run into the room and cuddle with them. Now we are not allowed to sleep in the room. Mommy told me she really misses that, too.


Bae Bae said...

That is so cool.. I got to learn to wave my paws too

~ Bae

Maureen said...

Ahahaha! Oh Daisy... great tips. You certainly deserve those treats!

Anonymous said...

Your curliness is irresistible!

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