Friday, January 22, 2010

Fashion Friday: I'm a Leopard!

Look at me! I am dressed like a leopard! And my leopard suit even has a built-in tail! Do not worry, this is a FAUX leopard dress. I would never steal the furs from another REAL cat.
This suit comes with a tiny Daisy-sized headband with leopard ears. I think you can see that my own ears are much bigger. And maybe even better!
At least my real ears do not slip sideways on my head.
Here is my very best pose! The second tail might give away that I am not a real leopard.
My photographer was very impressed that I could wear the headpiece, do a High Five and still model real good!


75 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

I am also impressed that you could wear the headband, do a high five and model real good!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Girl, that is awesome! We always admire your Fashion Friday outfits, but this one is really special. MIAOW!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You model your outfit like a true professional Daisy. When you take your outfit off, you will prove that a leopard CAN change it's spots.

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

I love your leopard outfit--it looks great on you! You are a VERY impressive model indeed! MEOW!

Forever Foster said...

Goodness you are a stylish ladycat. We don't know how you keep upping the ante each week, but you do!:)

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Wow!!! Today was a modeling extravaganza!!! Well done Daisy!!

Anne said...

Daisy, you look fabulous! I agree, your own ears are much nicer than the leopard ears but the headband does go with the rest of the outfit.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Wow you do pose so lovely in your outfits. I am always so impressed. You look very chic indeed.. Hugs GJ x

Anonymous said...

Oh, my Mice! You are such an extraordinary professional, Miss Daisy!

You are my most favorite model EVER! I hope you do not mind, but I will be paying very careful attention to your every fashion move.

Today is my first ever Fashion Friday! Please remember, I am just a tiny kitten. I know I have much to learn yet!

PS. Do you think I can be a junior member of your Pink Ladies Club?

Unknown said...

You are amazing Daisy!!
From Anna & CO

Sweet Purrfections said...

Daisy, you never cease to amaze me. What a great outfit!

SeaThreePeeO said...

You're PAWSOME daisy!

The Creek Cats said...

Always the professional! Love your faux leopard outfit!

Pandafur said...

I luvs your real earz bestest Daisy, wat a profeshunal model you iz in that fabulous owtfit!

Lin said...


You are a good model, Daisy!

badgirl33 said...

you look so sweet in it Daisy, it really made my day, thanks :)

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

You're an amazing model, Daisy! I do like your ears better, but that extra tail is pretty cute :)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

wonderful modeling daisy! you are a beautiful leopard!!!

smiles, auntie bee

pee ess: flat skeezix says "hey"

The Meezers or Billy said...

wow Daisy, you are furry impawsive!

Romeo the Cat said...

Daisy, this is ADORABLE! xoxo

meowers from missouri said...

oh, daisy!! you are just an awesome kitty!! your star-power is marvelicious!!!

Dma said...

yes indeed. great outfit and great demonstration of superior modeling skills.

Anonymous said...

Adorable! I love it.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You make a lovely leopard but we likes your real ears best. ~AFSS

Cory said...

Love those leopard ears!!!!

The Whiskeratti said...

What a wonderful outfit! Your modeling werk continues to be highly professional and impressive, Daisy.

The Florida Furkids said...

Wow you really are a supermodel! We can't imagine wearing thos ears much less doing a high 5 too!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

WOW! that sure is multitasking. you are such a great model. i am suprised you have never been in a Fashion magazine! Friday's are my most favorite day and i can not wait to see your post. its like the first thing i do in the morning!

i beati said...

This is a whole new look for you - what a sweetheart

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Daisy, you look super cool with two tails and four ears and everything wowie
You could walk around in the jungle and scare some small animals now

bonks to you and Harley

One Cats Nip said...

Leopard suit you Daisy but I think your real ears are much better than the fakes ones and the tail too...why do silly humans and such like to wear their cat ears leaning the sides anyways...that's not what our ears are like....silly

Split Rock Ranch said...

Wow Daisy, you look marvelous! I agree that your ears look better but you did real good wearing that headpiece. High five right back at ya!

Unknown said...

My cat would mutilate me if I attempted to turn her into a fashionista. Daisy must me an extremely laid back soul. My cat is a bit intimated by the two dogs she co-habitats with.

Buggys said...

Well, I seriously love those ears!

Janet said...

What a fun outfit, Daisy! The headband with ears is a nice touch!

Anonymous said...

As cute as that may be you look ever so much nicer in your own real furs...

Hoshi said...

You are not just a leopard, a sexy leopard!!!!!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Very cute Daisy! And you are a great model!!!

Sandra Yagi said...

An amazing and beautiful outfit, Daisy!

Toni and Rusty

Milo and Alfie said...

Daisy, so is there any truth in the saying that Leopards don't change their spots?

Puglette said...

rawr!! you look fabulous in leopard print, miss daisy! i read that animal prints are very "in" this year. you are so fashion forward.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you always imPURRess our momma. She wishes she had a little girl that she could dress up. She tried on us but it didn't work at all. We got upset and momma, well, she looked a little sads.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Daisy that is a great leopard outfit! But we have to say we like your real ears and tail better!

Your Daily Cute said...

This is one of your finest fashions! I can't believe you were able to wear the ears and do all that either. Just wow.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Thats a cute little outfit today Daisy.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

of coarse you can high five, ware the costume and the head piece! You are a super model!

Anonymous said...

Those are some wild shots daisy...I like #2 the best!

Anonymous said...

You are the cutest gurl EVER! Mom is SO jealous that you allow your mommy to dress you up in all sorts of costumes and if our mom comes near us with even just a little collar, we head for the hills!!! Our hats are off to you...(MOM??? We wear hats?!? When the hell did THAT happen???)

Sparkle said...

That's a VERY fancy costume! But even better, I think they should make a Daisy costume for leopards to wear!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm a tyger!



Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Furry impressive Daisy! We know yoo would neffur take da furs from another cat, yoor much to nice fur dat.

brokenteepee said...

Daisy you amaze me every day!

loki said...

Oh Daisy, ronron... (translate to purr in French)Oh Daisy, you're astonishing. You're the hottest model!

Ann said...

You are such a multi talented cat. A a snappy dresser too. Love the outfit

lovcats said...

=) A leopard like my kitten Mashiro!

Joanne Olivieri said...

You are the cutest leopard I have ever seen. Your headband suits you well.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy I love your dress. Soon you will have to come visit me in one of my leopard print beds!

Anya said...

Daisy you are looking
so magical today ....
Love it :-)

Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

Donna said...

Oh wow. Are u sure u are not a real leopard?

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, we love your leopard suit! When we first saw you we thought, where is Daisy and why is that leopard on her blog??

Asta said...

As oosual, you awe a pawfect model
Keeping on that headdwess and all, but i agwee, I think youw own bootiful eaws awe erven bettew than the faux leaopawd ones..the leopawd outfit is bootiful
smoochie kisses

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

You are most impressive as a model, Daisy. Totally pawsome. I can't do any of it - wearing headband, model or doing high five. One hopeless kitty!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We are very impressed! Bet you got lots of treats for this shoot.

Raymond and Busby said...

Daisy, that is impressive! We know how difficult it is to wear something on your head. Love the ears, esp. in the second photo.


Charlemagne and Tamar said...

You are so stylish, Miss Daisy!

Have a nice weekend,
Charlemagne and Tamar

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
Your dress is pawesome!
And yes, your ears are much better!
Kisses and hugs

Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Daisy!!! That is a most beautiful outfit!!! You look stunning.
We do like your ears better, but the leopard ears are kinda cute ;)
WE are always impressed by you ;)
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie

Quill and Greyson said...

Bows to your skills. You can rock a second tail and set of ears and still look great. Kudos.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Wow, we almost did't recognize you Daisy!! That is quite a costume, even though we like the original the best.

The Oceanside Animals said...

I think you're a real leopard!

Theresa111 said...

Little Daisy,

You are charming and a delight. Love and hugs!


Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, that is a VARY klassy owtfit. I could see my idul Awdry Hepbern waring it. I don't think I'd like waring a hedband.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, that is a VARY klassy owtfit. I could see my idul Awdry Hepbern waring it. I don't think I'd like waring a hedband.

Maureen said...

Ahahaha! Grrrr Daisy! You ARE fierce!

JD at I Do Things said...

Wow, this is definitely one of the most impressive fashion sessions EVER! I think maybe you're one of those rare two-tailed leopards. With crooked ears.

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