It's true! About a month ago, our dad got a new job that he likes a lot. And now our mom is starting a new job on Monday. Harley has never been alone all day before, so it will be a big adjustment for him. We are going to try to post as often as we can, and visit as much as we can. The next two weeks might be a little hard, until we get into a new routine. We made a few posts in advance, too. Good luck, Mommeh!

Sunday Comics with Daisy!
91 Notes for Daisy:
Congratulations and Best of luck to your Mom! We know that you two will be just fine home alone even though you will miss your Mommy. xoxo
good luck with your job!
We wish your Mommie the very best in her new job. Don't be mischievous while she and Daddie are away!
I know, work always gets in the way of blogging for me too! Hope your mommy likes her new job though but I'm sure she'll miss being with you two. It'll be a hard adjustment for her too, but those green papers are necessary.
Well done and all good luck to your Mommeh for her new job...we will miss having you here everyday but you will adjust soon :o)
Good luck to your Mommie. We hope she is happy in her new job. It is wonderful that your Daddie is ejoying his so much :)
Mom told us this wuz coming 'cuz she read yer Mommy's comment on Kathy's blog. We iz all a little bit sad... 'cuz we know ezackly what iz like when Mom works, but we iz also a little bit more a'cited for yer Mommy and Daddy. These days, a really gud job iz even more important.
So all of us Gs and Mom wish yer Mommy the best success in her new job. Srsly.
Good luck to your mom, new jobs are exciting and a bit scary too. We hope she has a good time, and I bet you two will be pleased to see her at the end of the day.
Good luck to mommeh! Don't worry, Harley. You're not alone. Daisy will be with you and help you adjust. Also, if you just nap all day, as I'm convinced my cats do, you won't even notice anyone is missing. Be sure to give mommeh lots of support (and kisses when she gets home every day!)
hope she loves it I'm still looking for a fun part time jobn- great for daddy !! good luck all lots of beauty and handsomeness sleep
We wish your Mom all the best in her new job, and hope to see you posting as often as possible. You are a very important part of our day!
yay for your Mommy....boo for you two. You'll have to be responsible kitties while your Mommy and Daddy are at work (translation: sleep all day). We totally understand how work cuts into your blogging and fun time but we hope you still get to blog lots.
We are so pleased for yoor mom and dad ~ that's such good news.
Our mom started a noo job last week as well (but only 3 days per week) so we're having to make adjustments too (slightly less blogging etc., while mom re-adjusts). We're pleased for her though ~ 'cos she hasn't been able to werk for 6 months due to her poorly leg. She's hadta take a job where she is desk based for that reason.
We're sure yoo two will be fine 'cos yoo have each other to play wiv. It would be much more difficult if yoo were only cats.
Harley I know it is sad that Mommeh has to be gone all day but just remember that she will be making those green papers that buy those great treats that you like so much. And just think how much fun it will be when Mommeh and Daddah get home at night. They might be tired so you two need to give them some extra purrs and head bumps.
Mom, lots of good luck to you and hope you like the new job.
Oh that are BAD news!! I know my female human is looking for a job since half a year now and I am really scared if she gets one. I don't like it when she is not at home the whole day. But anyway, to both your humans good luck with their jobs. I hope they enjoy what they are doing - but otherwise, if not they will be at home quite soon again. ;)
Best wishes to your mom on her new job. She must be very excited. You two will be fine, just use the time while mom is at work to catch up on the napping
Concatulations on the new job! We know the adjustment is a bit hard but it will be fine, you'll see, Harley.
ConCatulations to your Mom! We hope she likes her new job a lot. We hope you can get a routine going once she gets settled into her job. Our Mom trys to do posts ahead of time for the days that she works too.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Hope the job goes well and that you settle in quickly.. Mum knows what it is like trying to fit the blog around work especialy shifts. Dont worry we will all be here. I think you are so clever to schedule posts in front though. Mum says she has enough trouble keeping up with one post.. MOL HUgs GJ x
Congratulations to your mom! It will be an adjustment for everyone for a little while, but I hope everything goes well.
Best wishes for success!
They are so lucky to have hired a fun and creative person like yourself.
You'll have to tell us how Harley adjusts to being home alone with just Daisy.
Have a fabulous day tomorrow.
Congratulations to both your parents on the jobs. We are so happy your Daddy found one he likes a lot. We hope your Mom likes hers too. We are sure that you will get used to the new routine in no time. ~AFSS
Congrats to mommie on her new job! How exciting!!!! I'll be waiting until things calm down...
Hop you enjoy your new job as well.
Best of lukhk to all of woo!
Congratulations to your mommeh on her new job!
Oh I hope you have a wonderful time!
Good luck on the new job. Too bad work has to get in the way of real life *sigh*
Congratulations, and I hope it works out well for all of you!
Concats and good luck to your mom in her new job. We think you will be fine home alone because you have each other for company. No house trashing though, not for the first week anyway.
Congratulations on the new job! Wishing you all the best on your new endeavor.
hope your mom enjoys her job. and daisy make sure mr. shrill doesn't show up to play with harley when your parents aren't around...
We'll all keep our paws crossed that Harley adjusts well!
Good luck you your mommie and purrs to your daddie for enjoying his job so much! We don't like it that we have to get abandoned almost daily for what they call "work"...but we know that it is our job to make our home happy for when they come home...preferably with treats/litter/toys/food...we know someone's gotta earn the money and it might as well be them!
Congrats on your new jobs. (now if I could just find one!! )
Congratulations to your Mommeh!
Our mum has a job and she has to earn papers, so we spend time during the day without her. We get used to it. :)
Well that IS good news ofr Mommeh and Daddy and bad news for us if we don't have a daily dose of Daisy and Harley...
Best of luck with the new job, I'm sure it will go very well, and we'll keep an eye out for Harley as well :)
Concats to your mom! We are also very happy your daddy got a new jobbie! We have been very worried for your fambly. Now if our mom could just find one.
Harley, if you get scairt while your mom is gone, just teleport over here and we will take care of you. And Daisy can come too.
Hi, Daisy!
Congratulations to your Dad and Mom too!
Glad to know your Dad likes a lot his new job and I hope the same will be with your mom!
I am sure you and Harley will be fine with your new routine!
Good luck!
Kisses and hugs
Well, the jobs for both Mom and Dad is GREAT news! It is hard to adjust the schedule to fit in the blogging, but it will be okay. If you don't post everyday or drop as much, that is okay, everyone is in the same boat. It is the letting go of the guilt of not doing it that is so hard. But join the club! There are days when I'm so tired, I just read my favorite blogs and don't comment--and that is okay, we ALL do it.
Good Luck, Mommeh! The kitties will be fine without you home--they just sleep the day away. I'm glad things are turning around in a good way for all of you. :)
Good luck to your mommeh in her new job!!
Oh wow!! Good luck to your mommeh in her new job, its sad she wont be with you as much but those extra green papers means more stinky goodness!
Good luck, Daisy's Mommeh!
Best wishes to your mommeh, but we are sure both you and Harley will adjust. What we do is sleep the whole time mom is gone, then stay wide awake and walk around on top of her while she tries to sleep at night!
Mazel tov to your Mom and Dad! :) Don't worry, you will be okay.
hooray for mommeh!! wow, that's a lot of time for some serious kitteh mischief. you may need a kitteh cam just to keep an eye on these two!
Oh noes! This is NOT good! You see, I loves my Daddy hoomin more than anyone. Even more than I loves my Mommy hoomin. But my Daddy hoomin has this JOB thing. My inner-kitty-klock seems to know when it's almost time for him to come home, and that is when I go and sit by the door and cry and cry and cry. I keep hoping that my crying will make Daddy sad enough to stay home with me, but so far, it hasn't worked. Some times, he does stay home, but then he goes back.
Mommy hoomin says that Daddy needs to bring home munnys so we can all has noms and toys and stuff. So I guess I have to put up with it.
Oh, and Mommy hoomin says for me to tell your Mommeh good luck on the new job.
Congrats on the new jobbies! I think Harley will have a great time being Mr. Mischevious. I know WE do!
Congratulations and good luck with your first day! How exciting :)
Congratulations to your mom on her new job! We know you guys will miss having your mom around as much. We know she will miss you guys too!
Good luck! thx for the comment! =^^=
OH! Good Heavens to Betsy! A JOB! This will surely cut into Daisy's blogging! It sure did at our house!!!
Good luck with the JOB!
Luf, Us
What?! Your human ALREADY had a job - she's your assistant! My human thinks it's a very good thing that your human has this new job, and hopes it's a good one, but I see nothing good about things that take our staff away for long periods of time. If we cats were in charge of the whole world and not just our households, humans would get lots of those papers with numbers on them just for taking care of us. Maybe, if we keep working at it, it may happen someday...
Congratulations to both of your humans. Good luck to you.
Congratulations to your family. It will take a little getting used to but I find the peace and quiet a nice respite when my parents are at work.
You and Daisy take good care of each other and try not to jump on her.
Mom to Mom Communication:: Congrats on your new job and I hope you enjoy it.
Congratulations on finding jobs in this environment...
Good luck to all of you as you adjust to your new routines.
Well, Harley won't be alone -- he'll have Daisy there with him, won't he? I guess he must be a mama's boy.
Congrats on your new job and I hope the new routine and everything works out fine.
Harley will be fine - he'll probably just sleep all day, like we used to until Mummy started working from home.
Daisy and Hawley
I agwee wowk seems to be a tewwibull thing that takes ouw pawents awawy fwom us, but mommi says wifout it we might have to live on the stweet..that sounds wowse.
We wish youw mommi good luck wif youw new job, and know that the two of you have each othew so not all is bad
smoochie kisses
Harley, I agree, jobs are bad :D Don't worry, we will all look after you two.
Good luck to your Mommeh on her new job
Enjoy your new job, Daisy & Harley's mom!
Congratulations to Mommeh and best wishes. Hope it's fun!
Best of luck in the new job!
Congratulations to your Mommie, Daisy and I know you'll blog when you get the time and Mommy and Daddy can help.
meanwhile, kitty kissies and purrs to you from me.
Good luck to all of you!
We wish your mommeh the best of luck at her new job and we're sure she's going to miss being home with you both very much. It's great your dad has a new job that he likes too. Get your naps in during the day so you can play with your mommeh and daddeh all night long!
Good Luck on yur new Jobbie!We hope it is somefin fun dat yoo can use all da great creative skills yoo has like wif yur bloggie. And we hopes yur new job is FUN! Tell us all about it when yoo can.
Best of luck, Mommeh . . . I mean, Abby. I'm sure your new job will be fun and exciting, but it will definitely be an adjustment. I know you can find a way to keep up with Daisy and Harley in a less time-consuming way. And you know we love whatEVER you do, so don't try to kill yourself.
Best of luck!
Good luck! Cyril hates it when we work too much, and always makes a big mess to let us know! :P
Hopefully, Harley won't...but you might want to make sure nothing shredable is within striking distance!
We wish your mommy the best - new jobs are exciting!
Congratulations on the new jobs. The routine will settle in a couple of weeks and you will figure out your blog time!
Congratulations to your Mommeh! The Mom says to tell her to "take no prisoners". Whatever that means.
Harley, I have a little secret for you to help with the new no mom during the day thing. Just take lots of naps. That way, when she gets home, you'll be wide awake and you can stay awake all night. And then you can play with her all night long. It's awesome!
Well... I am just headbonking thankful that your beans have jobs.
Just think, more $$ for you two kitties spend on kitty foods and toys!
You know, shopping online :-D
best wishes to your mommy on her new job. I hope she loves it! I am very glad your daddy has a good job too.
I hope you two kitties behave while she is away. I am always good as gold while mom and dad are away. Mom is surprised because when Caesar and Prinnie were two, they were always ALWAYS in to things and every day there was an incredible surprise.
bonkies for a good week!
Sounds like you two have a big adjustment coming!! It will be OK
once you get a routine ;)
Mom used to work at home,but now has to go out to work and is gone a long time. We have adjusted and you will too. We wish your Mom(& Dad) all the best!!!!! Just thing of the goodies you will get when she gets paid ;) heehee
Purrs Mickey, Georgia Tillie
We will be hungry for your posts and wish you the best in your new endeavor! Mewmie has a hard time finding time to post and it takes her all weekend to keep up with comments, too...but she hopes to do better this year!
I wish your mommeh much success in her new job! I hope she also enjoys it immensely.
Concatulations to your mum on her new day hunting gig. Post when you can, once you get into a routine, it should be fine. Mum and I normally post in the evenings, that is when she has the most time.
I wish you well with your new job!
deer daisy an harley,
i jus rote a verree touchin an fabyoolus comment to u regardin yer mom goin to werk tomorrow ... but blogger sed i made a mistake an took da comment away. duhr.
anyhoo ... i sed dat i feel yer pain becuz mi mom goez to werk an izzen't alwayz availabul to help me wid mi blog ... but she bringz home da cash to keep me an mi brudderz happee ... so ...
da end.
pee ess ...
Wish your mommeh good luck for me and make sure you take care of Harley...I'm counting on you Daisy :)
Oh.. good luck with your mom's new job. :)
~ Bae
Congratulations to your Mommeh and to your Daddeh! Good luck to both!
If you and Harley cuddle and take naps together, the time will pass more quickly while your parents are away.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
Congrats and best of luck on your new job!
Good luck with your new job!
I hope everyone adjusts well. Congrats!
Congratulations and good luck Mommeh! I'm sure things will be just fine for you and Harley while she's at work :)
I'm glad your Dad found a a job and that he likes it! Sometimes moms have to go to work, too. Times are tough :-/
I consulted with Rascal and she said, whap Harley if he gets out of line when mom is not home, HARD.
Good luck to your mommy as well~!
Having a job is good after all~!!!
Harley hangon!! You got Daisy!!!
Harley, you and Daisy are just going to have to become better friends.
We don't mean yer not "friendly" now. But ya gonna hafta get closer and play by yerselfs together more now that Mom and Dad are away longer..
congrats on All the New Jobs. maybe you want to get a cardboard mommeh so Harley won't scurd.
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