I got a pretty new winter coat! And it is a very beautiful royal blue color. I looked through my entire wardrobe for a scarf or cap to go with my new coat, and I could not find anything! I guess I do not have many blue clothings. Except my sailor cap, and I do not think that would be a good choice.
Mommeh, do I
have to show the side of the coat? It is not my best angle. Okay, I will show you. But I am not happy about it.

I prefer full frontal shots, like this. Much betterer, right?

The best thing about my new coat, is it does not restrict my movement. See? I can move my paw all around. I guess on account of it is a short-sleeved coat.

Have a happy weekend, everybuddy, and we will see you again on Monday!

Fashion Friday: My Pretty Blue Coat
94 Notes for Daisy:
Oh Daisy, that post made me smile.
You will always be the premiere Friday Fashion model!
Hope you & Harley and your mum have a wonderful weekend!
Daisy this is a great color on you. You look stunning in your new coat.
It is a VERY stylish coat Daisy. Have a good weekend!
A very pretty coat Miss D.
Have a good weekend, we hope your mom gets to relax after her first week with you and the boys.
Daisy Darling, the perfect accessory for that lovely Royal Blue coat is YOU.
I do think a real gold plastic tiara with real plastic diamonds and precious gems would also look amazing! I have several tiaras myself and they are often just the thing to make a gal feel festive!
PS. Gracie was not able to do a Fashion Friday today because I was too busy making them a screened patio this week. She's been pouting a bit, until I let her and Grayson out onto the patio yesterday afternoon! Then she forgave me! :0)
what a lovely coat, daisy! i think pink would accent that blue very well. maybe one of your pink scarves would be nice to wear with your blue coat.
Daisy, that's a beautiful new coat! We think you need a new hat to go with it, maybe with a plummy feather to wave around as you move your head? You should go shopping this weekend.
I love blue! it's a beautiful color! royal blue is very chic, darling! you're look great!
did you see Jimmy? it's a hot time here in Brazil and, even so, he sleeps "like a baby"... hahahahaha!
have a great day, dear! kisses for you all!
Daisy, you look beautiful in your luxurious new coat. Stunning! I love your little "angry" face when mommeh made you do a side shot. But we know you're not one of those "difficult" models. You love your mommeh and you will do anything to get THE shot.
Have a happy weekend and see you on the flipside!
How cute you are today Daisy!
Daisy, you look great in your blue coat. That's one of my mom's favorite colors.
That is such a gorgeous coat, Daisy! And the colour suits you very well.
That is a terrific color on you, Daisy! Just wondering, why are there no Snuggies for cats?
Daisy that is one gorgeous coat. It looks so warm and soft and fuzzy. And you are a wonderful model, even the side view. Hope you and Harley and Mommeh all have a terrific week end.
Daisy, that coat looks lovely on you! That blue color definitely suits you!
What a lovely coat. Our mum calls coats like that a statement piece!
You look so elegant in that coat Daisy :o) Happy weekend to you and your Mommeh, see you on Monday :)
You look beautiful in your blue coat. I wish I could convince my older daughter to wear a beautiful coat like yours.
Lovely coat. Royal blue suits you.
oh Daisy, that's a GORGEOUS coat! a pink scarf would go really well with it!
Dat looks like a nice coat to go owt an show off wif. Dat is mom's favrit color too. We loves it.
That coat is beautiful! We love that color on you.
Tamir wanted to thank you for stopping by on his birthday. You helped make his day extra special!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
You look lovely in royal blue. ~AFSS
PS: Mommy is laughing about the horsies under the hood of the car.
you looks furry regal, daisy!
Daisy, you bloo coat is pretty. You look very nice init, and you shouldnot be ashamed of side views of your calico kitty shape. You look very good.
Mom thinks I need a little coat to wear because it has been so cold here. I need a hat too.
I hope you and Harley have a headbonking week-end
my fashion motto is 'everything looks better with a sailor hat.'
The coat is you but may I borrow it - royal blue our school colors Go Blue Streaks !!
Daisy your coat is so stylish...very Mary Tyler Moore! Have a great weekend with Mommeh!
I like the front view too--it's better for your figure.
It's so elegant, Daisy! You could be ready for anything in this beautiful coat!
That looks like what we used to call a snorkel coat back in New York!
Time to shop for accessories!!!!!
We love pic #3 with your tail curled.
That is a lovely blue coat! Have a good weekend
Electric Blue is a PURRfect color for you! Love the new coat, and mom's going shopping this weekend, and should she come across something in that color...We hope you and your handsome brudder have a GRRR-8 weekend!
With the cold weathr you've been having a new winter coat seems just right
That is a very cute coat there Daisy. Be glad you do not live a bit further north or you may need it this weekend!!! Brrrr
Tres chic, Daisy!
enjoy your weekend in your lovely coat honey pie!!!
smiles, auntie bee
That certainly is a beautiful new blue coat, Daisy, and I agree with you that the front shot is the best. I think that's because of the gorgeous blue faux fur that frames your lovely face.
You look very pretty in royal blue!
have a fun weekend Daisy.... your coat is a lovely shade of blue.... I once got a tin of biscuits that very same colour....I saved the tin because I love it.
That is a lovely coat Daisy, and such a pretty blue. The collar looks like it will keep you nice and warm.
It is a lovely blue and it is very nice. I think you might need it if you are going north at all. It is cold up there!
Daisy, yoor new coat is beautiful! Yoo look very elegant in it. Why not get yoor momma to knit yoo a nice matching winter scarf?
That IS a pretty awesome coat! And you are SO right, a sailor hat would not have been a good fashion accessory to wear with it.
That is a beautiful coat, Daisy! It goes so nicely with your furs. You're ready to work that runway, girl!
Daily that is a beautiful coat. I wish I had one like that. Have a great weekend!
Oh my, that is a very fancy coat. And it really looks fabulous on you.
Daisy you are the ultimate fashionista. Your coat is beautiful and fits perfectly. I think you should head off to a red carpet event in Hollywood.
Daisy, that is quite the stink eye that you gave your Mom in that side-view photo. We are impressed! xoxo
You are always at the height of fashion, dear Daisy! You look pawsitively gorgeous today!
Wow, dat is beyootiful! Mom sez dat yoo can do kontrast colors wif it, like a deep pink skarf and hat. We think yoo look good in anything just cuz YOO is so purrty.
Daisy, you look gorgeous in that coat!!!! I may have to talk to Meowm about getting me one to go with my eyes!!~~Junior
Oh Daisy, you are simply the sweetest cat. If you ever need a live in slave, I mean maid, please let me know, I would be happy to cater to your every kitty need ;-)
Meg and Arwen
Very nice coat Daisy and you look good from any angle.
Daisy you look super cute in your new coat! We bet it keeps you nice and warm!
Have a great weekend!
Ji Daisy, you look so stylish in your new coat. Love the color.
I have an award for you, come check it out on my blog...
Purrs from Gotchi
Daisy you are my fashion hero, my fashion inspiration! Where do you find all these fabulous ensembles?
your friend and fellow girly-girl,
(Glogirly's cat)
Oh Daisy, you shine like a star shining so bright! Have a great weekend!
So glamorous!!!! Tres vogue, dahling.
That coat is very pretty. I like blue! :)
You know Dahling ... You .. Look ... Marveloousz!
We love that coat. Such a pretty color on you.
Daisy, I think the queen has a coat like that but you look even better in your coat and far more regal than any mere queen.
Daisy, that coat is very pretty and you look beautiful in it! Hope you have a great weekend!
Aw, what a Fashion Diva you ARE!
Have a wonderful relaxing weekend... you all deserve it!
Very pretty and it looks warm too.
Your new coat is pawesome, Daisy!
You look gorgeous!
Have a great weekend!
Kisses and hugs
Daisy, I thought pink was your color but you look radiant in this blue.
Very pretty :)
Very pretty coat but do you really need one in Florida? The out takes earlier this week made me LOL. Hope your Mommeh is enjoying her new job!
Hi Daisy...and you too Harley :)
Tell your mommie to stop by my blog and read my latest post.
I think it's kind of funny and I hope she does too :-o
It's all about you and Harley...completely fiction, of course :)
Lovely! Lovely! Your so very pretty!
Mommy loves the color of your coat! It is very attractive on you, Daisy!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel
daisy yoo look furry sheek
you look wonderful Daisy!
Royal blue is a lovely colour on you Daisy! You look stunning!
Great news! We got our modem back from the shop!
So now we are online again. But we are so behind in our blogging!
Hugz & purrs
Anna & Sara Cat
What a beauiful coat
Benny & Lily
Oh my! Blue is the new PINK! Squee!
But it figures; we just got some pink stuff... Mebbe we should go buy celery green and wait fer it ta catch on next year!
You look very pretty in blue.
What a beautiful coat! You look very pretty in that color.
You're just as beautiful as ever, Daisy!
What a plush and fabulous coat, Daisy! Also, from what I can tell, you do not have a bad angle at all.
It is a beautiful coat Daisy. Looks mauvelous on you!
And once again... you need that coat in South Florida :-)
Daisy that color is stunning! Hope you get to enjoy the Superbowl today!
That is a very stylish coat, Daisy. Classy.
Lovely coat, looks like it was made specially for you!
Your new coat is absolutely gorgeous!
No need for a hat...maybe some pretty blue earmuffs in case it gets cold enough where you live in Florida.
Hi Daisy & Harley!! We love your pretty blue coat!! We have missed visiting our furiends because our Mom works, too!! We are catching up on all your & Harley's posts that we have missed!! Hope your Weekend was filled with lots of time with your Mom!!
Your TX furiends,
That's a beautiful coat, Daisy. I am glad that it does not restrict your movement.
That is a vary byootiful kote, Daisy, and reely, it duz not make yoo look too fat frum the side. I wood like it if it reveeled more tummy, tho.
What a lovely blue coat, Daisy! It really looks great on you, and I'm glad it doesn't restrict your movement at all :)
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