Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Daisy Tells All!

Today I will tell you more answers to your questions! We will start with my modeling career, okay?

About Modeling:
One day when I used to live in Virginia, before I ever had a blog, my Mommeh bought me a tee-shirt and I did not mind wearing it.
The first fashion I ever wore.

After I started my blog, I decided I would like to model many different outfits. I get lots of delicious treats for modeling, so I actually look forward to my modeling sessions; when I see the camera and my outfit, I actually run toward the camera so I can get started! I usually only model for about 5-10 minutes at a time, and my Mommeh can take as few as 10 pictures or as many as almost 100! If I am modeling good, my Mommeh just keeps going, but if I seem bored, we stop early. I like trying real complicated outfits the best. I have my very own closet in the guest room for all my clothings. I have always been a good model, but it took my Mommeh a while to learn how to hold up the treat so I look my best. I have many, many outfits. More than I can count! Sometimes I might wear a tee-shirt for a while after my photoshoot, but I usually take off my outfit right away.
Picking an outfit from my closet.

I used to like to play rough, but now I do not play as much as I used to. My favorite toy is the Cat Dancer. It's fun to chase after. I also like my Gommelgrabber. We have a big box full of toys to choose from. Harley loves to play with ANY toy, but his favorite is the mouse on a wand toy. He really loves every sort of wand toys, and he has a pink wand and a blue wand that he carries upstairs every night and drags into bed. In the morning, he drags them both back downstairs with the stick part dragging behind him.

Cat Dancer!

More Habits:
My worst bad habit is that I like to give the Bitey. I never scratch, but biting is so much fun! I never make any bloods come out though. I especially like to bite hands. Harley bites, too! Usually when he is playing rough and gets all wound up. He gets the wild, Googly Eyes, and tears around the house making these crazy noises.

Neither of us has ever gone potty outside of the litter box, and we only scratch on our scratching post. We have a litter box called the "Biddy Cat" that we love. It is extra big, and the sides are rounded so the litter does not get stuck in the corners.

Harley ALWAYS wants to play, and he is always jumping on me and chasing me all around. He is having a great time, but it makes me very mad. My Mommeh says Harley is a very good-natured cat who just wants to have fun, but I usually growl, hiss or box him with my paws, and he never, ever, ever stops! It has made me a little bit nervous, and I have started to overgroom my furs and now I have lots of missing furs.

Other stuff:
Yes, I actually have tasted cake! Skeezix got me this very, very special birthday cake with my picture on it. My Mommeh said it was almost too beautiful to let me eat it.
My beautiful birthday cake.

We have been using PetzLife oral gel on out teeths. Harley has a lot of tartars on his teeths, and we have not noticed too much difference in that. But his gums are not nearly as red any more, so I think it is helping him. My Mommeh puts the gel on our teeths with a Q-tip, which is easier than using a brush.

I never got to eat a real live dead mousie, but Harley chases and catches the little lizards that get into our house all the time. My Mommeh tries to save them and take the lizards outside, but Harley has learned to catch them and eat them really quickly and he will NEVER let one out of his mouth.

Whoa, I wrote a lot! Since there are still more questions, I will continue next week, if you are still interested! Here is one of the very first pictures of bebbeh me with my Mommeh:


94 Notes for Daisy:

gemmak said...

It's so much fun to learn all about you two and the things you get up too. Giving the bitey I think is just a natural thing to do and it's only very bads if you do it very hard.

It's lovely to see the picture of baby you with your mommeh Daisy, she is almost as beautiful as you! ;)

Julia said...

! You have so many cat clothes!

Freya's Staff said...

That's such a lovely post! I really like to hear about you and Harley and your Mommeh!

Kathy said...

I love reading your autobiography Daisy. I will forever be amazed that you wear clothings like you do and it's interesting to learn that it all started with a simple t-shirt.

What an impressive and lovely cake Skeezix got for you. I wouldn't want to eat it either. It's much too pretty!

Cat with a Garden said...

Oh Daisy, this should go on and on. We love to hear about you. The detail about Harley dragging his wand toy is cute. Chilli too gets all googly eyed and races through the rooms making noises. Those younger siblings! We think your mommy has very excellent products for you. The toy is phenomenal! And we'd really like to have one of these litter boxes. Why do we live in Germany? Why?
It is sad that you are sttill overgrooming. Harley won't be that wild forever though and maybe when he settles a bit, you will feel less nervous. The best thing to get a mancat settled is a girlfriend. Just saying. ; )
Purrs, Siena Snowfox

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy,

That was fun to learn so much about you! And your closet is very impressive.

Parker said...

I love to learn all about you Daisy!

Karen & Gerard Zemek said...

That was very interesting, Daisy. I look forward to reading more. That is sad though how Harley won't take a break and give you some quiet time. I am sorry to hear he makes you so nervous that you lost some furs.

Manny likes dragging his wands around too.

I am happy to hear you actually like modeling. It's fun seeing all your different outfits! I really think you have more than I do!

That's a nice picture too, of you with your mommy when you were a baby.

Poppy Q said...

We love your crazy and beautiful fashions Miss D, and we love learning about you and Harley.

I am a good girl and never bite or scratch. Just kisses.

Marg said...

Daisy you were so cute as a behbeh. But then you are still cute too. We love you closet of clothes. You have an outfit for everything.
That is too bad that you are getting so nervous that you are licking your fur off. Wish there was something that could be done to straighten that Harley out. Maybe he needs a boy kitten.
Great pictures and it is really fun to hear all about your activities.

Teddy Westlife said...

It is very interesting to learn all about you Daisy! And Harley too.

Unknown said...

Daisy, we love this blog. It is such fun to get the inside scoop. You are quite remarkable and I wish I loved to wear clothes, but I really don't, so the Woman is forbidden to dress me. She knows it is right, otherwise she is not good at following rules. tee hee Yes! we want to hear more!
Your friend, Fisher

Anonymous said...

Daisy, we hope you get a big fat book deal someday soon! You are just so enchanting! And Harley, you are just so funny! Smoochies to you both!

Forty Paws said...

You are such a kyootie patootie poodin! We luf hearing about you and Harley!

Luf, Us

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are loving hearing all the inside news about you Daisy. I must admit that I give the bitey too, usually when I am being zoom groomed and get excited, but sometimes I get into bed with the Beans and bite their knuckles and noses. Mum cleans our teeth every day with logic oral gel with the old soft head from an electric toothbrush. I have had red gums and tartare since I was young, but it does help. Flynn has a pink tummy too where he has bathed all his furrs away. Mum tells him he has OCD whatever that is.
Purrs Eric.

The Creek Cats said...

Thank you so much for answering our question! And it was so great to learn more about you through reading the other questions and answers!!

who wouda thunk it?? said...

Daisy, I see a hula girl outfit in your closet! I just posted a picture on mt little girl, Mini, in her Hula girl outfit, she would love a comment from you! Mini's hula skirt is too small, and we have to find her a bigger one. Where did you get yours?

Sweet Purrfections said...

I am really enjoying getting to know more about you and Harley. I can't believe how many clothes you have. You have more than my mom and that's a lot.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We just love your Tell All posts, Daisy! And that's a very sweet picture of your baby self with your Mommy!

Kea said...

We love reading all about you, Daisy, and Harley too! Our human says you have more clothes than she does!

The Florida Furkids said...

We love learning about you and Harley! Mom says you have more clothes than she does!! Cousin Trooper drags the wand toy around...he puts it in the bathtub every morning for Auntie El! Your Mom looks so happy in that picture and you were soooo cute!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Meezers or Billy said...

we loves learning about you Daisy! and you too Harley!

Lin said...

Oh, that picture of you and mommeh is very cute!! I LOVE your closet of clothes, Daisy. Wow! You are very spoiled.

Hobbes has been chasing Grace a bit too much lately and Grace is sporting some scabby racing stripes down the back of her hind legs--a result of over-grooming. You aren't alone in the annoying brother department.

i beati said...

loved the answers - Shout up a prater for Princeman-almost gone . He is quite elderly..and my love

CCL Wendy said...

Wow Daisy, you have a wardrobe to "die fur"! Holy Moly! Most kids don't have that many clothes. You are such a special girl, though, that I can see why your mommeh would want to have so many choices for you to dress up.

What about Harley, though? How does he tolerate his outfits?

Harley sounds like lots of fun, even if he drives you crazy, Daisy!
You can tell by his googly, crazy eyes.

Your household must be lots and lots of fun, day and night!

JD at I Do Things said...

Wow, this was all so interesting! Thank you, Daisy! I think it's funny that you like wearing T-shirts and will wear one even after the modeling session is over. I'm pretty sure Gus and Pru would just roll over onto their side and think they were paralyzed if I ever tried to dress them in any kind of fashion.

Harley will settle down a bit. Try to be patient and not mess with your furs. He really just wants to be your best friend.

Flamincatdesigns said...

OMC! All us kitties crowded around the puter to stare at your photo of your closet. What a wonder that is! We are purry impressed. We had to quick close the browser when momma cat came over to da puter cuz she was bad enough with our Halloween and Christmas costumes. We don't want a big closet of clothes for us. You are a purrfect model Daisy, "on da catwalk, yea, on da catwalk"

Cory said...

Oh how sweet! Baby Daisy with mommie!

We just love your closet!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Thanks for sharing all that great info about you and Harley, Daisy! Love the last picture with you mommeh when you were a little babbeh kitteh.

Cindy said...

Great informations alls abouts you Daisy! Nothing wrong with giving the Bitey now and then.

Cindy said...

OH yeah, forgot to say I love your wardrobe, I've never seen so many kitty clothes!

Gail said...

I love reading your stories. You have so many beautiful outfits! Wow! It especially nice to finally meet your Mommeh!

Cat products said...

The cake with pic is looking awesome, Yummie
and that pic (face between copy machine) is very funny

how did u manage to get those pics :p

Dma said...

harley sounds like a brother's brother. i think he and theo would get along swimmingly although i doubt theo could catch a lizard if his life depended on it.

Raymond and Busby said...

It's fun to learn more about you and Harley, Miss Daisy. Wow, you sure have a lot of clothes! We don't mean to ask another question but now we are wondering how old you were when Harley came to live with you?

We love that photo of you as a baby with your Mom! xoxo

ratboyz said...

u and yours mommeh is too prity kittenz. we noes your problemz with harleykats running around like some kindz of nutballz. meybey heez jist a yungkatz and will calms down wen hees gits olders. while we are waiting fur that to happen, meybey mommeh can keeps u ina dif-rent rooms until harleykats settls down like. likin off ur furs is not wut gudkittez doo and u should tri not too doo it too much. my maxikat likes too drag hers toys up and down the stares too. it makes us all laff and laff till wees almost coff up r furballs! LOL! keep riten ur storeez and weel keep reedin thems LOL!

brokenteepee said...

I love reading about you Daisy. You have quite a wardrobe!
I am sorry Harley is making you nervous. Sherpa is doing that to Stinky right now.

I can't wait to learn more.

The Crew said...

Daisy dear, I gave you an award. Stop by and pick it up.

Your friend

Joanne Olivieri said...

Daisy, your tell alls may end up in the tabloids, especially since you are a little modeling diva. I'm jealous, you have more outfits than I do :D

Tammy said...

Daisy - you are very patient to model all the clothes you do! My cats would do the bitey to me if I tried to dress them in your pretty clothes!

I love seeing you in your first T-shirt. It looks like you are busy helping in the office. My cats really like the printer too!

Puglette said...

that was really interesting! i am sorry harley is stressing you so much. he will calm down as he gets older. (i hope) thank you for sharing the photo of you and your mommeh, she is beautiful!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy, you have a great closet full of clothing! You are very lucky. Do you mix and match those outfits or do you get them all together?

The Oceanside Animals said...

Biteys are fun! Nom nom nom nom nom

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I'm sure all of this will be part of your movie on Animal Planet!

I KNOW woo will get to play yourself in it!

Khyra & Khousin Merdie

Buggys said...

Daisy! I think you have more clothes than I do, may I borrow something?

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are enjoying learning so much about you!

Donna said...

Dat was awesome, Daisy. U is smarter than Hercule Poirot! :)

Anonymous said...

That was very interesting. You have way more clothes than I do. Harley is still young so he is still a little whack-a-doo, he'll calm down in a year or so. As to the biteys - yeah, ya know that's not the friendliest thing y'all cats do...mine do that and then lick my hand as if that makes up for the bitey...

Guido the Italian Kitty-Big Angel Now said...

Can youza tell me when dat little greenie Leprechaun guy izza gonna arrive exacticatically? Youza smart Daisy - and youza tells all! Catzowey youza speshule!

GLOGIRLY said...

Hi Daisy,
Glogirly and I had tons of fun reading more about you and Harley! I sure hope Harley learns to relax a little bit so you can get some rest. Sheesh... he's a cat. Hasn't he figured out the whole nap thing yet?

But Daisy, my favorite part is your closet. All those beautiful designer creations... all those fabulous accessories... How do you EVER decide?

your fashion follower,
(Glogirly's Cat)

Sparkle said...

OMC, I cannot believe your wardrobe! My human doesn't have that many clothes. I think you have almost as many clothes as her boyfriend, who plays in a rock band and has a stage wardrobe plus his regular clothes. It does not surprise me that that you were a natural model but your human had to learn how to photograph you properly. Humans are slower learners than cats.

I actually tagged you on my blog for a fun (and easy) photo game because I wanted to see some older pictures of you, but you already have some cool ones here! I love the photo of you as a kitten with your human. Such a cute picture!

Ari said...

You're so lovely Daisy!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Daisy, your closet is so full!!! I'm sorry that you overgroom sometimes...I'm sure he will clam down soon and you can resume a more relaxed licking schedule.

Pip said...

OMCC, you has so much more outfits than the last time we sees your closet!
This is a very fun Q&A. Keeps telling us more.
PeaS- mommy is gonna get a Biddy, it looks purrfect

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Wow Daisy! We know so much more about you now!

Meowm is interested in that tooth gel!

Country Cats said...

We really like learning more about you and Harley, Daisy. Even though we don't comment as much, we still stop by almost every day!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Daisy we are really having a lot of fun learning about you and Harley! We like to put the bitey on things sometimes too! And it is funny that Harley likes to drag his wands around - Virgil drags da bird aroudn the house and the stick is always dragging behind him.

And boy you were a cute baby Daisy - you are cute now too!

Daisy Deadhead said...

You were a beautiful baby, Daisy!!! :)

BeadedTail said...

We love learning more about you and your brother Daisy! We can just picture Harley dragging his wand upstairs and downstairs. We're sorry he's making you too nervous so you over groom. Hopefully calm can be restored soon. Thanks for sharing all this fun information!

C.l.o.v.e.r. said...

Hi Daisy! You answered lots of good questions! You are the best model I have ever seen. And I love the baby picture of you too!

jenianddean said...

I am really enjoying these question and answer sessions. Maggie likes to put the bitey on Mom and Dad too. We only have three outfits, and fortunately they're just for Maggie, but they hang in the closet too.

Theresa111 said...

Daisy and A.R.,

What a wonderful post! I learned more about you and Harley and Mommeh. the cake was outstanding. Hats off to your steady and I can picture Harley dragging the wands around, up and downstairs.

We are so very fortunate that your Mommeh is generous in sharing her love for you and the wonderful personalities of her babehs.

Anonymous said...

That was great info again Daisy, Thank you! By the way, Bayou used to be like Harley, but we got Asia and now they are bestest of friends, and Bayou no longer tackles Dexter or Cosmo (who are like you, and would prefer not to romp).

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

You have more clothes than my mom does!!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh Daisy, my mom thinks you are..pardon me for telling this, the cat's meow. She thinks you are s adorable. Now she also knows how adorable I am, and I get her loves, so I'm not jealous. She and I love your dresses. Pink is your color!

She and I both loved seeing your bebbeh pictures with mommeh and she just thinks you are totally adorable all over again.

By the way, I give the bitey too. I never scratch but sometines I have to tell her what to do.. putting on the bitey works every time.

We need my mom to buy that gel!! My fangs are a trifle dingey.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Giving da bitey is fun, as long as der are no bloods! Wow Daisy, we think yoo haf more clotheses in yoor closet den our mom does. Maybe yoo should try playing wif Harley, we bet he would not hurt yoo and den he might stop chasing yoo alla time. It worked wif Speedy!


YOU have a closet any hooman lady would be proud of!
Fashion Diva is right on!
Harley keep brushing those toofs.

purr on

Tibby said...

Hi Daisy!
Your closet is amazing! You are one lucky girl! It was fun learning all those things about you and Harley! I can't wait to learn more!
:) Tibby

talia said...

I can honestly say I have never seen a cat with so many clothes. Glad to see you enjoy dressing up your mommeh must be proud of you.

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Yay! Thank you for more Q&A :) You look adorable in your very first tee-shirt and I love your closet!

The picture of you and your Mommeh is great!

Cats in Trees said...

Wow, look at all those outfits. You must be the best dressed cat in the world.

Misha said...

OMC, Daisy! You have a bigger wardrobe than my Mummy!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

you were sooo cute as a kitten Daisy.
I like all of the answers to your questions.

Happy day and bonkiebonks

Anonymous said...

After seeing your closet, we've learned that you two are just as spoiled as we are! Maybe more:)

The Island Cats said...

Wow! That was fun to learn more about you and Harley, Daisy! Cat Dancer is one of our favorite toys too! Lately, though, we've been playing lots with Da Bird!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

You and your Mommy look very pretty together. Socks is the only one who eats mousies around here. The rest of us don't think they taste very good. We just catch them and give them to Mommy, who doesn't seem to like them either as she SCREAMS real loud and shrill. ~AFSS

Ann said...

I love hearing all this stuff about you and Harley. That is some wardrobe you have there. It makes Dukes 2 little sweaters look kind of sad :)

Meghann said...

You guys are fascinating - I never knew you had so many clothes, I am jealous!! You look so good with your mommeh - you make each other look gorgeous. I can't wait to read more about you next week!

One Cats Nip said...

you like to put the bitey!? What fun!! Oh and Mom says you have more clothes than her!

Two French Bulldogs said...

Oh Daisy....BOL..the clothes closet...BOL thanks for letting us in on your career
Benny & Lily

SophieKitty said...

My momma is jealous of your closet, Daisy! You have tons of cute outfits!!

And that is a very nice picture of you and your mommeh.

Quill and Greyson said...

That was enlightening. Sorry about your being stressed Daisy!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
I love your closet! Very well organized!
Kisses and hugs

A few Good Cats said...

Bebbeh Daisy pictures are our favorites!

Liss said...

I love that cake.

Your mama is very pretty, I see where you get your good looks silly girl.

Karen Jo said...

Thank your for answering all these questions, Daisy. I love learning more about you. I give my Mom the bitey, too, but never hard. It's more of a play thing than anything else. I am giving you the Sunshine award because you have brought sunshine into my life with your very useful comments and good advice and support and I love reading your blog.


GLOGIRLY said...

Hi Curly Friend!

Guess what!? There is a brand new award hitting the blogosphere and YOU HAVE JUST BEEN CHOSEN!!!

Congratulations on winning one of the first ever MOOD RING AWARDS.

Stop by GLOGIRLY - Tails Of A Cat And Her Girl to check it out. It's going to have to be up to your Mommeh whether or not you share it with you-know-who.

(Glogirly's Cat)

ratboyz said...

eye am hoeping dat u got sum buddy to put back on Harleykats toe again.
mi and mine humans wuz so worries that weeze cud ownlee sleep fur twelef ourz! givs harletkatz sum smoochez fur mi.
bunches uv luv,

MAXIKATZ and her person who is prity nise 2 mi most uv teh tymes.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Wow, you have soooo many outfits....how's Harley's closet looking, is he getting lots of duds? We enjoyed listening to mommy reading your story....she said you were such an adorable baby.......we should have a baby photo day!=^Y^=

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Daisy, we liked hearing your story and seeing your closet full of clothes. Mewmie said since we have lots of new friends, maybe she should post again our story...

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, that was a lotta neat stuff ta learn about you and Harley. We were MOST impressed by all the outfits. The Big Thing doesnt have that many and he wears outfits ALL the time...

Maureen said...

Aw I love these posts and am learning so much about all of you! What a great photo that last one is.

Anonymous said...

Harley, when you first reached your mommey's home, what did you do?

The Furry Bambinos said...

That was all so interesting, Daisy! Panda Bear also like to drag wand toys up and down the stairs. That is so cute that Harley takes them to bed! (Psst, call him Linus!)

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel

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