Tattletail Tuesday: Harley Makes a Spectacle of Himself
Today I am going to show you something very shocking about Harley! Are you prepared?

Tattletail Tuesday: Harley Makes a Spectacle of Himself
Posted by Daisy at 4/06/2010 04:00:00 AM
Labels: Harley cannot read, tattletale
70 Notes for Daisy:
I think they probably look better on Mom right? Harley does look funny in them though!!
Harley, you are a trend setter.
They do suit you Harley, maybe your mom needs to buy some that will fit you properly.
Harley I think that you look very good in those glasses. I'm near sighted too, maybe we could share :)
We think Harley looks very clever in the specs!
It's now acceptable for modern man to wear pink. Maybe Harley is a modern trend setter cat?
I think Harley is just being silly to get your goat! Ha, ha!
~Lisa Co9T
Harley, we think you totally ROCKED the bespectacled look! Hey! Maybe you could get them in a prescription strong enough to use when you are SpyCat! Think of the time you'll save!
They are pretty, and Harley looks very smart in them!
Professor Harley! The glasses suit you - the "pink" can be considered red and red goes nicely with your furs.
Hmm...Harley looks very smart in those glasses! Bet he can't see anything thought! Mommy thinks the glasses would be purrfect on your Mommy!
Hi Daisy:::waving::::
Hi Harley::::waving:::
Love, uSSSSS
I think Harley looks great in those glasses. Nice of your Mommeh to share
I have a kitteh who likes to steal my glasses. But Junior doesn't want to wear them, he wants to play with them, bat them around, because they're shiny. Junior just loves teh shiny!
Those glasses do look good on you, Harley. Just don't hide them from Mommeh! She needs them for her work!
Harley, you look so smart and sophisticated!
Maggie May chewed our mom's new glasses when she was a little babeh. There are tiny teeth marks on the lenses.
You look so ManCatly and intelligent in those glasses! We think you might want to consider glasses that are a little bit smaller thougoh.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
LOL Harley you look kind of silly in those glasses. Sorry to hear that you are nearsighted. Daisy thanks so much for telling us the news. That is terrific.
Have a great day and take care.
Those make his eyes go all crossy.
Um.. We thinks purrhaps Harley should get some glasses of his own?
LOL! Maybe you need your own pair, Harley. In a "mancatly" colour, of course! LOL.
Those glasses make Harley look very smart. And pink is the new black, so I guess he can wear them.
oh my, harley is such a dummy
I love that Daisy is there taking the pictures of this crazy Harley hahah
Harley - does you need glasses? maybe contakt lenses would be better?
the stylish glasses make harley look very smart.
Were you trying this glasses out to see if they would help you with your detective work - they would make a good disguise for you if they were in a manly colour.
He just can't keep his paws off stuff can he?
Um, Harley, those glasses are quite fetching.
Harley looks like Mr. Cool wearing those glasses.... a man comfortable enough in his skin to be fine with pinks....
We think that Harley looks like a scientist in the glasses!
Harley, you look very studious!
Good catch Daisy Harley sure does look silly wth those!
Bella said to tell you we have new yard pictures with us in them and for you to come check them out please. She loves your comments.
Harley, you totally crack us up!
Harley--you look pretty trendy in those glasses.
I'm shocked but he looks cute in them :) So you can all share the spectacles.
Harley you look very distinguished in those glasses!! Hope your Mom let's you keep them!!
Your TX furiends,
Harley needs some proper Mancat glasses!
They do make him look a bit smarter than he really is, though.
Daisy, maybe Harley was just "exploring his feminine side" in your Mommeh's pink glasses. Hopefully the glasses were able to withstand his curiosity!
Harley can't help it. What a beauty.
I guess Harley swings both ways:)
Hahaha..we think Harley was just trying to make yoor mom laff. Ours sure did. Just heard yoo haf a owie eye, we sure hope it's not sereeus.
But paw on heart, Daisy, doesn't Harley look good in the glasses? He looks great no what he wears!
Best wishes,
I don't unnerstand this: "They are clearly for GIRLS because of the pink color." Cuz all of my glasses are pink. Are you just talking abowt ugly reeding glasses, or do fansy glasses count?
Harley we think those aren't really your color. Or style. We prefer you glasses free. But if you need them we suggest a different type -those are clearly for girls.
You look quite smart in those glasses Harley....even if they are pinnk!
Daisy, Skeezix says you were rushed to the vet this morning. We came right over to check on you but there's no news. We hope to hear some news -- good news! - when your mom gets a chance to let everyone know how you are.
Those glasses make Harley look very clever. Maybe he will be a scientist or a professor if he keeps wearing them.
oh dearest Daisy.... I just read from Skeezix that you are noy feeling real well and had to go to the Vet...we are purrrrrring our hardest for you at the cozy cottage...please be good to yourself because you are so very much loved by all of us!
Shocking...but rather dashing.
Hmmm. Now that's very interesting. Those glasses actually make Harley look intelligent. Purrhaps he should wear them all of the time!
Harley looks very sophisticated in glasses.
Daisy you did the right thing to mention to mommeh that Harley was wearing her glasses and not you.
Harly, ask mommeh to buy you your own pair, blue ones.
Plz to not make fun of him if he has bad eyes. :( Maybe he needs to go to the eye doctor and get his own glasses, though.
Maybe you needs to have lasik?
Daisy, honey, Skeezix says you are not feeling well.
We are purring really hard that it is nothing bad and you gets better real soon!
TK & Squashes
Hello sweet one.. Heard you was not feeling too good and came to give you hugs and purrs. Get well soon.. Hugs GJ xx
We hear Daisy is not feeling well. Hope things are better now. Purrs
Gee Harley...you look kinda cool in those glasses,even if they are pink!!!! heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Daisy, WE hope you do not need glasses! We read that you were not feeling well and are sending purrs to you!
Harley! You're such a goofy goofball!
....we're rooting for you Daisy...get well soon....
Harley that was funny! We hope you never need glasses though.....you have very cool eyes!=^Y^=
I just heard that you are having some problems with your eyes. I wanted to come by and check on you and to offer my special purrs!
fuzzy soft ear kisses for little Daisy, Get well soon, honey!
Harley, those glasses make you look extra super smart!
Hi, Daisy!
I don't think the color is the problem but the size is!
Kissses and hugs
wow you look so cool with the specs :).
At least Daisy didn't call you four eyes!
Those glasses actually look very nice on Harley. Who says real men don't wear pink?
Ahahaha Harley, those glasses make you look very smart! (but I already know you are very smart!)
You make me smile, you two....
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