Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hi everybuddy. Something is a little bit wrong with me. Can you tell in this picture? The pupil size difference is even more dramatic in darker light. I got something called anterior uveitis. My Mommeh noticed my pupils were different sizes and rushed me to the vet. I did not enjoy that part.

I guess my prognosis depends on the underlying cause of my condition. I had an FeLV and FIV test, just in case. I should know my test results sometime today. Hopefully, my eye will get better all by itself in a few weeks. If it does not get better, I will need to go to a specialist to have more tests. Right now, my Mommeh is just watching me to make sure there are no other symptoms, and it does not get worse.

Luckily, we have lots of photos and stories for my blog already. Harley will be taking over a little bit because I do not want to show pictures of myself when I do not look my best. I'll keep you updated on my condition when I know more. I am getting lots of extra hugs and treats. I like that part.

I want to say thank you to everybuddy for your good thoughts and kind words.

Update: My Mommeh says my eyeballs are already looking more symmetrical today! We are now wondering how my condition could be changing so rapidly. It is an eyeball mystery! Still waiting on blood test results.


149 Notes for Daisy:

Blogger Cats said...

Oh Daisy..

We hope there is nothing serious with your eyes and it would get better all on its own..

We will pray for you over here ...


Freya's Staff said...

Poor Daisy! We all think you look EVEN MORE beutiful than usual like that. We really hope you get better soon, and the test results are good news.

And tell your Mommeh to stop worrying about you! :-) (but to keep on with the fuss and hugs)

Ann said...

Oh Daisy, Duke and I are sending you good thoughts and wishes. We're hoping you get better soon and find that it's nothing serious. In the mean time take advantage of those extra hugs and treats

gemmak said...

Oh Daisy,

I do hope you get your test results back very quickly so that you don't have to worry too long and I hope your poorly eye mends very soon. One thing you mustn't worry about though is what your eye looks like, you just look as beautiful as ever :)

Sending you lots and lots of very special mending hugs and kisses xxxxxx

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - that is a furry strange condition. We everything is okie dokey wif yer eyes and health.

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

I wonder what caused this. Very strange. It is good you are getting extra hugs and treats and I'm sure you mom will take good care of you. At least it doesn't hurt. I think you should go on with your normal routine as long as you feel okay.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Oh dearest could never not look your best sweet friend no matter what...
Cole was here yesterday and we visited your bloggy for a long long time. He wanted to see and read all of your comics and puzzels...there were many smiles and lots of right answers from him. We love you very much and will be thinking about you real hard...all will be well...we feel that in our hearts.
Love Misses Peach and the cozy cottage

Forever Foster said...

Darling Daisy, we three kitties are joining together and sending our best purrs for your eyes to feel better very soon, and that your results will bring good news.

Last year, Fui had a problem with his eye. The vet was talking about all sorts of specialists and tests and even flying Fui down to the state capital for more tests, scaring the heck out of mum. It got better all on it's own. We are purring for the same result for you.

Love Fui, Suey and Lishy.

Kea said...

Oh, Daisy, you always are beautiful, no matter what!

We've never heard of this anterior uveitis; our human will have to Google it.

Just know we're sending tons of purrs and universal healing Light that this will heal on its own.

Poppy Q said...

Miss D, I hopes your eyes get better and you get lots of rest. We know that Harley will look after the blogging for you.

Take it easy little buddy.

Big smoocheroonies from over the ocean.

Mum and Poppy Q

Anonymous said...

Daisy darling, we are hoping and purring that the underlying cause is benign and that your eye will get better on its own very soon.

Tell your Mom to be alert for any signs of pain that may indicate the pressure inside the eye is elevated. Cats are not so great sometimes when it comes to showing signs of pain.

Mom had Pekingese for many years. Their large, protruding eyes were prone to injury and Mom became quite good at recognizing early signs of a problem. But dogs are much easier than cats, that way.

We are sending warm, fuzzy, purry hugs to your Mommeh, because we know she is very worried about you right now. Smoochies to all of you from all of us!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

You and your mum must be so worried.I am sending lots of my purrs that it gets better on its own and that you will soon be back to your sweet self.. Hugs GJ xx

ceemee said...

Hope it gets better real soon! Sending virtual treats your way!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Oh no! We are worried abowt yoo Daisy and are sending yoo healing purrs. please take care.

eilu said...

We hope you gets better soon Daisy!

Pandafur said...

I iz worrying for you too Daisy, but I do think you look pritty wiv your eyez no matter wats. I'm sending *softpaw* and purrs for you dear Daisy.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Poor Daisy. We are sending lots of purrs and hope that it is nothing serious that has caused it and that it will get better on it's own. We heard about it from Skeezix yesterday and tried and tried to get back to you to let you know we were purring for you, but all our google sites were down and we couldn't even accesss our own blog for more than an hour.

Marg said...

Daisy, we are sending you lots of purrs, 2 woofies, 2 HeeHaws and 1 baa. BUT we are going to remain positive that the eye will resolve itself and get all better. We just know it will. And Mommeh, take a deep breath, it is going to be OK. We are all thinking about you. Also, you could never look bad, no matter what your eyes look like. Lots of hugs to Daisy and Mommeh.

i beati said...

I know you wioll be just fine I know it !! sandy and Darlin and milady Marmalade and Pinky and Gingy

Stephanie H. said...

Daisy, we hope you get better real soon and that it is nothing major!! Feel better.

Wrigley, Cobalt, and Penelope

Lisa Kolosey said...

Big purrs and prayers for the Daisy Girl. You'll be on our minds until we know you're okay.
~Lisa Co9T

Parker said...

Oh Daisy! I hope and pray that it gets better all by itself! We will purr and pray very, very hard that there is nothing seriously wrong with your eye!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

We are so sorry to see you and your Mom worried, Daisy. Please make sure to keep us updated, and always remember that you will always look perfect to your friends!

Meghann said...

Poor Miss Daisy! We are praying for you and Arwen sends you little kisses (she just had her teeth brushed so no dog breath, don't worry!).

The Whiskeratti said...

Daisy, we are sending our best purrrayers right away! ::nosetaps::

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Daisy, We are purring your eye gets well soon. So sorry your aren't at your very best. You are so lucky your Mom stays on top of things like this. Keep us posted, we have our paws crossed it isn't anything serious. Healing purrs and puppy licks. ~AFSS

Sweet Purrfections said...

Keeping my paws crossed that there is nothing seriously wrong and that your eyes are back to normal very soon.

Anonymous said...

We will be purraying that your results come back fine! We just know they will. Hang in there, sweetie and keep us posted!

Forty Paws said...

Many purrs and hugs are being sent to you Daisy!!!

Luf, Us and Maw

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, we are purring very hard that your beautiful eyes will be back to normal. You look so pretty all the time anyway! We hope that all your test results are normal!!!

Love, uSSSSS

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, we hope your eyeballs are back to normal real soon!! We are purring for you!

Coralie Cederna Johnson said...

Surely hope Daisy will be back to her old self soon! Sending her some big FUR-HUGS!

Boots, Ozzie and Brenda said...

We hope you get better real soon and it is not anything serious. You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Brenda, Boots & Ozzie

Lin said...

Me and the kitties here are sending prayers that it is something minor. I would think that if it was otherwise, you would see more symptoms. Tell Mommeh not to worry or cry too much--it is gonna be okay. But I know how she feels, Hobbes was really sick a bit ago and I was a MESS! It's hard because we love our kitties so darn much. Hugs, Daisy. Here's hoping you get well soon!

The Creek Cats said...

Daisy, you have us so worried!!! We are so happy to hear that your pupils are already more symmetrical this morning! We hope you continue to improve and your blood test results are fine!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

hmmmmm. This is a tricky one, but mom says she will say you might have a mild case of uveitis. The cause? it could be any number of things but I am hopeful that yours was just allergies or something.
Get all better Daisy! We love you

The Monkeys said...

Oh Daisy! We're purring that everything is okay with your pupils!

The Meezers or Billy said...

Daisy, we has been furry werried about you since we seen your note on the evil facebook yesterday . we is glad that your eyeballs is looking better today - and we will keep purring furry hard for you!

facingthetrend said...

I will be praying hard for you and your Mommeh, Daisy. Please do keep us updated. Love you!

Dwacon said...

I thought Daisy was doing her Marty Feldman impersonation?

Cory said...

Sweetie girl, we love you even if you don't think you look your best! Harley is nice to help you out, but we still want to see your sweet face no matter what, ok?

Dma said...

i hope you get better soon. and i also hope that part of the cure doesn't entail wearing those stylin glasses harley was modeling yesterday.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We were pleased to hear that your eye looks a little better today. We know that your Mommeh will take very good care of you and give you lots of fuss and kisses to make you better.

We're sure that Harley will do his best to look after your blog - looking forward to seeing him in a dress on fashion Friday!!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That is great there is some improvement today! We are still purring it continues.

Anonymous said...

awwww, sweetie, Of course I'll say a prayer for your. Please keep us posted on what the V-E-T says.

The Furry Kids said...

We are purring and purraying for you. Eyeballs can be so mysterious. :(


Clarissa said...


We are thinking about you and sending you lots of purrs. We hope your eye will be all better soon!!!

Clarissa & Co

JD at I Do Things said...

My sweet Daisy,

I'm saying lots of prayers and hoping as hard as I can that you will be perfectly fine. I know how much your Mommeh loves you and worries about you.

I'm relieved to read the update. I know you will be OK! But please take it easy. I'm sure Harley can handle things for a while.

las794 said...

Rubbin' my lucky kitty feet for your good health, Daisy....

Breakfast With the Bennetts said...

Daisy this is most strange. I hope that this is just a glitch in your kitty wiring and not anything serious. Tell your mommy that snuggling kitties helps with the worrying.

Please keep us up to date we will be thinking of you!
Boxer love
Boxen and Bella

p.s. Beau says to tell you that he hopes you feel better soon.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, we love to see you no matter what!!
No need to worry, your mom is very dedicated and experienced in caring for kitties.

meowers from missouri said...

oh, dearest miss daisy, are furry glad to hear that your eyes are looking better already!! we is purrin' an' purrrayin' like crazy for this to get all better SOON!!!

loves & headbumps,
ed, nitro, xing, & iggy

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you are getting better already! Maybe it's an allergy of some kind?

Jans Funny Farm said...

Purrs and tail wags for you, Miss Daisy. You gave you mom quite a scare. We hope you will get all better soon.

Chrissie said...

Miss Daisy, Your eyes are beautiful and I will miss seeing them. Do cuddle your mommeh lots and let her take care of you. I'm purring and purraying for good news today and a quick recovery, dear girl.

melissa said...

bless your heart. Hiope everything clears up on its own

Cat Street Boyz said...

Lets hope your Mommies worries are for nothing......she sure keeps a close eye on you Daisy, but that is what love is all about. We are purring by 7 Boyz for you to be OK!Purrrrrrrzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz=^Y^=

Mr. Grumpster Wilfred III said...

oh no, i am worried Daisy! i hope it is just some weird thing and will get better very soon, i am sure that is very scary for your mommeh! i will be praying and purring that it is a healed up and there is not a underlying condition! and you do not need to worry about not being beautiful in pictures. i barely even noticed it and that was only when you pointed it out. Melvin has this same problem and he is still VERY cute. it gives him charicter!

BumbleVee said...

Oh, Little Daisy....I hope it is something temporary and your eye gets better soon.....I have a problem with my own eye lid right now... and am putting in drops... so far it is not doing much....I better go put in some more and use my hot compresses..... it's always something isn't it?

sending hugs


brokenteepee said...

Daisy you know all of us out here are thinking about you. We send you lots of goat hugs and hope you get better very soon.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Daisy, you shood be able to hear my purrs frum yer howse, cuz I'm purring as lowd as I can fur yoo to git better. I hope yoo don't have a communikable dizeeze cuz I woodn't want to ketch a dizeeze frum my speshul frend.


Yer speshul frend,

Skeezix the Cat said...

PEE ESS: I woodn't advize letting Harley take over yer blog wile yoo reecover. He'll never give it bak!

catsynth said...

We hope it's nothing serious - and that it's not causing any discomfort. It could just be that one eye was slightly irritated or reacting to something, so it will pass quickly. Sending good thoughts...

Puglette said...

oh dear, daisy! i will be sending pawsitive thoughts your way for a quick recovery. it's a good thing your mommeh is so attentive to you two. she can make sure you both stay healthy and happy.

Amy & the house of cats said...

Oh Daisy, we read about you at Skeezix's blog yesterday! We have been very worried about you. We are glad to see the update that your eyes are more normal but we are still worried about what caused it. We hope it was just a minor thing and that you will be good as new soon! We are sending you lots and lots of purrs and prayers to get better soon and for good test results too!

Tybalt said...

Oh, I am purring for you Daisy! <3 <3 <3

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am certain you are doing so well because all the cats are purring so hard for you Daisy! We want you to be better soon.

Meadow said...

Oh Daisy!!! We hope everything is okay. Glad to hear things look to be on the mend quickly, and we hope your mum is holding up well!

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay i am sorry to heer yoo ar having a helth skayre!!! i hope yore eyes ar bak to normal soon!!! ok bye

SeaThreePeeO said...

Oh noes Daisy!

We're purring that your eye gets better soon and your blood tests come back clear! xxx

Pip said...

Oh Daisy.
We knows you probably has ascared, but we also knows that you are also very brave. We hopes it is nothing serious.
We are all purring fur you sweety.
TK & Squashies & mommy

P.S. mommy sounds very funny when she tries to purr!

Raymond and Busby said...

Daisy we are purring for you! We love you! xoxo

jenianddean said...

Don't worry us like that. Maybe it's just the pollen in your eye (wishful thinking). We'll be sending you all kinds of healing purrs so you can get better even faster.
--Jasper, Josie, Huggy Bear and Maggie

Joanne Olivieri said...

Oh Daisy, I am so sorry and I sure hope that everything is okay and it will get better on it's own very soon. I will say lots of prayers for you :)

Janet said...

I am worrying about you, too, Daisy! But I'm glad to read that your eye looks better today. I hope that is a sign that it's going away on its own!

Everycat said...

Oh Daisy! We hope your eye sorts itself out by itself and your tests are all ok. Did Harley accidentally thump you? Sometimes a knock can make an eye do that.

We send you lots of rumbly purrs

Whicky Wuudler
& Gerry

Anonymous said...

Hi Daisy, I hope you're feeling better! My cat had uveitis and the doctor gave her medicine and that fixed her right up.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You are always beautiful to us, Daisy! We followed your link, and since your eye seems to be better already, maybe it will clear up on it's own.
We'll check back to see how the blood tests came out. Our Momma hates to wait for those! She is still at her sisters house recovering.
Prayers and gentle (((Hugs)))
~ The Bunch

missfinn said...

We're praying for you Miss Daisy..Hope the test come out with good result.. Take care..


Sparkle said...

Daisy, I hope that eye thing continues to clear up and does NOT come back! Sending you lots and lots of healing purrs and licks.

BeadedTail said...

Daisy, we are sending you lots of purrs that your tests come back okay and that your eyes get better soon. We know your mommeh will do everything in her power to get you well.

WillOaks Studio said...

I hope it's just a blip and nothing to worry about, Daisy!! I have photos of Mariah with different irises but didn't know all about this possible DISEASE! (thank you for the info!)

Liss said...

Praying for you sweetie!

Max said...

Wow, glad your eyes are already getting back to normal. That's some scary stuff!

Anonymous said...

Daisy we are purring for you and sure hope that you will be okay very soon!

Sarah Coggins said...

Sending prayers & purrs! Glad to see a positive update so far and you have an answer soon. Enjoy those extra hugs & treats! :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Have you been hitting the nip too hard Daisy?

Seriously, we will be purring for you!

The Crew said...

Daisy dear, we're all purring for your to get back to your regular self.

Lizzette said...


This makes me sad, but you're still beeutiful! Prayers and purrs, my Devons Pierre and Seymour send their love.

Tell your Mommeh, she's a great Mommeh!

A Bay Horse said...

Hi Daisy,
We're thinking of you. We hope everything is fine and you feel better soon! I understand not wanting photos taken when you aren't looking your best, you wouldn't want to have a Britney Spears moment! What would your fans think? :)

Hope all is well soon!

Theresa111 said...


Please be okay.

Theresa, Joe, Bobby, Hannah, Cosmo, Christy, Monseiur, Sasha, Lillian and Ribbon

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Daisy, we are sending you our strongest purrs. We hope you eyes get better soon!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Daddy sed he couldn't see anything wrong wif yoo at all, he did notice dat yoor pupils were difrint sizes but thawt yoo were still beyootiful. We hope dat dey get better and better effury day so yoo and yoor mommy don't hafta worry.

Kitty McCormack said...

Mummy had to explain to us what FeLV and FIV was. When we understood we started to get very worried and cried alot, telling Mummy and nothing bad can happen to our lovable Daisy! Mummy has reassured us that she'll keep a close eye on your post so that she can keep us up to date on everything. We do hope it's nothing serious and that you will be blogging again very soon! Meanwhile please tell Harley that he'll need to do some funny posts to keep us smiling... xxx

who wouda thunk it?? said...

I think that crazy Harley is making you bonkers in the hed! thats what I think! xoxoxoxox

KC said...

Dear Sweet Daisy,
Auntie Deb called to tell us about your being sickly.
And hers made a gorgeous grafik fur effurryone to use... it is on tha CB.
Tomorrow we will be dedicating ours bloggie to you, to get well fast.
Maybe that is already happening?
Wow, purrs work fast.
Love & Purrs,

Cats in Trees said...

That is worrying. We will purr for you to get better and your pretty eyes to be all right again.

Bri said...

Feel better Daisy! I will purray for you. Vet visits are the worst.

Rebecca said...

Well that is a bit scary. We will keep Daisy in our healing prayers.
I looked this up and I found something interesting: cats need sunshine to make vitamin D just like people, so not enough sun and too much artificial light can cause all kinds of problems for people and cats, including vision problems! It's something to think about anyway.

Misha said...

I'm glad to hear it's starting to get better. Paws crossed it comes right real soon!

Ikaika said...

We are sending you lots of love and purrs, Daisy, and good energy. Our human has noticed asymmetrical pupils in a couple of us from time to time, but nothing permanent. We are happy that your pretty eyes are looking more symmetrical today.

Junk Drawer Kathy said...

Miss Daisy, I hope your eyeball mystery turns out to be nothing serious and don't you worry your pretty little head. We'll do the worrying for you. You just get back to snuggling with mommeh and making her feel a little better, OK?

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

We hope your eyes get better very soon and that the cause is nothing serious. We're sending you lots of healing purrs.

loki said...

Poor little Daisy, I hope it's not serious. I know how your Mommy feels right now. Thank you so much for your wonderful comments and hope that you will get better too!

Big hugs to you and your Mommy,


The Florida Furkids said...

We're purring for you! We're hoping that this is nothing. In fact, we're wiping those nasty diseases right out of our heads. We're glad the update said you are getting a bit better. (((Hugs)))

Snuggle with your Mom, we know she is really worried about you.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Shaggy and Scout said...

Daisy we are getting here late today because our great grammie died today.
Honey, we hope the condition will correct itself and you will be A-OK in no time. Sending healing purrs!

Brian's Home Blog said...

My sisters and I are purring for you too sweet thing, please take care of yourself. Purrs to you Daisy.

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh Daisy, we hope it is nothing serious and that you will be feeling better soon. Hugs and Purrs.

Mickey's Musings said...

Awwwwww Daisy!!!!!!
We are purring super duper hard so that any news you get will be good news!!
WE will send some purrs to your Mom too as we know she must be very worried.
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Kimberly Walker said...

I hope you're okay Daisy... you're in my prayers and Mr Jingles prayers as well. He says meow!

Rose Clearfield said...

Best of luck with everything Daisy! You are in my thoughts and prayers. *hug*

Unknown said...

Sometimes things mysteriously come and go, I hope yours goes away quickly! You are cute no matter what Daisy, but looking forward to seeing some more Harley!


We will keep you in our purrs and hope that this condition disappears as easily as it appeared.

We love seeing Harley, but please do not think we don't want to see you because of this.

We hope you get good results...


Just Ducky said...

Purrs to you Daisy, we hope this is nothing really bad wrong with your pretty eyes.

cats of wildcat woods said...

Sending lots of purrs that you are fine. Mom knew a kitty who has this pupil thing like you but it never turned out to be anything!

Lorenza said...

Hi, Daisy!
I hope your eye gets better soon!
Take care
Kisses and hugs

Donna said...

Oh my! I is sendin u lots of hugs so that u can get better soon. :)

It will be good to hear from Harley. Don't worries, u will be okay.


Your Daily Cute said...

I hope you keep getting better and better super fast, and hopefully maybe that's not even what you have. Praying and purring (Well, Pimp and Moo are purring. I wish I could, too.) that all is well!

I bet your Mommeh was very worried when she noticed your eyes. Tell Harley to lay off you a little bit while you heal up.

Ellie and her three cats said...

oh nooo we will be praying for your speedy recovery and hope its goes away on its own and isent a sign of something worse. we will miss all the cool pics you pose for, but take it easy during your sick leave.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Maybe it was all that talk about needing spectacles that did it! We are glad things look better today.

SophieKitty said...

We're sending positive purr vibes your way, Daisy. We hope you don't have to wait too long for the results.

Split Rock Ranch said...

I'm so glad that you're getting better already! You have LOTS of people praying for you and sending you lots of love and positive energy. The power of all that is amazing! No mystery there, really. ;o)

Kaite said...

Oh no Daisy, I hope there is nothing seriously wrong! I'll be hanging around to hear about the results of your blood test with fingers crossed!

Terrie D. (StarSpry) said...

Oh no, Daisy! I really hope everything is alright. I'm glad you're getting lots of hugs and treats :) I'm sending good thoughts your way!!!

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

Oh no Daisy! I hope you will be okay. I think if it is already getting better than you should be just fine pretty soon.. I will keep my whiskers crossed for you!


Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

Oh no Daisy! I hope you will be okay. I think if it is already getting better than you should be just fine pretty soon.. I will keep my whiskers crossed for you!


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Daisy~!
I hope everything will be ok!!!!!!
I am purring for your eyes!!!!

Rosie & Cheeto said...

DAAAAAAAAAISY!!! We are supur worried abowt yoo! Thank yoo fur keeping us updated!!!

Yer in owr purrs and owr lady says yer in her prayers!!

meowmeowmans said...

Oh no! We hope the vet can figure out what's going on, Daisy, and that you get better soon. We love you!

Samantha & Mom said...

Miss Daisy!! We are purrring and purrraying real hard for your eye to get better!! (((((BIG WARM KITTY HUGS))))
Love from your TX furiends,

Quill and Greyson said...

OMC Daisy, never heard of such a thing. So glad it's already improving. Deepest purrs it's nothing serious!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Daisy, we are sending many and many purrs and loves and good thoughts to you to get betters right away!

Love Meow said...

awww feel better Daisy! We are praying and purring for you!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Oh Daisy, I heard that you were not well and hurried over. I hope it is not too serious and you will get better soonest.


M Dawson said...

I hope its nothing serious and you will be well again soon. Everyone here loves their Daisy and wants to see you posting your lovely pictures and posts.

Much love,


Katiez Furry Mewz said...

oh dearest Daisy... we am so glad ur Mom is so attentive dat she notised dat! We iz purrin reel hardz dat ur eyez gits bettur.

plz purr fur us too cuz deer Bella went over the bridge last Wednesday and mom just found out. and I iz havin trubbles wif mai eyez agin too.

dey is waterin n stuffs.

Katie Kitty Too.

Debbie said...

Sending lots of purrs that you will be just fine. You are so lucky to have such a good mommy! (and by the way, Harley looked good in the glasses yesterday, very distinquished!)

Old Kitty said...


We came over from Jan's funny farm to wish beautiful Daisy lots of get well purrs and hugs!

From me (the human!) and Charlie the kitty!

Take care

Cat with a Garden said...

Dearest Daisy, we are sending lots of healing purrs to your eyeballs. We don't like mysteries like these! Please get better soon! We know you are in very good hands and that your mommy and daddy will do everything to get you back to normal.
Many purrs! Siena & Chilli

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Big purrs from us out here in the woods!! Paws crossed that it will be something easily cured.

It is a great thing that your mom acted so quick when she saw a problem.


CCL Wendy said...

Poor Daisy! I think you still look beautiful even with different sized pupils. I hope you are not suffering in any way, though.

I'm glad to hear that it sounds like things are evening out already, and I hope you're back to normal really soon.

Anonymous said...

wow, Daisy! i really hope it is nothing too serious, but even if it is i will say you look kind of cool with two different sized eyes. maybe you could squint one closed all the time, or get a patch for it, and say "arrgh" like a pirate. that would be cool. i have kind of always wanted to try being a pirate. it does not hurt you, does it? hmm. well keep us updated!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Are you feeling better today??

Jacqueline said...

Hi, Daisy, we've seen you all over the CB and wanted to stop by to introduce ourselves and wish you well...You are a very beloved and beautiful kitty!...Best of luck with all your test results and we hope your eye gets better soon...xo...Calle,Halle, Sukki

Maureen said...

Daisy! My heart dropped and broke a tiny bit when I read this... please be well, and feel better real soon! I am thinking of you!!!!

Anya said...

Hi sweet Daisy
We will purr and pray for you !!!
Take care sweety .....

Hugs Kareltje =^.^=

Sara Katt said...

Oh, Daisy! Hope that your eye-condition is not serious. Hope that you will be well and back to normal soon. We are all purraying for you. I did not know this when I tagged Harley. I just thought he might like to get some attention too. I am sure he will help you get through this along with your outstanding Mommeh, of whom we have learned soooo much!
Purrs & nose-taps,
Sara Cat

Lookie Lou said...

Oh Daisy! We hope you feel better and you get lots of scritches and hugs to make you feel all good again.
Love and Hugs,
Your friends at

Marie the Defender, Donny the Astro-Kitty and Casey, Meezer Diva said...

We hope your eyes are getting better and that there is nothing wrong with them. We miss you lots, mommy never gets on the blogs with us anymore. :-/

Hugs and purrs to you,

Donny, Casey, Marie and their mommy, Sophia

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