Today is International Box Day! To CELEBRATE this IMPORTANT day, I am going to sit INSIDE a box. And I will ALSO show you a fun SPORT: BOXBALL! It is like baseball and football, only BETTER.

The most important RULE is to ALWAYS keep your EYES on the BALL!

It is LEGAL to BAT the BALL with your very own TAIL!

You can also use ANY of your FOUR PAWS!

If the BALL lands ON the BOX before you BAT it, you are OUT!

I am CERTAIN that BOXBALL will be the next most POPULAR sport!

International Box Day!
57 Notes for Daisy:
You are so creative, Harley! You never cease to amaze us!
I'm gonna tell the boys about box ball. I agree, it looks like it'll catch on.
Oh great pictures. Happy IBD.
Pawhugs, Max
Great Idea , Mr. Harley
International Box Day
Harley, the jock. I am not surprised. Have a wonderful day in the box!
Woooowww... We getin a ball right now to play dat! You bees jean-ee-yus Mr. Harley!
Enjoy your boxes! Happy International Box Day!
Harley ~ you've made IBD even better! Next year, we'll expand it to Internation Box & Ball Day in honor of you.
We are jumping in our box so we can play that game. What fun. Thanks Harley.
Not only in a box, but also playing a Box Sport: Harley, you are terrific.
That game looks like fun! Happy International Box Day!
Wow! Thanks for that tutorial Harley. We are going to try it out for ourselves :)
I know some guys named Ha ndsome Kissipurr and Toppy who love Box Day Let the games begin !!
Happy Box day!
Harley, I wish I had a box like that. Maybe there is one in the shed ...
enjoy yourself
purrrrr purrrr
Happy Box Day Harley! What a great game you invented!
Harley..you are as smart and inventive as I always knew you are!
Box Day! Yay! Tobi is in the laundry basket right now, he doesn't know it's box day! I'm going to go get some empty boxes right now! :)
Great post, Harley! We think Boxball is the BEST!
Happy International Box Day to you, Daisy and Mommeh!
Oh Harley - you are so clever to have invented that game - it looks great fun.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
I've played box ball but it is a little different than your version...
Happy IBD!!!!!!!!!
Fun post!!!!!!!!
Harley, I am glad International Box day doesn't require you being shipped in a box internationally! I hope you have fun playing box ball and take some time to look at Maru jumping in teeny tiny boxes because he is too cute, too. Happy International Box day!
wow what a great looking sport. you are the feline abner doubleday.
That looks like fun, Harley! Maybe we should celebrate Box Day, too!
Harley, Box Ball look like great fun! Wonderful post for this International Box Day!
We want a box for box day
Benny & Lily
We think you are right Harley!
You look like a master!
Happy IBD! Boxball looks so fun!
Boxball......sounds like a great game Harley! Thank you for sharing with us!
What a great game Harley! I am going to see if Daddy will play it with me NOW!
Harley I am ready to sign up right away for box ball! It looks like fun!!
I think I need to try some box ball! I already have a good box. Harley, you are such an innovator.
I will have to show that game to the Farm cats. I am sure they will like it
That's a great game Harley! It's great you can play without even leaving the box!
We are headed off to play boxball right now. Thanks for introducing us to this pawsome new sport Harley.
THat looks like a very fun game. WE will have to try it!
We think boxball will be the next Olympic trial sport!!! Btw, those colourful scrunch balls are Ben's favourite!!!
You're doing great, Harley. Maybe this should be an event in the next Catolympics.
Harley, you are such a creative genius, it has blown my mind.
You are very clever to combine your favourite box with your favourite game Harley.
this is a great game! we like to jump up and catch the ball.
Happy boxballbonkbonk day
Boxball looks like fun! Happy International Box Day!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
harley you fit so perfectly in that box.
emma and buster
That is definitely more fun than baseball or football!!
boxball sounds like it requires a lot of skill. have fun
Harley look at you and your ADORABLE self! "Box Ball" sounds as if it is going to be all the rage! Wonder if they will play it at the Summer Olympics?
Wow Harley you are so creative!! We love the BoxBall Game!! And we love the pictures of you in a box!!
Your TX furiends,
That looks like a real fun game, Harley!! And you are a pro at it! Happy Box Day!!
Happy International Box Day, Daisy and Harley!
Kisses and hugs
Wow!!!! Harley, we love your box and your great idea!!!
That looks like fun, Harley! I want to be on your team! Happy Box Day!
Oh theese is so cool! Harley, what an awesome game, thanks for explaining it all to us!
Kizzie says: ball and box are always a winning combination in my book.
The ball game is great Harley! We had a wunnerfully camofagged green mousie in our green box!
I didn't know about International Box Day! Boxball sounds like fun :)
boxball seems like a lot of fun! thanks for sharing, Harley. :)
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Harley... I think you have just come up with the next Olympic Sport!!!
You are one cool cat who is thinking 'outside' the box too! Have you ever thought about running for President?
Harley, that looks like a great game!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky (& fosters Nadia, Bart, Joan, Jett, & Braveheart)
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