Since Monday is Independence Day, I am wearing my very most patriotic suit today. It is red, white and blue just like Old Glory!

This is actually the first picture my Mommeh took in this suit. Notice she forgot to properly style my outfit? The skirt is all topsy-turvy. That is why I am giving her a Hard Look.

Can you see the rikrak on my dress? The American flag does not have any rikrak on it.

Here, I am raising my paw so you can see the pretty daisy flower on my bodice and the fancy waistband.

I am just pretending to see fireworks. If I was really this close to the fireworks, I would be a little more skerred.

What are you going to wear for the Fourth of July holiday?

My Independence Day Suit!
70 Notes for Daisy:
Beautiful outfit, Daisy! The raised paw shot is particularly lovely!
Our big holiday here is on July 14th and we will probably all be "au naturel" for it!
Oh my gosh the faces with the commentary. Wonderful post Daisy! You will have me smiling all weekend and the fireworks will never look quite the same after seeing your face watching them :-)Awesome outfit-thank you for being such a good model! Yes the raised paw shot is wonderful.
In that first shot it looks like you have Harley's body and your face! Ha! We too will wear red, white and blue. You did a very good job modeling this! Happy Independence day!
That sure is a fancy waistband! We don't celebrate 4th July here so I guess I'll just take some naps as usual.
The boys are gonna wear their birthday suits for the 4th. They haven't worn clothes. I suppose HH should start them on a scarf or two to get them ready for Halloween...
pawhugs, Max
What a gorgeous, glam girl you are!
You are so pretty in your red, white and blue frock, Daisy! We like saying frock.
You can lead the parade
Daisy we love your Independence Day dress. It is just purrfect. Of course it really helps with all those great faces you tend to make plus the raised paw is also purrfect. Hope all of you have a really fun week end.
You look lovely! I will be wearing my red bow-tie on the fourth. Have fun!
Your pal, Pip
Love that outfit. Am now going to look at your IBD (box day) photos.
you look very gorgeous!
Ohmigod Daisy,
You are FABULOUS in these pictures, your dress is soooooooo wonderful!
You have a charming look and I know you will enjoy this special Day there with many lights around your!
as always, very impressive professional modeling. happy 4th.
You are just such a Patriotic girl, Daisy~!!! We plan on wearing some BBQ sauce on our whiskers~!!!
What a lovely dress Daisy! We plan to go nekkid for the 4th, and we'll probably spend a lot of time under the bed. We don't like all that noise!
Maybe we need to see about puttin rickrack onto the flag. It sure is pretty on you, Daisy. We wuz how you gots a Daisy on your dress! Here, we'll be wearin cool-lotts pants on account it soooooo hot here! Hee-hee ;-)
We hope you enjoy the long weekend! We be gettin skerry over them fireworks too when they gets close to our window.
Has a happy!
We thought you'd seen us and waved Daisy when we saw your raised paw picture. Your dress was indeed very patriotic - did Harley wear anything patriotic too?
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Dang, girl! You are WORKIN' that dress!! Nobody models like you do, Daisy.
I wish I had a dress like that for the fourth. :)
Daisy, I know you're probably not Canadian, but I wish you had a Canada outfit on for Canada Day today! For July 4th, we will be driving to FL to visit family. No fireworks for us this year.
Love your 4th outfit gorgeous Daisy!!!!!!!
That's a great patriotic outfit, Miss Daisy! We're not going to get all dressed up or anything. In fact, our mom was thinking about getting Zoe shaved because of the extremely hot weather, but hopefully she has changed her mind. Zoe would be most unhappy.
your friend, Fuzzy
Yor dress is beautiful
Benny & Lily
Daisy maybe you Mom needs to hire a stylist for your modeling sessions! You could save yourself the trouble of all those Hard Looks.
We want to start a petition to have our Flag rikrakked, and maybe some Cat Fur, too.
Daisy you do such an awesome job of modeling. I like that you are able to keep your mum inline when she forgets important stuff like keeping your dress looking perfect!
Woof! Woof! Happy Fashion Friday. Have a wonderful FUN Safe 4th weekend. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar
I am just going to wear my pink collar for the 4th! I love your dress, Daisy!
Daisy, you look very purrty in your Independence Day Suit! You are such a professional model too! We're going to celebrate the nation's birthday in our birthday suits!
Daisy your dress is so pretty! Where do you get such stylish fashions? Hope you have a good weekend!
~ Amanda & Tobi
Daisy & Harley, Thank You for your service to the community, have a happy and pleasant 4th of July weekend!!!!
Daisy looks wonderfully patriotic.
We do not has Independence Day! We has Canada Day!!!
That is today and we is getting to try going in the boat with He & She!!
We is SO excited but I do worry a little bit that Aswell will be a brat and then we will not getted to go in the boat any more! I hope he will behave good!
What a pretty outfit Daisy! I don't like wearing clothes so I'll just be wearing my fur as usual! Happy 4th!
Great outfit Daisy!
We will be wearing our Purrthday suits!
That's a pretty dress Daisy! We are not wearing anything because it will be 100F here.
Luf, Us
PSSSSS. Uh, Maw and Paw will be wearing shorts and shirts...
You look breathtaking Daisy! We lufs your photos! Purrs from Prancer.
We have an Uncle Sam hat and an "I <3 USA" headpiece that Pimp and Moo will wear! And we have red, white and blue collars somewhere... I guess I should dig them out!
You sure look beautiful in your red, white and blue frock, Daisy! Have a wonderful holiday weekend, friends!
My pajamas! That dress is so cute...
Great dress Daisy! You really have a hard job to do keeping your stylist in line.
That's a beautiful patriotic dress!! We figure Tamir is red, the girls have lots of white furs and blue eyes so we're all ready!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Sweet Daisy
Appears to me that you have a Mommeh that loves you VERY much. You're gorgeous!
Much love to you - and Harley too.
You are looking especially patriotic for the Fourth this year. What a lovely outfit. With as hot as it is here (like where you are too) we will probably hang out in our cat suits.
Daisy you are a vision in red, white and blue
Happy Independence Day, Daisy, Harley and Family!
Emerson, Little Nicky, and their mommie
Daisy there is nothing that I could wear that would look as festive and patriotic as YOU look!
Wishing all of you a happy and safe 4th!
Your dress is pawesome for a very special day!
Happy 4th of July!
Kisses and hugs
Your outfit is PURRRFECT! Yous makes wearing clothes look like so much fun, me thinks me might like to try it sometime...
PS Happy 4th of July to yous Harley and your people
Daisy that is very neat that your outfit has a Daisy on it. Love your dianty little paw.
We think the outfit is bootiful. Its the colors that count. Iffen ya wanted ta wear a flag with awthen, um authenitzz, umm REALITY, ya would have ta be square, and flat! We think ya are lovely in that.
That is very patriotic, Daisy!
/Darling Daisy,
Your Mommeh loves you so much. and she always buys you special dresses for the Holidays. You always look so beautiful.
Theresa, Joe and HBDay # 14 on July 6th Bobby!
What a beautiful outfit Daisy. We like how patriotic it is.
Cody and Gracie
What a beautiful frock, Daisy! It is perfect for Independence Day :)
That is a pretty outfit Daisy, and raising your paw was a good idea because you can show off your daisy motif to it's very best.
Awesome dress for July 4th, beautiful Daisy!...We always hide under the bed from the fireworks...We hope you, handsome Harley and your family enjoy a fun holiday weekend together, lovely friend!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Gorgeous as always miss daisy. :)
You look great and very patriotic in that suit!! The daisy flower looks very cute.
I hope you are having a wonderful holiday weekend!
Daisy you are absolutely stunningly beautiful...
beautiful dress, Daisy! i love it. :) perfect for the occasion!
hmmm, what will i do for the 4th... i must go shopping and make a big dinner! D:
Wow! Daisy! You´re so beautiful and your dress are so cute!
Happy 4 July!!!!!!
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ Daisy, you look absolutely stunning in that dress. Make no mistake about it and you couldn't be wrapped up in anything more precious than that, that resembles Old Glory! You will certainly turn heads twice in that outfit.
Myself, I will be wearing just navy... I have to work on July 4th! :o( You be sure to have some fun for me.
¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` ¤ We all have our own reasons to celebrate... so let's do just that, and celebrate all we have because of where we live, in either of the two greatest countries there are!
If you celebrate the Fourth of July - Happy Independence Day. If you celebrate July 1st - Happy CANADA Day!
The love of one's country is a splendid thing.
Flawless as usual, Daisy! I'm not sure what I'm going to wear yet, but there's no way I can beat your style!!
Daisy, check out our Sunday post. We are wondering if you teleported over to see us and we missed you.
Love your dress, pretty! Happy 4th of July!
You look maaarvelou! Happy 4th.
Daisy, yoo look beautiful!
Happy 4th of July to yoo and family!
That is a beautiful dress, Daisy! You are a very professional model. We like your Hard Looks.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, and Sky (& fosters Nadia, Bart, Joan, Jett, & Braveheart)
What a cute shot of you putting your paw up to show us the flower on your beautiful dress Daisy!
aww the rick rack is the cutest stuff. I think I want a flag with that on it. You look Meowvolous.
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