My New Hiding Spot
Psssst! Over here. It's me, Daisy. Do you see me?
Come closer. I am in my new hiding place. Do you see me yet?

Psssst! Over here. It's me, Daisy. Do you see me?
Come closer. I am in my new hiding place. Do you see me yet?
My New Hiding Spot
Posted by Daisy at 8/11/2011 04:00:00 AM
Labels: hiding
55 Notes for Daisy:
Poor Daisy! Once again, Harley ruins your good time.
You look so comfy cozy in the stereo cabinet. Did Harley try to follow you in there?
Miss D, that brofur always spoils your good time. Your spot looks nice and cosy, and we couldn't see you at all in the first couple of photos.
I have to find spots just like that to get away from the Birksmonster. FAZ
p.s. sometimes I quite like him but I really have to be in the mood.
Wow, Daisy! What a great hiding spot to tuck yourself into. Bebbeh Daisy or Big Daisy, you still fit! Tell Harley to stop bugging you in your hidey place.
Wow! I used to find places like that to hide from some of the other annoying cats and a dog that my dad's brother had when I lived with him for a while! Thank God now I'm an only cat. Great spot!
That is a very good hidey spot Daisy. We would never have found you in there.
Brilliant hiding spot! I'll admit that I did not see you until your mommy opened the cabinet door. Harley must just be feeling jealous that he did not find the spot before you did ;)
What a great spot, Daisy! Clever you for finding it!
Clever I did not see you - Handsome is under the weather and Pharoah and Chiara weather maybe
I just wonder how you get in there, Miss Daisy ?
What a GREAT spot to hide! I'm surprised Harley can find you in there. :) I wish I had a spot like that to hide in--especially at work.
Daisy, that is totally the best hiding spot ever. Hope Harley doesn't figure out how to get in there. If he does, you give him a big swat. Take care.
That is a very good hiding place. Spunky Doodle used to like getting inside ours like that too, but I blocked it so she can't fit behind there now that she is bigger. Sometimes though, she still gets in by opening the glass doors on the front! She is very smart.
I could not find you even when I biggify-d the picture. One of my cats had a sneaky spot to hide too - he'd climb up the back of the drawers in my dresser. I never knew what drawer I'd find him in. I think he just climbed until he got tired and crawled into the drawer for a snooze. Good thing I was used to "furry" clothes.
That looks like a super cat cave!
We won't tell Harley how you get inside there Daisy - and maybe he won't work it out.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
i am very impressed. Other than Tahiti, that may be the neatest hiding spot ever.
That looks like the best hiding place EVER!!!!!!
We think that hole in the back is to little for Harley to get through. TOo bad he bothered you!
Hiding behind electronics is so wonderful and warm. I wish I was tiny enough to still do that.
Daisy you better put your paw down and have a talk with brother
Benny & Lily
Love the last photo, and yes I was wondering how you got in there...
Is Harley to ... erm ... chubby to get inside the same way? MOL!
I like your hiding spot. It is too bad Harley disturbs you though. Gemini hides every where from Ichiro because he likes to come up behind her and leap on her (even if she is up on a desk or the Woman's lap and he leaps from the floor!) Boys are not very nice at all.
I just love the picture where you sream for Mommie :)
My little Phoebe Layne loves to sleep on top of the cable receiver. :)
You do look a little crabilated. I'll bet Harley is too big to fit in there
That's a great place to hide from Harley!
Luf, Us
That is a great hididng spot Daisy! We bet it is warm too!
Wow Daisy, that is a PAWSOME hiding spot!
That's a great hiding spot, Daisy! I bet it's warm in there, too :) Sorry Harley had to ruin your good time *again*!
Oh no, Harley is bothering you in your special hiding place!
What a great hiding spot Daisy! Too bad Harley had to come ruin your relaxation, you need to get a "Do Not Disturb" sign!
You know Harley is kind of big so we think your special hidey spot is safe!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
It was hard for me to find you! Poor Daisy, Harley ruining your fun.
Daisy, you are a good hider.
Harley, you need to play the game. No fair ratting on her!
Paws 'n Claws,
Daisy you are so clever to find a way into the stereo compartment all by yourself. Your Mama must be so proud! :P
You could make room for Harley...just a little spot...he would be so pleased...
the critters in The Cottage
Hahaha! Nice place to take a nap Daisy!!!!
Daisy that looked like such a good hiding spot as you were invisible and then Harley ruined your new hiding spaces time. He must admire you very much to follow you around.
That's neat Daisy :) Just don't show Harley how you get in there ;)
Maybe he won't figure out how!! heehee
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Isn't it just like a boy to have to hog the TV. Just don't let Harley get his mitts on the remote!
We were wondering how you got in there, Daisy...and you finally told us at the end! Too bad Harley ruined your hiding spot.
Rediscovered hidey-holes are great! Being discovered in said hidey-holes, not so much. Happy Friday, anyway!
Oh man!! That Harley sure knows how to spoil a good time!! Clemmie does that to me,too!! We like your hiding spot!! It's a really cool place to be!!
Your TX furiends,
That Harley is nothing but trouble!! I hate it when a good hiding spot is inturupted.
OMC that was totally good. Mum and I were like looking and looking and Mum says "I dont see her girls, do you?" Nope we couldnt spot you either!
Tika and Kizzy
What a neat hiding spot! I hide in the closet or behind the couch sometimes.
You predicted my question before I even asked it! How do you get in there?
Mom Paula
you are one clever girl Daisy!
wow, that's a great hiding spot. it really is too bad that Harley knows about it..... but you know, if you get in there first and somehow position yourself so that you're blocking the only secret entry way...........................
Daisy, that is a mos excellent hiding place. Some of us like to get into CatDaddy's cabinet and curl up on top of the cable box, especially when the weather is cold.
P.S., we wanted to be sure and tell you we real glad you passed your test. We knew you would! But we got some purrs still going for you dis in cases as no one can ever gets too many purrs.
(((Hugs))) sweet, precious, Miss Daisy - we hope you and your family has a good weekend.
Daisy, that is a good hiding place, I could not find you. We girls need our alone time so Harley has to find his own hiding place :D
That is a really good hidey-place, Daisy! I get on an behind our black boxes too. But there is no back, so thats kinna easy. Still, Iza an Marley dont go there, so its all good.
I did smile. It took me quite a while to find you. I am surprised Mommeh did not think you had disappeared outside!!
Oops...didn't stay a secret for long, with Secret Agent Harley around!
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