Do you RECOGNIZE me in my Halloween COSTUME?!?!! I didn't THINK so! It's just ME, Harley. I am dressed up as a BANANNER!

Here, I will turn SIDEWAYS so you can see the ENTIRE costume. Not a single BRUISE on this BANANNER! Do you find me APPEALING!?!?!!!???

Did you HEAR that they are NOT going to grow bananners any LONGER?!? They're already LONG enough! HAHAHAHAHA!

Why did the BANANNER go out with the PRUNE?!!? Because he COULDN'T find a DATE!

Now I am going to make like a BANANNER and SPLIT! HAHAHAHAHA!

Going Bananners!
66 Notes for Daisy:
I like your banana jokes, ha, ha. Your costume is very creative, but you look much better without it!
Bananer or not, we always find you appealing! Hee. Harley, you look delicious and you made me laugh with your funny nanner jokes. Have a fun day in your banana suit! I hope you get lots of treats.
You are the best bannanner-cat I have ever seen!
The hat totally makes the outfit. Is there any chance that one day Harley can be a superhero rather than a piece of fruit? I worry about his confidence.
We are sorry Harley but we were laughing out loud at that costume. That is really funny.We also love the nanner jokes. We loved this post. Take care.
Those are good jokes, Hrley. And the costume is priceless!
I like your bananner jokes... tee hee!
Oh Harley! You are so funny!! Are you a nip nanner??
Of course, NanerNanerNaner and a joke, too! We would expect no less from the comic of catdom!
Harley, you are hilarious in that thing!
Harley, that is an awesome costume! It made Mama squirt coffee out her nose. Hee hee!
I like your banana jokes Harley !
I feel a little bit sorry for you that have to wear that banana outfit , but just a little ;-)
Have a pawsome weekend !!
Theo holding banana in ear.
Diego-san: Why do you have a banana in your ear?
Theo: I'm sorry, I can't hear you, I have a banana in my ear.
That joke cracks me up all the time..
I bet that daisy's good friend and sister would have loved your costume...
That's a super costume!! You always make us smile!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Oh Harley you are the cutest banana EVER!!!!
MOL Iz thawt you wuz a rill bananer fur a minit Harley! You made me laff wiv yer jokes you cute froot.
If Pixie could see you like this she would eat you alive, hahahaha.
You look AWESOME in this costume, Harley. You make a great banana!! :-))
You look so cute posing as a banana Harley. You are such a good boy for your Mommeh.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx are a precious boy. You have a good role model, too. You and Daisy are the spokes-cat models of the internet and we love you. (You don't need to dress up for that to still to be true!).
Excellent costume, Harley! You look outstanding (and very delicious!).
The Chans
Harley as a banana yous will never be lonely, bananas hang around in bunches (my human brother told me that one!)
Cute as you may look in that costume - Ouchies! on the jokes...
You look so cute as a bananner, Harley! I loved your jokes, too :)
Mom is laughing for some reason
Benny & Lily
Harley- you make a wonderful banana! Is Daisy going to be the monkey? heehee... Bacon's cat friend, Chaos, might be a unicorn.
Harley, you are so funny!!! You make a great banana! We can't believe you kept the top part of the banana on for so long!
That costume is too funny Harley! I especially like the hat.
Eye finds that costume very a-peel-ing!
Oh wow! That is quite the costume Harley! We didn't know that it was you at all!
Luf, Us
Harley, you are WAY too punny!
Harley, you're the best looking 'nana we've ever seen!
Bawhahahaha! That's pretty funny. I actually love bananas - think I may have to go look for a snack.
Your pal, Pip
Harley, you are the cutest bananer we have ever seen! We could just eat you up! With a little ice-cream...and some syrup on the side...:p
the critters in The Cottage xo
P.S. Your jokes were very a peel ing.
Oh Harley you are a Hoot!
You modeled that Halloween Costume like a pro. And we loved the jokes!
Youre Handsome and Funny!
Jude,Poo,Babybella,Piper and Marley
Hilarious, Harley! You've got quite a stand up act going there. ; )
xo Katie
Once again, another cute costume!
Harley, you are a real Bananner nut!
Your a wonderful banana!
Hee hee! U are very funny and cute. :)
Sorry Harley but you look like the Cone Heads from Saturday Night Live back in the day!
Hahameow! You crack us up, Harley! You are a great banana! xoxo
ha ha ha ha ha Harley, you are so funny. I love those bananna jokes. you look great in your costume. Mommy wishes that I was 1/2 as good a poser as you and Daisy sometimes. purrrrrrrrs
gotta read those jokes again. funny funny
Oh my gosh! That is a very fabulous costume, Harley. We just about tried to have you on our cornflakes!
We came back to say Happy Birthday to your mommeh!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Happy Birthday to yur mommeh! She is one speshul mommeh fur shure! We loves yur costume and yoo will be da most a-peal-ing bannaner around!
Happy Birthday to your mom.
Blogger has been giving us a hard time signing in to leave a comment sometimes recently, so it ate our first one.
But we think you make a great bananner, Harley, and we like your jokes.
You are such a silly boy, Harley=that is the purrfect costume and of course, we love your banana jokes!...We feel the very same way about your cat ear post=our Mommy has those same ears and it really freaks us all out when she wears them too!...Have a fun Halloween weekend, lovely friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Love your nanner costume, Harley! And a very Happy Birthday to your Mom!
Harley, you make the best nanner ever. LOL.
Happy birthday to your mom! We hope her day is fabulous!
Happy Birthday Daisy and Harley's Mom!!!!
Luf, Us and Maw
Harley--you are splendid as a banana!!!
It is a good thing you did not never get that monkey yet!!
She sayed if you did getted a monkey it would maybe eat you!!
But I will still liked to get a monkey.
We love your Bananner costume, Harley! Happy Halloween!
Happy Birthday to your Mommeh!!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, Caramel, Sunny, Sky, Outdoor Ferals Moma Rose and Daddy, and Fosters Panda & Domino
Wow, it's an unusual outfit and I love it! You are a very cute bananner :-)
Oh Harley, you're one of a kind.
We wanted to come by and say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your mummy from both of us (but mostly from ME) and give her lots of cuddles and purrs for the day.
That is a great costume, Harley! You make a great bananer. An its a great way ta avoid gettin stepped on. All Beins know not ta step on bananer peels cuz they would slip an fall (we see that on cartoons a lot).
Harley, those bananner jokes were side-SPLITting. :)
Happy birthday to your Mommy!
Harley, you precious boy! MUAH!!!
Oh Harley!! You make a great Bananner!! And we loved your Bananner jokes, too!!
Howdy from your TX furiends,
Oh Harley, I just peeled with laughter reading this
Harley, your Bananner outfit is top notch and so are your jokes! Awesome job. Did you attract any monkeys? PS: Happy Birthday to your Mommeh! And many more...I'z got my jazz paws goin' for your Mommeh and wish her a wonderful year filled with special blessings!
Oh my goodness, Miss Daisy- I'd go apesh*t if mom and dad dressed me up like that! I give you lots of credit.
Very adorable :)
OMG.... your costume..... LOLOLOLOL i wonder HOW you turned into a BANANNER. you're lucky Pixie isn't there to NOMNOMNOM you up!
Okay, we be late, but we still gotta tell Harley that our Mumsy wuzed his banana costume. She still not feeling just real good. And he sure put a big smile on her face! Thank you, Harley! And you sure are the cutest banana we ever seen!
Okay, we be late, but we still gotta tell Harley that our Mumsy wuzed his banana costume. She still not feeling just real good. And he sure put a big smile on her face! Thank you, Harley! And you sure are the cutest banana we ever seen!
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