Pandora's Box
This new box is HUGE! I would like to look inside, but I have been hearing some strange noises coming from this box...

“Hope...which is whispered from Pandora's box only after all the other plagues and sorrows had escaped, is the best and last of all things. "

46 Notes for Daisy:
You knew it would be something naughty in the box Miss D.
That would have left me a little less than hopeful, Daisy!
MOL.. This box contained " Panic System "...tee..heh
Hey there Daisy! I'm kinda afraid of boxes since dad watched me get in one recently, then held the top down so I couldn't get out right away! Don't worry- I'm gonna get him back. Have a great day!
I had a feeling it was Harley in there! I think he would say you ruined his fun that time, Daisy.
A "Harley-in-the-box" is much cuter than a Jack-in-the-box, but I would have been alarmed too!
Naughty harley!
Miss Daisy, you shouldn't have been surprised that it was Harley in there!!
Yikes! it's a Harley! hahahaahahahahahaaha
Oh Harley - did you make Daisy a little bit surprised??
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
I hope you're not calling Harley a plague ... I know how brothers can be and all, but he's not that bad.
that box should have had a bow on it.
Wow Harley!You were playing inside the box!
What a surprise!
Mom always wondered what was really in Pandora's we know - it was Harley!!!
Are you changing Harley's name to Hope?
Oh my! That would have given me quite a start!
Wats you doing wiv mai box?!!!
I sorta guessed that it was probably Harley.... It skeered me anyway when he jumped out.
pawhugs, Max
MOL your Mom did a great job getting that shot!!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
THat Harley! He is so fun!
Oh Harley, I hope you didn't mess with Hope while you were in there..
That is one cool box and action shot
Benny & Lily
Oh that do looked like skerry fun!
Trust Harley to be in the best box. Is he Hope or a plague?
Were you hoping Harley wouldn't be in the box Daisy?!
the critters in The Cottage xo
Oh dear. I am not sure I would have liked that box surprise.
Harley is "hope"?
Luf, Us
I HATES it when Kozmo does that to mes!
Wow! What a surpize. :)
Boxes are one of the best toys ever!
OMC! That skeered us half to death! Poor Daisy, you probably will haf straight hair after that scare!
Hahahaha! Harley got his Pandora's Box and Trojan Horse all mixed up!
No wonder there were strange noises coming from inside the box.
Ahahaha! Oh cats and boxes; you can't have one without the other...
That would have scairt the beejeebers out of us Daisy!
You mean he hoped you would come and investigate?!
That is an AAIIIIEEEE indeed
Whoa! That made us all jump, Daisy!
Oh brother! That was funny! Did you get a little scare, Daisy?
What a BIG surprise you must have had when Harley jumped out!! =D
big bonks
That looks like it was skerry!
Hi there friend, I've made a blog post wich title is "Don't Abandon Your Pets... Hachiko". And I would be really grateful if you just take a look at it... So if it's not asking to much, just take a quick look at it, thank you! :)
P.s: Daisy's cute! :)
I thought it was supposed to be let the cat out of the bag not the box. Who knows what you've started now Daisy :)
ha ha hah – what fantastic action shots!
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