Today I will show you some popular toy techniques. First I will demonstrate the single paw grab. This takes lots of eye-paw coordination and concentration!

Next is the two-pawed grab. The double-paw method is best for ensuring the toy does not slip away.

Finally, here is the Harley Quinn Method: a swing and a miss! But he does have good paw alignment.

Toy Technique
36 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, Thanks for the how-to post. I'll teach the boys your techniques today. Hope you have a great day.
pawhugs, Max
OMC !!!! Harley !!! I never seen any cats can do that !
A kind of cool !!!!
Daisy! That's concentration if ever I saw it!
And Harley looks like he's praying. Also, his hind foot looks like a chicken leg. Cluck cluck!
Those are good techniques Daisy! Harley you look as though you are praying for better luck next time! Heehee. Poor Harley. We tease you mercilessly....
the critters in The Cottage xo
Daisy, you are very determined when you play. Poor Harley, he tries hard.
We laughed at Junk Drawer Kathy saying his back foot looked like a chicken leg, so we had another look, and yes, it does resemble a chicken's claw.
Oh, boy. I'll have to try those. :)
We like your flat-eyed focus especially in the 1st picture. Harley looks like a beggar!
That's pretty impressive, Daisy, 'specially Harley's two handed grab!
wow Daisy, I like your way, your technique is perfect!But I'm impressed by that picture of Harley, he is very smart! How cool!
Love you both
Great tutorial! That last pic looks like Harley is purraying! MOL!
Harley's technique is what we call "The Clapper". While it looks cute, it is not very effective. Good try, Harley!!
practice practice practice! Thanks for teaching me these techniques.
Does it work for human toys?
Harley, you kind of look like you are saying your prayers.That really is good paw coordination especially you Daisy. Those were some great moves Daisy.We are practicing right now. All of you have a great day.
you have professional techniques. By necessity, sometimes Thompson resorts to a three paw technique using his back paws as well.
We could see you were both eyeing your toys the utmost concentration.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Harley looks like he is saying "Please???"
It's good to have a variety of techniques to call upon in time of toy need.
Excellent technique!
Thank you for those instructions
Benny & Lily
Not all cats can be as precise as you Daisy. Harley does have good paw alignment though!
hahahahaha..oh Harley!
I use the double-paw method mostly. And I always get my toy!
We thought Harley was applauding your methods!
Thanks Daisy, for this most informative post!! We will work on our technique :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
Ha ha – I have to say, Harley' s picture looks like he's got his paws clasped and he's praying!! :-)
Honey the Great Dane
You and Hawley cewtainly demonstwate some pawsome tech niques fow that toy gwabbing
Thank you fow the lesson
smoochie kisses
These are all great techniques! You guys are so smart.
I love to see you and Harley playing! Love you!
D'oh! The toy that got away! Harley needs to pay attention to you more, Daisy!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie
I really appreciate the demonstration! Hopefully Harley will catch something soon.
Excellent technique Daisy, you and the Harley Quinn are so cute!
Harley looks like he's praying!
awww... love the one of Harley..... he really can be quite the cutie...
Poor Harley ~ but he's still cute!
We fink we have fixed our commenting problem by using FireFox! YAY!
I is learning to play good but Kali is not so good at we game! She stealed we toys and runned away when He tried to play with we!
Awwww... great photos! Harley looks adorable! And Daisy; love the first pic; you certainly ARE concentrating!
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