My Bubble Dress
I realized I hardly have any blue dresses, so I got this pretty blue bubble dress with a ruffled lace collar. It is shiny and poofy!
Now I am getting crabilated.
But since I am a professional, the show must go on. You may kiss my paw to apologize. That is all.

56 Notes for Daisy:
Daisy, I want to know who said that! That was very rude of them, and not true besides.
Oh Daisy, that was probably Harley!! Boys don't know anything!!!!
You look lovely :)
Blue is very pretty on you too :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia and Tiger
Miss D - you sure look pretty today. Please give your sweet mom a kiss on mothers day.
Julie and Poppy Q
Dear Daisy, whoever says you look fat in the bubble dress needs glasses! You look radiant and very pretty! Kisses from Disney and his mommeh :-)
You like nice, Daisy, but we are so happy our mommy does not make us dress up!
My dear, you are perfection in blue! *kissing paw*
My dear, you are perfection in blue! *kissing paw*
Daisy, that is a beautiful dress. You could never look fat.
Daisy darling, that shade of blue is YOUR color!!!
Daisy, you do NOT look fat. And we would love to kiss that paw. That is such a pretty color for you. Hope all have a great week end.
I LOVE bubble dresses because they hide a multitude of sins while making your legs look very long and lean! You can't go wrong with that combo, Daisy. :)
You look very pretty in the dress Daisy and the colour looks greatl with your furs.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
ps - you don't look fat in it xx
Daisy - you are gorgeous in that dress. Whoever told you that you look fat!!! No way!
Oh my, Daisy, you are gorgeous! We think this is our favorite dress! And no, it doesn't make you look fat at all.
Daisy, there is NOTHING that could make you look fat.
I think you need a ring for that paw.
; ) Katie
You could never look fat! We love the dress!! Katie's need a ring!
The Florida Furkids and Lexi
Daisy, you look very beautiful in blue. Your Friday fashion show is something I look forward to all week!
oh daisy you look simply divine. Love your dress! you don't look the fats at all!!
Gorgeous model kitties can wear anything! We think the pretty blue looks lovely on you.
Gorgeous color on you!
You are thin and when you're thin everything looks good on you.
Daisy, you are a true fashion plate! I'm envious of your poise and grace. Gorgeous photos!
You does not look fat - you looks fluffy☺.
What you look is SERIOUSLY crabilated!
Woof! Woof! Happy Fashion Friday. Lots of Golden ALOHA n Woofs, Sugar
You are too tiny to ever look fat. Was it a human who said that? Cats would not be so rude.
Um, Daisy, we see a clawr poking out!
Hi Daisy! I think blue suits you and that dress is absolutely beautiful. If heard citizens say that a dress makes a person but I think a cat makes a dress!
Xanthe xxx
Beautiful dress, Daisy! You don't look fat AT ALL.
Oh, beautiful Daisy, you are just purrfect in your pretty blue bubble dress as always, sweetheart!!...Happy Friday and have a fun weekend as well, sweet friends...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
How could anyone be so rude to our lovely Daisy? That shade of blue looks just beautiful on you!
U look awesome! Dat blue dress is very pretty. :)
We think your pretty, shiny blue dress makes you look like a princess Daisy!
Daisy, who would dare call you fat? You look like a kitty princess. I would like my Mom to get me a dress just like it. However, Gronk doesn't seem to want one, I wonder why...
Daisy, you´re so cute! Love you!
Kiss Kiss. Don't get crabilated Daisy! We luf your blue dress!
Luf, Us
Fat? Never!!!!! You look smashing!!!!!
It would take more than a puffy dress to make you look plump Daisy!
We love that dress 'cause blue is one of our collective favourite colours and it looks very prettyful on you :)
the critters in The Cottage xo
What a lovely dress! It looks beautiful on you, Daisy :)
Miss Daisy the Diva... enjoy your weekend!
That dress is a very pretty blue Daisy. Whoever said you look fat was very rude Daisy.
We think you look beautiful in your blue bubble dress!
Truffle and Brulee
Daisy! Yous looks marvelous! Me thinks that is a beauteous dress on yous! Is yous going to wear it on Mother's Day?
Daisy, you allus look bootiful. But we think you have better colors than bloo. Pinks to oranges, we think.
It looks great Daisy! Bubble dresses are very pawpular right now.
Of course not!
You look gorgeous!
Kisses and hugs
You don't look FAT, my dear. You're furry, fuzzy, and fluffy, like every kitty should be. <3
I will like to kiss you paw! And maybe lick it too!
But I will not sayed you looked fat. You do not looked fat!!!
Do you knowed that She's kids do called me Chunky Butt? That do be because I do be bigger than Aswell I do think so! But it do be good to be bigger than Aswell so I can beated he up when he needed to get beated up.
I think that dress is ridiculously adorable. You always have adorable dresses, but this one made me extra smile for some reason.
And you are not fat, the dress is just fluffy!
I hate to further insult you but your crabby look makes me laugh.
Daisy, we think your dress is very pretty. It does not make you look fat! You sure showed whoever said that a thing or two with your crabbilated face! :)
Hugs to you and Harley!
You do NOT look fat, Daisy. We think you look just lovely!
Tipper & Misty
Well I think ya look sweet, but if ya wanna get rid of the dress, I'd be glad to eat it for ya.
Who said you looked fat in that dress , Daisy ??
I come right over and hit him/her on the nose !!
Darling Daisy, You *know* Spitty would never say such a horrifying and untrue thing! Still, I will be glad to place a delicate smoochie on your paw, just because.
Yes, my Human, the poor housekeeper, would have done well to have gotten a a kitteh with more varigated furs!
Oh my Daisy... there is nothing like your facial expressions to put a smile on my face. That and your fab wardrobe!
Allie: Daisy! *GASP!!* They wouldn't DARE...!!
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