Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A whole new world!!!!

I have been noticing that lots of my good friends get to go out on a harness and leash. I do not know why I never thought to try this myself before. So, I asked my Mommie to get me my very own harness and leash. And she did! This is the very first time in my entire life that I have felt grass under my paws. I LOVED IT! And notice the beautiful rhinestone diamonds on my leash? I am a little nervous that I could get mugged, because I think the rhinestone diamonds must be at least ten carats!
After walking all around and sniffing everything, I decided to lay down for a while. Even lounging around is more fun outside! And my ears turned very pink, too.
I am Not Allowed to be outside by myself, even with my leash and harness. This is because a giant lizard lives in the water behind my house. He might be able to EAT me! Here he is swimming around. Can you see him? (if you click to enlarge, he is bigger)


47 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You look lovely with your pink harness and leash Daisy. :) Isn't it fun to go outside this way?

I'm glad you aren't allowed out unsupervised with that giant lizard nearby. I'm always supervised when I'm outside too. It's just safer that way!

Bad Kitty Cats & Megan said...

Oh How Wonderful! We are so glad to hear you get to feel the grass under your paws. Just watch out when it has rained. That's not to nice. And it makes messes. But we like messes, but not big lizards.
Please do not get mugged. It must have cost a years work to pay for that beautiful leash!

It's cute, it matches your ears!

Z Monster (and those Bad Kitty Cats that I have to live with who steal my blankie and boxes.)

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Wow - Your ears ARE pink daisy! Maybe you should wear sunscrean. And do watch out for that alligator.
That goes for your mom too!

You look smashing in your collar and leash.

Anonymous said...

I am a firm believer in supervised outings only. You mom is so obedient, I bet she went immediately to the store and purchases the most stylish harness and diamond studded lead. That one looks like it cost a pretty penny, many pretty pennies!! You are so fortunate Daisy to have a mommie that thinks about quality even when she is in a hurry.
Caesar and Prin do not go out at all, though. they have only been out twice and those were a break outs.

You look so cute and happy.
The alligator gives me the creeps. he could be a potential evening party ruiner. *shivers*

Please give Pixie a ((hug)) and here is a ((hug)) for you


Unknown said...

I have a harness, but I don't like it as much as you Daisy! That's why I want Mom to get me a stroller. Out of Doors is furry, furry scarey!!! But I'm trying to get used to it!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

It looks very warm in your outdoors. It is snowing here. We would like to feel grass under our toesies too. You look very pretty in your leash and harness.

LZ said...

You're so BRAVE Daisy! You look very stylish with your beautiful harness and leash! I can't wait to see more of your Out of Door adventures so I can live vicariously through you.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh, your harness and lead are lovely! Yoo watch out fur dat giant lizard and dat goes fur yoor momma too. Mom told us dey haf big teef and if dey bite it hurts reely bad.

Tara said...

Your pink harness is lovely, you look great it it! Isn't it FUN! Grass, trees, water, smells, I want to go out very day. But that big lizard looks SCARY, I'm not sure that even I would attack that.

Anonymous said...

Daisy you look very beautiful in your new harness.The colors of your fur are so pretty.Mommy loves the photo of you laying down she says your face is so sweet.Becareful of that big lizard though I would be very sad if something happen to you my dear friend.

Waspgoddess said...

It looks so lovely and sunny where you are. It's still too cold for our cats to venture out with their leads, but I'm hoping it won't be long now.

Is that really an alligator? Oh, you live in Florida, don't you. Scary...



Listen to your Momma and Daddy and don't go out on your own without them. That big lizard is nuffin to fool around with!


The Meezers or Billy said...

oh my - a crokagator!!! i won't go near the door 'acause I am skairt of the outside. I lifed out there for a little while and I was scairt.

Emma's Kat said...

Love the beautiful pink and rhinestone harness and leash your mom got you! And it looks like you had a great time outside. So that alligator was right outside in your backyard?! Yikes!

Anonymous said...

A giant lizard?! You might be eaten? Stay safe Daisy. Baby Stacy's humans have mentioned these monsters.

Katnippia said...

Hi Daisy! I finks thats wonderful you gots to go on a walk with your new harness and leash. I want to get a purrty pink or purple one.. Sia

RayPod said...

Daisy, that looks like so much fun. I have a leash and harness too, but Mom won't take me outside for a walk because we live in New york City and she thinks it is much too noisy for my big ears.

Forty Paws said...

Wow! Awesome leash and harness Daisy! When Maw tries to put one on us, we lay down. Yup. We don't move. That's it. That's why we want a stroller like you have. Yup.

Please don't get mugged or eaten when you venture out. We enjoy your blog too much.

Luf, Us

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meowm used to take me out of a leash...but I slipped out of it one time and ran and hid. Meowm searched for me for hours and she finally heard me calling her. Her eyes had been leaking ALOT and she hasn't taken me back outside since.

It looks like you had fun!!

Skeezix the Cat said...

I have a pink harniss and leed ixzaktly like yers, ixsept it duzn't have bling on it. Yer ladey must be a swillionaire!

I biggifide the foto, and I cood planely see that the allygader lizzerd swimming in the water is almost as big as that duk beehind it! I've never seen a lizzerd that big. And I chekt with Rocky, hoo is a lizzerd-eeter, and he'd never seen one that big eether! He'd have a hard time pulling the arms off of yers!

Daisy said...

Skeezix, that is just the alligator's HEAD that you can see! His body is submerged. That is a trick they do. And I must confess, the duck is not real! The sprinkler systems run off the lake, and the fake duck is a float to keep the water pipes off the bottom of the lake. Pretty sneaky, right? Sometimes real birdies sit on the fake birdies, and it looks funny.

momsbusy said...

daisy that is a fery nice harness and leash yur bean gots yu. yu ars braves to go outside wifout protective gear on yur body (aka stroller). we are scaredy cats abouts goins outside.
yuki & kimiko

Anonymous said...

Wow - outside looks way fun! It wasn't fun when we were a little homeless litter of kittens living in it, but it looks fun now. We were worried about the safety of that swimming fev-ver, but if it's not real then probably the big lizard won't want to eat it.

Yup - Grr and Cocoa are my real brother and sister, but I'm the only one with the changing fur. They both stay pretty fluffy all the time and don't shed much.

Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

Daisy, I just wanted to comment today and tell you that I think that you're just about the sweetest little girl. You're also very pretty in pink!

Anonymous said...

We love your pretty pink ears!!

Brenda & Ninja

Kimo and Sabi said...

Concatulations on yer first outdoor experience!

caspersmom said...

That color becomes you Daisy. Isn't it really nice to get to walk on the grass?? Gosh, I have never seen a lizard that large before. Sure hope I never do either. They would probably get back at me for batting them around. Mom agrees with you, she also thinks it doesn't make sense to be grooming while on the dirt.


Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Daisy, Pink is *your* color!
Those are beautiful jewels on your harness.

Spooker said...

Daisy, Pink really IS your color!
Thanks for telling us that the duck wasn't real -- we was worried it might become a giant lizard snack!

You are a very brave kitty going outside, even supervised, when there's such a vishus beast out there! Hims even worse than deer or coyotes!!!!
But your mommy was great to get you a harness & leash with such BLING!

And thanks for the birthday wishes to us!
Daphne & Chloe

Leona said...

For us out=VET. We will stay right inside thank you very much. You do look very pretty in your rhinestone leash though :)

Skeezix the Cat said...

OMC!!! That's just the lizzerd HED???????? Yoo must be vary vary vary brave and spunky to live so close to lizzerds hoo are that ginormous!!!

Anonymous said...

Awwww Daisy, thanks for the extra strong purrrs. I really needed them. I am not brave like you, walking near the alligators.

I came back to look at your cute pics again. They make me happy

sammawow said...

Daisy, you look so beautiful in the pink harness. Our Lady got us one once but we both slipped out of it so she won't use it with us. Maybe we need a new one. At least we don't have to worry about alligators if we escape here!!! It's good that you are supervised!

China Cat & Willow

Unknown said...

Outside is JUST THE BEST! Conner won't wear a harness so he doesn't get to go out. But me and Dazey will wear them. We eat the grass and watch the birdies. No lizards in Iowah!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Going outdoors and feeling the grass between yer toes is a good feeling, and yoo do look smart in yer harniss. We're glad yoo told us dat duck wuz a fake cuz we wuz wondering how long it wud be befurr he wuz the big lizzerds dinner. Our Beans wuz in Florry-dah last yeer and saw those big lizzerds in the Efurr glades.

MaoMao said...

Oh, how fun! I used to run around outside when I was a stray kitty, but since I'm a housekitty Momma and Daddy wouldn't let me outside unless I was on a leash and harness, either. You are so bee-yootiful, Daisy! And you look like you were havin' such a fine time.

Purrs and MAOs!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Beautiful pink "bling" collar and lead you have! I have one, too ... It's black. I am TERRIBLE at using it, though. Mom clips it on and I go CRAZY throwing myself all around and trying to drag Mom down the hallway. Then, I throw myself on the carpet and refuse to move. Cocoa Puff takes two steps and falls over on his side. He's furry heavy and can't be budged. No "outside" for us. Mom won't even get us a stroller.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Isn't grass great? And guess what, Daisy? You can eat it!

Ivan from WMD said...

Looks like fun!!

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you had a good time outside. I don't like harnesses myself, but the pink one is perfect for you, and it makes sure you have your human close by in case you want her to do something for you.

Catzee said...

Ooo, ya gots a harness! Ya gots a harness! An' yurs is furry purrty an' pink! Mines jus' an ole black one *sniff*

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

wutta byootiful harness daisy... i espeshullee like da diamondz. yer verree classy!
u mite find mi thursday thirteen uv intrest.
luv--yer grate frend--o'jete

Around Your Wrist said...

you are such a pretty girl, daisy! i like to see that your mommie takes such good care of you.

big alligators are tricksy, so be extra careful, ok? mama says that if one chases you, you have to run in a zigzag pattern (or your mommie pushing your stoller). the alligator's legs are too short to handle the course changes.

ps thanks for stopping by often. i like it! as mama gets settled, she'll spend more time visiting, too! <3

Lux said...

That alligator sounds really scary!

But you look like you were having the time of your life!

Sasha said...

Daisy, I saw you were at my blog and I came over. I think the pink harness suits you. Mine is red. A good idea if you can go out onto the grass. I must write something about all my different grasses. I have clumps of different kinds to visit. I like chewing at the different flavours.
love from Diamond.

The Lazy Iguana said...

gotta watch out for them gators! My cats can use the backyard as it is free of everything. All of them pretty much stay in the backyard except Sake. She sometimes goes in the front yard.

Karen Jo said...

I love your pink harness with the bling. Grass is really fun to walk on and you can roll around on it, too, though doing that in a harness might get a little complicated. Have fun and stay safe.

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