Thursday, April 12, 2007

Thursday Thirteen, Edition #16

A few weeks ago I made a list of 13 bad things I have done. So, to be fair, I will list 13 good things I have done. This list might be a little harder...
  1. I always use the litterbox when I have to go potty. I have never made a mistake and gone to the bathroom where I am not supposed to go. And I always cover.
  2. I have never had a stroller accident. Well, except for the worm I ran over. Does that count?
  3. Even though I like to give the bitey, I have never broken the skin. That counts too, right?
  4. I helped to start the Pink Ladies club. We do good deeds, and we almost never do anything naughty.
  5. I help Pixie stay in shape by chasing her around the house.
  6. When I play with lizards, I try to be gentle so their tails don't fall off. I think trying counts too.
  7. I am a good groomer and make sure that my furs are always neat and clean.
  8. I try to visit as many of my friends' blogs as I can every day.
  9. I kissed Skeezix! I do not know if that was a good thing or not, but it was fun and I liked it a lot, so I think that must mean it was a good thing.
  10. I never say bad words. Except "Rats!" and "Darn it!"
  11. When my Mommie says "Daisy No No!" I stop the bad thing I am doing. Usually.
  12. I never fall down when I climb up on high places.
Uh oh. I cannot think of a 13th good thing I have done. I guess I only done 12 good things in my life. I must not be very good. Well, I think I will post a picture of my tummy! I haven't showed my tummy in a while and I hope at least Skeezix will think that is a good thing.
13. I showed a picture of my tummy just for the very tall, handsome and muscle-y Skeezix!


45 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Terrific list Daisy! :) You are a very good cat. :) That is good that you've never broken the skin when giving the bitey!

You definitely have great grooming skills. You always look cute and adorable. :)

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you are a great cat! We are still working on number one...Some times our bottoms kinda hang out...

Learning Team said...

You're an adorable cat Daisy. . . nice to meet you. looking forward to your next adventure next week.

See yah. . .

Parker said...

I can think of more than 13 good things for you Daisy! You are a very nice cat that always has a kind word for other kitties!
I love reading your blog and I think that you are a good cat for sharing your Mommy at the shelter too!

Donna. W said...

I'd say any cat that can come up with more that five good things deserves a halo of her own.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

#9 wuz a furry good thing. If yoo din't do it I don't think he wood haf (being so shy wif gerls) #14-yoo always say nice things to other kitties #15-yoo edjucate others about stuff on yoor stroller rides. Oh, and when yoo ranned over da worm it made two worms so it wasn't bad. Unless yoo don't like worms.



I think you have posted a great list. I meant to tell you the other day when you posted those pictures of putting the bitey on your Mom, that it really showed how small and petite and ladylike you are. It amazes me that we are both the same size, but because I am a Manx, I am rounded and we look so different. Isn't that something?


Oscar the Puppy Cat said...

This is a very good list! You are a very nice kitty and I think that you're a very positive, inspirational kitty to many!
(Sweet tummy)

Anonymous said...

Aww it sounds like you are a very good kitty! And your belly is so fluffy and nice! And I'm sure the lizards appreciate you being nice and gentle - Puddy on the other hand is pretty rough! Maybe she should listen to a good kitty like you.

Raggedy said...

Daisy you are great!
You are a very good kitty.
Thanks for sharing you list and belly.
Terrific Thursday Thirteen!
My TT is posted.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy TT'ing!
(")_ (")Š

Millie said...

Oh Daisy, I think you are very good and that is a very good list. I would have to try real hard to think of 13 things I am good at. (Besides pestering Jasmine.)

LZ said...

You sound perfect to me! Who's standards anyway because by my standards you're an angel!


The Meezers or Billy said...

Daisy, you is a purrfekt little angel!

Tara said...

You are so sweet! And I love that you visit all of our bloggies!

Forty Paws said...

Aw Daisy, that's a great list!! You're such a sweety all the time.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Great List Daisy. I got #13 your very good at being cute.

Anonymous said...

You are the best!
We think your 13 good reasons far far far outweigh the "others"...
And not just Skeezix enjoys a good tum tum picture of you - we love all Daisy pics! And it looks like your furs are growing back on your tummy!
(Oh, and the Daisy With Halo made Not The Mama laugh out loud! Is that a good thing?)
Thank you for starting the Pink Ladies - we think that it does a lot of good in the world!
love ya,
Daphne & Chloe

Pearl C. Pritchard said...

You are a very sweet cat, Daisy... and you have been a good cat blogger and a good friend.


Gemini said...

Oh I think you is furry good Daisy!

Skeezix the Cat said...

VaVaVaVOOOOM!!!!! For a minit thare, I thot I mite have a hart attak!

Daisy, yoo are just PURRRRFIKT!!!!! (Maybe next week yoo cood do 13 tummy fotos?)

Christine and FAZ said...

Daisy, 12 good things is amazing, you are a feline angel in disguise. Purr FAZ

Gemini said...

Oh Daisy, I bet you listen and stop attacking feets too, huh?!

Anonymous said...

Daisy. you are a good kitty. Your tummy is quite cute too.
(((hugs))) ~Princess

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Daisy, we think everything you do is good!
You do look very big in the post below :)

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Just cause you can't think of 13 things, doesn't mean you haven't or don't do 13 good things.

I think you are a very nice cat.

DK & The Fluffies said...

Excellent list and, no, I will not continue to be an angel now that the blog name has been corrected. I am the Diva Kitty after all!


Anonymous said...

I'm sure you do lots more than 13 great things - (good is for dogs).

HRH Yao-Lin said...

You ARE a good cat daisy and the tummy poctures definitely aid the fact xx

The Crew said...

You know, it's very hard to be good all the time, but you're making wonderful progress! And, it's nice to see your tummy fur has grown in.

Your friend
Misty E

Rascal said...

Worms don't count. Trust Me. Great TT

The Furry Kids said...

Great TT list! Your belly fur has grown in real nice. I wish mine would hurry up!


INAMINI said...

What a good kitty you are, Daisy. I don't think I could have come up with thirteen good things I have done!

Phoebe said...

You are certainly a very good cat, Daisy. Your list is proof enough.

Anonymous said...

So nice of you to think of Pixie's health when you chase her around the house! You are a very Thoughtful Kitty.

kuanyin333 said...

Awww Daisy! Your owner should be so proud of you! What a great cat! Happy TT!

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

The thirteenth thing could be that you're always sharing your knowledge with the rest of the blogosphere (like when you're studying for your doctoral degree or providing words of wisdom as Professor Daisy)!

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

What a nice list!! You are a very sweet liddle lady!

Icon & family

TheSlyCat said...

teehee! Me too! I hope I get a stroller. Mom was looking for them online today. What kind do you have? Do you like it? I want my mom to get the best one! For me and Kon. I like your list. Hope you have a fantastic Friday:)

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

We think your tummy shot is adorable. We know it was meant for Skeezix but we loved it, too. You should definitely do 13 tummy shots next TT. You are very good indeed - an inspiration to many!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Jack, Persephone, Tenzing and Lancelot said...

How funny! I did 13 reasons I'm the GOOD cat today! I think you're a great cat! And Persephone says she's happy to see your pretty belly furs are growing back!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Daisy, we think you are a good cat, and we love your photo with the halo. You write an excellent blog and you are a beautiful cooperative model, so we would have no trouble going beyond 13 good things you have done.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Grate list Daisy. Yoo are furry good. We couldn't fink of 13 good fings we haf done between us. Hope that duzn't mean we are bad poodins.

Boy said...

Wow! You're a weawwy good kitty!
Get your Mommie to give you more tweats! One should always get tweats when they're good shouldn't they?

Around Your Wrist said...

daisy, you're the best in my book! (and my book is long because i've lived so long)

does your mommie kiss your tummy?


Anonymous said...

For a Rex you are doing very good, Daisy!! ;) This is a very good "good things list."

13. You are a great model and always smiling on a photo! :)

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