Photo Hunters #32: Two
The Photo Hunters theme this week is two. This is the perfect chance for me to show you something special about fashions: sometimes you can wear an outfit TWO different ways! This will help you stretch your fashion budget.
Here is a very cute polo shirt I got from my friend Monty Q. It was a little bit too small for him. In the first photo, you can see me wearing my new shirt in the regular way. Let's call this Look Number One.

56 Notes for Daisy:
Oh, Daisy. You are so fashionable. We like the collar up pose. And, the two pawed Temptayshuns grab is a sweet move!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
Red suits you Daisy. Hope you and Pixie have a wonderful temptation riddled weekend. FAZ
very fetching attire. It is so you! Happy weekend
Daisy you look very cool in this red polo shirt. We like the close-up with the collar up.
purrs, Kashim & Othello
Oh my... that's just too adorable.
The Rocky Mountain Retreat
Definitely Look Number Two! Such class!
Grate demonstration of your Two-Paw Grab.
We don't know which way we like it better!!
Luf, Us
Daisy, you are just too cute! Thanks for the fashion tip! =) I'm so glad you enjoyed your visit to Pollywog Creek, too! Have a wonderful weekend!
daisy honey you are just "too" adorable!
smiles, auntie bee
OMG, you look so very stylish!
I don't know, you're going to need a whole new room to put all your clothes if your wardrobe grows any more :)
Daisy, the popped collar is very cool.
You look really good in red!
happy Saturday
If we wore clothes....Yoo are our fashon hero Daisy! Yoo look good in effurything.
Hi Daisy. I sampled the kitty grass, but then I decided I wasn't really interested. Oh well, I guess not all kitties like it.
Supermodel. What else can one say!
Lovely coat!! Nice choice!
Lovely coat!! Nice choice!
We all agree the shirt fits you better than MonteQ.
oh yes, the collar up pose is the coolest
Daisy you are too cool, sorry if I messed up the drinking fountain.....
Wow, Daisy--only you would figure out a way to get TWO different looks out of one item of clothing. I am very impressed.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Oh! Oh! Oh! I does the 2-Paw Temptation Grab too! But wifout the polo shirt.
That's a great two! Much better than mine!
I thInk you could make a zillion dollars as a model. think about it! then you can buy lots more clothes!
what a fashionable cat!! too cute.
Daisy, you are TWO times the Supermodel!
And love the two-paw Temptations grab, too!
daphne & chloe
Oh that's definitely a bad kitty look with the collar up there, Daisy. I bet it made Skeezy go all weak in the knees and stuff.
your bud Pepi
We really love both looks 1 and 2 but we especially like the 2-paw temptations grab! Also red is a very good color on you!
Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow
Ah Daisy, I'm dissapointed. At first when I saw that you didn't have any pants on I was sure there woulld be a belly shot. Your photograher shot from the side or didn't frame you correctly. At least I have yesterday's photos to drool over.
You of course are still lovely and that is an excellent shot of two.
You're so cool, Daisy!
That is a very kyoot shert. And I'll bet if yoo wash it with all the wite peepul clothes, the peepul will git a bunch of nice PINK clothes. Woodn't that be grate????
It's just like Grease! You look like both Sandy's!
You are one cool cat! And very stylish!!
Hi Daisy. That is a very good fashion tip and you are a very good model.
I have a chinchilla named Daisy.
I did it! "Two... Two.... Two weeks in one!" Yes, Two in a Row. Come see it.
Hi curly cat. I can't find a shirt big 'nuff fur me. They only make 'em fur little dawgs and cats.
I gots Twos too... come and see 'em.
Daisy, I used to think that pink was your color, now I am starting to think that it is red. Hmmmm. I'm still undecided. The shirt looks good. You could be Danny Zuko's kitty in Grease.
we agree with Henry Helton - you'd have to be way cool to be Danny Zuko's kitty and you sure are!!!
We think it's a good thing that Princes Harry and Wills have lady friends cuz if they saw you in your sporty polo shirt looking too sexy for your shirt...there might be trouble in Skeez Paradise, you know?
The two-paw grab answers our previous question about taking it out of Mommie's hand. You look like a wide receiver, catching the winning game ball.
Great outfit. I luv the collar up look and the corresponding bad ass look on your face. Temptashuns well earned.
Oh, Daisy...I about died laughing when I saw the collar up. You're just too cool. Red looks good on you BTW.
Daisy, You look very chic. With the colar up, you look very sophisticated.
Oh Daisy, Daisy, Daisy, how much we missed you. It's been a few lonely weeks without watching your antics and getting fashion advice! We're so thrilled to back online. I love the polo by the way.
Collar up! Collar up! Very stylin'! I do the same Temptations grab, it always works!
Daisy that is great how you got the shirt to look two different ways, with just a flip of the collar! Wonderful take on the "two" theme.
Your face is always so expressive and your Mom's pictures are always superb!! Have a nice Sunday!
I really like your shirt Daisy. I think that I would look good in red too. But I would probably rather lay on top of it than put it on.
Love your kyoot polo shirt, Daisy! I just wish that I could get Mom to quit singing ... "Don't you ... Forget about meeeeeeee!" She had a polo shirt just like yours back in the eighties ...
Oh, an' she poked her head into a place called "Build A Bear Workshop" today where she saw TONS of kyoot outfits that you and Skeezy would be darlin' sporting ... Beans!
Casual & sporty - nice!
Excellent fashion tips Daisy!
You look quite cool in photo 2. Stop in and say hello to my two fur kids in their Photo Hunt pic.
I really like the way the shirt looks with the collar up - very chic!
Red is a great color on you, Daisy!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
I really like you in Look Number TWO! That would attract all of the other cool cats. Photo Hunters
that is a fine jacket! it suits you very much! my meowmie once tried to put me in a harness and a lead - i went MENTAL and then refused to move. maybe if she had put me in a pretty coat I may have reacted differently.
Red is your color Daisy! Lookin cool! And the two pawed grab works well. Have a good week.
Red suits you well. Love that cool demonstration. Take care!
Look number two is just "two" cool :) Here's mine mine
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