Ten Very Bad Things

- I do not like rude lizards.
- And I especially do not like GIANT rude lizards like Godzilla.
- Loud noises are bad. Some bad noise makers are the telephone, the doorbell, the vacuum cleaner, lawn mowers, and very loud music. Even a doorbell noise on TV makes me mad.
- I do not like when the monkey George Jr. tries to whisper evil things in my ear. Because sometimes I listen!!! And I would not want to do the evil that he tells me to do.
- I do not like mean people. Nice people are better.
- I do not like going to the V-E-T. This means I do not want to get stabbed with a needle, have my potty stolen, or have them see my skeleton! My skeleton is private. That's why it lives on the inside.
- I very much do not like that my sister Pixie is sick. Cardiomyopathy is a BAD thing.
- I do not like to wear things on my feets. Even cute bunny slippers.
- It is very bad when the Temptations bag is empty.
- I do not like when my photos do not come out good because I forgot to look at the camera:
Or the picture is blurry:
Or not framed properly and blurry too:
Even though I do not like bad things, there are many many more good things than bad things. This means I am happy almost all the time.

60 Notes for Daisy:
I can see why you don't like all of those things, Daisy. I don't like the fact that Pixie is sick. I wish they would find a cure for HCM.
This is a very comprehensive list Daisy. It makes me very happy whilst I am in outer space to read your blog - it reminds me of home. FAZ
You forgot:
when the two year old tries to stuff me in the toilet
when the dogs eat my food
dad treating me with frontline in the summer time
dad rousting me from the window behind his AV equipment. sheesh, what's the deal? all the other windows are fine
The worst thing is that Pixie has that awful disease. I wish they could find a cure for her!
And the vacuum cleaner. Horrible!
Yes, Skeletons belong on the inside! ;)
Daisy you made me laugh out loud with your bad things post. ;)
Yeah, we do not like Pixie being sick either. We also agree on the loud noises too.
We did not know that you do not like shoes, Daisy.
This surprises us, since so many fashion divas are shoe hoarders.
You are like a four-footed Joss Stone. That is a very good thing!
deze ar sum verree disturbin thingz an i unnerstand why u don't like 'em ...
but i know dat yer happee mos uv da time an dat yer life iz grate!
you are such a polite good little girl honey. yesterday my bean vet stabbed me wif a huge needle a whole bunch of times and i was so scairt!! they said it was a bi-opsy or sumfin! anyways i did not like it! not one bit!
smiles, auntie bee
Oah Daisy, you are such a lovely girl, you are correct. Hate Is a very strong word. I think it is better to use "do not like".
I am sure it is bad when Pixie sick, that will be really awful. I don't want anyone get sick. If we really have to be sick, please give only little sick, that when we get well could let us learn how to keep healthy.
Don't give us bad sick, everyone deserve a second chance.
I can see we have so much in common, noise makes us really unhappy. I hope those strange things someday will made lower sound.
Thanks for doing this meme.
*kiss from Adan*
I love your cat pictures. I love cats anyway and your pictures are so cute. Check also my site for more cute pets pictures.
There are bad things like bunny slippers, there are *BAD* things, like an empty bag of Temptations, and awful things like cardiomyopathy. But yes, there are so many good things to appreciate in life!
(I think you look cute in the bunny slippers too...)
Great list. I learned a lot of things. Among them is I should stop listening to monkeys.
Those were very bad things, Daisy. Some were kinda sad too. We're purring for Pixie every day.
I am so happy that you do like the sarge
Those are some very bad things. I hate to say this, but I really hate that Pixie is sick. But it's good that she has you guys to take such good care of her when she's not feeling well.
THat is a great and relatable(sp?) list of things to not like Daisy!
FYI: I spoke w/Yuki and Kimiko's mombean this morning and left an important message in the comments of the contest winners post at their blog!
We reely don't like it dat Pixie is sick. We'z purring furry hard dat dem sientist types come up wif a cure soon. George Jr. shood not tell yoo to do bad things, but dat is da naychur of a monkee.
Oh Daisy, I think those are 10 bad things! You have a very good list.
Oh Daisy! Number 9 is FURRY FURRY bad!
Daisy, it would be mews if Bonnie DIDN'T growl. We love her, but she's definitly an Attack Cat. Her loud meows change to growls furry quickly, then snorts an hisses. She also barks! But she's my sisfur an I luv her... from a safe distance!
Good list Daisy. I agree, hate is a very strong werd and we should not use it lightly.
We hope you and Pixie have a wondermous day. We did not blog today because the beans here are too lazy.
Purrrrr, Princess
That list is almost...poetic, Daisy. That is nice of you to worry about poor Pixie even though she is kind of crabby sometimes.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Daisy, why can't yoo take yer exray gogs to the vet and let them look at yoo that way so yoo don't hafta git exrays???
those is all furry understandable things to not like Daisy.
Oh Daisy, I love your list. It is so good. That evil monkey tho: why don't you toss him out? That is giving me the CREEPS!!!
At least you can turn off TV and get rid of Godzilla.
Gee that monkey is giving me the creeps.
Daisy and Pixie thank you so much for your kind comment, and the very sweet offer Pixie made to share her bannaers. I'm feeling better although definitely bizarre without any sleep and with all those drugs...WhooooHooooo! And Daisy dear, you look adorable in your pink boa...I have this feeling you have a wild kitty side we haven't seen yet!
That's so wight, Daisy! There are so many nice things that we might miss if we keep thinking onwy of the bad ones. So think of good things and stay happy all the time!
I'm with you, I do like the temptation bag being empty...that's is a very bad thing.
And I don't like things on my feet.
That is a very good list and I think you are right on all 10!
That look that you're giving those bunny slippers is very telling. I think you would throw them in the trash if you could.
That are very good answers! I am sorry that your sister is sick. I hope she gets better soon.
very hot boa, looking stylish, as always.
Daisy, that picture of you staring at the bunny slippers with contempt makes me laff and laff and laff.
I hate that Pixie is sick too, it makes me sad and mad.
Of course, you are right, in the end there are more good things than bad, we are furry lucky cats.
You wrote a very good list of bad things, Daisy. I also do not like it at all that Pixie is sick and I wish that the doctors could find a cure. You are also very right that it is better to focus on the good things.
hehehe! I think I agree with numbers 6, 7, 9 the best - or um, the worst!!
cute pictures, even the ones that are blurry.
oh daisy you are so funny! I love number 4 xxx
I wish that there was no such thing as Cardiomyopathy. I do not like it that Pixie is sick, either.
You are very smart to not listen to the monkey George, Jr. There is no telling what he may say!
~ Napoleon
Great List Daisy.I don't like bad Neighbors.
Oh Daisy. We are very happy that you are happy most of the time. That means that you don't have to go on kitty Prozac!
Luf, Us
Ooooo I hates it when they take pictures of my insides. I agree that is a horrible thing Daisy ~Shadow of the Fluffy Tribe
Daisy you are so sweet for not wanting to use an ugly word like hate.
I would not listen to anything that monkey tells you to do. It sounds like he just wants to get you in trouble with your mom.
And running out of Temptations is a horrible thing to happen!
Oops, we almost forgot to say one more thing: we are very sad that Pixie has cardiomyopathy. It does not sound like fun and we hope they find a cure soon!!
hi Daisy! That is a very good list. I think the worst thing is Pixie being sick. I don't like that Pixie is sick. I'm glad you have lots more good things you like than bad things you don't.
PS Bendrix loooooooves your "Love Bites" movie. He too can't help himself sometimes, but says you have excellent form.
WATCHOUTDAISY!!!! Godzilla is in the background!!!
we are a bit behinds in the news and hopes that yer sisfur Pixie is doin okay. We hadn't read of her sickness and wanted to wish her the bestest and send some foofs and purrs for her ~The Fluffy Tribe
Awwww, huggies Daisy -- you're such a sweet and positive kitty! And I enjoyed readin' about the stuffies you don't like. I wouldn't like a lotta them things, either. Speshully when the Temptayshuns baggie is empty!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Nope change that to I espeshully don't like that Pixie is sick! Please give her some huggies from me and I hope she's doin' okay!
That's a lot of things yoo don't like. We don't like Pixie being pawly either, and she is lucky to haf a nice sisfurr like yoo to look out furr her.
Two noiziz we hate are the microwave going ping ping ping, and sumbuddt wissling.
What are the bad fings George tells yoo to do? Are yoo going to tell us?
The fing we hate the mostest is A-O-Hell cuz this is the fourth time we tried to post this comment, and efurrytime it keeps losing conneckshun. Hehe we got aol beat this time cuz we copied the comment in case it dissupears again.
I don't like any of those bad things, either, dear Daisy -- especially the one about Pixie being sick. Give her a hug from me. I admire that you are such a sweet and positive kitty -- and so much fun and so pretty, too!
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn!
Daisy, we like your 10 things you really, really do not like list!
We always like when we learn new things about our friends. And now we know more!! Shame on George Jr. for whispering bad things in your ears.
Give Pixie (((hugs))) from us, we hope they find a cure soon.
Your FL furiends,
Wow....those are considered blurry pictures...um, can we borrow your mommy sometimes? Coz her blurry pictures are way better than even some of my mommy's "clear" pictures!!
PS. I didn't realize that Godzilla was a rude lizard. I thought that if he could play wreck-da-buildings, then that meant I could too....
"My skeleton is private. That's why it lives on the inside."
Hahahaha, you are SO right!! :D
Those ARE furry deplorable (thanks Miles Meezer's word-of-the-day calendar) things!
Oh Daisy! What does George Jr. say to you? I bet you it is so bad you could never ever ever repeat it!
Its nice that there are more good things than bad!
You're so sweet, Daisy! I wish Pixie weren't sick, also.
But you're right; there are more good things than bad things.
that's a great list! i'm glad you have more good than bad in your life.
Awesome list Daisy. I think you choose very good things to put on it.
The photos were great - nice to know you take blurry ones too!
i'll see u in 10 dayz daisy!
Daisy I think Chicken Temptations are just purrrrrfect for the faerie kitties too! I have some here because I don't like them...actually...I don't like any Temptations. yep, I am weird...hee hee
I also think your mommy was tempting you into the bitey....am I right? You are not a bad cat....NOT!!!
Thank you for being my furrrend and give my love to sweet Pixie
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