Friday, November 30, 2007

Fashion Friday: My Princess T-Shirt!

This is my most favorite T-shirt of all time! It is PINK, it has pretty sparkles on the sleeves, and best of all, it has Disney Princesses on the front! I feel like a princess when I wear my beautiful T-shirt. Here is my best smile. Now I am trying a very, very advanced pose. I am raising both paws so you can see the pretty Princesses on the front of my T-shirt. Can you see them?
While I was modeling, I tried to get some Temptations out of my treat jar. My Mommie caught me. I guess I was not sneaky enough.
To make up for it, I practiced one of my Circus stunts: balancing on my back feets. It is a hard stunt.
I think I done good, so I will take a bow now!


69 Notes for Daisy:

Anonymous said...

Hello, Daisy!

Greetings from way over here in Singapore. :)

U've jus made my jaw drop with that bow of yours, u deserve a pat on ur curly head and more temptations!

Good training from ur Mommie... or isit the other way round?? haha


Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a very cute t-shirt, Daisy. :) Nice job standing on your hind feet, and a lovely bow at the end. :)

Ramses said...

Ooh, ooh Daisy you'z look so purrty in that t-shirt! :) You'z such a great modelling talent and so fashion savy too... You'z just my hero! :)


Katie said...

Oh wow Daisy, you are so cute! I love your shirt. And you are so expressive with your poses - your Mum must LOVE taking photos of you! :)

Parker said...

Great poses Daisy! You are prettier than all of those princesses!

Mickey's Musings said...

Take a bow Daisy! That T is very cute and it suites you.I hope you got an exrea freat for balancing on your back feet!!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Daisy, yoor modeling skills just amaze us. Hope yoo gots extra tem-tay-shuns fur dis one.

Sarge Charlie said...

You are just such a superstar, I always come to see daisy first, makes me smile in the

Honey P. Sunshine said...

those are furry good poses, i can see the princess on the shert furry well

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Purrfect shirt for Princess Daisy!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

That is a cute shirt. I can stand up on my back feets, but I usually only do it if I want to see something. I won't do it for treats. It drives Beans nuts that I won't do things for treats!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i am laughing at sarge!

you look so beautiful today honey!

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

You look so cute in your princess shirt Daisy and we are impressed by your advanced modeling poses, specially the bow at the end.

The Furry Kids said...

You look adorable in your princess shirt. I think Skeezix is going to flip out when he sees your tummy.




You look so lovely in your princess outfit and you did such a great job of modelling it.


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We think you did a good job too. The princess on your T-sirt are very pretty. We could see them good when you did your circus stunt.

~Scylla & Charybdis

Karen said...

Daisy, Obviously pink is your color. You are a true professional and a great model. Personally, I too will do pretty much anything for treats. I like Godiva Chocolates and Cash instead of temptations though. Happy Friday! We are going to get our Christmas Tree this's so exciting!

Dma said...

You take a very good bow. I'd like to see you curtsey though.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Oah Oah!!!! The Second Photo!!!!

I love that!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
Daisy, that is the most biggest eye of yours photo~!!! I am crazy now~!!!!!! So so cute~!!!!!!

You must be doing so so so hard, for your Temptations~! Hehehehehe~!!!!

What a beautiful photo of your beautiful eyes~!!!! Just LOVE ~!!!!

Have a wonderful Friday, Daisy~!!

None said...

I love how you bow! My servants have been doing this new trick with me, they make me walk the whole house on my back legs while holding my front paws. Whatever gets me a treat!


LZ said...

Oh what a great bow!!! You are such a super star Daisy, your t-shirt is very cute and comfy looking.


Anonymous said...

Yes mom's right your definitely a better model than me. I love your shirt :)

Forty Paws said...

You are a Pro, Daisy! Yes, we see the Princesses on your shirt. That is a wonderful shirt. And such a pretty bow at the end.

Luf, Us

jenianddean said...

A princess shirt for a beautiful princess kitty. I love your new poses. They look very hard. My mom and dad bought Maggie a new shirt, but her modeling session didn't go very well. I will be posting those over the weekend.

And a bow at that end...well done!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

That is a very nice Princess shirt, Daisy. You look very nice in it! You make the circus stunts look so easy.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

What a cute t-shirt! The Disney Princesses are momma's favorite! She decorated her art studio with them. :) hehe ~Queen Snickers

Shaggy and Scout said...

That looks like a comfortable shirt too. Allows for extra movement.

The Meezers or Billy said...

great photo shoot Daisy!!! you look wonderful in your princess shert

Shilgiah the Cat said...

You look absolutely gorgeous in that pink Princess t-shirt! Great fashion modeling.

You always look like a Princess even when you aren't even wearing a beautiful t-shirt.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy you look amazing! I am so impressed.


TopEarner said...

What a cute kitty !!! I don't know how you get her to wear the t-shirt. My cat would be rolling allover trying to get it off.

Skeezix the Cat said...

I LOVE yer Dizney princess teeshert!!!!! Yoo know whut? Yoo need a tiara to ware with it!!!! Cuz yer a princess, too!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

This is a very cute shirt! It looks fabbie on you Daisy!
we hope you and your sisterkins are doing great and we hope you have a happy week-end!!

Unknown said...

That is a very nice shirt Daisy. You can never go wrong with anything decorated with Princesses!

I love the photo of you bowing at the end, that is definately an advanced modelling pose, I am very impressed.

The Furry Fighter said...

oh my darling daisy what an absolute beauty you are! i like that t-shirt too, i thinkit suits you very much.

i have also just seen what your meowmie did to your ears earlier in the week! do you need a new home? she has dust too! like my bean! oh the negelect and humiliation is sometimes too much to bear. at least she let you make lizard foods!

Lisa said...

Your shirt is very cute, Daisy!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Furry nice bow! Is it warm enough to wear a t-shirt there in Floreeda? Lucky you!

Scout said...

That is a Pawsome shirt! And you look very pretty in it indeed! I likes your bow!


Anonymous said...

What a pretty shirt. Princesses...WOW!

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...


I tink dat shirt makes you look like a kitten!!! You iz soo cute stealin' da treats. & your bow iz justee like dey do in da ballet class.
-DR Tweety

PS: Tank you Daisy fur purrin' fur Auntie Stinkie. She needz it.

zevo hussein calamari said...

You look GREAT!

Sunny's Mommy said...

You are so beautiful in your favorite princess t :-) You did very good with your bow, I'm very impressed!

Nomi said...

Daisy, you are efery inch a Princess and dat T shirt is just brill

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy,
i wish i cood be dere fer sum uv yer photo shootz. maybe u cood havva contest an da winner cood fly to florida an sit in on one uv dem!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Daisyy you are incredible! And you look STUNNING!!! x

Tybalt said...

Daisy, you get more and more beautiful! Your modeling is very professional. I was most impressed by that graceful bow!

Mr. Hendrix said...

Daisy, you are such a wonderful model. That T-shirt is so lovely on you. My nieces love Disney princesses too. One was Ariel and the other was Snow White for Halloween. I think you look better than both of them.

You've been very busy with all your cooking and photography! It is wonderful you still make time to get all fancied up and post.

Hot(M)BC said...

Grate t-shirt, Daisy! You're a grate princess. :)

PB 'n J said...

What a lovely bow - you are so very good at it. Pearl likes you tee shirt, she loves pink and purple!

The Devil Dog said...

Daisy, you look very pretty in your princess tee shirt. You are so good at poses, too. I don't think I could ever be as good as you. (and still live up to my name)

As for Lucky being lucky, that is why mom and the boy named her "Lucky" because she was lucky to get us and we were lucky to get her.


The Lazy Iguana said...

My cats are all nudists. They would not at all like to wear anything. Once I shaved Sake to cut down on the amount of cat hair that would be on my work suit. She did not like that one bit.

L. Alida said...

You are just the cutest kittygirl!
Hugs sweetie,

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

That's a very pretty t-shirt!!!! But still practical enough to VERY advanced modeling poses and circus stunts. Is your mommie your fashions buyer too? If so, I think she deserves some Temptations for herself!

Milton said...

That is very professional of you to take a bow! It is always important to thank your audience.

You look so lovely in your t-shirt and your circus stunt is just great.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Daisy that is such a pretty Tshirt and yoo look byootyful in it. You modelled it so well too, and that wuz a lovely bow at the end.

Sassy Kat said...

So cute, do you buy your things from a catalog?
I wanted to know if ya could me a favor? Tybalt has posted a nice review of the first CCSI on this blog, I don't have time to contact the members of the original cast because of having to be on the set most of the time. If you have time could you contact a few for me and spread the word??? I'm going to see if Momo doggie can help too. If you are busy I understand so don't feel like ya have to. See ya back at the set

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

That is your BEST outfit yet. Mom's god-daughter loves the Disney Princesses, too ...


MaoMao said...

wowie, such a purretty outfit, and what a purrfect smile, and a purrfect bow! You are a superduper model, Daisy!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

The littlest bean girl loves your t shirt. Not onlys is it pink but it has the princess' on its!

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Your smile is so adorable and so are your wonderful poses. I'm so impressed by the daring ones! Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Those are great raise yur paw photos Daisy. Yoo look like yur smilin' but yoo also look like yee might be sayin' "awe c'mon mom, gimme me da freakin' treat already!" Heee heeee! No matter - she gets da best pics of yoo all da time! Yoo has the best expressions we efur seen.

Team Tabby said...

Great photos, Daisy. We also like #2

Mindy & Moe

Asta said...

Hi Daisy
You do look like a pwincess , amost bootiful one,and youw poses awe amazing!
I love all of them and the bow is supew special.
Did you see the gweat weview on Tyblts blog??
smoochie kisses

DK & The Fluffies said...

Oh my Jessie would just love that shirt. Tinkerbell is her fav!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

VERY good paw raise!

Lux said...

You are just the best model, Daisy, and I think you deserve a Temptation raise!

Cat Naps in Italy said...

We are back at last! Can you believe our human left us home alone WITHOUT a computer! Ugh!

Just wanted to stop by and say ciao. What a great tee shirt!

Opus and Roscoe

Anonymous said...

A wonderful bow, Daisy. I love your princess t-shirt! And you are so talented..., raising both paws while standing on your rear legs. I soooo happy you're in CCSI again, such a professional!!


Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

That stunt was done to show off your Princess T-shirt, wasn't it? All the same, you are a natural model and actress. Bravo, Clap-Clap!!!

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