Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Tattle Tail Tuesday: A cup of Joe?

Every afternoon my Mommie makes a cup of "coffee" in her Flavia drink machine. Here are the ingredients: Torani flavored syrup, coffee packet, Creamy Topping packet, and Choco packet. This is all topped off with a bunch of whipped cream. Oh Mommie, your dessert is ready! Did you want Sprinkles on that?
Here I am making sure the whipped cream is the proper consistency. I must admit it is very delicious. But it is not coffee.
And the most shameful part is that this is the most complicated "cooking" my Mommie does!


61 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Whipped cream sounds delicious Daisy! My mom doesn't like coffee, and my dad only drinks one cup in the morning at work, so I've never tried coffee.

Parker said...

That sounds delicious to my Mommy. She is a Starbucks addict with her non-fat QUAD lattes! oops, I tattled again!

Leslie said...

Woo hoo! Way to go your mom! My mom salutes her!

My mom LOVES her cappuccino machine.

ZOOLATRY said...

We shall tattle on our mombean... she does not even enter the kitchen, it is NOT her territory. It is the sole property of the dadbean, even for coffee, complicated or uncomplicated. (actually she must enter the forbidden area sometimes to clean up afer the masterchef dadbean... he thinks he's emril and uses all the tools he can find...). So we thinks your mommie is very very smart. Merry Christmas.

Isis said...

Ooh I'z love coffee and cream! :) Thank you for lookin' at those Mancats for me and I'z so glad you'z fink they'z both nice lookin' :) *giggle* Dis shoppin' for a Mancat is so much fun... *blush*

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Mmmm that looks deelishus. Mum finks so too. She likes coffee wiv Baileys in it.

Mosaic Cats said...

Daisy that is a very good tattle! ML can not even think about starting her day unless she has a pot of organic french roast with a lot of Stevia and organic half and half. (We try not to let her post or comment before the end of the second cup but she does not listen to us so sometimes our posts and comments are embarrassing.)
We have seen her try to get off her coffee, or cut out the half and half, just a few times and it was UGLY. Coffee is imperative for human mood regulation.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

That drink looks so yummys! Daisy you are so luckys that your mommy shares it with you.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Our mom is such an addict dad sometimes wonders if she has coffee in her veins. Last night she made coffee wif fresh ground cocoa beans added to da coffee beans and den she scraped brown gunk out of a bean...oh, vanilla bean, and put it in da bottom of da pot and den dey put stevia in it and topped it wif "froth" which is just hot milk all lathered up.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

That's looks very yummy but too complicated for our Mommie!

sammawow said...

That whipped cream looks awfully good to both of us! We've never tried the coffee with whipped cream because our Lady always says "no whip" to the coffee man.

Purrrrrs, China Cat & Willow


Ummm dat does sound deeeelissss!

Abby and Boo

Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Hi Daisy!
We found your blog because we post on Prince Muddy Paw's Blog :) You have the bestest home page ever!

Your mommy's morning cup-of-joe looks totally awesome! Our mommy should get one of those machines!

Dma said...

Sounds like your mom has quite the life. I'm not much for sweet coffee drinks but that one sure looks good.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh that looks tasty. Momma doesn't like coffee, but I be the whipped cream is good. Do you think you need coffee with that whipped cream?


Rosemary B❤️ said...

mmmmmm we love love whippie cream.
Daisy, it is okay that your mommie does not cook. Less dishes we bet.
Our mom used to "like/enjoy" cooking but now she is sick of it. She and daddy eat out a lot and also have a lot of red boxes of frozen foods in the fridgie.

This looks like a very healthy treat for the afternoon. well for the mental health

Happy day to you and Pixiekins.

The Furry Kids said...

We love whipped cream! It is very delicious.
Momma says that making coffee counts as cooking! hee hee


The Meezers or Billy said...

wow, mommy says that looks YUMMY. whipped cream is really yummy

Forty Paws said...

Yummy says our Mummy. G.T. would luf the whip cream part.

Luf, Us

LZ said...

That is pretty complicated, I don't think the Tall Man could handle that. Whipped cream is so yummy!!


Boy said...

That's a vewy important job you do Daisy! Because if the whipped cweam isn't of the wight consistency, the coffee would be totawwy spoilt.

Anonymous said...

That looks really, really good, Daisy. Making those drinks can be complicated. Ginger syrup. Never seen that... sounds yum!

Nomi said...

Who needs to cook when you can have coffee like that ? It sounds like a meal in itself. Yummy.

Jimmy Joe said...

Oooo, whipped cream looks fantastic, Daisy. My momma doesn't do anything with her nasty coffee--it smells so strong I think it should dissolve her spoons. I wish she kept whipped cream around.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Anonymous said...

That really looks delicious Daisy. I am the whipped cream tester in our house too. I just realized that we are the same age, I turned 3 in August!

Your friend,

PB 'n J said...

That does look good - our Mommy might even drink that. She doesn't drink coffee either - she likes tea (which Pearl always tries to put her feet into!).

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I have never understood why humans wish to spoil perfectly good whipped cream by putting coffee under it.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I think your mommy doing great~!
Have a great meal doesn't mean have to be a cooker, just need to taste is enough :)

I am glad that you have such adorable mommy:)

L. Alida said...

Hi Daisy! Making coffee is the second thing I do in the morning. Opening a can of the stinky goodness for the kitties must be priority number one. ;0 Your mommy's coffee looks so yummy!
Hugs and Purrs,

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Whipped cream is so nummy. We love it!!

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Daisy, while Mommy thinks the coffee looks delicious, she is really wanting to just snuggle you! You are such a beautiful kitty!!!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Daisy, The whipped cream looks tasty! We have not tried that. Mom drinks tea instead of coffee (boiling water is her culinary talent, oops we tattled). Dad does not put whipped cream on his coffee, but maybe we could convince him to try...

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Meomw says that looks quite yummy!

Tybalt said...

My mommy approves of your mommy's tastes, Daisy!

Scout said...

Taste tasting is a very important duty of a house cat!

Clover said...

Daisy - I think you need to stop posting such adorable pictures of yourself. I am starting to worry that mom wants to trade me in for you, with all that squealing she does when she sees your cute face!
Love Clover xo

Shaggy and Scout said...

Our mom doesn't drink any coffee but she said that just might be tasty!
You are such a good helper!

Anonymous said...

"Wow" mom says that looks delicious.

Juno said...

OMD, Daisy!! While Pinot and I were quiet there are so many nice things to catch up!!
I love that collar. They look pawsome on you and yes, you're a star. We were happy to work with you in CCSI!!
Congrats for the special award!

Momo & Pinot

Natalia said...

My cat Friday also loves whipped cream. He thinks that everything in the refrigerator that must be shook is whipped cream and comes running, even if it's just lemon juice he's hearing!

Mickey's Musings said...

Gee Daisy, that looks good :) However,Mom drinks coffee (ground,not instant) and only puts partly skimmed milk in it :(
That looks quite exotic for somebean that does not cook,Heehee
Purrs Mickey

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Solid cream? Wow, whatta great idea. We're askin The Big Thing fer somma THAT!

Randi said...

Hi Daisy!

My mom & dad have a nespresso espresso machine & my mom makes coffee with all the fu-fu stuff too..chocolate shavings, whipped cream, alcohol spiked drinks...Its more like a dessert than coffee...I agree with you!

Love & Licks,

Sunny's Mommy said...

That does look very delicious, but I agree with you, Daisy, that's not a cup of coffee ;-)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

That looks yummy! My SS loves coffee and is a bad cook. That's probaably why we are forever having cold meat, cheese and salad. Must agree with Diamond Emerald-Eyes though, why spoil all that lovely cream on murky fluid!

Leona said...

Boy would we like to have a lick of that!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Our Mommy & Daddy love coffe. Our Mommy thinks your Mommy's coffee looks really yummy, she is wishing she could grab it out of the picture.

Scylla & Charybdis

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

My momma usually lets the Starbucks peoples make her coffee unless she has friends over and then she makes "special" coffees with fancy liquors. She thinks its to much work to do just for herself, she is lazy. ~Queen Snickers

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Oh...my mom likes Torani coffee flavors too and whipped cream in a squirty can just like that one. I love the whipped cream but am not fond of coffee. My mom also doesn't do complicated cooking...that's ok with me as long as she can open cans of skinky goodness for Tommy and me that's all I really care about.

jenianddean said...

I have no idea what coffee taste like because my mom and dad don't drink it, but I do know what whip cream taste like, and it's YUMMY!

-Jasper McKitten-Cat

Furry Logic said...

Thanks for visiting our blog!

Our Mother doesn't cook much either. Which is a good thing...we have tasted her cooking. GAG! She sure was drooling though when we showed her your Mother's coffee.

None said...

That is definitely not coffee, I have had enough coffee sips to recognize the ingredients! I even recognize the noise the coffee maker makes. This makes my servants laugh while being also alittle nervous about my "addiction". You really seem to enjoy that whipped cream mmmm...


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Your mommy sure knows how to make fancy coffee...no, really!! My mommy is terrible and can't be bothered. Well, now she is just plain not allowed to have any coffee, so this cup of coffee is making her drool....


PS. If Pixie won't groom you, would you like me to? I *love* to groom!! I'll even teleport right now and groom you if you like!

Anonymous said...

WOW that looks like a nice drink! I especially like the whipped cream! I think I might pop around to your house for a coffee this afternoon... :D

Katie @ A Byootaful Life

Milton said...

Mine mombean like to put egg nog in her coffee this time of year.

She makes her coffee with a militia and warms up the nog in a little pan, and she whisks and whisks while is get warm so its all frothy. pour the 2 into a big mug and boy, oh boy, is she happy!

Unknown said...

Our mombean says, oooooo that sounds good.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Are yoo shur yer mommy isn't gitting a cup of Mother's Milk to drink wile she watches Oprah and just SEZ it's koffey? Cuz thare is foamy stuff on the top of mother's milk. I can test it if yoo like.

Tara said...

That looks very yummy!


Karen Jo said...

Your Mommy sure makes a fancy cup of coffee. It looks delicious and I don't even like coffee.

Chase and Mel said...

Daisy- I think I would have had my face ear deep in that bowl before my mommie snapped the picture... You are restraint!!
Many hugs!! Your furry friend,

Anonymous said...

Ooooh Daisy that looks like the Lattes my mommy loves from STAR BUNS, err, I mean Starbucks!


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