Saturday, February 2, 2008

Photo Hunters #54: Narrow

The Photo Hunters theme this week is narrow. This is my narrow skirt. There are only two narrow rows of fabric. This means my skirt is just a couple of inches wide. I wonder why they made my skirt so narrow, anyway... My narrow skirt does not stop me from watching for lizards. Oops, my skirt is flapping up! I do not think narrow skirts are very practical. Are you looking up my skirt?
I can still do fun Circus stunts while wearing my narrow skirt.
Well, I found out why my "skirt" is so narrow. It is meant to be a fancy collar, but it is far too big for my skinny neck. I am a little bit embarrassed to be seen wearing a collar for a skirt. This is a bad fashion faux pas.
My fashion advice to you is, if your skirt seems too narrow, check to make sure it is not really supposed to be a collar.


87 Notes for Daisy:

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

We think your narrow skirt looks adorable, Daisy! :) It would be a very large collar, so we think it works better as a skirt.

HRH Yao-Lin said...

Daisy I am ashamed to admit that I was looking up your collar skirt.

I apologise.


Poppy Q said...

You might need pants with that one sweetie.

Have a good weekend and give pixie bananas a smooch.

Poppy popstar

jams o donnell said...

Very stylish and just a bit risque! Happy weekend

Hootin Anni said...

LOL............oh, dang, but that is cute!!! You look so spiffy!!!

Drop by and view my photo hunt if you can find time! Love to have you leave me a comment. Happy weekend to you.

Leslie said...

Mom wishes her son's girlfriend would put her collar up where it belongs.

Anonymous said...

Very cute and stylish indeed! I wanna have same skirt like that! LOL

Anonymous said...

I recokon it would fit Trixie as a collar.


Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Hi Daisy,
We like your narrow skirt, although we agree with Poppy Q - you may need some slacks to go with it. Could be a new fashion trend!

Rocky, Angie, & S'more xo

Barb said...

Daisy, you are so mischievous!

Gandalf & Grayson's Mom

CHIKAI ♥ said...

awww! that skirt looks so cute!!!! she looks so pretty wearing that one. hehe. tfs! ;)

mine's up too. pls check it out at ~ BLOGSILOG

Joyismygoal said...

well your honesty is refreshing:> I agree w/ you --- and I did not look up your skirt, who would do such a thing?:>

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You look cute in your narrow collar skirt Daisy. Mum sez when she wuz young she used to go out in little mini skirts, and her mum used to say to her," You're not going out wearing that pelmet are you?"

Ramses said...

Oh boy that is a very narrow skirt Daisy, I'm kinda concerned what photos of you wearing such a daring fashion item are doing to poor Skeezix! ;)


Amber-Mae said...

Hey, cute skirt! You have a cute bum to show anyway so it's okay when it's standing up like that, heeheehee!

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Parker said...

Narrow skirts are good to wear when you practice your circus stunts. Less material to get in the way!

CRIZ LAI said...

What a cute skirt you have Daisy. It suits you very well. I just wonder how such short skirts are used by the modern young teenage girls of today... Where did their courage come from? Haha

If you have the time, do check out my another interpretation here

P/s: Starry looks like my Jonathan too but his leg's marking differs a bit :)

eastcoastlife said...

The skirt is adorable, but I did get a glimpse of your bum. Oops. hehe....

Unknown said...

You look quite the lady, Daisy.

Anonymous said...

Hi!Nice skirt, Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Hey Daisy!You look so adorable!

Sassy Kat said...

I know that no matter what ya were ya always look so sweet and cute. I think ya are much more prettier than any model on Project Runway. Not sure if I mentioned it or not but stop over I have an award for ya.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

excellent advice daisy. of course if i tried to wear my collar for a skirt i'd be arrested! ha ha ha

smiles, auntie bee

Anonymous said...

Cute collar skirt :)

Heart of Rachel said...

I think your narrow skirt is a cute accessory that fits you well.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We think it would make an awsome collar but it would drawf your lovely face it is so big.

With your usual flair you made it work nicely as a skirt. You are a wonderful model Daisy.

~Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

Gattina said...

You are a very modern girl Daisy, your skirt is not narrow it's a mini skirt to show your beautiful legs !

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I thought it looked rather more like a collar than a skirt, but being as you are the fashion expert, I wasn't going to say anything.

Anonymous said...

daisy youre very cute in that skirt

happy hunting

Monty Q. Kat said...

I dunno, maybe it could be either depending on your mood?

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

Very nice narrow "skirt" Daisy! We think it looks good as a skirt, we would not want you to have a too big collar, it might get caught on something.

Anonymous said...

Its cute cat heheh i like it. Happy hunting...Cutie.

Turkey Cats said...

I love your skirt and learning about fashion from you, Daisy.

The Turkey Cats

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

It's a mini skirt! You are in style, Daisy!

jenianddean said...

I think your narrow collar skirt is super cute, even if it is supposed to be a collar. Wear it proudly! It could be a collar for your waist...

Tommy and Teaghan said...

It's still furry pretty even tho it's a collar. It has furry bright nice colors.

Heather said...

So cute!

Cindy said...

Well, you could start ballet, then it would be a tutu... but on you, whatever it is, it's too too cute!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo may want to wear some tights wif dat narrow skirt/collar. I can't beleeve anyone would think dat was a collar, it's far to big fur a neck.

Sarge Charlie said...

wow Miss Daisy, that is truly a MINNI SKIRT.

Utah Mommy said...

Whatta cute cat you have! I love the thing in her waist lol! She looks like a ballerina Cat. Perfect shots! Happy weekend! Mine is up as well please visit my site when you get the chance, thank you!

Sunny's Mommy said...

I don't think that's a fashion faux pas, Daisy. You look very cute in your narrow skirt :-)

Dma said...

I will take your advice next time I wear a skirt. Sorry I looked up your skirt.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

its a rump ruffle

Asta said...

Thank you fow saving us fwom a possible majow fauw pas..but you gotta's vewy convenient fow not twipping while doing stunts, and still looking vewy fetching,hehe
smochie kisses,

Christine and FAZ said...

Daisy, I am glad you told me it was a collar because it was way too short for a skirt (unless of course it was meant to be a flirty skirty for Skeezix). FAZ

Shaggy and Scout said...

Maybe you can add some nice accessories and make it work for you.

Dragonstar said...

Words of wisdom from a fashion conscious cat! Never mind Daisy - you look gorgeous whatever you wear, and you could turn this into a fashion everyone wants!

Mickey's Musings said...

You can just say that your Narrow skirt is for ballet. That way it is perfect and not a faux pas!Just call it a tutu :)
Purrs Mickey

Jimmy Joe said...

You know what, Daisy--since you are acrobatic, I think you can wear the collar as a tutu, even if it doesn't make a very good skirt.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think it's a great skirt for your circus stunts. We were too embarrassed to post our narrow photo. The door opening for the closet is a bit too narrow for the door so the Woman has to redo it!

Anonymous said...

Hello, I are Japanese. I came to here when I watched blog. It is a pretty photograph. In addition, I come. I'm sorry with English poorness. Thank you.

The Devil Dog said...

We think you are adorable in your narrow skirt even if it is not a skirt. We don't understand why anyone would wear a collar like that, so we think it is perfectly understandable that you thought it was a skirt.


Bogdan, the editor said...

I think it looks like a tutu. You should just say it is that -- and wear it only during circus stunts or ballerina shows.


L. Alida said...

Oh Daisy I think you look adorable! It's a young flirty style that suits you. ;) It's too cold here to wear that, but in Florida it's perfect.
Love and Purrs,

Southbaygirl said...

We still think your skirt looks nice even though it's a collar!!!

Kodak, 3 Perf and Winton

Kimo and Sabi said...

It makes a furry nice skirt too!

Tesla and Hansel said...

who gave you that collar for a skirt?! thats just crazy!

Leona said...

Daisy that is not a fashion faux paus that is very fashion forward! You are very creative- maybe you should design your own line of kitty wear?

Mickey's Musings said...

Cute, narrow skirt, Daisy! We thought we might have caught you walking on the canopy rails, they are very narrow and a bit scary.

mindy & Moe

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you brighten up my weekends! I couldn't be looking up your skirt, could I, if it's really a collar?

Anna said...

Oh what a cutie, I love the skirt...thanks for sharing....

Mine is up too:
Every Beat Of My Heart
My Newphew's Scrap Place

Team Tabby said...

Sorry, for any confusion,Daisy. Mickey's mom is visiting us and we didn't realize she didn't log out of his account......Mickey only lives about 45 min fr. us. Hope he wont't be annoyed wif us!

Mindy & Moe

Anonymous said...

Don't worry, Daisy - you look very cute in it. And if human girls can wear skirts that look more like belts, why can't a girl cat wear her collar as a skirt? Have a lovely, purry weekend!

Lux said...

I say whatever you wear you're going to start a fashion trend, Daisy!

Skeezix the Cat said...

I coodn't help myself. I looked up yer skert. Then I had to run strate to Mr TF and make sum muffins.

Cindy Garber Iverson said...

Oh my! That's definitely a fashion "fox paws". But you covered it swimmingly... hey, just say that it's a cute little swimsuit!

Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage

3 Cat Blog said...

You're much more patient than we are...we never wear anything...we like being naked.

Chrissie said...

My mom thought it might be a tutu-whatever that is..I think you're looking very nice in your narrow skirt-and NO, I am NOT looking up your skirt-a gentleman would never do such a thing!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Leggings might go well with your narrow skirt.

Thankyou, Daisy, for your purrs and concern over Charlotte. We all appreciate them immensely and are so happy that they guided her home.

Cathi said...

You are absolutely darling! I love your narrow little skirt.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You look really cute in that narrow skirt, Miss Daisy!

Lux said...

Silky & Mom kiss together on the lips, Daisy ... Silky LIKES it!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Hugs to you and Pixiekins


Rascal said...

Very cute Daisy. Thank you so much for visiting my blog during my surgery and diagnosis, and for leaving such encouraging comments. I am so thankful to have so many supportive friends. Purrs!

Andree said...

Daisy, you are just so cute and adorable in that itty bitty skirt. It's good for a hot summer day. Just be careful when you are sitting and crossing your legs, OK?

Boy said...

Oh dear...but even though you wore the cowwar wike a skirt, I think you wore it wonderfuwwy!

Anonymous said...

that's really funny daisy! ;)

Jan Price said...

Oh, Daisy, you model anything with such style. We love your narrow skirt/collar on you.

jans funny farm

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ya look more nekkid wearin that "skirt" than with nutthin... Weirt but troo.


Anonymous said...

What a riot! You are very funny, Daisy. :-)

The Cat Realm said...

Hahahahahaha - you just always crack me up Daisy!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Even the skirt is narrow, you still wearing so cute and great. This is very fashion, the narrow mini skirt~~

You are so so so cute~~~~

Kitikata-san said...

Oh Daisy, you always make me laugh! That is some narrow skirt you got there!

Anonymous said...

Looks more like a tu-tu! You should be dancing.

Unknown said...

Sooo Cute!

I linked you on my blog ;)

thanks :)


Samantha & Mom said...

Daisy, we would have never known it wasn't a skirt if you had not told us! It looks like what Circus performers wear to us!
Your FL furiends,

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