Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday Comics with Daisy!

I have not given up on my Day Spa idea, and I know lizards love hot stones!

I do not think the lizard enjoyed the treatment, because he did not leave me a tip. This idea might have been a mistake anyway, because I like my lizards plump.


77 Notes for Daisy:

Poppy Q said...

Hahaha Daisy, maybe they would like a sauna as well?

Your comics are great, I am surprised you get any lizards who will appear in them.

Have a great Sunday, and kisses to Pixie bananas as well.

Poppy Popstar.

Boy said...

Oh dear Daisy, I don't think the wizard enjoyed the tweatment too!

The Thing awwived at mine house today. Go mine bwoggy to see. I is upset!

Anonymous said...

He he!! I was laughing my whiskers off!!!

Anonymous said...

We almost feel sorry for the Lizard. Almost! OK, well not at all sorry for him. Hahaha!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hahaha that lizzerd got very slenderised. Mum likes hot stone massages too, but she sez mebbe she should come to you furr them and get slim.

Nomi said...

Massages is waisted on lizzerds but it wos a good idea. Dat was an orfully big stone Daisy !!!

Rocky, Angie & S'more said...

Daisy - we agree - it is much better to enjoy a tasty, plump lizard as opposed to a slenderized one!

Have a great Sunday!!

Monty Q. Kat said...

Hmmm...lizard crepes?

zevo hussein calamari said...

No tip? How rude!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

deer daisy
yer yoozin such a big stone wuz sumwut disturbin to me.
i am laffin an laffin!

Laura W said...

I think I see a whole new line of clothing in your future, Daisy. Spa Wear for the Fashionable Reptile. Do you have a short terry robe in development to match the fab tubin? Perhaps some terry thongs. You'll need four per guest, of course.

Laura W said...

Why do I post before I am awake?

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Hahahahahahaha! Mom wants to know if she can borrow that slimming stone. We love the little lizard turbin!

Team Tabby said...

Daisy, we don't think the lizard will be back for another spa treatment, she got a little too slim, hee, hee,

Mindy & moe

Anonymous said...

Well, at least this lizard still has his tail and legs in tact - unlike the one a week or so ago that dared enter your domain uninvited.

Have a great Sunday Daisy
Jackie, Gidget and Fritz

Sarge Charlie said...

Daisy is a funny girl, hot stone massage for lizards, i am cracking up.

jenianddean said...

Reading the comic, I was thinking this might not be your best idea, because that poor lunch, I mean lizard, is going to get all squished! You are too funny!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i think i might need one of those honey. how big would the rock have to be? ha ha ha

smiles, auntie bee

ps: sarge is STILL cracking up!

The Devil Dog said...

Daisy, you are so creative and funny. We don't know how you think up these wonderful ideas, but don't ever stop. Mom thought you were going to brain the lizard, silly mom.


Anonymous said...

Bwahahahahahahaha at that one. It was hilarious! I almost snorted tea outta my nose.

I have a painting of a lizard in my bathroom. Hmmmm... maybe I'll take a pic of it and dedicate it to you since you like Lizards so much!

Look for it...

Dma said...

Slenderized lizards are probably better for you healthwise.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

You really squashed that lizard, Daisy! Very funny. :)

andophiroxia said...

I think you should have treated him as a crepe. He's still got the same mass, only spread out more.

Andree said...

Look at how you put a little towel on the lizard's head for its comfort. You are so kind. Love the OOPSIE photo!!

Mickey's Musings said...

Bwahahahaha!!!!!! I agree, a slim lizard is not as tastey as a plump one.It is good that you are not giving up :)
Purrs Mickey

The Meezers or Billy said...

maybe if you put him in the steam room after he would haf plumped back up!

Isis said...

Oh Daisy you do have the bestest adventures with those silly lizards! :) I do so love to see them, even though they always seem to make me feel a little hungry! ;)


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

LOL, Daisy. That was too funny. Maybe you can try a sauna, next time. Be sure not to get the water too hot though or you will have boiled lizards.

Scylla, Charybdis & Socks

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Hi Daisy,
It's me, JB! My mom is back and I wanted to come read your sunday comics. This is a really good one....ha ha ha. Do you keep inviting the same lizard back or is it always a different one?

dennis said...

Dennis wants to visit Daisy and help Daisy with Lizards!

Anonymous said...

Squashed lizzard might be good fried up!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think heat plumps lizards up. You need to disguise your easy bake oven better Daisy, then you would get a nice plump lizard out of it!

Hot(M)BC said...

Guess he's more a lizard-stick to eat now huh?

darlene said...

ha ha...that is a hoot!!

Black Cat said...

Oh Daisy dear, you crack me up!!! Oh noes, I've said that again... But I can't help it coz you do:) xxx

Bogdan, the editor said...


Sunny's Mommy said...

Ooopsie LOL

Mr. Hendrix said...

ooopsie! what i meant to say is

perhaps the lizards would like a hot jacuzzi bath on the stove....i do like the hot stones idea, just maybe not so big! i think your spa idea is going to be a huge success!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

PS Thank you very much for your kind words for Sonny & his family. They mean a lot.



Team Tabby said...

Hi Daisy - to respond to Ntumona blog - at the end of the post just below the dotted line you'll see Jap. script with (5) or some number in this to get to comment page. At the end of the comments is a rectangle box with a smaller rectangle 'button' written in Jap.script - click that. A new comment window will open. Fill in your URL where you see http:// - just above that fill in blog name. the box below URL is probably for email, but we didn't fill that in. The large box is where we put our message. Next you will see numbers - type these into box below. scroll down to the very bottom of the new window and find a retangle button and click it to send message. (you need to skip over the 'shaded' box) Hope these instructions are clearer than mud.

Mindy & Moe

Cynthia Rae said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cat Naps in Italy said...

That stinking lizard didn't give you a tip? What a jerk!

Thanks for helping us cheer on the Colts. We are heading back in time to watch last year's game live. Would like us to send the time machine back for you so you can join us?

Opus and Roscoe
Go Colts!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

It seemed likes a good idea but if you likes plump lizards you may want to use lighter rocks? Still your ideas are inspirings!

Anonymous said...

Oooooh Nooooo!!

Your technique reminds me of the Mr. Bill show from the old SNL.

Good one, Daisy!

Skittles, The Huntress

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...


hahahahahahahaha! Oh you makes us laugh Daisy, wit your funny comix abouts Lizardz.
He waz furry stretched wazn't he?
I guess diz iz better den makin' him go splat wit dat big rock. Yikes!

Asta said...

I'm sowwy you got no tip aftew all that hawd wowk, and I somehow think that lizawd will not be coming back to the spa again..I hope he doesn't tell his fwiendz
smoochie kisses,

Icon Baxter Bentley said...

hahahahahaaa! I think plump lizard sounds yummy.

Chrissie said...

I wonder if you heard a little sizzling sound when you put that hot stone on the lizard?

Nancy Lindquist-Liedel said...

Plump lizards are *much* more delicious, according to Pan-Kitty.

Kimo and Sabi said...

He looks like he'd fit in a hotdog bun furry nicely! YUM!

The Wanderer said...

we loves that one! you is so talented and funny!!

Anonymous said...

Oh so funny! I love Lizard's little spa towel turban. Next time, Daisy, why don't you convince Lizard to go into the jacuzzi? I hear poached lizard is delicious.

L. Alida said...

If you put him in the deep fryer you would have a nice slim lizard french fry. You did give him a cute turban Daisy. Sorry about him not leaving you a tip. You're so cute and funny!
Hugs and Purrs to you and Pixie,

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Them there lizards ain't got no taste, Daisy. A spa treatment from you would be wonnerful! HUBBA HUBBA!

Very truly yours,
The boys from the Whiskers & Purrs Gang

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...


You crack us up...

Milton said...

I think that the skinny lizards would be good french fried dipped in a little ranch dressing.
Also, lizards are always bad tippers. Not like we kitties who always give lots of purrs for good service.

Copito said...

I thought that the lizard would roast in the hot stone, as in these exotic restaurants haha.


Copito said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Irishcoda said...

LOL, have not had a chance to read the newspaper funnies today so I'm glad I stopped by to visit! Great comic, Daisy!

Turkey Cats said...

Your nip video is being featured on Catster!!!


The Turkey Cats

Randi said...

Hi Daisy!

So glad the spa idea is successful... mom gives facials at a day spa & she thinks that you should offer a laser peel treatment - removes wrinkles & stuff...but then you could just COOK YOUR LIZARD at the same time!

Of course, if the lizard is too slender now, you can give him some collagen injections...

ALSO - USE BOTOX ALL OVER! Then the lizard will be paralized & you can do whatever you want with it!


Love & Licks,

Unknown said...

you is very skills!! me want to join u in your spa!! may mummy say it is very good. I think it iz yummy!! you is very smarts, me not know how to read bookz!!

SophieKitty said...

AHA HA HA! You're getting closer to the Big Idea, Daisy!

Skeezix the Cat said...

Daisy, I'm sorry the teem yer rooting for didn't win the Sooper Bole. Do yoo need cumferting???

The Furry Bambinos said...

Daisy, we enjoyed your comic strip today! We just got back from The Barkley Pet Hotel and Day Spa. We don't think that the Barkley has any services for lizards, just kitties and woofies.

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Hahahaha, Daisy, you are so funny! That lizard must be rather stupid, coming week after week for your agonising treatment.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

That lizard sure is rude for not leaving you a tip. You did a pawsome job slimming it down

~ Girl girl

Amber-Mae said...

OMdoG! Soooo funny! Poor lizard...

Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer

Anonymous said...

Ok - that made me laugh. I think it was the first thing to make me laugh today. Daisy, tomorrow the students start back for the new year.

They will find out who is in my class. I am keeping half of them from last year so they will already be familiar with your comics. We are going to make a study of them this year.

They will be a composite class of year 4/5/

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Daisy, that lizard sure got a good treatment. His fate could have been much worse - we think you practiced much restraint!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Jan Price said...

Live and learn. You tried something new, anyway.

jans funny farm

Samantha & Mom said...

Eeeek! It's the incredible shrinking lizard!!! You should syndicate your Comics Daisy!!
Your FL furiends,

MaoMao said...

hehehe, lizzard pancakes! I think you've come up with a new dish, Daisy!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Mimi Lenox said...

I knew something bad was about to happen when Daisy said "Just relax while I get the stone."

Poor Lizard. That'll teach him to pencil skirt Daisy!

Anonymous said...

Yoo shood put a big rok on Tripper to make him flatter. He's a lardbutt.

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

You are a great spa kitty Daisy!! Did that lizard ever recover?

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