Thursday, June 26, 2008

Thoughts on Thursday: Shelter cats are beautiful!

Today, we thought we would show you some of the beautiful faces you can find in your local shelter. All of these cats are from Cats Exclusive, a no-kill shelter for cats only, where my Mommie volunteers. Every shelter is filled with beautiful faces like these, waiting for a Forever home.

This is Figgy
Say hello to the glamorous Hillary
Here is a bed full of beautiful kittens!
Meet Louie
Louie is already spoken for!
Hi, Mr. Magoo! He is partially blind.
Mr. Magoo was adopted!
This is the handsome Oliver
Pepe the cutie!
Toro the tuxedo cat!
Cori and Piper share a moment together
Piper was adopted!
If you would like to learn more about any of these cats, you can click HERE for more information.


86 Notes for Daisy:

admin said...

yes indeed, they're all so gorgeous, need a loving home to share with:)

we wish all abandoned cats & kittens either in shelter or still out there somewhere, can find loving person & homie to live with...

meaouwy troops

Ramses said...

Tigmut'hep came from a shelter too!

Poppy Q said...

Oh Daisy, thems are all beautiful cats and kittens. I hope they all find beans who will love them and look after them soon.


Anonymous said...

Are they your friend? your friends are really nice ones.

Girl Girl Hamster said...

Oh those are really cute cats.. I hope they all get good furever home

~ Girl girl

Anonymous said...

Ohmygosh! So much cuteness!! We hope they all find forever homes very, very soon!

Parker said...

Every one of those kitties deserve a great forever home.
Smooches to your Mommy for making sure they are well taken care of until they do!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

They are all gorgeous kitties. We hope they all get wunnerful furrever homes.
Fanks furr checking in on me when I wuz pawly.

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Daisy,
Them sure is beautiful little peoples...on the inside and the out. We is prayin' real hard that they all find wonnerful homes very very VERY soon!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers & Purrs Gang

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

They are really beautiful, Daisy, we are sure both outside and inside too. :)
We hopes they get their forever homes soon or later.

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Daisy your mommy is an angel for loving the kitties so much at the shelter. Every cat deserves a wonderful home where it can be loved and live in peace and comfort free of worry. That is my prayer for ever!
Much love your devoted friend Miss Peach

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Those are all beautiful cats! We hope the ones that haven't been adopted yet find wonderful Forever Homes. It is great that your mom volunteers at the shelter.

Anonymous said...

What lovely cats, I hope they all find great forever homes soon. I'm so pleased Mr Magoo got adopted, takes a special person to give a special cat like him a home. Your Mommie is very kind to help out at the shelter.

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

What gorgeous cats, we are so glad they live at a no kill shelter and we are so happy that some of them now have homes. We needed some good news.

We read about a really nice doggie that is running out of time because she lives at a kill shelter. We posted about her on our blog cause we couldn't think of another way to help her.

Thanks for the PSA Daisy, we hope all the lovely cats you posted about find homes soon. ~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

What a lovely group of kitties. I hope they all find loving homes.

purrs, Goldie and Shade

Janet said...

They are so pretty! We hope they all find wonderful homes very soon. It's so nice of ur Mommie to help the shelter kitties!

Mickey's Musings said...

So many beautiful kitties. I hope they all get loving forever homes :) Shelter cats are cool :)
Purrs Mickey

Babs (Beetle) said...

That is very sad, but good that they are being looked after so well while they wait. Hope they all get homes soon.

Purrs, Sukie X

Anonymous said...

Awww their all so cute.I hope they find great forever homes.

Chrissie said...

What a beautiful bunch! My mom would adopt everyone, if she could. Then I'd have to learn to share. I think I'm share-impaired,tho'.

jenianddean said...

It's dangerous posting all those kitten pictures -- our Mom may get the urge to rush out and get a new kitten. Yikes! But they are so cute...

Anonymous said...

They are all so cute!!! I want them all. Thanks for all you do! Fleur is back for a while (one of my fosters). I think she looks a little like Daisy! Have a great dat :)

Monty Q. Kat said...

I'm kinda glad you're in Florida, 'cause MomBean got a weird look in her eye lookin' at Figgy...

Anonymous said...

I forgot to tell you that I gave you 5 stars!

L. Alida said...

Oh they are all just beautiful! Your Mommie is so wonderful to volunteer at this shelter taking care of kitties. Every time I think about going to a shelter for a kitty my heart hurts thinking of them all.
For some reason all of my kitties have come to me instead of me coming for them. I don't know why. :)
Have a Happy Day with Pixie and Mommie!
Love and Hugs,

Anonymous said...

They're all so pretty Daisy! Our Jelly Bean came from a shelter too when she was 11 weeks old! She was SO scared at first in her new home! She's top cat now!

Black Cat said...

Oh, those kitties just tear at my heart strings, I have fallen in love with them all! Your Mom is a saint and that looks such a really nice shelter, clean and well run. I hope everycat gets a loving forefur home very soon:) xxx

Bonnie Story said...

Daisy, Please tell your Mommy that we admire her very much for helping shelter kitties and sharing with us. We have a big crush on Figgie. Those eyes! That nose! It's true that shelters across the land are chock full of kitties that just want somebody to love. They all deserve so much. I agree with the commenter above that the shelter looks really nice, cheerful and clean.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

What beautiful kitties! I hope they find their forever homes soon.


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Lego is speaking here:
Yes!! I am also from Shelter~!!!
Sheliter cats indeed beautiful!!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i wish i could adopt them ALL...

smiles, auntie bee

Dma said...

ooh. i wish i could adopt them all. of course then I'd be a crazy cat person if I'm not there already. I hope they all find good homes.

The Crew said...

We 4 came from 2 local shelters and all those kitties need their forever home, too. Your Mom is such a good person to help them find it.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos. That is a great thing that you are doing by showcasing these cats. I hope they find forever homes.

micgui said...

Aw... Oliver is so handsome... :) I wish that someday I can provide shelter for cats in need too. These pets deserve a home too just like us humans. And no one could even gave them that but us.

Thanks for sharing this.


Anonymous said...

They are all so cute... My heart is overflowing with joy seeing them safe and have a home (sob!) :)


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh Daisy, we were almost overwhelmed with the cuteness...they all deserve great forever homes.

The Furry Bambinos said...

Aww, what a sweet post! How nice of you to feature some of the kitties at the shelter!

We three Bambinos were rescues, and our Mom and Dad recently joined the rescue group PAWS where we came from!

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

Nomi said...

I like Figgy bestest altho they is all beautiful. I am a wescue cat cos my first humans abandoned me. They just left their appartment and went off wifout me. I hope all those kitties find a nice home weely soon.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

OH they are all so lovely. We were partial to Figgy who has the look of a meezer about her.

Donna said...

Shelter pets are awesome. I found my humans when they came to get me at a shelter. My human D.R. is gonna get a cat from the shelter when she gets a new apartment. She can't wait.

Unknown said...

As I write this, Mica is literally draped over my arm, making it a bit tough to type, but I think he's putting his thoughts into this post. Thank you Daisy. While Mica came from a breeder, his two dearly departed sissies, Moki and Maui were both shelter girls. Every pussycat and pup deserves a warm lap and a friendly hand.

Petey and Mica's Mommy

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Such cuteness!!! Meowm says she would take figgy in an instant if she could!

TabbyNormal said...

Dear Daisy,
I was a shelter cat until a week and a half ago! Now I am a House Cat and it's great.
Abby Normal

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Oh they're all byootiful.
Mommy? Mommy! No Mommy, we don't haf no more room here! 5 is already too manny. MOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMYYYYYYYY

scuse me Daisy, I gotta to catch Mommy.

Anonymous said...

all kitties are beautiful and deserving of wonderful homes. we're purring that those kitties will all have homes soon.

Sandy Kessler said...

Good for you I've been a rescue and place cat person for many years. Gave you a little honorarium yesterday

Liss said...

Love em all. Daisy, don't you wish you could rescue every little animal in the world (esp. cats) and give them a loving home. If I thought I could really do it and if John would let me, I'd have all kinds of pets. I just love them. But you have to make sure you can care for them properly.

I think I can handle a third cat, still working on John.

Anonymous said...

awwwww. Those are some sweet kitties.

I am relegated to virtual kitties 'cause I'm highly allergic to them. Nothing personal, just allergic.

I remember seeing Mr Magoo on your sidebar. he looked sweet. Glad he found a home.

The Furry Kids said...

Your Mommie is an angel for taking such good care of those kitties until they find a forever home. We hope they find homes soon.

Cat Street Boyz said...

Mommy said, "she would take Figgy in a heartbeat......those handsome blue eyes, WOW!" We think he is cool lookin'=^Y^=Ty

CRIZ LAI said...

Those are indeed some cute cats. I guessed my 8 kitties would be enough to take up my whole time. I pray and pray and pray that they would get good homes soon :)

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Ooo ut oh, they alls made mommy bean squee! Deys cute I has to admit!

Fank you for the well wishes. I am still a bit scarit of the alien blurpy.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Such beautiful kittycats!
Your Mommie is so good to help take care of them.
I hope they all find forever homes soon. I am glad they are safe until they do!

~ KittyBoy

Rocky the Gutter Cat said...

Tuxies rok. So do shelter cats.

Asta said...

Those kitties awe all gowgeous..I hope they all find purrfect fuwwevew homes..!
love and smoochie kisses

Unknown said...

Goma: Oh daisy's mom has sooo many kittehz?? Ohmaigosh!! Daisy has too many friendz!! Me is jelousz!!

Sachie: Ah Goma, those cats are in shelter they are not all with daisy!!

Mimi Lenox said...

Figgy's eyes are amazing.

Anonymous said...

My cat is also from the shelter :) They can love sooo much and are so thankful for every kind of caressing :)

We couldn't do better back then by saving one soul from the shelter :)

Awesome cuties on those photos, I hope all of them will find a good mommy soon :)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could take each and every one home. I can't though, so I make sure that my cat is cared for the best way I can: he is strictly indoors all the time, gets regular vet visits, lots of love, clean cat box, fresh water, lots of love, healthy treats, and...lots of love. He was a stray and we adopted him, or vice versa, so we have done our best to give him a good long life.

Motor Home Cats said...

They are beautiful cats. We wish we could adopt some but mom says this cat house is full for now.

How is Pixie?

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Lisa Nelsen-Woods said...

What beautiful kitties. I hope they all get forever homes soon.

Anonymous said...

Oh, my goodness -- they are simply precious. Thank you for sharing their sweet faces. We Ballicai will purr that they all find wonderful forever homes, and we wish so much that all kitties everywhere could know the joy of living in a forever home, with lots and lots of love.

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Samantha & Mom said...

Oh my, those are beautiful kitties Daisy and we think your Mommy is neato for helping out at the shelter! It's neat to see that some have been adopted!
Your FL furiends,

Poppy said...

How nice of you to highlight those shelter kitties. My sissy Clover was a shelter kitty too, and she is very beautiful.


Team Tabby said...

Thanks for showing us those lovely kitties! Our beans adopted us so we wouldn't have to go to a shelter. They always had dogs before us.

Mindy & Moe

The Devil Dog said...

Those are some very handsome kitties. We hope they all get adopted by loving families.

Roxy & Lucky

Just Ducky said...

They are all beauteous and handsome. I hope they find homes really soon.

meemsnyc said...

Daisy, thank you for introducing us to such wonderful kitties! We hope all of them find nice homes. We are happy to hear that some already have!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Thanks for sharing. I hope all of these beautiful kitties can find mommies and daddies soon.

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Very beautiful faces to be sure, but maybe you should not have posted these photos on your blog... Kate wants to adopt them all!! Please thank your mum for all the work she and those at her shelter do to help cats who don't have forever homes... yet!

Buckwheat Snapp said...

Aww, they are all very nice looking cats, I understand how they feel, I was in a place like that not too long ago.

dennis said...

Dennis says he will adopt a little boy kitten that looks a lot like him--this summer one will appear!

capybara said...

Credit to you for posting this! I have three lovely Cats and they were all unwanted came from a shelter. Here in the UK we call it the Cat Protection League. I will always give a home to an unwanted Cat!

Sushi said...

hi Daisy these are all cute buddies. I have something for you at my blog!

Mariuca said...

Hillary is my favourite, she's so pretty! :)

PerfectTosca said...

Daisy! I love you girl! Get me the fershtunk outta this nuthouse!

I love all those kitties! I love kitties. We got three orange brothers that moved in under the carpenter's workshop. They love each other. Young adults. They are real friendly now so the woman is gonna grab em for the neuter program. I go wake them up every morning. I stick my needlenose right in there and the woman says I'm lucky I don't lose an eye. The woman has a special room in the basement that's airconditioned with a trap door to outside. You think they use the room? Nope! Anyways, I helped them eat their food this morning......burrrrrrrrrrp!

Get me out of here!

Karen Jo said...

The shelter kitties are all so cute. I hope they all find forever homes very soon.

CastoCreations said...

Good for your mommy. If I volunteered I'd bring home too many animals. :)

clockworkpink2 said...

Awwwww! I love toro sooo cute. Looks exactly like my cat.

Paula said...

Those shelter kitties are beautiful! If I could have more, I'd go to the shelter in Newport Beach and adopt one. They are such sweeties.

Anonymous said...

Its so nice to see that they're not locked up in cages but are all comfy and relaxed!

caspersmom said...

Such sweet kitty faces. So glad they are in a no kill shelter and it looks like they are getting adopted. That's great. Wish all kitties were in a no kill shelter.

Katie said...

Daisy, your mommy took beautiful cats of the shelter kitties. You are right, every shelter has wonderful cats waiting for homes. Thanks for promoting them on your blog!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

What wonderful shelter cats. All of us here at my house were shelter cats at one time and my mom rescued us all. Great post and I hope they all find good forever homes!

Bogdan, the editor said...

Yes. Shelter cats are beautiful. It's true! We are glad to see several of the kitties have been adopted.

Investor says: I want the bed full of kittens!!!

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