Friday, August 8, 2008

Fashion Friday: My Little Pink Dress

This is the beautiful new dress that my Grandma got just for me! I do not know why I look a little bit cranky in this picture.
I am trying to read the words on the back. My Mommie told me it says "Little Pink Dress." The letters are all glittery! And the bow shows off my waistline.
I decided to make the outfit even fancier with this pretty pink ribbon. Now I am ready for a very fancy party.
EVERYTHING is shiny on this dress! I love shiny things. The shinier, the better!
The best thing about this dress is it says "Party" in the back, but "Business" in the front, because the front is just a plain T-shirt! Well, my dress does not really speak, but if it did, that is what it would say. So this outfit can go from the ballroom straight to the lizard hunt. I am smiling big about this.
I am ready for my close-up!
Thank you, Grandma! You have good taste in outfits.

94 Notes for Daisy:

Anonymous said...

I like the flouncy skirt, too, daisy!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Daisy you look ready for the red carpet in your beautiful dress. Your pink bow finishes it off purrfectly.

Anonymous said...

You look more beautiful every day!

Dma said...

I was gonna say it is time to cut back on the cat nip if you hear your clothes talking to you...

Anonymous said...

Wow! Daisy all you need is an engraved invitation, a date with Skeezy and a fancy ball! Well, perhaps Skeezy will also bring a nice corsage when he comes to pick you up. You're right! Your Grandma has great taste!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

This is a very touched one, Daisy~!
I like this shiny pink dress~!
You look very beautiful!

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Oh Daisy!
This is your most beautiful Friday Fashion YET! And the pink bow just makes the outfit. You are a vision of sopisstication and class, Miss Daisy!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Minna Hatara said...

Hello Daisy!

I have "tagged" you! Please visit my blog (Minna's Favourites) to read more:

Anonymous said...

Daisy, you set mankitty hearts a fluttering, including mine!
My momma says she wants to pick you up, hug you tight and twirl you around dancing wit her.. hehes I iz glad it's you and not mez ;)

Spooky said...

Daisy, you are so photogenic! That pink dress looks tops on you!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

what a beautiful dress. i would call it a gown actually. you could easily wear that on formal night on a cruise ship. what to go on a cruise with me daisy???

smiles, auntie bee

Parker said...

Holy cats Daisy - I love the big bow. Actually, I think I would like to play with the big bow!

Unknown said...

Daisy, you are so fashion forward. The big pink bow was very reminiscent of the oversized pussycat bows that Proenza Schouler sent down the Fall/Winter 08 runways and totally keeps the dress looking modern.

Tee-shirt and tulle, a hard combination to pull off. And yet you do, with panache.

Your pal,


P.S. I'm talking like this because Mommy's giant fashion magazines have been to arrive.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Looking lovely this morning Daisy! You are so pretty in pink, and we totally agree that your Grandma has really good taste in outfits!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

JD at I Do Things said...

Well, Daisy, I think everyone would agree: pink is definitely your color.

You are a vision of loveliness!

JD at I Do Things

snowforest said...

We fink this is one of your bestest dresses Daisy ~ all the photos are excellent!

Mickey's Musings said...

Daisy,you are indeed pretty in that dress!!! I do not think ,though,that it would be suitable for the lizard hunt !!
Keep it for some cool parties ;)
You know Chairman Mao is getting married soon ;)
Purrs Mickey

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

That dress would be perfect for Mao Mao and Ariel's upcoming nuptuials.

purrs Shade

Babs (Beetle) said...

That's a very snazzy outfit Daisy. You look ready for any high class Ball!

Purrs, Sukie x

Sarge Charlie said...

Miss Daisy, you would the belle of the ball in that outfit, your dance card would be full and all the boy cats swoon.......

The Florida Furkids said...

Daisy you are such a fashionista! We love the versatility of the dress (party to lizard hunt!)

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Sweet Purrfections said...

Watch out world, here comes Daisy to party hard!

dennis said...

Dennis wishes he could spend the day at your house while you try on dresses and model them for him. Dennis thinks you look really beautiful.

jenianddean said...

You can't beat an outfit that allows for both partying and businessing. And shiny, to boot!

Clover said...

Beautiful, Daisy!
Love Clover xo

The Fitness Diva said...

Oh, Daisy, you look smashing in that lovely dress! And I like the fact that it says "business" in the front and "party" in the back. I should be wearing a shirt that says the same thing!! That is SO me!

And once again loving the pink color, and that pretty pink bow.
Your grandma has fabulous taste!

Clarissa said...

Oh my Daisy! You look so very pretty in pink. My brofurs all have a crush on you!!!

Henson Ray said...

Great outfit, Daisy. Just wanted you to know that there is a special "shout out" to you in today's Cat Clips video. To view it, click:

Samantha & Mom said...

Daisy you look so pretty in pink! The outfit is beautiful that your grandma got you and the pink bow is a purrfect accessory.
Your FL furiends,

Cupcake said...

Wowsies, Daisy. You are dressed for a red carpet movie premier. You look like a fairy.

The Furry Kids said...

That is a very versatile dress. Your Gramma has awesome fashion sense.


i beati said...

You Hollywoood girls eat your heart out -- another neuter yesterday . It's the only way I can rescue ..sandy Mello the boy returned to me last year. A great long haired beauty sandy

Liss said...

Daisy you are a beauty! Very classic. Audrey Hepburn esk ;)

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

What a beautiful dress on such a beautiful kitty!

Anonymous said...

Business in the front but party in the back? So ... you're wearing a mullett? :-o

Anonymous said...

You look good in pink, Daisy!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That is a beautiful dress, you look like a princess in it. ~Scylla & Charybdis

You look nice as always. ~Socks

Chrissie said...

That's a very impressive dress, Miss Daisy! You look like you could be at home on a cat-walk! And that big pink bow under your right ear just tops the outfit!

Not that I know anything about this kind of stuff-I'm just tellin' you what my mom said!

Marian said...

Daisy - As always, you're so well dressed and beautiful!! And, you are so lucky that your Grandma buys you nice things. Our Grandmom only looks at Crazy Lady and says, "You have HOW many cats now?" LOL Oh, well. . .lucky you.
:o) Thomas, Phoebe and Trixie

Anonymous said...

Daisy you look so bootiful today. Unfortunately us ladies sometimes have to go through a little discomfort to be pretty:(

Mr Jingles said...

I love the pretty dress Daisy... it mades me blush! I thinks pink is your bestest colour on you.

Tybalt said...

You look beautiful, Daisy!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Goodness Daisy! That last picture of you is purrfection!!!!

Krystyl said...

OMG that pink bow is so adorable! I need to get an outfit like that for my pomeranian!

Asta said...

It's a bootiful glittewy dwesss and youw addition of the bow makes it pawfect..fwom ball to lizawd hunt sounds like a pawfect date fow you..I can't believe how gowgeous you awe..mowe so evewy day..youw Gwama must be a sweetie
smoochie kisses

Shaggy and Scout said...

From the ballroom to the lizard hunt! What a great line!
You would be the belle of the ball in that dress! So pretty on you.

Mo and The Purries said...

daisy you are the ULTIMATE pink lady in that outfit, complete with the snazzy bow.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I love your dress! You are such an awesome model. My mommy has the same philosophy about all the clothes she wears. She won't buy it unless she can go from the ballroom to the lizard hunt in the same outfit.

Forty Paws said...

Aren't you just so loverly today in your new pink dress???

Luf, Us

Janna said...

My favorite is the one where you're looking out the window.

Actually, this dress looks frighteningly similar to one I wore to my prom in high school.
What can I say? It was the 80's.

The dress looks MUCH better on a cat than it did on me. :)

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

This is one of our favorite outfits.
We love the way it falls so pretty in the back!
~ The Bunch

Anonymous said...

"Oh Daisy" You look so beautiful in your pink dress.I think you should wear it to the wedding :)

Laila and Angel Minchie said...


Too cute!

Laila and Minchie

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Wow, dat is a beyootiful dress. We think yoo weren't so much crabby in dat first piksher as concentrating hard on posing to show da dress best. Yoo don't hafta worry Daisy, all dem fashons look good on yoo.

The Island Cats said...

Daisy, we like that your fashions are so that dress, you can go from casual to formal in seconds!

Is there a "Project Runway" for felines???? You would be purrfect!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

Kimo and Sabi said...

WOWY - that is a furry PRETTY dress! Don't git it dirty on yer lizard hunt. We are featuring a pink gurl poodin on our blog today . . . 'cept she's not wearin' a dress - hehehehe!



I agree with you anything that sparkes appeals to me must be a girly girl thing?


Jans Funny Farm said...

Daisy, You are about as feminine a kitty as could be. And you leave such nice comments around the blogosphere.

Gretchen said...

Just too cute!!!

Chancy, Jake, Babe and Ernies Voice said...

We love you outfit! You are beautiful.

Happy 08-08-08!
HUGS~Chancy, Jake & Babe

Sunny's Mommy said...

Your new pink dress is beautiful! I love how you accessorized it with your pretty pink ribbon. You are so stylish, Daisy :-)

Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

Hi veronica! you are lucky your grandma gets you clothings. our grandma just thinks we are silly kitties and does not takes us so seriously. I love your outfit!


Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

Hi veronica! you are lucky your grandma gets you clothings. our grandma just thinks we are silly kitties and does not takes us so seriously. I love your outfit!


Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

Hi veronica! you are lucky your grandma gets you clothings. our grandma just thinks we are silly kitties and does not takes us so seriously. I love your outfit!


Figaro the Therapy Cat said...

oh dear. I meant to say hi its veronica. and then I put it in there like 4 times. silly Firefox. I do not knows why theiy named a browzer firefox anyways.

Anonymous said...

Wow, Daisy. I think that has to be your best outfit ever, and I've seen you in some real stunners. I bet you set all the boy cats' hearts a-flutter in that dress!

Lux said...

You look lovely, Daisy - pink is so you!

The WriggleButts said...

Youd look very pretty in pink, Daisy!


Artsy Catsy said...

Oh, Miss Daisy, thank you so very much for helping me! My Artsy Catsy adopted mommy is crying because I've gotten worse since this morning - I have a hot fever and I can hardly walk now on my hurty paws.

We're leaving for the vet in a few minutes and I'll be holding your purrs next to my heart so maybe he can make me better again.

Purrs from your new friend,
Mr. Milky

PB 'n J said...

What a great dress Daisy - and you sure look great in it!

Karen and Gerard said...

Doesn't that poofy skirt make you feel fat? It is a very fancy dress, thus doesn't look very comfortable, but it is pretty!

Laura said...

Very cute! You go girl!!!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Daisy you are way to cute and that video with your blog on it was so cool, we loved it!!!!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Motor Home Cats said...

That is a very pretty dress. Your grandma does have very good taste.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Bonnie Story said...

Daisy, That is a cool dress and I think it could work on a certain small dog too. You are such an incredible model. That last shot is pure Audrey Hepburn!! A FAB Fashion Friday! Cheers, Pepper

Eric S. said...

That's such a cute dress, and you model it so well. I see a runway in your future.

Anonymous said...

You look quite fabulous today Miss Daisy!

LadyJava said...

Aww.. you look so pretty in pink Daisy.. I wish my kids would let me dress them like that.. did your mommy started you young on wearing these fashionable clothing??

Can you "talk" to my kids so that they let me dress them up too?? eheheh

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

You look terrific in that shiny dress, Miss Daisy. Your grandma has excellent fashion sense ... Is she related to Skeezix?

Anonymous said...

I cant wait for my bean girl to come back home! She will LOVE your pretty pink shiny dress.

I think pink is a very good color for you.

~ Molly ~

Leslie said...

Aww!! So cute! She doesnt seem to mind. Aww!!

SophieKitty said...

You are showing your fierce modeling face in the first pic. Tyra would be proud. The dress looks great on you.

Anonymous said...

This was a terrific set of photos, Daisy. They certainly showed you to your best advantage. That last one is a perfect portrait of you.

Teddy Westlife said...

Hello Daisy. Thankyou for not waking me up this morning. I am awake now though. Your grandma has EXCELLENT taste in clothes for you.

Huffle Mawson

Karen Jo said...

Your Grandma has excellent taste, Daisy. You look fabulous in that pink dress and the bow is perfect with it.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Daisy that looks like such an excellent dress! I love it.

The Cat Realm said...

WOW! You sure are a supermodel, Daisy!
Mrs. OZ

Honey P. Sunshine said...

da scarf is furry jon-tee

Amber-Mae said...

Your little pink dress is sooo pretty but a little baggy for you though...The big ribbon around your neck makes you look even much prettier!

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Skeezix the Cat said...

Oh, man, that is the KYOOTEST OWTFIT EVER!!!! Yer gramma has grate taste! Maybey I cood trade in my gramma for her!!!!

Anonymous said...

Daisy your outfitts are so purty my Mummy dresses me up sometimes but only in my Daddys tshirts. Mummy sez I cant wear handsum outfitts cause Im too big and they whoever they are dont make big outfitts fer big dawgz like me but gosh who cares I luv my Daddys shirts just fine. But tell your gramma she did a swell job on that purty dress!!

Sushi said...

Hi Daisy, love your pink dress! The color suits you.
PS: Is that the dress that you got in the mail recently?

Anonymous said...

Oh My God.I had never noticed that how much cute is our Daisy.

Anonymous said...

Daisy this is the best blog ever. Your a beautiful lady, you know I have to boys maybe you would like. :)

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