I am learning a lot of things about having a little brother. Mostly, that they can be very pesky! Harley is always around. Here I am trying to ignore him.

He even follows me into the potty! Can you see my litterbox? It is in the bathtub in the guest bathroom. Harley, stay OUT! I need my privacy.

Harley, go away! I have important things to do.

Now he is chasing me down the stairs. Good grief!

Harley, do not look at my Spot #13. That is a little bit rude.

I am sneaking into the food pantry and playing around with the cat foods, when...

Harley followed me AGAIN! How can I be sneaky with a little brother always around? Harley is spoiling my good time.

I have no choice but to show him my Jazz Hands.

Thoughts on Thursday: Little Brothers are Pesky!
101 Notes for Daisy:
sometimes the Jazz hands werk and sometimes they doesn't!!
HARLEY!! come ofur to my house and PLAYPLAYPLAY!!! - Billy
oh wait, we're FERST today! Whoa
Well, younger brothers....
they are always following around,
they are so weird~!!! And can't help, too!
I always bothered by my Lego all the day!
Ha ha ha That will do it Daisy - the jazz hands hahaahahahah
so clever I needed a good early morning laugh . I have a rough day ..
I sure AM glad to not have any little or big brudders! I don't think I'll ever plan to have one ever. I like the way you do your jazz hands. How do you do that? I can't seem to do with mine. Maybe you can teach me.
Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer
Oh No!
Anything but the Jazz Hands!
hahah Miss Daisy I love you Jazz hands, so does Momma! We call the "RAWR" hands here coz when our little paws are all stretched out and you can see our claws it looks like a big lion going 'RAWR"
I iz a little brother Miss Daisy and like to get lots of attention from My sister too, it is only coz I love her so muches :))
Ooooh- Jazzle Dazzle him, Daisy!
That reminded Mom of a song from Victor/Victoria - Play me Le Jazz Hot, Daisy! hahaha!
Lol...the jazz hands look like they might teach Harley a thing or two about privacy! ;o)
Harley is certainly very curious, isn't he?
Playing with the cat food looks like a lot of fun!
xx Asha and Katia
Harley is just trying to learn from you. Those Jazz Hands should keep him in line when he gets too Pesky!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Harley, watch out for the Jazz hands! R&b, R&B! (Run and Block)
Oh Daisy, we tinks Harley just wanna play Tag with u! But u are rite about privacy during potty time...
p/s: Opps, U got caught on camera being sneaky in the pantry! :O
What fun you guys are having. We loves the jazz hands, thanks for making my mum snort when she read the captions.
Having had Isis move in with us last year I know all too well what life with a kitten is like! The good news is they do grow out of it over time and can actually be quite nice to have around! :)
Anyway back to my dressing up box, so I can work out my Winter look!
"Jazz hands"...I have to try those with Tucker...
daisy I have this problem with Maxie he dose thing you just show harly your the boss and thats that. I also have and iris maxie problem they best freinds and love to play play play play play. maxie get mad when i show him jazz paws. I do the jump and wessle
Lilly lu
Daisy, I did the same thing to Mica when I was a pup. You've gotta remember that he's just a kid, and one who was in a shelter for his earliest days. He's a little afraid of going back there and he idolizes you (like we all do) so he wants to see what you're doing so he can do the same.
Not to worry, in a few weeks/months/years, he'll get over it!
Your pal,
Ooohh, he's as pesky as my new sister Bennette, good to know the Jazz hands move. I'll try it!
Harley loves you, Daisy! Manny used to follow Spunky Doodle all around like that too for the first couple months, but now he doesn't anymore. They do play chase though, but they take turns doing the chasing. I think it's more fun being the chaser. Your pictures are great.
Oh Daisy, I had the same problem with little sisters, and remember I got two - double the pest.
Now on the last one you make a huge mess in the food pantry and run away leaving Harley there to take the blame. That's what the little ones are good for. They do improve with age. ~Socks
We are not pest!!!!!! and neither is Harley. He just loves you Daisy and needs you to teach him about living in a forever home. ~Scylla & Charybdis (the monsters)
i know what you mean daisy, sarge follows me around too. i'll have to try some jazz hands on him! ha ha ha
smiles, auntie bee
jazz hands... yoo go girl!
Wow Harley sure likes to follow you around and be annoying. Maybe he just thinks you are very interesting.
Great Jazz hands Daisy!
I have a baby brother too Daisy, and they do follow you around and bug you alot! But we grew up and became freinds, and it is the greatest thing ever. Hang in there baby, he'll grow up eventually!! Love you sweet kitties...Karen
Skipper is constantly causing cat squabbles. Mostly with Fred and Cleo. He seems to have learned to leave Sake The Grouch alone.
Hi Harley! It's me again... Siena (blushing). If you'd like you could come over to my place and (blushing) follow me around. I think I'd actually like that (very red now).
oh... it just shows harley really likes his big(?) sister.
How wight you awe..when Duffy is hewe(and it seems like always) he not just follows me but bites my legs and eaws and neck wif his shawk teefs..sheeesh..at least Harley doesn't do that..I think he just loves you
smoochie kisses
Daisy, Harley just loves you so much he wants to be around you all the time.
ha ha! The jazz hands made me laugh!
I think Harley just loves you Daisy, and he is still excited about his forever home and new sister. He will let you have private time soon.
Purrs, Sukie x
Great jazz hands Daisy! We also believe that little brofurs are pesky. We have Ferris and he is such a little pesky brofur!
~The Creek Cats~
Yikes! Well, we're learning about siblings here too!!!
Too bad that Harley follows you around Daisy...maybe you should switch and follow HIM around some and see how he likes it!
I like your Jazz hands! Those are great!
Haha, Yer Jazz Paws are grate!
Yeah, yoo defunatlie have a little brothur that wants to be just like yoo (but still be a mancat)
Daisy, you have GREAT jazz hands!
We just loved the picture of Harley high tailling it behind you down the stairs...and of course we loved the jazz hands one...we all want to know did it work?
Oh, Daisy! Harley adores and admires you and wants to be just like you. Has he learned how to do jazz hands yet?
JD at I Do Things
Daisy, I love your photos! I'm sorry that your little brother is such a pain. I think he really likes you.
Daisy, yes, sometimes little brothers can be a pain!
Hi Daisy and Harley! I agree that Harley just loves his sister and wants to be close. He's a sweet brother. Harley, watch out for the jazz hands! They look scary!
We lerned dis wif Speedy too...after awhile he kinda stopped, he still follows us sometimes and it still gets irritating. We hafta remind ourselves dat it is cuz he loves us.
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog hay wow that is sum judo chop moov is it a varyashun on the golden paw??? ok bye
But you know Daisy, I'll bet in the long run you wouldn't change a thing!
*giggle* Poor Daisy. I know how pesky little brothers can be as I have one too. =)
Oh Daisy! I have four brothers so I know JUST how you feel!
Dear Daisy, little Harley just loves and admires you! He wants to be just like you! It really IS a compliment to you, sweetie!
We have an award for you on our blog post today. Come by and pick it up!
HAHAHA - Jazz hands!! That's funny Daisy. You are certainly being a good big sister I think. It must take some getting used to, having a new family member and all, especially one who follows you everywhere. We thinks Harley looks up to you...maybe he wants to be like you!
Sasha and Theodore
Yep! This is what little brothers do....follow us around and annoy us.
Yup! We have Scout. I don't mind Scooby since he is my littermate, but The Scoutster is a little pest most of the time. Even when he jumps up to nap with me, and starts to groom me, then does the "lick, lick, lick, bite, bite" thing on my neck.
I bet he'll stay away from you for a few minutes...
Isis says she feels your pain, except in her case, it's her little sister, Beaner.
Daisy, you can send Harley over to play with Beaner to get him out of your furs for a while!
Daisy, little brothers can be really pesky...but I've learned that they do that because they admire their older sibling so much!
pee ess. love the jazz hands!
I guess if he's going to follow you around all the time, you'll have to play the big sister and teach him how to be sneaky with you.
My Miss Loki can really sympathize with you. Pesky little brothers never seem to grow up.
Harley will just have to learn to obey Daisy's personal space, lol. Great photo of the "Jazz Hands" in action!
He was asking for it...Lol :)
Daisy we understand completely! First we gots Jake to worry bout! Then we gots a new brothfur da other week and he doesn't play yet. He did attempt THoE the other day by himself tho!
Eeeeek! Not the Jazz Hands! Did Harley survive?
Daisy, I know all about pesty little brothers. I got one that wears a grey tuxedo. Just make sure to protect your delicious, pink ears.
Your pal,
heeheehee. I am SO lucky to be an only Cat ! However, it does get boring sometimes, so I have to stalk the fish :)
Hey, you two! I have given an award to you. Bet you already got it but I figured it would be nice receiving it again...
Purrs, Siena
It's a difficult job training the younger generation, Daisy. But you are Senior Cat now and Harley needs to understand that you're the boss in your house. Just keep at it...eventually he'll learn.
In my case it's my pesky little sister, Laila, that won't leave me alone.
You aren't tired of Harley already, are you Daisy?
Jazz hands! I love it Daisy. Little brothers can be such a chore! At least Harley doesn't bite and dig his claws in like Toeshee does to Cody. You two are very cute together.
Hugs and Smoochies,
WHOA..those are some pretty wild jazz hands Daisy...do you have a license for those things? Watch out Harley!!=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Oh Daisy I love your Jazz hands move. Please don't worry Daisy. Soon Harley will be a little older and then maybe you can sneak around without getting tattled on!:-)
Harley idolizes you, you know. Maybe the jazz hands were a bit much?
Come on Daisy, show your little brother some love.
Just a thought...
lol@jazz hands! Scary!
Daisy: you should probably keep him around because someday he might be big and strong enough to do all your heavy lifting.
Harley: stop bugging your big sister!
Lovin'the jazz hands!!!!
Much younger siblings can be a pain!! Trust me,I know :)
Purrs Mickey
aww he loves you!
Awww.. little brothers....you know he just loves you so much, though, that's why he follows you everywhere!!
hehe, Daisy! You sound just like Marilyn and Dorydoo. They say I'm pesky, that I foller 'em around too much, wanna play chase too much, that I'm always tryin to sniff their butts! And look out if eithur of 'em gets a dingleberry...!!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Jazz hands rule!
Oh dear -- little brothers! I sympathize, dear Daisy. MaoMao is always pestering me and Dorydoo. Brainball, our big brother, doesn't do that. I wonder if pestering girls is a young mancat sort of thing?
(Mom is saying SQUEE at your adorable pictures!)
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Daisy, you are such a clever big sister so Harley follows you to learn how to be just as clever. But, there are times when the jazz hands are necessary to keep pesky little brothers away!
Hey Daisy,
Harley in the last picture looks very handsome. I loved his stylish and white . And I loved your Jazz hands.
Daisy, every time I try to solve your Monday mystery, I only feel dumb and dumber!
Please come visit me to share my happiness, I have to shout out loud my love, I'm deeply in love, buddy!
I'll make a note that jazz hands are a wonderful weapon against little brothers! I may try it against Steve and the female to see how it works on them.
wow thats like sister's house! Hans actually put his paw on Tesla's shoulder once while she was pooin... she didn't look too thrilled...
Doesn't Harley know you need your privacy? Maybe he's still just excited about his forever home.
I'm glad I am an only cat.
Daisy, you are so funny! My mommy laughed out loud when she read "jazz hands". I can't believe you had to resort to using the jazz hands, but I hope Harley learned his lesson.
Oh? You mean big brothers and sisters do not like us little brothers following them around? I thought the Giant Kitty loves it, that's why he keeps giving me whaps on the head!
Oh Harley, you really did it when you barged in on your sister at spot 13 :)
Aw, Daisy, Harley follows you for two reasons. One, he loves you so much he doesn't want to be parted from you and Two, he needs you to show him what it is like to belong!
You took care of him Daisy! Wow!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
I think you have no choice but to play with him. He seems to truely adore you Daisy, that's why he follows you. Perhaps you could get away from him while walking somewhere high up? Wasn't there something right under the celeing?
Hi, Daisy!
You need to teach him about your time for yourself! Being there at the bathroom with you is not nice of him!
Kisses and hugs
Jazz hands oh that is good Daisy!
I have an award for you on my blog ... 'cause you're so darn special :)
ohhh Daisy you your paw is full with Harley!!
Those jazz hands should do the trick, Daisy - I like your technique!
Mom says big brothers can be pesky too. She has too older ones. We think that it is nice that you and your brother play well most of the time.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
psssst Daisy...I hate to tell you this but the Woman is getting a little crush on Harley...something about his gorgeous eyes. :::gags a little::: She just doesn't get that younger siblings are a PITA. Probably because she WAS a younger sibling...
Does Daisy use Mummys bath as a litter tray? Poor Mummy Lol. The jazz hands are usually accompanied by the snake impression in my house.
You have the very same dilemma that our older kitties do with little Lucy. Little kitty siblings ARE real pests, aren't they? And they tailgate too close as you go down the stairs, huh?
I can't seem to do with mine. Maybe you can teach me.
does this to me. It has not gotten better as he ages UGGG
Harley can be a pain. Baby poodins can be that way.
Luf, Us
Daisy, do yoo wunt me to come over and beet him up? Cuz I can! He's bigger than me but I'm buff cuz I've bin werking owt. I espeshully don't like that he's bin looking at yer spot 13 and following yoo into the potty. That's vary rood.
I have the feeling you're going to need to use the Jazz Hands on Harley a lot. At least until he's all grown up. It's good to see he's respectful of them ;-)
Wonder if this is why Jan complains about having an entourage when she wanders around the house and complains about "no privacy." We thought she was just thinking about adopting a dog or cat named "No Privacy."
Please, learn to get along. He is just growing up and he needs a friend to show him what to do.
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