Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tea Party Scandal

This is my friend, Elizabeth. She wears fancy pearls and carries a teapot and spoon! Elizabeth can be a little bit stuffy, but I like to play games with her.
Here we are playing Kitty-Cat Tea Party. Elizabeth is offering me a bite of her scone. It is just a pretend-scone, but it still tastes a little bit delicious.
Before tea was served, Elizabeth said that something was on her mind. Even though I can talk to Elizabeth, it is the kind of talking you do just inside your head. So, you cannot hear us speaking.
I listened closely to Elizabeth, and I did not like what I heard!
In fact, I was very SHOCKED! I always thought Elizabeth was prim and proper. I guess you cannot judge a cat by her furs.
After I learned Elizabeth's secret, I told her she must leave, immediately!
And she ran off, into the arms of her secret love!
ps: Harley remains confused about the whole thing. But he did enjoy a cup of pretend tea.


95 Notes for Daisy:

darlene said...

Her secret love seems soo proud...

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Wowww.....I am shock, too~!
Elizabeth loves Harley~!?!?!!!!!
Wowww....when...and how!!!!!!

Ramses said...

Oh my goodness, Harley is pretty young to have a girlfriend isn't he?! They sure look serious though! ;)


i beati said...

And Harley has been there such a short time and already the women are secretly admiring him!Wow.

Tongues will way today in some teddy bear circles I know .. I am having a yard sale today and tomorrow.. Whee

i beati said...

Sorry tongues will wag today. Obviously i am so excited I cannot type. This news is big !!!

i beati said...

ps kitty cat circles correction- I'm so shocked by this big news !!hhahahahahh

gemmak said...

Oh no Daisy! Elizabeth loves Harley? I think she is a very fickle feline and Harley should pay her no heed! ;o)

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh! Shock, horror! Has Elizabeth no shame leading on such a young mancat?

Luzinha said...

Elizabeth is très chic and Harley is a handsome boy!

Love is beautiful!


Anonymous said...

We can not imagine what Elizabeth said that was so shocking! However, Elizabeth has very good taste, Daisy! Harley is very handsome!

Mom steeps tea quite often! We didn't know anybuddy else enjoyed tea anymore!

Teddy Westlife said...

Harley does have a very confused look on his face. Does he always look like that?

Huffle Mawson

Motor Home Cats said...

She is cute. We think her secret love is a little scared of the idea, but he seems willing to go along.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Daisy, I think you maintained your dignified composure throughout the whole scandalous affair. Bravo!

Parker said...

Uh Oh! Another scandal in the Royal Family!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

How scandalous! I don't blame Elizabeth for being in love with Harley. He's dreamy!

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Do you think you might forgive her one day? She does have good taste!

The Florida Furkids said...

Harley has a girlfriend! Elizabeth seems quite classy, but we think Harley is a bit young for her.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

RJ Flamingo said...

That is very shocking, Daisy! I've always said that it's the prim and proper ones you have to watch out for, right?

I'm sure it's just a phase... I know you will be big enough to take them both back into your heart, one day. After all, Harley is your brother.


Amber-Mae said...

Oooh, I wonder what secret she told ya...

Butt wiggles,
Solid Gold Dancer

Cat with a Garden said...

OH NO! I will have to have a good talk to Elizabeth! Does Harley...too?
Purrs, Siena

P.S: Yes, the newbie seems to be a dilute calico. Her fur is grey/"blue" with cream and white. The only thing is that the cream on her back is distributed more in a tortoisehell way. Is there a mix between calico and tortoiseshell?

Cat with a Garden said...

P.S.: Daisy, your "shocked" face is always so good!

Anonymous said...

So what did she say???? Inquiring minds want to know...LOL!

Karen said...

DAISY!!! She shocked YOU with her secret? Was it that Harley was her ManCatFriend? Harley does look confused, but I've noticed that often happens when the males of any species are involved with the females.

Eduardo said...

That is just too funny! GO Harley! He got himself a kitty who loves to serve tea!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Cory said...

Wow Daisy, I didn't think anything would shock you! Now be a good big sister and watch over Harley to make sure he doesn't get his heart broken.

Donna said...

Oh, my stars! He is still a kitten, after all...

Maureen Hayes said...

Miss Daisy,

I know this may be hard to believe, but we have a similar situation in our house between a certain bear and a certain cat. I guess love knows no bounds! If Harley is happy, then you should be happy for him.


Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

That's so funny! I love the different expressions on your face when you didn't like what you heard and the shock you showed! Harley is one handsome cat, I'm not surprised Elizabeth loves him!

Chrissie said...

Wow, Miss Daisy! You've got a soap opera goin' on there! Pretty soon, we'll find out that SOMEBODY ELSE secretly loves Harley and then the two of them will have a cat fight! Get it? A CAT FIGHT! BWAAHAHAHAH!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

woo hoo harley! what a cute friend you have. don't worry daisy, she'll still by your friend and play with you.

smiles, auntie bee

Liss said...

oh how sweet

Sarge Charlie said...

very interesting miss daisy, very interesting

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh goodness this is like a soap opera you have for us today Daisy.
We like how in the listening picture you have your ear cocked right to her, so we can tell you are listening carefully.

Cat with a Garden said...

Hi again, Daisy! I left you an award on my blog (and it's NOT to bribe you into talking with Harley, it's not).
Purrs, Siena

Milton said...

Bless mine paws and whiskers!
Harley is too young to have a lady cat friend! I hopes its just a tea friend. Having a cuppa with a friend is one thing, but romance is and other!

The WriggleButts said...

Elizabeth and Harley? What a surprise!


The Fitness Diva said...

Ok, that was hilarious! lol

The girls are already going crazy for Harley, eh? You'd better lock the doors, Daisy! ;)

Unknown said...

Actually Daisy, I'm not a bit surprised that Elizabeth loves Harley. If he was just a little bit older (coz I'm only one and a half) I would be flaqshing my amber eyes at him ;O)

Purrs, Sukie x

Unknown said...

Oops, I got a bit excited then... I meant 'flashing'

Jackie said...

Oh dear she had a secret love all the time. That can be very shocking some times.

Puma can never keep his toys because Molley eats all of them.

You and Harley are very lucky!!:-)

Unknown said...

me wonder what elizabeth say....maybe she was Mr shrill in disguisez try to get more green papers from you daisy??

Tybalt said...

That is truly shocking. I can see that Harley himself is a little taken aback.

The Oceanside Animals said...

Ah, the love that dares not speak its name ...

Puglette said...

Hi daisy, i think harley and elizabeth are very cute together. she will still be your tea party friend, everyone needs a girlfriend to chat with.

Cafe Cats said...

We had no idea that Elizabeth was such a cradle robber! You'll have to make sure she doesn't try for Skeezix!

Mickey's Musings said...

It must be sad when your friend decides that your sibling is more attractive. She likes Harley because he is a boy,but maybe she can still be your friend.
Purrs Mickey

Beethoven said...

Oh gosh! If Harley is old enough to have a girlfriend, do you think I can has one too? I'm growing up to be a real mancat soon!

Chaffee Street Cafe` said...


What a great story!



Tracy said...

Oh, no.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Well I can see that Harley looks confused. I bet it's because he did not hear what she told you!

The Meezers or Billy said...

hee hee. Harley may be confused but he looks happy


Harley does indeed have that dazed look, so I think Elizabeth's declaration of love must have come as a shock, no wonder YOU were so surprised Daisy...and Harley is such a gentleman cat he is at a loss at what to do, Daisy do you think you could help him out?


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Is Elizabeth a cougar?

She did seem very prim and proper I guess you are right Daisy and you can't judge a cat by her furs.

We love scones, especially the non pretend kind. Thank you for mentioning them cause now Mommy is thinking about cooking them. ~S,S & C

BeadedTail said...

Sorry your tea party didn't work out as planned Daisy but Elizabeth has wonderful taste! Harley is quite a catch!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

So was that her secret? That her secret love is Harley? That isn't so bad!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We is kinda surprised dat yoo was shocked. Yoor brofur is cute and we bet lots of gerls is gonna be confessing dat dey haf a crush on him. Poor Harley, he does seem kinda confused, but that is youth. Maybe it's time to have "that" talk wif him...

Whimpurr said...

Well, it looks like she let "the cat out of the bag"! WOW!!!!

L. Alida said...

Oh my... Elizabeth does seem to be a bit older than Harley. I don't blame you for being shocked Daisy, but Harley is very handsome to the ladycats. :)
Your shocked expression is very cute. So is Harley's clueless one. :)
I like your bum pics yesterday too. So funny!
Have a Happy Day!

Everycat said...

I just knew that Harley was a big lover boy on the quiet Daisy. Elizabeth might be genteel on the outside but inside she could be a bit of a secret love tiger.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Ah good choice miss Kittycat Elizabeth!
Harley is a good kitty... you can help him grow


Skeezix the Cat said...

This was a nice post and I enjoyed meeting yr frend Elizabeth, but cood yoo maybey post sum more underneeth shots?

Maggie May said...

We are shocked too!!!
~The Creek Cats~

The Furry Kids said...

Harley and Elizabeth, sitting in a tree... hee hee


Anonymous said...

Elizabeth is really cute. Is her secret that she loves Harley??

jenianddean said...

Oh Harley, be careful not to get between two girls and their friendship.

Unknown said...

Harley & Elizabeth! Who knew?!

Anonymous said...

Lol...I love your shocked expression.
Harley and Elizabeth make a cute couple :)

Lidian said...

Oh Daisy, that was one exciting tea party! Who knew that tea could be so scandalous?

And we know all about things that are only (as you so brilliantly put it) "a little bit delicious" - like dry cat food, alas.

xxx Asha and Katia

Unknown said...

aw Harley gets love and tea on top of that! Okay Daisy spill the beans what did Elizabeth say?

Anonymous said...

Missy Daisy, do you know know that they more prim and proper the bigger the dirty secrets :p haha
It's called a mask...
But I do not think Harley is a secret to be shocked about.. he is a handsome little man!
hehe Momma loves his always stunned expression :)


Marilyn said...

It isn't her fault he's so irresistible. Try to be understanding.

JD at I Do Things said...

I certainly did not see THAT coming. I hope Harley knows what he's getting himself into . . . but I have a feeling he doesn't.

JD at I Do Things

Christine and FAZ said...

No wonder you were a little bit shocked. FAZ said...

I cannot stop laughing... This is the funniest Daisy post I believe I've read so far...

Poor Harley, he is in the dark isn't he? Daisy are you going to tell Harley? Oh my...maybe you should just see how things go for awhile...

Good luck, Curly Cat.


Margaret Cloud said...

Daisy, what a fun post, it was so cute and interesting to read. Thank you for the kind purrs and hugs, I appreciate you coming by.

Max said...

I think I wanna know Elizabeth's secret...!

Anonymous said...

Ooh I wonder what the scandal is! And I love the last picture - Harley looks surprised to be caught out in a snuggle! :P

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness! We're just as shocked as you were!

Anonymous said...

Awwwww Harley, yoo has an admirer, dats cute.

Anonymous said...

Harley has such a perpetually surprised look on his face. So cute.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Oh, wow! I think that there are a bunch of "Elizabeths" livin' above Mom's television cabinet ... an' there are mice, too! Perhaps a tea party is in order? Bwah, ha, ha ...


Lorenza said...

OMD! She loves Harley!
Kisses and hugs

Lux said...

Wow, that's some shocking news! Harley seems pretty calm, though. :)

Bae Bae said...

Oh.... secret love.. But Harley would have lots of lovely tea and scones

~ Bae

Anonymous said...

Nope. We just can't judge a cat by it's furs! Elizabeth is irresistable though.

Quill and Greyson said...

That secret must have been a dozy, are you sure her name isn't Victoria?

SophieKitty said...

You always have to be wary of the quiet ones.

Asta said...

You weally wewe taken by suwpwise, huh??
Ican undewstand Elizabeth having a cwush on Harley..he is such a vewy handsome mancat.
I bet she makes a lovely cup of pwetend tea
smoochie kisses

tahtimbo said...

Great story and pictures:)

Beadsme said...

Hey I love your friend. So cute and cuddly.

Now I have forgotten whether I dropped on your ecard or not. Must check.

Anonymous said...

don't worry Daisy... Scandal never leave famous one.

Anonymous said...

LOL! Daisy, that was hilarious! Betty and Harley huh?

Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh my! Harley is Elizabeth's secret love?!

Haley H said...

I cannot believe Elizabeth would be so fickle. You have to watch those prim and proper ones -- they're usually hiding something!

Anonymous said...

Oh that wuz shocking! What a twist that my Mummy did not even guess!

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