Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Harley Practices Smiling for the Camera


110 Notes for Daisy:

Teddy Westlife said...

OMC I'm the first commenter today! Harley is doing good with his modelling practice but he's not as good as you yet, Daisy.

Huffle Mawson

Bae Bae said...

Oh Harley is so cute when he smiles

~ Bae

Forever Foster said...

You're doing great, Harley! Such bright eyes:)

Anonymous said...

Harley has the most wonderful smile! He seems to be purrfecting his purrrfectly pink nose and ears! In fact, one might even say they are looking a bit delicious!

Anonymous said...


Isis said...

You have a great smile Harley! :)


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

You have a lovely smile Harley. We can see your teefs.

i beati said...

Excellent close-up Harley, and what a compelling smile!!!

The kitties want to come and visit you -all 5 (yes I've rescued a family of 5 )Dad sits outside in my flower bed all day ha ha

The WriggleButts said...

Practice makes perfect! :D


Parker said...

Oh Harley, you have a lovely smile!

Luzinha said...

Harley, how beautiful you are! you're going so well! well done!

kisses a lot for you and send kisses for Daisy too!

The Florida Furkids said...

You have an adorable smile and some purrty sharp looking toofers!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Tesla and Hansel said...

He's got fangs like hans! sometimes, mom calls him fang.

RJ Flamingo said...

Harley, you have a lovely smile!

The Island Cats said... have a purrfect smile!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Harley you have a beautiful smile and you did a pawsome job smiling for the camera. ~S,S & C

Sweet Purrfections said...

Harley is doing a great job smiling for the photo shoot.

Anonymous said...

Harley babeh you are a gorgeous boy cat! and will grow into a handsome mancat that is for sure.. but sometimes we just has to work with what we has been given..
You work stunned and shocked and amazed SO well!! I think that may be more your calling :))
Although you has some nice fang action happening!! :))


Babs (Beetle) said...

He he Harley. I can see your teefs! I think I would like to run around and play with you :O)

Purrs, Sukie x

Karen said...

What big fangs you have Harley! Gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

The camera loves him.

Anonymous said...

Ooohhh Harley! (Jane's heart goes pitter pat)


JD at I Do Things said...

Oh, Harley! You have a beautiful smile. Keep practicing, and you could be on the cover of "Smiling Cats" magazine!

JD at I Do Things

Anonymous said...

Harley, it's nice that you can smile so big, all the while enduring such a dangerous infestation of cooties! Stay strong!

Mickey's Musings said...

Harley, you have a neat smile :) I like your teeth too :) It adds to your charm :)
Purrs Mickey

Honey P. Sunshine said...

yoo haf a toofy smile

Everycat said...

Harley you are one gorgeous young smiler of a mancat! We love you!

Whicky et al

The Furry Kids said...

Harley has a nice smile!

Anonymous said...

What a handsome boy! Thanks for the smile. :)

Jaya said...

What a dreamboat Harley is!

Anonymous said...

Harley you have such a handsome smile. We see all your big teeths!

Anonymous said...

Great smile Harley!
BTW: I am so glad you are feeling better!

Toni said...

What a nice smile Harley! Happy WW!

Dma said...

what a nice smile. said...

now that is a purdy kitty!

Donna said...

He looks handsome! :)

Sarge Charlie said...

Harley has a cute smile but he will never match your smile......

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

say cheeseburgers harley! what a cutie!

smiles, auntie bee

The Fitness Diva said...

Harley, you are one handsome dude, and your smile is awesome!

Careful, or you'll start getting a deluge of stalker mail from all the female kitties! ;)

Janet said...

Oh, Harley is definitely going to be a model some day like you, Daisy!

Cory said...

My momma Ellie wants to plant a big lick right on your forehead...

Anonymous said...

Awwwww! He's sooo handsome!

Look at those teefies on the last one... hope you don't get the bitey ... ouch!

Maggie May said...

Not only does Harley smile with his mouth, but also with his very expressive eyes!!
You are teaching him well, Daisy!
~The Creek Cats~

jenianddean said...

Harley, you have an excellent smile!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

You are catching up to Daisy, Harley!!

Very cute!

Anonymous said...

Adorable, however I am bias because my Pixie looks so much like your Harley!

I LOVE Wordless Wednesday...


The Oceanside Animals said...

Work it, Harley!

Clover said...

Oh Harley, you are getting really good at smiling for the camera!!
Love Clover xo

Jackie said...

Awwwwww...Harley that is really precious. You did a fantastic job! Please tell Daisy and your mother that thank you for their comment this morning!!

Purrs from Puma!:-)

LZ said...

Aww Harley you're so cute when you smile!


Unknown said...

How handsome Harley.

Cafe Cats said...

We likes how his toof sticks out when Harley smiles!

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Talk about a camera ready smile!

Samantha & Mom said...

Very cute smiles Harley!! It looks like you are getting the hang of posing!! Daisy is a very good teacher!
Your FL furiends,

Puglette said...

Hi Harley, you have a very nice smile! I hope we will see more of it soon.

The Devil Dog said...

What a good job you are diong with the smiling, Harley. You have a very nice smile.


Cat with a Garden said...

Harley, you know I simply adore you. Those teeth certainly add the "je ne sais quoi" to your smile!
Smiling, Siena

Jodi's Book Reviews said...

Nice smile you have Harley. Have a good Wednesday.

catsynth said...

Harley is doing a good job with his smiles. I sense one of these may become an icon for him?

Amber-Mae said...

Big grin, big grin, bigger, ahhhh! Pawfect!

Anonymous said...

hello to Harley.

Randi said...

With a little more training from super model Daisy...Harley will be a natural in no time!

love & licks,

Anonymous said...

(blogger doesnt like us today wont let us post - so it says)

We fink Harley has a pawsome smile, whats he up to anyway?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ah Harley, yoo have a nice smile. And now yoo have a reason to smile! A forever home, a wonderful sisfur and no more owies.

BeadedTail said...

Harley, you have a dazzling smile! I love your little teethies!

Momstart said...

here kitty kitty, I love coming to your site

Rupert said...

Harley, what pretty teeth you have.

Paws 'n Claws,

Chrissie said...

Well done, Harley! You're on your way to becoming a pro! (do try to get rid of the cooties, tho')

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said...

Such a beautiful kitty!

A Gilmore Girls Fan said...

Adorable. We have four pet children, and one of our kitty cats also smiles real pretty for the camera. She is the only one who will literally sit and pose. So cute.

Happy WW!

Unknown said...

That is a very nice smile Harley! Soon you will be as good a model as Daisy.

The Crew said...

Harley, with a grin like that you must be part cheshire cat!

Black Cat said...


Erm, what are cooties please and thank you? :) xxx

Anonymous said...

Hi, Harley!

The Meezers or Billy said...

great smile Harley!

Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail said...

Dear Miss Daisy,

You'd be so proud of me. I eviscerated a lizard last night and left it on the doorstop for the massage therapist. She was quite surprised to see it this morning let me tell you!

I know how much you like lizard hunting, so I know you'd approve!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Harley, you are soooo handsome!

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

GREAT JOB HARLEY!!!!!!!!Meow especially likes seeing your teefs!

Black Cat said...

P.S. I've just become a Twitterer! Not quite sure yet how it all works... Lol! :) xxx

Motor Home Cats said...

Harley, you have a fabulous smile. Great job on learning how to model. You have an expert to help you.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade


Harley you are one very handsome mancat.


Chaffee Street Cafe` said...

Harley, You sure do know how to work a camera. Daisy must have been teaching you at meow night school. Good work!

Your Uncle Bobby

EtsyBABY Team Captain said...

LMAO! Too cool!

Anonymous said...

WOW!! Harley is perfecting that smile!

Kimo and Sabi said...

Good job Harley (you gots yer bean trained)!

Two Greyhound Town said...

Very nice smile!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Harley you are doing an excellent job.

Anonymous said...

How pretty :)

gemmak said...

I'm so late today, sorry Harley, can we can blame the traffic ;o) You are learning your smiles very well but I'm not sure smiles should show all those scary teeths!!

Anonymous said...

Hello Daisy the Curly cat1 We are just stopping by to say hello. Hey we think that cootie catcher is pretty cool!

zevo hussein calamari said...

Harley is adorable! Hope all is well with you both. So sorry we have not been around... we blame our pet humans for this.

Skeezix the Cat said...

Wow, Harley, yoo have a Colgate smile fur shur!!!!!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Wow, Harley is a happy happy guy!
I know he loves living at your place now!
You are lucky to have a happy brother now Daisykins!

Anonymous said...

Wow Harley yer last smile looks like a vampyre! Scary and cute at the same times!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Harley, you have the sweetest little face!

Lorenza said...

I love Harley's smile!
Kisses and hugs

Quill and Greyson said...

I think this is an excellent start Harley! You are so photogenic.

SophieKitty said...

Harley! You're doing such a good job. And you have a beautiful smile.

Anonymous said...

Daisy, your colors are just like my WW subject.

Anonymous said...

Ooops. That was Harley!

Leslie said...

lol you have the coolest cat in the world.

Toffee K. Ripple Fuzzypants & Feline American Angels said...

Harley ... You've got lovely teefs!

Max said...

The's blinding...! ;)

edda said...

harley! you have a good smile!

tahtimbo said...

Those are some great smiles. Is modeling in Harley's future?

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Oah Harley~!
You have a very very lovely smile~!!!
Just adore your face!

eastcoastlife said...

awww... he's so handsome!

Lux said...

Oh man, Harley, I don't think you need practice anything! What a natural-born model! :)

Unknown said...

OMG daisy's mom how do you teach Harleyy to smile at camera?? is there a secret?? Goma always looks like sad in the picture!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Good work, Harley. You look cute when you smile.

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