Secret Agent Mancat
Please be very, very quiet! I am on a SECRET MISSION! Here is the message I got yesterday from a secret friend:
Then I realized I needed to get my SPY GEAR! This is my flashlight. In case it gets DARK! Having gear is COOL!
You can also make FUNNY FACES! Hahahaha! Ooops. That might not be what a real SPY does with his GEAR.
Finally, I put on my SLEUTH cap and waited. I made sure to open my eyeballs BIG so I did not miss anything.
At LAST! Daisy is here! And it seems like she is UP to something...
OH NO! My cover might be BLOWN! She spotted me.
She must not realize I am SPYING on her!
SUCCESS! I caught her sneaking into the PANTRY!
I hope this will qualify me to be a SECRET AGENT! Because I done my best.

Harley's secret friend: Harley, I would like to give you a top secret mission. If you are willing to undertake the task, you will need use of a digital camera. You are required to take a picture of Daisy doing something norty. And then post it to the blog by Sunday evening latest. If you are successful in your mission, you will be selected as a SECRET AGENT.Since I don't KNOW HOW to be a SECRET AGENT, at first, I just hid out and tried to spy on Daisy. This did not work, because Daisy was busy and she NEVER came out! And I got BORED.

98 Notes for Daisy:
Oh.. you did a great jov spying there Harley. But is Daisy really Norty there??
~ Bae
You did a great job Harley but do you think Daisy will be angry with you for spying on her?
Huffle Mawson
That is some good spying, Harley! We are sure you will be accepted as a Secret Agent now. Those big peepers will surely come in handy.
Watch out agent 99, there is a new spy in town!!
Great post Spy Harley and norty Daisy.
Good for you Harley, you did great! I love your gear too, especially the magnifying glass and your funny face you made!
Daisy is very good at opening the pantry door, and YOU, Harley, are an excellent spy!
Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan
Harley, thare's a pack of Temtayshuns in it fur yoo if yoo can take a good tummy shot of Daisy fur me.
I think you should be given high level clearance for that mission Harley! :o)
good job Harley!!!!!
You've done well, cutiepie!
You've got to admit Secret Agent Harley and by the way you really looked the part,she is clever the way she got in that pantry.Daisy is always clever.Sandy
You did great Harley, just like any brother would do, spy on their sister, specially since Daisy went and told about what you did to the chair, it's only fair -- ahhh, nothing like sibling rivalry, I remember it all too well as if it were yesterday.
Well we think you were an excellent Secret Agent - and your equipment is brilliant. We hope you get to be a Secret Agent Mancat!
You did an excellent job Harley. You will make a very good secret agent. You already have all the right gear for the job.
What a great job of spying you've done Harley! I'm sure before long you will be able to hold your own against the likes of 007 himself! ;)
Good job, Harley! You have proven that Daisy is not purrfect! You are a great secret agent!
Great job, Harley! You make a great Secret Agent Mancat!
You are the new Sherlock Holmes...
Wow! You did a great job and caught Daisy in the act of sneaking into the pantry. Looks like a good bargaining tool to me.
Uh oh...Daisy got busted! Great job Harley! You're the bestest secret agent ever!
Great job, Harley!
well done, Harley! I think that you will get the job!
how can Daisy open this door? amazing, doesn't it?
my two cats open doors too! Meg Ryan is hable to open the shoe's cabinet door and Sammy is hable to open the fridge's door. how amazing cats are you all, doesn't it?
have a nice friday! kisses for you all!
Your mastery of the magnifying glass surely qualifies you to be a Super Secret Agent Mancat Comedian!
Now Harley, why would you want to spy on Daisy, hmmmm? I know it's fun to play with all your spy gear, but it' not nice to be a tattle-tail
Top job, Harley! You're a super secret agent.
Harley, You did a GREAT job!!!!!!
Daisy, were you trying to get into your treats????? That is very naughty we thinks. But kudos on being able to open that huge door.
~Socks, Scylla & Charybdis
Wow Harley I am very impressed. You did a fantastic job!
I could use you around here to alert me when Molli is sneaking around to get Puma's food!
WTG Harley:-)
Uh oh! Somebody's on spy camera!
HARLEY! Congratulations! You have mighty fine spyin' skillz! And shame on you Daisy. You should know better. I hope you got a good treat from the cabinets anyway...tee hee hee.
Now you have to drop the secret information to your station chief without getting caught making the drop. 'Cause if Daisy catches you making the drop....well, hm.
I'm just sayin'.
Very good job Harley!
I hope you are licensed to thrill, coz this was a thrilling adventure.
Oh Harley! You are a FIRST CLASS Secret Agent! Ha ha Daisy was norty and that was funny.
Purrs, Sukie x
Harley you are a great secret agent with lots of cool spy gear. I hope you do not get in trouble with Daisy for spying on her.
harley---i iz gonna be recruiting soon for my secret spies! i hopes maybe you join. i lets you knows as soon as mommy finally gets it all ready!! you make good spy!
hehe and iz so funny! i no has doors like that here
Excellent job with the spy work, Harley! You should be in movies!
I dunno Harley... If I wuz you I would sneek into the pantry with Daisy. Mebbe she will share sum yummys with you!
Yer pal Dozer
Mama's got Secret Agent Man (the Jingle Cats version) stuck in her head. hee hee Be careful, Harley! Daisy's a smart one - she might catch on to your spying.
excellent job harley. you are a great secret agent.
Perfecting your spying abilities sounds like a fun adventure, Harley. I can hear the Get Smart theme playing (you are not quite the sauve Bond type yet).
We cats here at Furrydance get into those kind of closets all the time, but all they have in them is towels (fun to dig up in a nesty pile and snag-that's a Norty) and clothes (Brighton likes to chew up Teri's crocs-that's a Norty, too).
We can't get into the cupboard with the the stinky goodness and the treats cuz we haven't figured out how to turn handles yet.
Good job Harley, you caught her in the act!
Those folding doors can be tricky but they are so hard to resist. Violet tries to open our linen closet which has the same type of door, but it requires a bit of force to get the hinge to crack. How upsetting - cat's should be able to go where ever they want right?
Harley, I think you've passed the test. You should be issued a Secret Agent badge and shoe phone right away.
Hmm, it looks like Q's gadget budget has been slashed rather severely. These sad economic times are even taking a toll on the spies ...
Herley... you did a great job!! It looks like you became a REAL recret agent! Watch out, Daisy! :)
Momo & Pinot
I'm sure she was just going in to get YOU a snakhk!
Harley, you are an excellent spy! Can you teach me?
You make a great Secret Agent Harley. We love your sleuth cap and big eyes. We think you caught Daisy being norty, cause we always get yelled at for opening cabinets! Good job!
Your (we want warm weather) FL furiends,
good job of spying, harley! you are a great secret agent. but what were you doing in the pantry, miss daisy?? do you look for snacks? and do you share with your brother?
happy friday!
Harley, I was a little worried about you the way you handled your gear, but you are very good. Perhaps I can use you if I ever campaign again and I need to dig up dirt on those I am running against?
Um Harley, when your telling on Daisy you'd better use the cone of silence, girls are notorious for getting back at you, they have memories you wouldn't believe........We heard stories from Cherokee when there were 2 girls around in the other house. Just beeeeeeee careful! =^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Great work, Harley!! Now will you get an official number like "007" or "86"?
Harley, I think you are a great secret agent. Perhaps I can hire you to spy on Abigail She is a baaaaad goat!
You need some night vision goggles and you would be all set!! Or a secret decoder collar.
You're really good Harley!!
I can't wait to see your "Secret Agent Mancat" badge. Maybe, even a T.V. show!
So are you gonna be Agent Double-Oh-Nine-Lives now, Spy Harley?
What was Daisy after in the pantry???
Harley you did awesome!!! You were all prepared with the right equipment and waited patiently like a big boy.
That pantry is where mommy keeps the Temptations, isn't it?
Harley, you passed with flying colors! Great spy work!
And you gots some give teefs there too! We scared.
Harley, that was your bestest mission ever! I think you really spyed Daisy doing something norty there. You'll surely get nominated Secret Agent! As I have it the bestest thing about being a secret agent is getting to travel a lot on secret missions. Maybe to Europe! Maybe to Germany! Maybe to Cologne? Just saying...
Purrs, Siena
I think you are more dashing than James Bond...and more handsome too!
Mission if only Momma would stop singing that stupid secret agent man song.
Hi, it's our first time on your blog and we enjoyed your posts.
Have a great weekend.
Ms. P and Cinza
Great job Harley!!!!! We hope yhou are officially a secret agent now.
oh ya harley! good job!! i thinks you can be SPY and secrit agint and all!! Diasy watch out!
Did yoo get treats wif Daisy? Ach, dey din't give yoo a number and take away yoor name did dey? Mom is singing a song about a secret agent and dat's what dey did to him...
Harley,I am sure ,after seeing these pics, that I will soon be calling you Secret Agent Mancat!!!
They'll give you a number and take away your name ;)
Purrs Mickey
Harley, you did an excellent job of spying on Daisy. We especially loved your use of the magnifier. We can't wait to see what other things you are going to spy on once you get your secret agent badge.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
You did a great job yet I hope Daisy doesn't get mad at you.
Harley, I read a mystery series that has kitties who are good detectives. You look so cute. Maybe Daisy will share what she finds in the pantry with you.
Thank you for your Purrs for Billie. She has a tummy bug, but seems to be on the mend with medicine and I must get her some yogurt.
I hope all is well for you and Daisy!
Hugs and Smoochies,
HAHAHAHA- Harley you did a GREat job spying for your first time around! We thinks its funny that Daisy snuck into the pantry! What was she after in there,....? hmmmm
Theodore and sasha
Harley, you done real good! And we love, Love, LOVE your Sleuth cap! We are sure you should pass the Secret Angent Mancat test!
Good job, agent!
Harley, you are the greatest! You need a secret agent name now. Like Agent 26 or Agent Black Spot.
BOL! Great job Harley! Daisy wont be to happy with you though! Unless she planted the letter!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle
Harley, I think you're qualified to be a Secret Agent. You did a very good job!!
That's just great Harley! Your teeths look ggggggggggrrrrreat through the magnifying glass! :) xxx
Harley, you did very well. VERY WELL!
I'll bet the FBI, CIA, CSI, NSA, or some other alphabet organization would be able to use your talents.
Good job Harley! Daisy was definately Norty - I can't believe she snuck into the pantry!
Hi Harley, we love the magnifying glass. I want to be a secret agent too!
Harley, I just read your and Daisy's past posties that I have missed. Harley is a silly boy for climbing in the chair. He reminds me of Caesar and I when we were kittens. We were so bad.
Pierro is very good. He is a very well behaved kitty!
Todays postie is very good. Harley, I hope you find something funny about daisy and share it with us on Sundeeee
happy week-end!
Harley, you are the best secret agent ever!
Harley, I think you are most certainly a Secret Agent! You did an excellent job spying on Daisy and catching her being norty!
Hi, Harley!
You are a funny Secret Agent!
Kisses and hugs
You are a very skilled secret agent,and you look very handsome in your sleuth cap. I am very sure that making funny faces with the magnifying glass played an integral part in catching Daisy breaking into the pantry. Excellent job!
Secret Agent Man-cat, Secret Agent Man-cat.
You see Mommy never really knows the words to songs. :-)
If you can successfully spy on Daisy you are certainly a good spycat.
iz harley old enuff to be a mancat?
jus wunderin.
You are the handsomest secret agent ever! Don't give up, you are doing a wonderful job and we are pretty sure it will pay off by Sunday! PS: Keep making funny faces, it puts a smile on everyone elses face
Mom laughed so hard at the picture of Harley's mouth. You did well at spying Harley. Daisy did not look pleased to be caught though. She looks as though you might not want to cross her.
-Patches and Nemo
You did a great job as a Secret Agent. We think you could open your own business - Harley, Secret Agent!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Great job spying on Daisy, Harley!!
Woof! What a spy job ... Harley. Hello! Daisy.
Woof! Sugar
Oh Harley, those photos are so great! We love you with the spy glass - so handsome! Great job!
Mr. Chen & Ollie
OH BOY! That looks like fun. You did a very good job of being a secret agent, Harley!
Job well done Harley!
GOOD WERK Harley! Keep it up...
Harley! What a wonderful secret agent man-cat you make! I just hope no one hires you to spy on me. I also break into the pantry, and I would be very embarrassed if the entire world knew about it.
I dunno... I think it's more like you captured Daisy being SMART and maybe just a little bit sneaky. Naughty would be if you caught her stealing something from the pantry.
Oh Harley, you such a good spy, I just know you will earn your secret agent badge!!
Ahahahaha! I love your funny face, Harley!!! Good sleuthing job!
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