Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I am FIVE today!

Today is my BIRTHDAY! I am five. Years. I think this means I am middle-aged. This makes me a little bit mad. But I did get to wear this cute Happy Birthday tee-shirt!
I been thinking real hard. And I thought that I am a very lucky cat because I have lots of toys and fashions and treats and a good home with everything a cat could ever need. This made me realize that I do not really need any presents for my birthday. So, I decided to extend a helping paw to my cat friends instead. I told my Mommie to give the moneys she would have used to buy me a birthday toy to help some cat friends in need. Do not say I am good, because it is just a little bit of green papers.
And I am so glad I made this decision, because now I feel real happy inside. Can you tell?
And I still got to play with one of my favorite toys, the Cat Dancer!
But wait! My day gets even better! I just got a very wonderful surprise present from my brother, Harley! He nominated me for Best Fursibling of the Year, and I WINNED for Best Sisfur of the Year! You can read Harley's entry by clicking HERE. Thank you to Harley for nominating me, for everybuddy who voted for me, and to the Cats Stephens for having such a fun contest.
Then, my Mommie gave me a surprise. She said that my sister Pixie got me a present for my birthday before she went to the Rainbow Bridge. It's a catnip bananer toy! And the maker of this toy gives real good instructions, too. See, it says that this Cat Toy is "for cats." I am very glad it is not a Cat Toy For Gerbils.
This toy is a little bit fun. Thank you, Pixie. I think about you a lot. I hope you are having fun at the Bridge.
Hey, Harley! Do you want to play with my toy bananers? I thought so.


174 Notes for Daisy:

Motor Home Cats said...

Happy Birthday Daisy. We hope you have a fabulous day. That was very sweet of Pixie to get you a bananer before she went to the bridge. That way you will always remember her love of bananers.

We gave you an award - stop by.

Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

PS - congrats on winning best sister.

Tama-Chan, Benny, Vidock, Violette, Ollie, Heloise, Momo, Ryu said...

Happy 5th Birthday, Daisy! What a wonderful day you are having! Congratulations also on winning Best Sisfur of the Year! It was so nice of Harley to nominate you!

Your Pals,
Tom and Tama-Chan

Country Cats said...

Very happy birthday Daisy and how nice of Pixie to have gotten you something before she went to the Bridge. Harley is sweet too for nominating you and how exciting that you WON!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! May you have many many more birthdays to come!:)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! That was so nice of Harley to nominate you and it's good you won that award because you really are a good sister! What a nice surprise to get a cat toy from Pixie too. I love that it had those instructions on there, LOL!

Teddy Westlife said...

Happy birthday Daisy! I hope you are having a wonderful day. It was very kind of you to tell your mummy to help out some other kitties too. Pixie was a good big sister to you as well. And Harley is turning into a nice brother!

Huffle Mawson

Bae Bae said...

Happy Birthday to you Daisy. Your t-shirt looks pawsome. And that's really sweet of Pixie to get you a toy banana. ;)

~ Bae

Skeezix the Cat said...

Happy 5th berthday, Daisy!!!! I feel kinda funny that yer older than me I gess we're like Dustin Hoffman and Mrs Robinson. And concats on yer win; yoo shur deezerved it!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Daisy from Angus the WonderCat in Sydney Australia!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Happy purrfday Daisy. That was very thoughtful of Pixie to get a bananer for you before she went to the Bridge. Concats on winning best sisfur too.
We know you said don't say you are being good for not having new toys, but you ARE good to donate the green papers to kitties who need them.

Forever Foster said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! We hope you have a lovely day:) Concatulations on winning best sister! It was very sweet of Harley to nominate you.

We have an award for you on our blog.

Poppy Q said...

Happy purrthday to you sweet Daisy. Sounds like you are having a greeeeeeeeeat day, with your treats, tshirt and cat dancer.

It is super doper great of you, to think of others and help other cats out too. Great job.

We hope you get lots of cuddles and extra temptations.

Big smoocheroonies to you.

Poppy and Mum Q

The Meezers or Billy said...

Happy Purrfday Daisy!!! we hopes that you haf the mostest wonderful day efur!

Black Cat said...

Happy Birthday dear Daisy! It was nice of you to ask your Mommie to donate the money she would have spent on your presents to kitties in need. It was also nice of Harley to nominate you for best sister. Congratulations on winning! Pixie's bananers present brought a little to my eyes... :) xxx

Cat with a Garden said...

*singing* Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Haaaaaapyyyy Biiiirthday! *singing*
Daisy, we hope you have the bestest day today. You're not middle-aged at all, we think you are thirdaged. And it's only the first third! Concats for winning the best sisfur award. Along with Sen-Chan THIS contest for once awarded the right cats. ; ) That nip bananer from Pixie is lovely, what a thoughtful present!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli

AB clan said...

Happy birthday Daisy, and have fun with your brother Harley

ViVi & AB

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

Dearest Daisy! You are an inspiration to all of us...I wish you the most HAPPY BIRTHDAY ever today. You are so right that we have all we need and should remember those who do not with a helping hand or rather helping paw. Thank you for making us laugh and inspiring us all to be better kitties.
Love your adoring Miss Peach

Anonymous said...

Daisy we are so glad that you are having a wonderully happy birthday! Birthdays are a good time to reflect and appreciate how lucky we all are - and we think your gesture to give a present to someone who needs it, is really nice. It shows that you are thoughtful and kind, and those are qualities we all strive for.

Congratulations on winning the sisfur award - we think you deserve it and Harley is as lucky to have you, as you are to have him. (How kind sharing your birthday bananas wiv him!)

Say Hi to Harley for us and have a great Birthday!

gemmak said...

Oh HAPPY HAPPY birthday to you Daisy, I hope you have the most fabulous Curly Cat day ever, it was so special of Pixie to get you a bananer present too, I'm sure she is having a very happy day at the rainbow bridge thinking of the funs you will have on your birthday :o)

....and I have to say a little 'well done' for helping the kitties that dont have a forever home yet like you do :o)

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!

Jake and Bathsheba said...

Happy Birthday, dear Daisy. You are such a kind and generous kitty in addition to being a lot of fun and making Mom and me smile. Also congratulations on being named best sister--Harley is fortunate to have you.


Spooky said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy, and Congratulations, too!

You are such a thoughtful and sweet cat...in so very many ways! Enjoy your special day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Happy Birthday, sweet Miss Daisy! We are gonna celebrate in your honor all day long!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Luzinha said...


a very happy birthday, Daisy! you and my Sammy has the same age! you look gorgeous! your shirt is amazing! I love it! you was very kind to let Harley play with your bananer toy! congrats for the prize, Harley was so kind too!

all the best!

have a beautiful day!

kisses for you all!

The Furry Kids said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Daisy, you're not getting older, you're getting better!

Parker said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! 5 is the new 2! That was very thoughtful of Pixie, what a great cat toy for cats!

Barb said...

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday Dear Daisy,
Happy Birthday to you!

And many more.....

Harley was such a good bother to nominate you Daisy. hehehe. Congratulations on winning!

-Gandalf and Grayson

badgirl33 said...

Happy Purrsday Daisy.

Terri said...

Daisy, you Sweetie, have the best Birthday ever!! And many many more!

Henry (aka Quadpawd) said...

Happy Birthday sweet Daisy! Also, congratulations on the award. Harley is indeed very lucky to have such a wonderful sister.
Enjoy your birthday!

Oscar and Henry

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Happy Happy 5th Birthday Daisy!!! We hope that you have a super day today, with all of the lovin' and treats and attention that you deserve! It is so cool that Pixie got you that bananer toy, and so sweet of you to give your green papers to kitties in need. And concatulations on winning Best Sisfur, that is just pawsome; you and Harley are so lucky to have each other!
Many hugs, purrs and headbutts on your special day,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Happy brithday daisy I hope you have the best day in the whole world. We a little sad mu shue was not brother of the year bur he always be the best brother in our hearts

Lilly Lu, Iris and Maxwell Mufsa Millon said...

Happy brithday daisy I hope you have the best day in the whole world. We a little sad mu shue was not brother of the year bur he always be the best brother in our hearts

Niko and Cloud said...

Happy Purrthday, and Concatulations on winning best fursibling!

Lidian said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy!

xxx Asha and Katia

Anonymous said...

"Happy Birthday to You"
*cha cha cha*
"Happy Birthday to Youuu"
*cha cha cha*
"Happy Birthday Dear Daisy"
Happy Birthday to Youuuu!"
*cha cha cha*

You are a very lucky, and humble cat!


Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Happy Birthday Daisy. We don't think you are middle age. Congrats on winning best sister of the year. We thinks the bananer from Pixie was the sweetest thing, we are sure she is looking down from the bridge at you and Harley and smiling at all the silly things you two get up too.

Drop by and meet our new brother. He came to live with us on Mommy's birthday, so he'll never have to worry about her forgetting his gotcha day. ~Socks, Scylla, Charybdis & Finris

Pumpkin said...

Happy Berfday Daisy! Five is a GRATE age and I don't consider it middle-aged at all! Enjoy yore noo bananer.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Happy, happy birthday, Aidsy! I can tell you are going to have a wonderful day. That was very honorable of you to give the green papers to needy kitties instead of getting a present. I hope you have a great day!

The Island Cats said...

Happy Purrthday, Daisy! We hope you have a wonderful day! And congrats on being Big Fur Sister too! You are a good sister...even though sometimes Harley steals your toys...

Karen said...

Happy Birthday

Pixel and Samba

Millie said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! I hope you have a great day. Enjoy playing with your bananers.

RJ Flamingo said...

Happy Burfday, Daisy!

It's been kind of an icky time over here for the last couple of weeks, so I haven't been posting, but I visit here almost everyday for my smile!

So, Congrats for winning Best Sisfur of the Year and have an even more wunnerfuller birthday!

The Furry Bambinos said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! We hope that you have a wonderful day!

Padre, Panda Bear, and Meerkat

ZOOLATRY said...

Happy Birthday, Purrty Lady...
and many, many more!

The Creek Cats said...

Happy Purrthday, Daisy!!! That was very kind of you to donate to friends in need on your purrthday!

Concatulations on winning best sisfur!!!

Jackie said...

Happy birthday Daisy. I am so glad all of the storm clouds moved out for a while. Or else I would have missed this fantastic day!

I hope you have the greatest birthday ever!

Congratulations too on your award for being such a good sister!:-)

Misha said...

Happy birthday Daisy! 5 isn't middle-aged. I'm 5 too and I'm just getting warmed up!

Tink said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy. You've got some nice pressies, esp. the one from Pixie!

Mickey's Musings said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Rosemary B❤️ said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! You are such a beautiful and delightful curlygirl and we love you very much. I know this will be a very fun birthday for you! Remember, you never have to act your age!

Congratulations on winning the best sister award. YOu are the best sister!

this sweet banana gift from your sweet and thoughtful sister Pixiekins... well, it brings a tear to my eye.

love and purrs, Prinnie

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! Let the catnip fly tonight in celebration. :)

Mickey's Musings said...

Let me tell ya,I am 15 and you are 5!! To me,you are a little girl :)
Purrs Mickey

We like your T-shirt and the nip nanners :)
Congratulations on being Best Fur Sisfur too!!!!!!!!! Have fun today!!
Purrs Georgia & Tillie

Cory said...

Happy Birthday to you Daisy! We are glad you got lots of great presents, and to get a present from your sisfur Pixie was so sweet. We think you deserve your wonderful award, we'll have to go check out the rest of the results. Have a fabulous day!

Aundria B. said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy!! And congratulations on being the best Sisfur to Harley; he's a good brother, even though the ruffles don't look as nice on him as they do on you.

Honey P. Sunshine said...

happy birthday daisy, noze keeses

Mango the Maltese kiddo said...

Happy Birthday Daisy!
You're 5 now, you still look like a happy teenager to me, muahhhh!
Great thought about sharing your green papers to others cat friends in need.
Extra muahhhhhhh!

castle diva said...

Happy B'day and many more!

Ms. P and Cinza

Unknown said...

Happy Birthday dear Daisy Happy Birthday to yooooowoooooo! (Petey always howls a bit at the end)

According to the charts, you're now 36 in people years. Hardly middle-aged according to our Mommy (but she's O-L-D!) You age 15 years your first year, 9 the second, then only 4 years every year after that!

Mica will be 18 on the 22nd - that's 88 in people years! So see? You're a Spring Chicken (hmmm, chicken!) And Petey'll be 6 on the 26th - which makes him 40! It's the new 3!

Have a fantastic day!

Your pals,

Petey and Mica

Angel Junior, Orion and Sammy said...

Happy Purrthday Daisy! We hope you have a great day!

Clarissa said...

Happy Purrday, Daisy!!! Everyfur at my house wishes you the best purrday ever and we hope you have many many more!

Wrigley, Cobalt, & Penelope said...

Happy Birthday Daisy!!! We hope you have a wonderful birthday. And a huge congratulations on your award. :-)

Anonymous said...

♫ Happy Birthday to YOU! ♫
♫ Happy Birthday to YOU! ♫
♫ Happy Birthday dear Daisy! ♫
♫ Happy Birthday to YOU! ♫

And many more!!♥♥♥♥

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We wish you the best, most wonderful Birthday wishes today, Daisy.
Congratulations on your Best Sister of the year! Harley is a lucky boy to have you.
Your bananers made Momma's eyes leaky. We miss Pixie.
~ Napoleon, Sara, Miss Emily, Maggie Mae, Noah, Gracie, Timothy, Anna Sue, KittyBoy, Malachi and a special ((Hug)) from Bob and Patrick

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Ms Daisy! Congratulations on winning Best Sisfur of the Year! You are just having a fabulous day, aren't you?


Babs-beetle said...

Happy birthday Daisy! That banana toy looks like a lot of fun - with nip in it too!

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Happy Birthday to you Daisy! 5 is not so old. I am over 8 years old. You look cute in your tshirt and that is so sweet that Pixie got you that naner.

Dma said...

happy birthday. sounds like you've had a wonderful birthday. catnip bananer for a gerbil... u crack me up.

i beati said...

you don't look middle aged In fact you do not look a day over 4 and have a special celebration of life..We all like the toy--Pinky Princeman-Toppy, Darlin and Evie

cheryl said...

happy, happy purrthday, dear daisy!! we wishes you the furry healthiest, funnest year possible--looks like you got a good start on it wif those nanners!

yes, daisy, you ARE good--in many, many ways. we all knows an' loves you fur it, especially harley (an' dear pixie). that's part of why you won "best sisfur". we thinks of you as "best furriend", too!

wif love & headbonks,

the meowers (using mom's email)

Janet said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! We hope you have a fun day doing everything you want to do! Congratulations on the award, too. You sure deserve it! :-)

Boy n Beethoven said...

Hey Daisy, happy purrthday!
Don't wowwy about being 5. You're still onwy a third of mine age.
That was a gweat thing to do for your purrthday, to gives the gween papers to some other kitties in need. Pixie was gweat too! To gives you a pwesent before she went to the bwidge!
Once again, happy purrthday!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Daisy.Hope you don't get mad yet you are sweet and cute.
What can I say we adore you and your a great friend....Love Ariel,Arianna,and Ariel's Mom

Samantha & Mom said...

Happy, Happy, Joy, Joy 5th Birthday daisy and many, many, many moooooooore!!! You look so cute in your T-shirt and Congratulations on winning Best Fur Sibling!! Harley did a great post about you!
Your FL furiends,

Boy n Beethoven said...

Happy happy happy day Daisy!
And concatulations for winning the bestest sisfur! I thinks you is great too!


Anonymous said...

Lucy the Dog says, "Happy Birthday, Daisy!"

Anonymous said...

Hubby Hank and I say Happy birthday to you, Miss Daisy. being middle aged isn't so bad. You're old enough to know better, but still young enough to get into some fun mischief!


Paula said...

Happy Birthday, sweet Daisy! Have a purrrfectly wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! You're the best. My little boy James will turn five this year too...in April. He is excited to know that you two are the same age. Actually, he is surprised that you're older than he is!

Speaking of Pixie, my cat Miss Mau passed away a few weeks ago. She was nine years old. We love her very much. My older boy, who is eight, asked me if cats go to heaven and I said yes. Of course they do! It wouldn't be heaven without them, right?

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Hippo Purthday to you!
Hippo Purthday to you!
Hippo Purthday dear Daisy!
Hippo Purthday to Yaaaaoooooowwwwww!!!!!!

Have a great day and no one deserves best sisfur more than you do!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! You don't look a day over 2!

Anonymous said...


It's me again.Please go to my blog,
me,mom and Arianna made you something and we hope you like it :)

Sarge Charlie said...

Happy birthday Miss Daisy, I noticed yesterday that Skeezix said someone was ogling you, you are a popular lady now, not just a kid.

Jo Hoffacker said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! May you have many more.

Purrageous Pirates said...

Happy Happy Birthday Daisy. We think it is wonderful that pixie got you a present before she went to the Bridge. What a wonderful surprise!! Congratualations on your best fur sisfur win too! We think you are pretty awesome ourselves!!

Lex said...

HAPPY Birthday, Daisy! You look Marvelous. You are doing such a wonderful thing by foregoing presents this year, and using that $ to help less fortunate kitties :) Congrats on winning best furbling! And how touching Pixie got you a b-day bananer present before she went to the bridge...I'm all faklempt. Have fun with your bananers toy :)

Mr. Hendrix said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! It is very nice of you to share your birthday money for needy kitties. Every little bit helps!
It is also nice of you to share your nip nanner from Pixie with Harley. We think of her often. She was very sweet to remember your birthday!
Congrats on winning best sister of the year!

Sunny's Mommy said...

Happy 5th Birthday, Daisy :-D And congratulations on winning Best Fursibling!

That is a fun toy Pixie picked out for your birthday. She was a wonderful sister.

Tigmut'hep said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! Now don't you worry about being middle aged, Isis is only 2 and she has a bigger belly then you do! ;)


PS: I use this excuse too, it's a really good one especially when you're nearly 9 years old like I am! :)

The Oceanside Animals said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Happy Birthday to you lovely Daisy~!
I am so glad here wish you happy 5 years old~!!! That is a very wonderful age~! You have done perfectly~!!!

I wish you always happy and healthy~! And I would love to stay here keep watching your daily life :)

The Tower Hill Mob said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! Have a wonderful day!

INAMINI said...

Hartelijk gefeliciteerd met je verjaardag, Daisy! That's Dutch for many congratulations on yur speshul day. We love yu!
LOKi and Sprnakeltje

Tristan Tabby Cat Longtail said...

A fabulous Birthday to you Miss Daisy. And five isn't old. I'm gonna be four on my next purthday! It's no where near as old as the Demon Cat, or the (ack) the Massage Therapist, who is older than dirt. Now that's old!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy!!!! Middle age is a great time in life. :D

Robyn and The (Mostly) Badass Cat said...

Happy Purrthday Daisy! We hopes yoo has a sooper purrthday :)
Alla Us Hotties

brokenteepee said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! You don't look a day over adolescent to me. Enjoy your cat toy for cats. That was very nice what Harley wrote about you. I would sing but my voice is not maaaaaavelous.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh Daisy! Happy B'Day from all us wavy and naked and Floofy cats at Furrydance. Teri is at work today and she looked up on a chart in an exam room (remember, she works for a cat vet) and it says a 5 year old cat is like a 33 year old human...we think you still look like a 20-somthin' Rock on, Best Sistah!

Ps: Coco says thanks for all your fashionista advice, too!

Teri and those cats

Asta said...

Happy Biwfday Daisy!!!
I know you'll have afantastic day wif you mom and Bwuvvew Harley.His gift to you is pawsome..being a Best Sisfuw is a gweat honow! and Pixie is pwobably having a pawty wif fwineds ovew the bwidge. I love the bananew she left you..I will toast to youw good health and happiness today..you awe sweet fow wanting to help othew catses..it is twue happiness
smoochie kisses

Deanna Lack said...

Happy Birthday Daisy :) I have a lot of fun reading your blog. Otto reads sometimes too but mostly he gets distracted and talks to the birds outside.

meemsnyc said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! That was very nice of you to donate your moneys to those who need it. You are such a good kitty! We love the banana toy. What a nice toy from Pixie.


Happy Purrday Daisy!
What a wonderful day you must be having. You and Harley look so adorable playing with that nip nanner that Pixie got for you.

Enjoy the rest of your purrday and may you continue to celebrate many many many more.


Congrats on your best fur sibling win!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! I think that is a wonderful idea on the gifts. I shall send the ham I have to the local humane society. I will still bring a few slices just for us!

eastcoastlife said...

Woot! Happy Birthday Daisy!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! In your honor I've made a contribution to Hannah Fanna's heifer Project fund raiser.

Love and Bananers -- FeeFiFoto

PB 'n J said...

Happiest of Happy Birthdays to you Sweet Daisy! We think your present to the other cats is wonderful.

Your new toy from Pixie looks wonderful - and it's nice to know that she's thinking of you even from across the Bridge.

Purrs to you dear friend!
Pearl, Bert and Jake

Camp Stanhope Happenings said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! Does that mean you're going to school soon? (like your special friend, Skeezix wants to)

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

happy birthday cutie pie!!! i had a bananner today too! we are sisters!

smiles, auntie bee

L. Alida said...

Happy Birthday Darling Daisy! How sweet to donate green papers to kitties in need! Pixie is a wonderful sister to think of you before she went to the Bridge. I'm sure she is celebrating with all of her friends that today is your birthday.
Congratulations on being sibling of the year! Harley is a great brother!
Extra Hugs and Smoochies Birthday Girl!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! We hope you are having a really good day today. Congratulations on winning the Best Sisfur Award! You are a great sisfur to Harley. It was very sweet of Pixie to get you a bananer present!

Peanut Butter and Jenny said...

happy purrday daisy!!!!!!
five iz me and mommy's favfurite number! i no thinks u iz middle age i thinks five means beautyfull!

congrats on the award! i wishes you iz my sister instead of bailey monster---u iz nice!

and that bananer looks yummy!

Anonymous said...

What a very lucky cat indeed. So cute and cuddle sweet looking. And happy birthday by the way. Lucky you at least you have celebrated your birthday with a bang, unlike the less privilege cat outside. LOL

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a day! Happy Birthday, congrats on the award from sweet Harley, and how sweet that Pixie left the bananer toy for you! You are one lucky five-year-old, Daisy!

Cheers, from arbed and edgar

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday. redundant packaging always cracks me up. At least it isn't a cat toy for parakeets.

BumbleVee said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Daaaazzyyyyy...
Hap... h uh??.... what?... stop singing?... oh... okay... sorry... I hurt your (very big) ears?

well, I send you best wishes instead then....... Happy 5.

Puglette said...

happy birthday, dear daisy!! happy birthday to you!!

i hope you have lots of fun today, you deserve it!!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, that was so sweet of Pixie! And of you, to donate your present money. And of Harley, to nominate you as best sisfur of the year. Congratulations on winning.

And Happy Birthday!
Happy birthday to you -- ooooooooo.
Happy birthday to you -- ooooooooo.
Happy birthday, dear Daisy -- ooooo.
Happy birthday to you -- oooooooo!

Sorry about the baying but Buddy's a hound. That's how he sings.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy!!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Happy Birthday Daisy!

catsynth said...

Happy Birthday Daisy!
What a great thing to do, donating gift money to cats in need.

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy Purrthday Daisy! We wish we lived closer so we could throw a big PAR-TAY fer you, cuz you deserve it! Sending big furry hugs and kisses. Have da bestest day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! And concatulations on winning the Best Sisfur Award. You rock!

Cat Street Boyz said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRETTY DAISY! May you enjoy health, your loving family and furends for many Birthdays to come! We Love ya sweety=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday Daisy :)

Anonymous said...

Hey Daisy Happy Birthday! Five is still pretty young fer a kitty I thinks. And the shirt you wuz wearing makes you look even younger. It wuz reel nice of yer Mummy to give some munny to sum kittys that needed it.

Yer pal Dozer

Sarah Coggins said...

Happy, happy birthday, Daisy! I hope you have a wonderful day. So sweet of dear Pixie to have thought of you - those bananers look delicious. :) Enjoy!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Happy Purrthday Daisy! We love yoo and hope yoo is haffing da BEST purrthday ever!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Happy Purrrrrday!

That was furry special of woo to want to share with the less furtunate khytties!

I hope woo have a great day!


Chesney Cats said...

Happy 5th Birthday, Daisy!! We hope you have a great day & many more birthdays! You look so pretty in your birthday t-shirt....

The Crew said...

Daisy dear, we all wish you the happiest of purrthdays. I'm 5 too and it's a good age to be.


PS Congrats to you & Harley for the Fursibling contest!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! and congratulations on being Best sisur of the year. Harley, you did a wonderful job on your nomination!

The Devil Dog said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Daisy
Happy Birthday to you
And many moooooooorrrreeee

Roxy & Lucky

Congrats on your win of Best Sister. Harley is very lucky.

Zoe and Indy said...

Happy Birthday!

Sandee said...

Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday Dear Daisy,
Happy Birthday to you. :)

Unknown said...

Daisy, you don't look a day over 2!


las794 said...

Happy B-day, Daisy! Cool nanner toy ya got there!

Max said...


Don't worry, you're not middle aged until you're seven. Like me. Then you want younger kitties to get off your lawn. And congrats on your win! You're definitely a better fursibling to Harley than I am to Buddah!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

Happy Purrthdays Daisy!

Yoo deserve dat awardie, acuz you's is da best sister dat Pixie hadid and a greats big sister to Harley.

Anonymous said...

You are such a lovely girl dear sweet Daisy. To think of you helping others and on your special day, too. This is why we all love you so much darling. You are the bestest kitty in the whole wide universe. Bobby loves you and thinks Pixie's present is wonderful. We cherish you and your Mommie.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog it makes my day and happy birthday daisy

mog said...

Happy Birthday Daisy, you are a kind and generous cat to forego a present to help kitties in need. It was thoughtful of Pixie to plan ahead to get you a bananer before going to the bridge. And of course you are Best Sisfur and Harley is a pretty good brofer too.

Miz Mog and Meowza

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! It sounds like you are having the purrfect day. Love the baby nanners.

Anonymous said...

We wish you a happy 5th birthday and many more too!

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! You look wonderful in your birthday tee-shirt.
What a wonderful Birthday present from Pixie and a wonderful way to remember her love of you and bananas.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! I shure do luv yur blog!

Cafe Cats said...

Happy happy purrthday, Daisy!!!

Anonymous said...

A furry Happy Purrday, Daisy!

Mo and The Purries said...

Happy, Happy Birthday!
You are the bestest sister and a great friend!
You post made us so happy - you being so generous to donate some green papers and then for Pixie to give you some catnip bananers... thanks for making us smile!
Uncle Mo & The Purries from
Purrchance To Dream

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! And congratulations on winning Best Sisfur of the Year! I hope that you have a really great day today!

Purrrrrrrrs, China Cat

Willow said...

Daisy, Happy 5th Birthday! You are only three days older than me - my 5th birthday is on Friday! Congratulations on winning Sisfur of the Year! That was so sweet of Pixie to get bananers for you. She was very sweet! I'm glad that you seem to be having such a nice birthday!

Purrrrrrrrrs, Willow

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh Daisy I almost forgot. I've been so busy today I am just now reading my favorite blogs. Happy Happy Birthday. And congratulations on winning Best Sisfur of the Year. Now isn't Harley the best brother of the year! Happy Birthday Baby

Unknown said...

happy b-day Daisy!! you is 5 years old!!! wow!! congrats!! I hope many many more great year to come daisy!!love Goma

MYM said...

Happy Birthday! You don't look a day over 2 :)

I love that teeshirt!

Congrats on the award - very cool.

And that banana toy is cool too, never saw one like that! Phew for those instructions or it could have been real confusing!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!
Hope you had a lot of presents.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, Daisy, ya sure are hafin a great birfday! Charity credit, a Best Sisfur award, an a catnip nanner annyway!

Happy 5th year, an many many more...

The WriggleButts said...

Happy, hoppy birthday Daisy!

Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh, we are kinda late, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY Dais.

Tiger Lily said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! I do not think 5 is middle aged these days.

Congratulations on winning Best Sisfur too. If I did not already have 2 sisfurs I would want one just like you!

Tiger Lily

p.s. Zeke and Sushi and Ruckus said that too.

Maureen said...

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday dear Daiseeee....
Happy birthday to you!

Alexi said...

Happy birthday, Daisy. Concatulations on winning best sisfur of the year! Pixie loved you, and so does Harley as he nominated you for the award! We love you, too!

PS--I think Mr. Shrill loves you some,too-based on Sunday's comic.

Eduardo said...

Happy Birthday Daisy! You is such a sweet girl!
Hugs & Snugs
Eduardo the Snuggle Puggle

Chrissie said...

Have the happiest of birthdays, Daisy! You are a joy and a blessing to all me and I'm so grateful to know you. Have a wonderful day!

SophieKitty said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy. Do not be mad about being middle aged. Didn't you hear? 5 is the new 4.

Hope you have a great day.

Quill and Greyson said...

They say it's your birthday... dah dah dah dah - well you get the idea. Happy Birthday Daisy!! You're the best!

BeadedTail said...

Happy 5th Birthday Daisy! That was nice of you to ask for your birthday moneys be spent on helping other kitties in need! It's also nice of Harley to nominate you for Best Fursibling of the Year! Of course you'd win paws down!

That is so sweet of Pixie to get you a catnip bananer before she went to the Rainbow Bridge. That brought tears to my eyes.

Anonymous said...


Very kind of you to give the moneys for your birthday to cats in need. You are right, you have everything a cat need PLUS a wonderful brother... a brother who loves you so much that he made you Best Sisfer of the year!! Congratulations on that too, girl!

And sweet Pixie... a bananer cat toy! We are sure Pixie is enjoying this birthday from the Bridge as much as you do!

Birthday nosekisses from us.
Karl & Ruis

Anonymous said...

it looks like it was a fun and profitable birthday for you Daisy! Happy birthday!!!! and MANY MANY more!!! :)

Mr. Chen and Ollie said...

Happy Birthday to you! Happy BIRTHday to YOU! Happy BIRth DAY Dear Daisy! Happy BIRthday to you!!! Hooray! You are five years young today. We are so happy to have a friend like you! Hope you had the best birthday ever and congrats on your cool awardie from Harley!!
Mr. Chen & Ollie

Toby Snowshoe said...

Awww, that was so thoughtful of Pixie. I'm sure you'll keep it furrever!

Happy Birthday!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Happy Birthday, Daisy! We hope you have a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday!! Way to go on your award. You really seem like a great sister.

The Florida Furkids said...

Happy Belated Birthday! We're so sorry we missed it. We hope you have many many more happy and healthy birthdays! What a nice brother Harley is to nominate you for Best Sisfur! Wow so much happened while Mom was away. We're going to lock her up so she can't leave us anymore!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Lily Locke said...

Happy birthday!

(You know, my cat Lily, whom I hope is having fun in Heaven, was nearly twenty when she died? You're only as old as you feel.)

Daisy, give a few clicks to the feed the kitties site for me. My computer won't let me.

You are a beautiful cat.

A hug and a kiss, a warm ruby wish and catnip-covered dreams on your birthday.

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