Fashion Friday: Harley Gets Sheepish!
It's ME again. Harley! Last week when Daisy was sick, I VOLUNTEERED to model for Fashion Friday. And I picked out this shirt with LIVESTOCK on the front. Because LIVESTOCK is MANLY!
Daisy explained that ACCESSORIES can make an outfit BETTER! So I picked out this faux SHEARLING hat. Daisy said I might have made a MISTAKE with this accessory. But I do NOT think so.

I just found out that I had one of the top 10 photos in the ASPCA's Go Orange Photo Contest! I am very THRILLED and EXCITED! You can click HERE to see my winning photo. Woohoo! This might be one of the HAPPIEST days of my whole LIFE!!!

93 Notes for Daisy:
I like the hat, but sorry Harley, the color pink is not manly.
Uuuuuuuum, Harley..... We think that Daisy and your Mom are having you on a bit..... You're such a nice guy that you believe everything they tell you, but, actually, little sheep froliicking against a pink background doesn't quite cut it in the manliness category. REBEL, Harley, RE-BEL!!!!!!
Your Friends,
Tommy, Tama-Chan and Sei-Chan
Good job Harley, I fink you looks handsome in pink, and every kiwi loves to see some sheep.
Have a good weekend sweetie. Smooches to you all.
We think you should go with the Harley Davidson gear again. Maybe get your mom to buy you the motorcycle too!
Hihihi. Oh, Harley!
Harley, yer living proof that pink is the manliest mancat color
Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" duzn't know whut she's talking abowt. I think she is colorblind.
Harley, not every mancat can pull off pink like you do!
Next time Daisy suggests an outfit for you try, it may pay to check with a few mancats first. It's like that episode a Friends when Ross wore a womens top.:)
I agree with Misha. Check wif your mancat furriends first, Harley!
::whispers:: that is not so manly, Harley.
Huffle Mawson
No offense, but if one of my people tried to put that on me I'd be biting & scratching like crazy.
The boys at the Castle say:
Well...... Harley. Pink is NOT manly! best to chek with the guys first!
Dani, Bug, Midnight and AJ
I think you look superb but the pink maybe not hahahah
Harley...sorry...the puffy sleeves don't suit your mancatly arms...but that hat is purrty cool!
Aww Harley, you are looking amazing and well.. livestock is manly.. yes..
Oh Harley, you are quite the super model!
It takes a real mancat to model pink with such pizazz!
Harley, that shot of you on the windowsill is gorgeous! What a handsome fella you are!
You did a marvelous job modeling! Daisy has taught you well, Harley!
Head-bonks to you and Daisy from Gandalf and Grayson!
We LOVE a mancat who isn't afraid to wear pink! You are so hansome!
Who doesn't love pink, white and black together, it's a great color combo -- and I love the lay down pose, you ARE America's Next Top Man Cat model!
Harley, you are certainly one good sport! Although you wear pink well, it's really not befitting a mancat. You're cute as a button in your outfit, though.
Seems you are learning to model very well Harley
Hi Harles,
You did your best but puffed sleeves and pink is not very manly. We fink Daisy was teasing you a bit by pretending it was manly when it wasn't!!!!
We fink you should insist on modelling some manly stuff - like a fire fighter outfit, or police cat outfit!
Mind you our Mom thought you looked gorjuss anyway!
Harley, I cannot believe how quickly you have become a Top Fashion Model. You are doing a wonderful job! Don't let anyone tell you that pink isn't a man-cat color. You look absolutely beautiful . . . I mean, handsome.
Harley you are perfect proof that "real men(cats) wear pink." Good show.
nice poses harley
Oh Harley...after seeing this, my new brother Nigel has offered to give you mancat fashion advice...
~ Cory
Harley dude...seriously? ~ Nigel
You look very rugged and manly in your muscle shirt.
You're not wearing Little Lambsie Divy are you???
Harley, it takes a very manly mancat to wear something like that and pose so well.We like it (Boo and Pinky) but Ash is snickering,don't listen to him.
We thoughts you might like to know that PINK was once the color of boys and is making a comeback as a manly color. You can read about it here
You looked very handsome Harley and we thinks the livestock on the shirt was a nice touch. ~S,S, C & F
you're a very manly mancat harley. not every mancat could so successfully pull off that look.
You're becoming a great model! We think that you look quite handsome in pink!
Thanks for all the purrs and prayers for our Daddy. We're so happy to have him home again!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Pink looks pretty good with black and white... never thought that but here it is, you look marvelous Harleykins.
Absoluuuutely MANLY
The hat is manly and the sheep is manly too!
Harley, you look so cute when you get sheepish! ;o)
Great outfit! And the pink is so...studly...
Pruett and Daphne
Harley we think you did great with the modeling and picking out an accessory that matches!
Oh, Harley, you definitely have the modeling down. However...real men don't wear pink. You need to put your big paw down and tell you Mum, "No pink!"
Mums love, love, love their kids and they think they look beautiful in whatever they wear because in a Mum's eyes, their furry loves and their not so furry loves (kids) are always number 1 in their hearts.
In the real world though, men don't wear pink. Check out some manly bull rider costumes. I think red would be more becoming on you. Or maybe a shirt with a lizard on it.
Be sure to give your Mum some good fur rubbing for Mother's Day. And yes, pink is the perfect Mum's Day color. Mother's love it.
Hoping Daisy feel better soon.
Harley, your modeling skills are top-notch! Daisy must be a good teacher!
Only a real mancat can make pink look good. Harley, you are a real mancat!
We always show your posts to our dad, because he thinks you are the bee's knees:)
Harley, your modeling ability is really improving. I'm not sure that's such a good thing, dude.
Harley! You need to have a chat with Daisy and your mommy... pink is NOT a mancat colour!
You need to ask your momy to get you some manly clothes to model, and let daisy wear the flouncy pink stuff!!
harley, you are so sweet. i just love your kind and gentle nature. you have a great weekend. please send my best regards to your family.
I think you still look manly even though you're wearing pink, Harley!
Purrs, Rosie
Baaaad Boy Baaaaad Boy whatcha gonna do. That was a sheep/cops reference in case you couldn't tell.
Your posing is excellent!
But the pink doesn't quite suit you.
You have learned a lot of modeling from Daisy! You are doing a good job. Hope Daisy is feeling OK.
Harley good job. You are getting better every day modeling. Daisy would be very proud. Daisy should start Top modeling school for cats.. Oh about the pink shirt Harley.. Only real mancats wear pink. You darling harley look Catastic.
Only a superbly manly cat can wear pink and pull it off. We loved the lounging pose - very cute!
What about the goats, Harley? What about the goats?
I am thinking, like a lot of your other commenters that you have been punked (uh pinked?) But you look good anyway....
I like the fact that you're not afraid to take chances Harley! I bet you could set some trends.
CONGRATULATIONS on the Hallmark card. Wow!
Dude. Boys don't wear pink. It's against the boy rulz. Don't let those girls turn you into a girly-man. Be macho! Be virile! Flex your muskells and tell those girls-NO MORE! Where's the daddie in all this, eh?
It takes a real man to carry off the pink! We're not sure this is the way to go, though..
LOL - not girly at all, Harley!! :D Adorable!
I quite like your lifestock shirt Harley. It is very nice.
Harley, you are turning into a professional model. You can definitely pull off pink!
Harley, I think you look fabulous! Men(cats) who wear pink are very comfortable in their masculinity.
It's nice to see a ManCat in touch with his feminine side:) And your ASPCA photo wowed us! We loved it!
Harley, what a great modeling job, but we think your shirt is just a little bit girly, especially with the puffy sleeves. Congratulations on being a finalist in the ASPCA contest.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Real men wear pink! You are a great mancat model Harley.
Congrats, Harley!!!!!
Oh, and TOTALLY PAWSOME livestock shirt photoshoot.
wow harley yoo DO look furry manly! -tesla
Your brofur looks just a little toooooooo khomfy in YOUR khlothes!
PeeEssWoo: I mean, the HD dudes will khome khlean his khlokhk fur that type of behaviour!
We think you look great Harley!!!!!!
Concatulations on winning the ASPCA contest!!!
Um, Harley, those puffy sleeves don't do your muscular forearms justice...and that hat, um, we have no problem with the color, and it's sort of that 70's from The Spy Who Shagged Me...maybe you are going incognito?
Harley, your photo was a Paw-in to win! Just look at you - perfectly color-coordinated - purrfectly handsome - purrfect for the ASPCA's Go Orange theme!
And your Mom's photo-taking skills certainly played heavily in your favor!
Oh Harley! Speedy was snickering but we gerls thawt yoo looked, um, deelishus...maybe yoo should start getting yoor own fashons?
Tough guys wear pink, dood. Don't let anyone tell you any different.
Harlee, Harlee, Harlee....!
yayy...way to go man. Even if everybody is getting a bit of a laugh at the definitely you have the posing down pat...'specially in the hat one.... look so relaxed it's scary... well, maybe pink is your colour. I actually know guys who are comfortable wearing pink.....
We'll promote your card on Monday! ;)
Concatulations on that faboolous win in the go owange contest.It's a stunning photo of you.
I love youw livestock modeling too.I think the hat might be a little big , but othewise totally appwopwiate . Aftew all it's faux shewling and you awe weawing a shewling on yooouw shiwt
smoochie kisses
Harley you are becoming a star, I think you looked better in your harley davidson shirt.
Congrats on your winning the photo contest Harley!! You do look good in pink, it takes a manly man to wear and make pink work.
Harley, that is a wonderful outfit, Daisy must be really teaching you alot about fashions.
Concatulations on the top 10 finish - I love that picture of you - the t-shirt even has your name on it : )
Harley - I just checked out your winning photo and I must say - that Harley shirt is wayyy sexy! Of course, it helps that I am a huge fan of Harley Davidson's (being as I have one) so I might be partial, but you definitely got the hot factor going on!
Oh wow, Harley, you are turnin into a superduper great model! You maded Momma say SQUEEEEEE!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
You crack me up, Harley. :-D
I love Fashion Friday.
Hope Daisy is on the mend. :)
Way to go Harley! Congratulations on being one of the ten! You really are more handsome in the Harley colors.
Harley, your modelling is really coming along great! You look like you've been modeling for years! A real pro! love your poses!
However, pink, puffy sleeves are a NO GO for a manly man cat. You will have to start picking out your own outfits...Daisy is pulling one over on you. She might be getting a bit jealous that you're getting good so fast!
Also, it might be time for your Mommy to take you shopping for your own fashion forward outfits.
Borrowing Daisy's stuff is no good for a model of your stature! ;)
Hi, Harley!
Yes, you are a great model but I am not so sure about the pink color!
Congratulations on the Contest!
Kisses and hugs
I likes the orange and black shirt much better on you!
Pinks is silly for boys, I thinks.
not that I wears clothes at all but you are a cat so you can if you wants.
Wow, Harley! Congrats on the ASPCA photo award! That is one sweet picture of you in your Harley Davidson gear!
Mazel Tov!
Weeelll Harley I will jest say I thinks you look very MANLY in yer orange Harley Davidson shirt! But you look CUTE in that pink sheep shirt! Mummy sez I am cute a lot so I think its ok fer us guys to be cute.
Yer pal Dozer
Congrats Harley! I am impurressed with your modeling! P.S Personaly I think your go orange pic is more manly then the pink sheep. Maybe it is just the puffy sleeves of the tshirt?? Sending you lots of cheek rubs and head bonks for your big win! Madison
Very cool modeling Harley!! We just saw a Golfer on TV in pink pants and shoes!! Congratulations on being one of the Top 10 Photos for the ASPCA Orange Month!! You look good in Harley Davidson colors!!
Your FL furiends,
Wow! It looks so cute!
Harley, dude ... as they said in the Sixties, "It's your thing -- do what you wanna do!" And congratulations on the ASPCA photo ...
Harley, you look very handsome and mancatly in your pretty pink half-shirt with the puffy sleeves. The lamb...uh...livestock is precious,...and so are you.
Congratulations on doing so well in the photo contest, Harley!! You're a great model :-D
Awesome Harley! I absolutely LOVE your orange "Harley" shirt (snigger), and your last pose in your sheep shirt is beautiful.
I love that shirt! I love that sheep shirt! I love the pink! :) Great post, where did you get that???
You have become a Master of The Wardrobe Harley. Well done.
Uncle Bobby
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