It's been a while since I have conducted a scientific experiment. Well, today is the day! I am going to grow my very own PET FLAMINGO! Every household needs one. I got mine from my friends
Kimo & Sabi!

As you can see, I cannot wait to get started...

Harley was very eager to help, too. I agreed to let him be my lab assistant. But since he has no experience working in a lab, I do not have to pay him.

Here I am checking out the growing medium. "Growing Medium" is another way of saying "the bowl of water."

Now comes the hard part. We must wait.

Still waiting...

Harley! Please do not play with the experiment!

♪ Insane in the membrane. Insane in the brain! ♫ My flamingo is looking like a bowl of pink brains. This could mean he will be very smart when he is done growing.
Finally, my pet flamingo is all grown up! I decided to let him stand outside as a lawn ornament, until he gets dried back up again.

My very own pet FLAMINGO!
77 Notes for Daisy:
Wow, that one was almost as exciting as the sea monkeys.
Did it smell tasty? Did the alligators eat it?
Hi Daisy,
That was SO COOL!!!
I love the pictures of you and Harley dipping your paws in the bowl...your human is really good with the camera machine to catch action shots like that!
What are you going to do with your flamingo now that he's grown?
Whatcha gonna name him??
We named one of the berdie babies after yoo, Skeez and da great Jeter Harris!! hahahah
Yoor flamingo sure is a special berd!
*headbonks from Canada for yoo and Harley!*
ps, Momma wants to invite yoo and Harley over for a virtual BBQ! :)
I hope he is very smart!
You must be good at following directions. I don't know if I could do that.
You are SO LUCKY to have your very own pet flamingo!!!!
Wow, we love your lab experiments and Harley was a very good assistant.
We think a pink flamingo is the purrfect pet for you. ~S,S, C & F
He's lovely and fits in perfectly with your other decor. Wow you followed directions perfectly!!I told my friends about your Hula card!!Sandy
You should have made a movie about the flamingo.
Huffle Mawson
That was a great experiment! You and Harley are very good at conducting experiments. Did you name your Flamingo?
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
"Growing Medium" is another way of saying "the bowl of water."... Daisy, you crack me up!
Head-bonks from Gandalf and Grayson!
Good job, Daisy. Your pet Flamingo has grown up. I can't wait to read about your adventures.
Well aren't you clever, Daisy. Maybe I'll get a pet flamingo too.
That is awesome! I can't believe how patient you had to be!!
Pruett and Daphne
You and Harley were very patient waiting for the flamingo to grow (NOT)!
You're right he looked like pink brains. And now he's a lawn ornament. Such is the life of a flamingo!
WOW! Very fun, Daisy! How long did it take your pet flamingo to grow? Last year we had a "grow a boyfriend" and it took several weeks!
Daisy, here is a link to get that soft glow without being blurry using PhotoShop Elements. It's called the Orton-effect, and I must say it is currently my favorite. It takes a rather ordinary photo and makes it much prettier! I'm glad you liked it!
You can also get an Orton-ish effect using with one click - I love Picnik!
oh cool!!!!!!
Woo really ARE a florie-duh khat!
who you tryin' to get crazy with ese?...
the boyz and i have pink flamingos but we didn't grow them like you and harley. they came all grown up.
Oh neat! I have two grown up ones that I put outside my RV when we camp. LOL!
Wow! we have never seen a 'grow your own Flamingo!' That looks fun.
wow daisy that IS magic!!!
smiles, auntie bee
You're a scientist, a card model and a babe!!! I lIKE you Daisy.
That is so cool! Did you get to drink from the bowl of medium?
Where's mine?!? OMG!!! I NEED one of those!!!
Daisy, you made us laff and laff today!!!
That was a great experiment! We need a pink flamingo in our household!
We hope the alligator doesn't eat him.
hmmm...well, maybe the flamingo will attract lizards for you and harley to play with. or maybe he would like to swim with the fishes in the pond.
happy thursday!
This is a great experiment Daisy.
I hope the flamingo does not get eaten by the alligators haha
Have a fun day today Daisykins
Yay! That is so cute. :)
Cool experiment! I think I might like to experiment with a nice pink flamingo. But Mama says the boys might eat it. Darn! You're so lucky that Harley doesn't eat your experiments. ;)
It was nice of you to let Harley help out...
I am proud of you for not eating the Flamingo.
Wow Daisy! You grew a flamingo!
That looks like a yummy toy for chewing. I wants one.
Cool experiment. Is it OK if we promote your Halmark Card on our blog this Friday?
What an awesome pet! It shure is a lot more fun than watching our cat grass grow. *yaawn*
~Slash & Bronzy
Having a pet flamingo sounds fun!
Is flamingo going to be outside all the time or will you let him indoors sometimes?
Hi Daisy and Harley! I haven't seen you do an experiment with growing a pet in water in quite a while. I'm glad this one turned out so nicely.
He or she is very pretty! It did look like brains for a bit didn't it? (now I have that song stuck in my head!)
I'm glad you are feeling better and playing again Daisy. I hope you have a fun day with Harley and Mommie.
That was a purrty cool experiment!!! Have you played with the flamingo yet?
Wow...we used to have a pink flamingo named Fred but I haven't seen him in a long, long time. His legs fell off, so maybe that's why. I think he's stuck in the rumbly bike room and can't walk out. But I NEVER got to stick him in water and watch him grow! I feel cheated!
That is a very neat pink flamingo. It was nice of you to let Harley help, and to let the flamingo go outside and explore with the other wildlife.
Daisy, I am so impressed with all your skill and your scientific mind. It was so nice of you to let Harley help. You are such a nice sis. The flamingo is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
What fun!!! Are you going to grow a whole flock?????
hey, Daisy, so good to know that you already get better! thank God!
how cute is your flamingo toy! I loved that!
have a great day full of adventures!
kisses for you all!
Wow Daisy! That is certainly very cool! your very own flamingo! And how nice of you to let harley help you out!
Theodore and sasha
That was pretty cool, Daisy!
You're right, every home needs one!
And it did kinda look like brains...
If the alligator eats him, would he continue to grow in the gator's tummy?
Looking forward to your next 'speriment!
Daisy, now it looks like you have a pink brain right on your lawn. I want my own flamingo!
Ha ha! I think that maybe you could call your pet flamingo 'Brains' and Harley could hire him as 007.5's assistant!
I like also the flamingo :)
Nice toy !!
you can play the holeeeeee day;)
Pawsome! Being Germany-bound kitties we don't have high hopes of seeing a real flamingo in our lifes. A pet flamingo could solve this! He looks very cool! And we love it when you do experiments, Daisy!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
Looks like the Flamingo likes it outside too ;) Your experiment was a success and Harley did pretty good too ,heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
That's one of the coolest experiments, ever! Do you think that he'll be able to swim? Or fly?
What a lovely experiment! I can see that you and Harley enjoyed it and the flamingo has grown from a pink blobby brain to a graceful bird! :) xxx
I want one!
this is really amazing~!
It grows!!!!
Hi, Daisy!
Glad to see your experiment went well!
Kisses and hugs
Believe it or not, we actually have a bowl of growing medium at our house right next to our food bowl! Did your paw or Harley's paw grow really big after dipping them in the growing medium?
You can grow pink fevver birdies? Wow! Thanks for the Gotcha Day wishes.
Wow - does the flamingo still look like a brain?! Please stop by my blog to pick up an award.
That flamingo looks like a good pet. You can grow him over and over!
Wow, he came out big! Can you make more? Wouldn't a flock be fun?
Wow that was fun to watch! I got worried for a second that the flamingo might grow too big for the bowl - but it turned out okay!
I'm not sure that is a pink flamingo. I am thinking it might be a zombie bird...... sorry.
That's so cool! A pink pet!
He looks great in the outdoors.
Wow, what a cool pet! We hope your flamingo is, indeed, very smart!
Wow, how cool, your very own pink flamingo!! Nice.
Daisy, that looks like a great experiment. And it looks like Harley was a good helper. Harley must have just been checking on the temperature of the water to make sure it wasn't too hot or too cold.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
That looks interesting.
Did it get any bigger outside?
~ Bae
Flamingos and rozeate spoonbills are my faverite berds cuz thare PINK!
That's pretty interesting Daisy.What a neat experiment for you and Harley.Thanks for showing us the experiment.
What will they think of next!
hello daisy its dennis the vizsla dog oh hay wow!!! that is just like verzhun wun poynt oh of my pig powders wot turnd bak into pigs wen yoo got them wet!!! only with a bird insted!!! ok bye
This wuz a good eksperiment. Is you gonna get it peer reviewed?
Yer pal Dozer
Wow!! That was great and so cool that we got to see the pink Flamingo grow up!!
Your FL furiends,
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